Can you integrate Shoes apps into Sinatra? - ruby

How would someone integrate a Shoes GUI with something like Sinatra? How does that work or is that not possible? Would I call for it instead of an erb file? Can shoes GUIs make get, put, post, and delete requests? Thanks.

You can use REST requests from any application, so obviously from Shoes as well. Take a look at the rest-client gem - it is a quick solution for a small clients. Or you may use Active Resource, the Active Record like approach.


Flash for Sinatra

What’s the best way to go about using flash in Sinatra? Similar to how Rails or Flask handle flash.
The Sinatra docs suggest this gem, rack-flash for flash.
I also came across this gem, sinatra-flash for flash.
Is it best to use one of the above gems, a different gem, or implement it myself?
I was looking at how to use flash for displaying form validation errors.

OAuth2 Provider gem for non-rails, non-mongo apps?

I need to add OAuth2 authentication to a Sinatra-based API. No ActiveRecord, no MongoDB... but DataMapper.
Does anybody know what gems I can use to achieve this? I added rack-oauth2-server, but it depends on Mongo. I'm trying to understand rack-oauth2, but there is practically no documentation and I can't see how this is supposed to integrate in a real application that provides oauth authentication. Any well-documented gems out there? (Not Rails gems).
omniauth-oauth2 looked like it would work, but again, there's basically no documentation on how to integrate it. Links to articles that outline integration with these gems would also be useful.
I've been searching all day and just keep going around in circles. I'm sure this is a solved problem.
Why you didn't look at

ruby on rails app and google app scripts

I have a app which runs on ruby on rails and mysql database. I need to generate couple of reports. Presently I am generating csv file but my Idea is to integrate with the google docs, as soon as a user opens a particular doc automatically it has to sync with the my rails app and fetch the data from the database and display in the google docs.
I need little heads up.I have gone through the docs, but couldn't figure out the way of doing it.
Check out the to_google_spreadsheets gem. It is well documented and seems to have all the functionality you are looking for.
You will need to write an onOpen in your gdoc. From there call urlfetch to your app.

How can I update my business' Facebook page via my Ruby on Rails app?

I'm creating a new rails app for my business, and I just finished a new feature where I can put an announcement on the website (for specials, sales, etc.). I want this announcement to automatically be set to my business' Facebook page. How can I easily do this? Is the only way to create a Facebook application, and then if so, can a Facebook application have permissions to edit a business' page (I know apps can edit user profiles, but I don't know about business pages)?
Thanks for any help!
you can always create a rss and use for example rss grafiti on facebook.
i think this is the simplest solution, instead of creating application.
This might not be what you want, but it'd be trivial to use something like Watir to navigate to the webpage itself and post your status; however, I'm not sure Facebook provides something in their API for direct update.
I found a service called "Twitterfeed" that posts updates from an RSS feed to twitter and Facebook (among other services). This is a perfect solution for what I needed!
There is a gem called 'facebooker', that might help you.

How to create a REST API for a Ruby application?

I would like to know how to provide a Ruby application with a REST API. I could code something based on Ruby's TCPServer API, but that seems a bit low-level. Do you think it would be a good solution? Or do you recommend a better approach?
You can use Sinatra to write tiny, focused web applications and lightweight REST services very quickly.
In the documentation section they highlight a couple of videos on that matter:
Adam Wiggins and Blake Mizerany present Sinatra and RestClient at RubyConf 2008. The talk details Sinatra’s underlying philosophy and reflects on using Sinatra to build real world applications.
Adam Keys and The Pragmatic Programmers have started a series of screencasts on Sinatra. The first two episodes cover creating a tiny web app and creating a REST service. $5 a pop.
You can also use rails as well, but that's a little overkill...
There are several layers involved when desiging a RESTful API, and at each layer there are several valid approaches.
TCPServer is indeed very low level, since you would have to implement the HTTP protocol yourself, which is not recommended.
One step up would be Rack, which takes care of all the low-level HTTP details. This is what all Ruby web frameworks like Rails, Sinatra or Ramaze use under the hood. It also assures that your application works on various application servers, like Passenger, Thin or Unicorn.
But even Rack is still low level, it gives you HTTP, but higher level frameworks take the boilerplate out of typical web programming. For an API you could look at a minimal framework like Sinatra, or a framework specifically designed for APIs like Grape or Rails::API. These will already assume a RESTful style API, so you should find them to be a natural fit.
Typical RESTful APIs are characterized by having resources identified by guessable (convention driven) URLs, and operations on those based on HTTP methods (verbs) like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH. To truly embrace the spirit of REST as it was described by Roy Fielding however, you could move towards a more full "Hypermedia" API. The most visible difference is that responses are more self-contained. They are of well-defined media types (defined by yourself or by existing specs) containing links to related resources, rather than merely numerical ids. Similarly responses contain templates/forms describing the operations that can be performed. (There is more to it, but on the surface level that's what you will notice.)
This makes the API more discoverable, both by humans and machines, and it allows for a greater freedom in evolving the API. There could be a performance drawback, since a client typically would need to do more requests to achieve the same thing, but this can be prevented by well thought out design and caching. Garner is specifically made to provide easy server-side caching.
You could define your own media types that suit your application, commonly on top of JSON or XML, or you could look at existing specifications, notably Collection+JSON, HAL and JSON-API. It seems at the moment HAL has the biggest traction, with several libraries available on a variety of platforms.
There is seemingly not a whole lot happening around JSON-API, but two signifacnt projects, ActiveModel::Serializers and Ember-data, are both adopting (and at the same time, developing) this format, which means it could become a popular choice in the Ruby/Rails world.
Edit : typo
I'm using Sinatra too to develop simple REST solutions.
The thing is Sinatra is so flexible in many ways. You can build your project structure the way you like more. Usualy we have a lib/ tmp/ and public/ directories and a and app.rb files but as I sayd you can build whatever you want.
To remember is that Sinatra is not an usual MVC just because de M (model). For you to use sinatra for Simple CRUD web applications you need simply to load a gem.
require 'datamapper'
or other of your choice like sqlite, sequel, ActiveRecord, ...
and voilá you got a ORM under your Sinatra.
Under Sinatra you define routes that obey to four main proposes GET, PUT POST and DELETE.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
erb :home
get '/API/*' do
api = params[:splat]
#command_test = api[0]
#command_helo = api[1]
def do_things(with_it)
well you got the ideia :)
Finally. Learning Sinatra is not a waste of time because of it simplicity and because it gives (me) foundations of what web programming is.
I think In a near future it will be possible to "inject" Sinatra apps (Rack Apps) into a Rails3 project.
Take a look into github, there you will find many project built with Sinatra.
For further reading checkout Sinatra::Base.
For simple REST APIs I would also consider working directly against the Rack library (i.e. you may not need a framework like Sinatra). Routing for example can be quite easy for simple cases. I've put together a little example here:
