Issue with SSIS Lookup Cache Mode and NULL values - caching

I’m hoping that someone may be able to help me.
My question relates to SISS, specifically the Lookup Data Flow Item and how it handles NULL values depending on the selected Cache Mode.
I have a very large dataset (72 columns, 37,000,000 records) which uses a Type 2 update methodology.
I use a lookup in the data flow to identify updates to existing record, I match on all of the relevant fields and if all the fields match then obviously the incoming record matches the existing record in the table and it is therefore discarded. If there isn’t a match then a type 2 update is performed.
Due to the large dataset and limited server resources if the Cache Mode of the Lookup is set to Full Cache, it causes the process to fail due to insufficient memory; I have therefore had to switch the Cache Mode to Partial Cache. This resolves the memory issue, but causes another issue. For some reason in Partial Cache mode a NULL value from the table does not match a NULL value in the incoming records, while if the Cache Mode is set to Full Cache then it does.
This behaviour seams quite odd and I am unable to find it documented anywhere. One way round it could be to coalesce the NULL values, but this is something I would like to avoid.
Any help would be much appreciated.

No Cache and Partial Cache Modes use the database engine to match. In most database engines (SQL Server included) NULL does not equal NULL. NULL means an unknown value so you will never get a match. Do an isnull on all your nullable col


How to avoid data duplicates in ClickHouse

I already read this but I still have questions. I only have one VM with 16 GB of RAM, 4 cores and a disk of 100 GB, with only ClickHouse and a light web api working on it.
I'm storing leaked credentials in a database:
CREATE TABLE credential (
user String,
domain String,
password String,
first_seen Date,
leaks Array(UInt64)
) ENGINE ReplacingMergeTree
PARTITION BY first_seen
ORDER BY user, domain, password, first_seen
It something happens that some credentials appear more than once (inside a file or between many).
My long-term objective is(was) the following:
- when inserting a credential which is already in the database, I want to keep the smaller first_seen and add the new leak id to the field leaks.
I have tried the ReplacingMergeTree engine, insert twice the same data ($ cat "data.csv" | clickhouse-client --query 'INSERT INTO credential FORMAT CSV') and then performed OPTIMIZE TABLE credential to force the replacing engine to do its asynchronous job, according to the documentation. Nothing happens, data is twice in the database.
So I wonder:
- what did i miss with the ReplacingMergeTree engine ?
- how does OPTIMIZE work and why doesn't it do what I was expecting from it ?
- is there a real solution for avoiding replicated data on a single instance of ClickHouse ?
I have already tried to do it manually. My problem is a have 4.5 billions records into my database, and identifying duplicates inside a 100k entries sample almost takes 5 minutes with the follow query: SELECT DISTINCT user, domain, password, count() as c FROM credential WHERE has(leaks, 0) GROUP BY user, domain, password HAVING c > 1 This query obviously does not work on the 4.5b entries, as I do not have enough RAM.
Any ideas will be tried.
Multiple things are going wrong here:
You partition very granulary... you should partition by something like a month of data, whatsoever. Now clickhous has to scan lots of files.
You dont provide the table engine with a version. The problem here is, that clickhouse is not able to find out wich row should replace the other.
I suggest you use the "version" parameter of the ReplacingMergeTree, as it allows you to provide an incremental version as a number, or if this works better for you, the current DateTime (where the last DateTime always wins)
You should never design your solution to require OPTIMIZE be called to make your data consistent in your result sets, it is not designed for this.
Clickhouse always allows you to write a query where you can provide (eventual) consistency without using OPTIMIZE beforehand.
Reason for avoiding OPTIMIZE, besides being really slow and heavy on your DB, you could end up in race conditions, where other clients of the database (or replicating clickhouse nodes) could invalidate your data between the OPTIMIZE finished and the SELECT is done.
Bottomline, as a solution:
So what you should do here is, add a version column. Then when inserting rows, insert the current timestamp as a version.
Then select for each row only the one that has the highest version in your result so that you do not depend on OPTIMIZE for anything other then garbage collection.

