What is the difference between BO universes and Cognos cubes? - business-intelligence

I'm currently trying to understand the mechanics behind BO and Cognos and to understand a bit more deeply how it actually works to start a BI project.
On the side on tradiationnal BI tools, i have trouble seeing the difference (other than the names) between the universes in Bo and the cubes .
Is there a real difference?

BO Universe is a metadata layer. You query it - you query database.
In addition to similar metadata layer Cognos BI has two types of cubes. Cube is Data in dimensional structure. With Dimensions and Measures. In addition to basic measure's values it contains aggregates for higher levels of every dimensions.
Transformer Cube. Contains all data inside cube file. You even don't need a database to query it.
Using Dynamic Cube technology you load data into memory and make calculations there. You still need a database, but should be faster. If you have enough memory.


How large can state be in an EventStore projection?

When creating a projection using the JavaScript API in eventstore, how large can the state object become? Is this limited to the amount of memory on the machine or is this saved to disk? I would think the later would be more impactful in terms of how large of a state you could hold.
In the ideal world projection should be as small as possible and really small.
If you need several bunches of data - use several projections. This is the right way to simple scaling (in the worst case - one node - one projection).
Also, I suggest deciding about data type you want to store. IMHO, projection in event-sourced system should be organized document-oriented - in this case, projection will be small.
If you want to store GBs of info, in any case, use so db as projection. In theory, it's ok, on practice you'll create another one abstraction (adapter) to work with different projection types. This concept you can investigate in resolvejs framework.

ssas dimension processing incremental

I am having a large dimension and it is taking me more and more time to process it. I would like to decrease the processing time as much as possible
there is literally hundreds of different articles on how to process ssas objects as efficient and fast as possible.
There are lots of tips and tricks that one can apply to speed up dimensions and cube processing. I managed to apply all or at least a big majority of them and I am still not happy with the result,.
I have a large dimension built on top of a table.
It has around 60 mil records and it keeps on growing fast.
It either add new rows to it or delete the existing ones. there are no updates possible
I am looking for a solution that will allow me to perform an incremental processing of my dimension.
I know that the data in the previous month will not be changed. I would like to do smth similar to partitioning of my cube but on the dimension.
I am using SLQ SERVER 2012 and to my knowledge dimension partitioning is not supported.
I am currently using process update on my dimension - I tried processing using by attribute and by table but both render almost the same result. I have hierarchies and relationships - some set to rigid. I am only using those attributes that are truly needed etc etc etc
process update has to read all the records in a dimension even those that i know have not changed. is there a way to partition a dimension? if I could tell SSAS to only process the last 3-4 weeks of data in my dimension and not touch the rest - it would greatly speed up my processing time.
I would appreciate your help
ok so I did a bit of research and I can confirm that incremental dimension processing is not supported.
it is possible to do process add on a dimension but if you have records that got deleted or updated you cannot do that
it would be a useful thing to have but MS hasn't developed it and I don't think it will
incremental processing of any table is however possible in tabular cubes
so if you have a similar requirement and your cube is not too complex then creating a tabular cube is the way to go

Is a fact table in normalized or de-normalized form?

