spring quartz doesn't work - spring

I've got some controller, which performs some task and Tomcat. It works fine.
I want some job that will work every 5 seconds during its work.
I've created xml file quartz-config.xml with data
<bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
<property name="triggers">
<ref bean="someTrigger"/>
<property name="jobDetails">
<ref bean="someJob" />
<bean id="someTrigger"
<property name="jobDetail" ref="someJob"/>
<property name="cronExpression" value="0 0/5 * * * ?" />
<bean id="someJob" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailFactoryBean">
<property name="name" value="someJob" />
<property name="jobClass" value="com.service.scheduler.SomeJob" />
and added path to xml file in my spring-context.xml.
I have created class
public class SomeJob extends QuartzJobBean {
public void execute(JobDataMap jobDataMap) throws JobExecutionException {
protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
System.out.println("SCHEDULER WORKS!");
But it doesn't do anything in console. I am only getting messages batch acquisition of 0 triggers.
Why? What's the problem?

Check quart web page.
The maximum number of triggers that a scheduler node is allowed to acquire (for firing) at once. Default value is 1. The larger the number, the more efficient firing is (in situations where there are very many triggers needing to be fired all at once) - but at the cost of possible imbalanced load between cluster nodes.


spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer and websphere MQ - failed to connect Queue Manager

This is my first time to post question on stackoverflow. I tried as much formatting for code/question and try to as much clear as i can do. apologize and explain if there's any err. recorrect in my next question.
I am newbie in try implementing service through soap over jms using websphereMq and spring JMS functionality.
I have make sure below things
binding file generated without any error encounter
Status of queue manager and Queue are up and running.
I encounter below error while try putting message into websphereMQ
com.ibm.mq.MQException: JMSCMQ0001: WebSphere MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2058' ('MQRC_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR')
I have done homework regarding this error. This error may occurs due to unavailability of Queue manager but i see QM is up and running. where i am doing wrong? How can i resolved this error to put message successfully to webspherMQ using spring functionlity?
public class JmsTransportWebServiceIntegrationTest {
private static final String expectedResponseContent = "<tns:placeOrderResponse xmlns:tns=\"http://www.packtpub.com/liverestaurant/OrderService/schema\"><tns:refNumber>order-xxxx_yyyy_1234</tns:refNumber></tns:placeOrderResponse>";
private WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate;
public void setWebServiceTemplate(WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate) {
this.webServiceTemplate = webServiceTemplate;
public void testSendReceive() throws Exception {
InputStream is = new JmsTransportWebServiceIntegrationTest().getClass().getResourceAsStream("placeOrderRequest.xml");
StreamSource source = new StreamSource(is);
StringResult result = new StringResult();
webServiceTemplate.sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(source, result);
XMLAssert.assertXMLEqual("Invalid content received", expectedResponseContent, result.toString());
} }
<bean id="jndiTemplate" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate">
<property name="environment">
<entry key="java.naming.factory.initial"
<entry key="java.naming.provider.url" value="file:C:/JNDI-Directory" />
<bean id="ibm-mq-jms-qcf" class= "org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiTemplate">
<ref bean="jndiTemplate"/>
<property name="jndiName">
<!-- Bean for JMS Destination -->
<bean id="ibm-mq-queue" class= "org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiTemplate">
<ref bean="jndiTemplate"/>
<property name="jndiName">
<bean id="listenerContainer"
<property name="concurrentConsumers" value="1" />
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="ibm-mq-jms-qcf" />
<property name="destination" ref="ibm-mq-queue" />
<property name="messageListener">
<bean class="org.springframework.ws.transport.jms.WebServiceMessageListener">
<property name="messageFactory" ref="messageFactory"/>
<property name="messageReceiver" ref="messageDispatcher"/>
<bean id="messageFactory" class="org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj.SaajSoapMessageFactory"/>
<bean id="webServiceTemplate" class="org.springframework.ws.client.core.WebServiceTemplate">
<constructor-arg ref="messageFactory"/>
<property name="messageSender">
<bean class="org.springframework.ws.transport.jms.JmsMessageSender">
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="ibm-mq-jms-qcf"/>
<property name="defaultUri" value="jms:mdpSampleQueue?deliveryMode=NON_PERSISTENT"/>
<bean id="messageDispatcher" class="org.springframework.ws.soap.server.SoapMessageDispatcher">
<property name="endpointMappings">
<bean class="org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.mapping.PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping">
<property name="defaultEndpoint">
<bean class="com.packtpub.liverestaurant.service.endpoint.SimplePayloadEndpoint">
<property name="orderService">
<bean class="com.packtpub.liverestaurant.service.OrderServiceImpl"/>
I know this is quite old question, but maybe my answer will help someone in future.
I'm using WebSphere MQ 7.5 now and in installation there are also some Java classes. One that helped me a lot is called MQIVP.java in my installation in c:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\tools\wmqjava\samples. Very good to test setting with this class first. From source of that class we can find that 2058 stands for:
Reason: 2058 - Queue manager name not valid or not known.
Action: Amend the queue manager name and retry.
Simply pressing enter at the queue manager name prompt will
connect to the default queue manager.

Spring-JMS(Websphere MQ)

I have the below configurations in Spring , it is working fine but performance is too low (it takes 1 min for 20 messages). Can you please suggest me changes to increase the performance.
<bean id="jmsConnectionFactory" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory">
<property name="transportType"><value>1</value></property>
<property name="queueManager"><value></value></property>
<property name="hostName"><value></value></property>
<property name="port"><value></value></property>
<property name="channel"><value></value></property>
<property name="clientId"><value></value></property>
<bean id="SenderJMSTemplate" class="org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate">
<property name="connectionFactory"><ref bean="jmsConnectionFactory" /> </property>
<property name="pubSubDomain"><value>false</value></property>
<property name="defaultDestination"><ref bean="senderQueue" /></property>
<bean id="senderQueue" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueue">
<constructor-arg value="TEST" />
<property name="baseQueueManagerName"><value>tree.queue.manager</value></property>
<property name="baseQueueName"><value>ORANGE.QUEUE</value></property>
<bean id="jmsSender" class="org.tree.jms.spring.JMSSender">
<property name="jmsTemplate"><ref bean="SenderJMSTemplate"/></property>
I am calling from spring as
JMSSender obj = (JMSSender) context.getBean("jmsSender");
And My Sender program is :
public void sendMesage() {
jmsTemplate.send(new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session)throws JMSException {
message = (Message) session.createTextMessage(stringBuffer.toString());
return message;
A common problem when using JMSTemplate to send messages out of JavaEE containers is the it's extremly slow since it acquires a new connection for each message (and then closes it). You would probably need a pooled/cached connection to gain speed here.
Read this article, it's written for ActiveMQ, but applies in a similar way to WebSphere MQ: http://activemq.apache.org/jmstemplate-gotchas.html
You can setup a cached connection factory in spring using something like this:
<bean id="cachedConnectionFactory"
p:sessionCacheSize="10" />
Then use it instead of the original one for JMS connections.

spring integration + cron + quartz in cluster?

I have a spring integration flow triggered by the cron expression like follows:
<int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter id="my-input-endpoint" ...>
<int:poller trigger="my-trigger"/>
<bean id="my-trigger"
<constructor-arg value="0 * * * * *" />
It works fine. But now I have to extend the implementation to make it cluster ready (job execution on only one cluster node at the same point of time).
My wish would be to use the Quartz framework in the cluster mode (persisting the job status in the database) to trigger this integration flow. Quartz provides a beautful solution out of the box. The only problem is how to integrate the Quartz with the existing inbout-channer-adaptor? The "trigger" attribute of the "poller" accepts only the subclasses of the org.springframework.scheduling.Trigger. I could not find any bridge between "poller trigger" and the Quartz framework.
many thanks in advance!
Here's one way...
Set the auto-startup attribute on the inbound-adapter to false.
Create a custom trigger that only fires once, immediately...
public static class FireOnceTrigger implements Trigger {
boolean done;
public Date nextExecutionTime(TriggerContext triggerContext) {
if (done) {
return null;
done = true;
return new Date();
public void reset() {
done = false;
In your quartz job, get a reference to the trigger and the SourcePollingChannelAdapter.
When the quartz trigger fires, have the quartz job
the solution from Gary works. This my spring context:
<int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter id="my-endpoint"
<int:poller trigger="my-endpoint-trigger"/>
<bean id="my-endpoint-trigger" class="com.my.FireOnceTrigger"/>
<bean id="scheduler" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
<property name="triggers">
<ref bean="my-job-trigger" />
<property name="schedulerContextAsMap">
<entry key="inputEndpoint"><ref bean="my-input-endpoint" /></entry>
<entry key="inputEndpointTrigger"><ref bean="my-endpoint-trigger" /></entry>
<bean id="my-job-trigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">
<property name="cronExpression" value="0 * * * * ?" />
<property name="jobDetail" ref="my-job" />
<bean name="my-job" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean">
<property name="jobClass" value="com.my.MyActivatorJob " />
and MyActivatorJob class:
public class MyActivatorJob extends QuartzJobBean implements {
private AbstractEndpoint inputEndpoint;
private FireOnceTrigger inputEndpointTrigger;
public void setInputEndpoint(final AbstractEndpoint pInputEndpoint) {
this.inputEndpoint = pInputEndpoint;
public void setInputEndpointTrigger(final FireOnceTrigger pInputEndpointTrigger) {
this.inputEndpointTrigger = pInputEndpointTrigger;
protected void executeInternal(final JobExecutionContext pParamJobExecutionContext)
throws JobExecutionException {
As a next step this spring context would have to be refactored to replace the usage of schedulerContextAsMap with something more flexible and be able to define more jobs activating and deactivating many different endpoints.
Thanks Gary so far!
tried to integrate the quartz and spring as you proposed but faced two other problems:
1.) IncompatibleClassChangeError exception when using Quartz 2.x and Spring 3.x. It is a known problem but I did not find any solution for that.
2.) Injection of other spring bean into the Quarz job instance. I found some solutions but no one works for me. I've tried the one with using
<bean id="scheduler" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
<property name="jobFactory">
<bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SpringBeanJobFactory" />
<property name="triggers">
<property name="schedulerContextAsMap">
<entry key="inputEndpoint" value-ref="my-endpoint" />
to inject other beans into the job but after adding this property into the SchedulerFactoryBean the jobs is not being executed (and I dont see any exception). Removing the property "schedulerContextAsMap" out makes the job running again.
I haven't tried it but see that the Quartz 2 and Spring compatibility issues seem to have been fixed in Spring 3.1.1. See https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SPR-8889

Does order matter while injecting properties in ProxyFactoryBean

I am trying to inject the aspects in a service. For this service I am creating a proxied object using classic way.
I have written a bean- baseProxy of type (ProxyFactoryBean) which contains a list of all the required advices.
<bean id="baseProxy" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="interceptorNames">
I am creating a proxy for the service like this :
<bean id="singproxy" parent="baseProxy">
<property name="target" ref="singtarget" />
<property name="targetClass" value="com.spring.learning.SingingService"></property>
Which doesn't work but when I revert these two properties and write like this :
<bean id="singproxy" parent="baseProxy">
<property name="targetClass" value="com.spring.learning.SingingService"></property>
<property name="target" ref="singtarget" />
To my surprise it works fine. In spring does it matter on the order for bean ? Or its a special case with ProxyFactoryBean?
I tried with Spring 3.0 I am not sure same behavior exists with previous versions.
Concerning target and targetClass, It's one or the other, but not both. Here's the relevant source (from org.springframework.aop.framework.AdvisedSupport), a parent class of ProxyFactoryBean:
public void setTarget(Object target) {
setTargetSource(new SingletonTargetSource(target));
public void setTargetSource(TargetSource targetSource) {
this.targetSource = (targetSource != null ? targetSource : EMPTY_TARGET_SOURCE);
public void setTargetClass(Class targetClass) {
this.targetSource = EmptyTargetSource.forClass(targetClass);
As you can see, both setTarget() and setTargetClass() write to the same field, so the last assignment wins.

Hot to run a class method in spring as a thread when the app loads?

i need to run a class from quartz-schedualer, and i need it to be running always and parallel form the main app. The class will always be cheking for new files in a folder to process. I though to include it as a listener in the web.xml, how ever this way the constructor does not run, only the calss is loaded. Any sugestions ?
Here what i added in the web.xml:
This is how i declared the class:
public class QuartzSchedualer {
public void QuartzSchedualer (){
// Grab the Scheduler instance from the Factory
Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
// and start it off
} catch (SchedulerException se) {
Thank you in advance!
You don't need to include it in web.xml, just load your appcontext in your web.xml as you already do probably, and deal with the scheduling within spring:
The job referring to your business object which has the method to be invoked:
<bean id="jobDetail" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean">
<property name="targetObject" ref="exampleBusinessObject" />
<property name="targetMethod" value="doIt" />
<property name="concurrent" value="false" />
The trigger that takes care of firing the method:
<bean id="cronTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">
<property name="jobDetail" ref="exampleJob" />
<!-- run every morning at 6 AM -->
<property name="cronExpression" value="0 0 6 * * ?" />
The schedulerFactoryBean for wiring the trigger:
<bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
<property name="triggers">
<ref bean="cronTrigger" />
See further in Spring documentation for 2.5, here for 3.0.