Default values in target tables

I have some mappings, where business entities are being populated after transformation logic. The row volumes are on the higher side, and there are quite a few business attributes which are defaulted to certain static values.
Therefore, in order to reduce the data pushed from mapping, i created "default" clause on the target table, and stopped feeding them from the mapping itself. Now, this works out just fine when I am running the session in "Normal" mode. This effectively gives me target table rows, with some columns being fed by the mapping, and the rest taking values based on the "default" clause on the table DDL.
However, since we are dealing with higher end of volumes, I want to run my session in bulk mode (there are no pre-existing indexes on the target tables).
As soon as I switch the session to bulk mode, this particular feature, (of default values) stops working. As a result of this, I get NULL values in the target columns, instead of defined "default" values.
I wonder -
Is this expected behavior ?
If not, am I missing out on some configuration somewhere ?
Should I be making a ticket to Oracle ? or Informatica ?
my configuration -
Informatica 9.5.1 64 bit,
Oracle 11g r2 (
running on
Solaris (SunOS 5.10)
Looking forward to help here...
Could be expected behavior.
Seem that bulk mode in Informatica use "Direct Path" API in Oracle (see for example )
From this document ( , search Field "Defaults on the Direct Path") I gather that:
Default column specifications defined in the database are not
available when you use direct path loading. Fields for which default
values are desired must be specified with the DEFAULTIF clause. If a
DEFAULTIF clause is not specified and the field is NULL, then a null
value is inserted into the database.
This could be the reason of this behaviour.
I don't believe that you'll see a great benefit from not including the defaults, particularly in comparison to the benefits of a direct path load. If the data is going to be readonly then consider compression also.
You should also note that SQL*Net features compression for same values in the same column, so even in conventional path inserts the network overhead is not as high as you might think.

Cachekey generation from object state

I am looking to purely store whether or not a query has already been performed. If it has, the query should be run against a cache of data (internal db, out of process) and if not it should run against the original datasource (3rd party external webservice). The motivation for this caching is that the number of calls we are allowed to make to this API is limited and we are likely to perform the same query multiple times.
After the query has been run once against the original datasource, it will only ever be run against the cached datasource in subsequent calls. Note: I'm deliberately ignoring the question of cache expiration for the sake of simplicity in this question.
Given that each query may contain many parameters (currently only 5), and the number of parameters may increase over time I don't want to be querying the cached datasource with something like "WHERE x AND y AND z AND a AND b AND c AND d AND...".
To that end, all I want is to know whether this exact query has been run before and if it has I'll assume the data for it is already available in the cached datastore (albeit in a different format). I think some form of "cachekey" that identifies any query with the same parameters and associated values would work for me. Every time I attempt a query I would just generate the cache key based on the state of the query object and check the cachekey store to establish if the query has ever been run before. The cachekey store needs to faciliate fast lookups.
What I'm finding tricky to work out is what this cachekey should look like and how to generate it. So far I'm leaning towards
concatenate interesting query parameters and their values into a byte array
create an MD5 from the byte array
store this cachekey in a binary(16) indexed column
For the sake of argument I'm willing to accept that there will be some collisions that might result in the cache reporting that cached data is available for the query when it isn't given that the likelyhood is pretty small (although how small I'm not 100% sure).
Does the above solution for creating the cachekey seem reasonable or are there any other approaches that I should consider?
Your potential solution is exactly what I've done in the past and it has worked well. I actually concatenated the method/call name, then all the parameter values together into a string, then ran MD5 on it and got my cache key.
I don't see how there could be collisions. If you change a parameter value, the cache key would be different, which would potentially bring back different data.
(All that to say I'm not sure what you mean by "interesting" parameters.)

