Ruby Script using Octokit: Making API Calls - ruby

I am trying to create a script that gets a list of all repositories from GitHub. GitHub has a ruby gem called Octokit that I am trying to utilize, but I am a little lost.
The API has a reference here. It shows that I can get this response using a GET request. I am trying to figure out how to perform this using the Octokit Gem.
I may be completely off base with this question as I am new to Ruby, but I'd appreciate some steps showing how this can be completed. If I should not be using Octokit for this, a recommendation for creating HTTP Requests and Parsing the appropriate JSON response would be appreciated as well.
The Code I have so far:
require 'Octokit'
client = \
:login => '',
:password => ''
user = client.user

Following along with the code you already wrote, you can get all of the repositories for the user who's credentials you're using when authenticating the client with:
You can also get the public repositories of another user by passing their login as an argument:


How to do a basic GraphQL query to Shopify with Ruby

I'm trying to do a basic GraphQL query to a Shopify store with Sinatra. Could someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? I looked at their API to do this:
require 'shopify_api'
require 'sinatra'
class App < Sinatra::Base
get '/' do
shop = ''
token = 'shpat_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
session = shop, token: token, api_version: "2021-04")
client = ShopifyAPI::GraphQL.client
SHOP_NAME_QUERY = client.parse <<-'GRAPHQL'
shop {
result = client.query(SHOP_NAME_QUERY)
Which gives this error but I don't want to use Rake or Rails. Is it possible to do a GraphQL query to Shopify with Ruby?
ShopifyAPI::GraphQL::InvalidClient at /
Client for API version 2021-04 does not exist because no schema file exists at `shopify_graphql_schemas/2021-04.json`. To dump the schema file, use the `rake shopify_api:graphql:dump` task
As the error states, you need to first dump the schema (see this link:
Then you create a shopify_graphql_schemas directory in the same root as your ruby script, and put the generated JSON there.
Like stated in the comments, this requires a Rake task, so you need to be using Rails.
If your project doesn't use Rails, you need to do a quick workaround.
You create a temporary barebones Rails project, then generate the dump using that project (you can delete the project when you're done with this).
It's a bit hacky, but it's the only thing I can see that would work.
New link to schema dump
You need to use something like this
rake shopify_api:graphql:dump SHOP_DOMAIN="" ACCESS_TOKEN="SHOP_TOKEN" API_VERSION=2022-04
Old one doesn't work anymore

Requesting An Access Token from Google API Returns 302

I'm trying to get an access token from Google API in my Ruby on Rails app, as part of an overall goal of setting up a raketask. I am able to get an Auth Code fine, but when I make a post request to get an access token, I am getting a 302 error. I'll describe my current code first, and afterward list how I've tried to solve the problem so far.
Current code:
def auth_access
client =
:authorization_uri => '',
:token_endpoint_uri => '',
:client_id => ENV['OAUTH_CLIENT_ID'],
:client_secret => ENV['OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET'],
:scope => '',
:redirect_uri => 'http://localhost:3000/google/auth_callback'
redirect_to client.authorization_uri.to_s
This part works fine so far. It redirects to the consent page, and when the user agrees it then redirects them to the page with the auth code in the url parameters. Next I take that auth code and try to make a POST request to API for an access token:
def auth_callback
http ='')
path = '/o/oauth2/token'
data = "code=#{params['code']}&client_id=#{ENV['OAUTH_CLIENT_ID']}&client_secret=#{ENV['OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET']}&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/auth_final&grant_type=authorization_code"
response =, data)
This when I run into a problem. The Google API returns a 302, and includes a message saying something akin to "we moved to ''".
Here's how I've tried to fix the problem so far:
I assumed that the problem was that the method is making a call to an http and not https.
I've tried including
http.use_ssl = true
http.ssl_version = :SSLv3
This returns the error "SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server hello A: wrong version number".
I can take a guess at what this means, but I am still unsure of what the actual problem is and how to solve it. Googling the error message has not been a help.
In a similar vein, I tried using gems to make the https call for me, in particular HTTParty and Typheous, although I was not able to make any progress with them (and am still not even sure that it's an http/https problem).
I've tried using the Signet-Rails gem. This was the most productive method by far, making a successful API call and returning the information. However, it either wasn't saving the refresh token or I cannot find where it is being saved. As I need access to that token to run the rake tasks, I gave up on Signet-Rails.
I tried using Legato, and was constantly running into various problems. Overall, Legato left me with the impression that it did not integrate getting the auth code, consent and tokens into the app, instead requiring the developer to set those up in advance outside of the app's scope. I want to be able to set up the auth code as part of the app. If I am understanding Legato properly, then it is not the gem I need.
I've also tried other various odds and ends but to no avail. The above solutions were the tactics I kept coming back to. Primarily I'm looking for an answer to what is going wrong in my code, and what is the best avenue to fix it (and if I was going down the right track with any of my attempted solutions above, which one?)
Thanks for taking the time to read this and answer!
(on a complete sidenote, those last three list items should be 2, 3, 4, but the stackoverflow text editor thinks it knows better than me...)
Specify the port:
http ='', 443)
Source: SSL Error on HTTP POST (Unknown Protocol)

Why does Google's Custom Search API say that I'm missing an access token when using the Ruby client?

I'm trying to use Google's Custom Search API through the Google API Ruby client. I have setup my API key through the Google API console, and have also created my CSE. Based on the documentation, it seems that, as long as I provide an API key (which I am doing), I shouldn't need an OAuth2 authentication token to call the list method. However, when I try to execute the code below, I get the following error:
ArgumentError: Missing access token.
What am I missing? Here's my code:
# create client
client =
# Fetch discovery doc
search = client.discovered_api('custom search')
# Call list method
response = client.execute(
search.cse.list, 'key' => '<my API key>', 'cx' => '<my CSE id>', 'alt' => 'json', 'q' => 'hello world'
I believe this is in fact a bug in the client (it's in alpha). After fiddling with it a little more, I've found a workaround:
just after creating the client object, assign it a "dummy" access token:
client.authorization.access_token = '123'
then you can call the search.cse.list method without getting the 'ArgumentError: Missing access token.' error.
If you're just after using Google CSE with ruby, try google-cse. I just built the gem, although I've been using it for a while privately. Much easier to work with than the alpha client
I found out that adding client.retries = 3 to my code solves this problem.
With the current version of the gem (0.7.1), you need to set the authorization to nil in addition to setting the key:
require 'google/api_client'
client =
client.key = ENV['GOOGLE_API_KEY']
client.authorization = nil
client.execute ...

Fetching signed_request in a Facebook App with Ruby/Sinatra and the Rest-Graph gem

I've built a Facebook app using Sinatra and the Rest-Graph gem. Now I would like to embed the app as an iframe tab in a Facebook Page.
To do that, I need to fetch data from the signed_request sent to my app by Facebook.
The Rest-Graph gem states the following feature on its Github page:
Utility to extract access_token and
check sig in cookies/signed_request
I couldn't find any documentation on how to use this "utility". Can you point me to some documentation or even better, give me an example on how this is used with Ruby/Sinatra?
Nearly all of the Graph API libraries that are available deal with signed_request in a similar way. Rest-Graph has a parse_signed_request method (Rest-Graph/lib/core.rb) that you can call in Sinatra.
I'm using Koala for this with Sinatra, and it works as advertised:
oauth =, APP_CODE)
signed_request = oauth.parse_signed_request(params["signed_request"])
You get back a hash of the JSON object that Facebook posts:
rest-graph makes it pretty easy, too. Just tested this in a Sinatra app. Works perfectly:
rg = :app_id => APP_ID, :secret => APP_SECRET)
parsed_request = rg.parse_signed_request!(params["signed_request"])
Lemme know if that doesn't work for you.
I just got a response to this question from "cardinalblue", the developer of the Rest-Graph gem. This little example was exactly what I was looking for:
require 'sinatra'
require 'rest-graph'
app_id = '123'
secret = 'abc'
config = {:app_id => app_id,
:secret => secret}
post '/' do
rg =
"#{rg.get('me').inspect.gsub('<', '<')}\n"
run Sinatra::Application
Sidenote: In case you're building something similar, please note the post '/' do. Facebook Pages fetch your page using a POST request instead of a GET.

how can I capture response from ( ruby + twitter gem)

how can I capture response from To make sure that everything went ok?
I am using ruby and ruby twitter gem and the my code is basically like that
oauth ='consumer token', 'consumer secret')
oauth.authorize_from_access('access token', 'access secret')
client =
client.update('Heeeyyyyoooo from Twitter Gem!')
The update twitter api method will send back a response that will let you know if everything went okay. It can respond in either json or xml, I'm sure the twitter gem is using one or the other as a default. You need to save the return value to a variable and parse it, if you have a status id in there then it worked. Try using a token or secret to check what happens when it errors. I would suggest changing your last line to this
ret = client.update('Heeeyyyyoooo from Twitter Gem!')
and then add this line below that to check out what you got back
puts ret.inspect
or ret.inspect
or your choice of logging method
It looked like the twitter gem hides the twitter api's actual response from you, parses it for you and just returns you the relevant bits. in the case of the update method it just returns you the id of your new tweet. you can view the id like this
If you use another library to connect to the twitter api and need to parse xml or json responses then then the rest of this answer may be what you are looking for.
If you are not using a gem that parses twitter api responses for you then you will need to use something to parse the twitter api's responses into data that you can do something with. There are tons of ways to do this depending on what format you want to parse (json or xml)
My preferences:
XML : Hpricot : gem install hpricot :
json : json : gem install json :
Here is more information on what the twitter api update method returns:
This worked for me...
resp = Twitter.update(params[:message])
rescue Exception => e
# e.message contains the twitter response