Why no primary key

I have inherited a datababase with tables that lack primary keys. It's an OLTP database. One of the tables in question has ~300k records, and has no primary key implemented, even though examining the rest of the schema tells me one column is used AS a primary key, ie being replicated in another table, with identical name, etc. ie. This is not an 'end of line' table
This database also does not implement FKs.
My question is - is there ANY valid reason for a table (in Oracle for that matter) NOT to have a primary key?
I think PK is mandatory for almost all cases. Lots of reasons will exist but I'll treat some of them.
prevent to insert duplicate rows
rows will be referenced, so it must have a key for it
I saw very few cases make tables without PK (e.g. table for logs).
Not specific to Oracle but I recall reading about one such use-case where mysql was highly customized for a dam (electricity generation) project, I think. The input data from sensors were in the order 100-1000 per second or something. They were using timestamps for each record so didn't need a primary key (like with logs/logging mentioned in another answer here).
So good reasons would be:
Overhead, in the case of high frequency transactions
Necessity or Un-necessity in that case
"Uniqueness" maintained or inferred by application, not by db
In a normalized table, if every record needs to be unique and every field is referenced in other tables, then having a PK additionally adds an index overhead and if the PK would never actually be used in any SQL query (imho, I disagree with this but it's possible). But it should still have a unique index encompassing all the fields.
Bad reasons are infinite :-)
The most frequent bad reason which is actually responsible for the lack of a primary key is when DBs are designed by application/code-developers with little or no DB experience, who want to (or think they should) handle all data constraints in the application.
Any valid reason? I'd say "No"--I'm a database guy--but there are places that insist on using the database as a dumb data store. They usually implement all integrity "constraints" in application code.
Putting integrity constraints into application code isn't usually done to improve performance. In fact, if you built one database that enforces all the known constraints, and you built another with functionally identical constraints only in application code, the first one would almost certainly run rings around the second one.
Instead, application-level constraints usually hope to increase flexibility. (And, in the process, some of the known constraints are usually dropped, which appears to improve performance.) If it becomes inconvenient to enforce certain constraints in order to bulk load some scruffy data, an application programmer can just side-step the application-level constraints for a little while, then clean up the data when it's more convenient.
I'm not a db expert but I remember a conversation with a friend who worked in the Oracle apps dept. who told me that this was done to handle emergencies. If there was a problem in some report being generated which you could fix by putting in a row, db level constraints often stand in your way. They generally implemented things like unique primary keys in the application rather than the database. It was inefficient but enough and for them and much more manageable in case of a disaster recovery scenario.
You need a primary key to enforce uniqueness for a subset of its columns (useful if you need to refer to individual rows). It also speeds up certain queries because of the index associated to it.
If you do not need that index, or that uniqueness constraint, then you may not need a primary key (the index does not come free).
An example that comes to mind are logging tables, that just record some data (that is never updated or queried for individual records).
There is a small overhead when inserting to a table with an index and you need an index if you have a primary key. Downside of course is that finding a row is very costly.

Should I store reference data in my application memory, or in the database?

I am faced with the choice where to store some reference data (essentially drop down values) for my application. This data will not change (or if it does, I am fine with needing to restart the application), and will be frequently accessed as part of an AJAX autocomplete widget (so there may be several queries against this data by one user filling out one field).
Suppose each record looks something like this:
The autocomplete query will need to check the input string against 4 fields in each record and discrete parameters against the category and effective/expiration dates, so if this were a SQL query, it would have a where clause that looks something like:
... WHERE category = ?
AND effective_date < ?
AND expiration_date > ?
AND (colA LIKE ? OR colB LIKE ? OR colC LIKE ?)
I feel like this might be a rather inefficient query, but I suppose I don't know enough about how databases optimize their indexes, etc. I do know that a lot of really smart people work really hard to make database engines really fast at this exact type of thing.
The alternative I see is to store it in my application memory. I could have a list of these records for each category, and then iterate over each record in the category to see if the filter criteria is met. This is definitely O(n), since I need to examine every record in the category.
Has anyone faced a similar choice? Do you have any insight to offer?
EDIT: Thanks for the insight, folks. Sending the entire data set down to the client is not really an option, since the data set is so large (several MB).
Definitely cache it in memory if it's not changing during the lifetime of the application. You're right, you don't want to be going back to the database for each call, because it's completely unnecessary.
There's can be debate about exactly how much to cache on the server (I tend to cache as little as possible until I really need to), but for information that will not change and will be accessed repeatedly, you should almost always cache that in the Application object.
Given the number of directions you're coming at this data (filtering on 6 or more columns), I'm not sure how much more you'll be able to optimize the information in memory. The first thing I would try is to store it in a list in the Application object, and query it using LINQ-to-objects. Or, if there is one field that is used significantly more than the others, or try using a Dictionary instead of a list. If the performance continues to be a problem, try using storing it in a DataSet and setting indexes on it (but of course you loose some code-simplicity and maintainability this way).
I do not think there is a one size fits all answer to your question. Depending on the data size and usage patterns the answer will vary. More than that the answer may change over time.
This is why in my development I built some intermediate layer which allows me to change how the caching is done by changing configuration (with no code changes). Every while we analyze various stats (cache hit ratio, etc.) and decide if we want to change cache behavior.
BTW there is also a third layer - you can push your static data to the browser and cache it there too
Can you just hard-wire it into the program (as long as you stick to DRY)? Changing it only requires a rebuild.