I did a bit R&D on the fact tables, whether they are normalized or de-normalized.
I came across some findings which make me confused.
According to Kimball:
Dimensional models combine normalized and denormalized table structures. The dimension tables of descriptive information are highly denormalized with detailed and hierarchical roll-up attributes in the same table. Meanwhile, the fact tables with performance metrics are typically normalized. While we advise against a fully normalized with snowflaked dimension attributes in separate tables (creating blizzard-like conditions for the business user), a single denormalized big wide table containing both metrics and descriptions in the same table is also ill-advised.
The other finding, which I also I think is ok, by fazalhp at GeekInterview:
The main funda of DW is de-normalizing the data for faster access by the reporting tool...so if ur building a DW ..90% it has to be de-normalized and off course the fact table has to be de normalized...
So my question is, are fact tables normalized or de-normalized? If any of these then how & why?
From the point of relational database design theory, dimension tables are usually in 2NF and fact tables anywhere between 2NF and 6NF.
However, dimensional modelling is a methodology unto itself, tailored to:
one use case, namely reporting
mostly one basic type (pattern) of a query
one main user category -- business analyst, or similar
row-store RDBMS like Oracle, SQl Server, Postgres ...
one independently controlled load/update process (ETL); all other clients are read-only
There are other DW design methodologies out there, like
Inmon's -- data structure driven
Data Vault -- data structure driven
Anchor modelling -- schema evolution driven
The main thing is not to mix-up database design theory with specific design methodology. You may look at a certain methodology through database design theory perspective, but have to study each methodology separately.
Most people working with a data warehouse are familiar with transactional RDBMS and apply various levels of normalization, so those concepts are used to describe working a star schema. What they're doing is trying to get you to unlearn all those normalization habits. This can get confusing because there is a tendency to focus on what "not" to do.
The fact table(s) will probably be the most normalized since they usually contain just numerical values along with various id's for linking to dimensions. They key with fact tables is how granular do you need to get with your data. An example for Purchases could be specific line items by product in an order or aggregated at a daily, weekly, monthly level.
My suggestion is to keep searching and studying how to design a warehouse based on your needs. Don't look to get to high levels of normalized forms. Think more about the reports you want to generate and the analysis capabilities to give your users.

Cube design - ROLAP considerations vs. MOLAP

Does anyone have resources that give a list of things to consider when designing a ROLAP cube, as opposed to MOLAP (I'm doing it in Pentaho, but I guess the principles are not dis-similar for other implementations). For example, I'm thinking of things like:
should extra transformational work be done at the ETL stage to reduce computational work when querying the cube?
should all my dimension tables be in the same database as my cube?
I'm a Pentaho implementor in Indonesia. First, of course you should try to aggregate all your measures group by surrogate keys involved.
And in Mondrian, you can "cache" some computations using additional aggregate tables. You can do it in Pentaho Aggregate Designer. But after that you will need additional work in your data warehouse / ETL stage.
First off - the designs are similar but they are driven by different performance & scalability strategies.
Secondly - the etl process is pretty much the same. Except - you'll typically see a lot more data in a rolap cube than a molap cube because of scalability features in relational databases. And you'll often see a rolap cube within a non-rolap database (warehouse, even transactional database) that does more than just support rolap.
Lastly, you'll typically generate aggregate table if you've got much data volume. That aggregation can be done a lot of different ways, but I'd say it is not typically driven by your ETL process unless you lack the ability to manage a separate asychronous process or have data volumes that make it impractical to run period summary jobs.
Thanks to Feris for the link and input, but in the end I went for this book:
I had a good long look at the Mondrian site + docs, but the book seems more comprehensive.

Anyone know anything about OLAP Internals?

I know a bit about database internals. I've actually implemented a small, simple relational database engine before, using ISAM structures on disk and BTree indexes and all that sort of thing. It was fun, and very educational. I know that I'm much more cognizant about carefully designing database schemas and writing queries now that I know a little bit more about how RDBMSs work under the hood.
But I don't know anything about multidimensional OLAP data models, and I've had a hard time finding any useful information on the internet.
How is the information stored on disk? What data structures comprise the cube? If a MOLAP model doesn't use tables, with columns and records, then... what? Especially in highly dimensional data, what kinds of data structures make the MOLAP model so efficient? Do MOLAP implementations use something analogous to RDBMS indexes?
Why are OLAP servers so much better at processing ad hoc queries? The same sorts of aggregations that might take hours to process in an ordinary relational database can be processed in milliseconds in an OLTP cube. What are the underlying mechanics of the model that make that possible?
I've implemented a couple of systems that mimicked what OLAP cubes do, and here are a couple of things we did to get them to work.
The core data was held in an n-dimensional array, all in memory, and all the keys were implemented via hierarchies of pointers to the underlying array. In this way we could have multiple different sets of keys for the same data. The data in the array was the equivalent of the fact table, often it would only have a couple of pieces of data, in one instance this was price and number sold.
The underlying array was often sparse, so once it was created we used to remove all the blank cells to save memory - lots of hardcore pointer arithmetic but it worked.
As we had hierarchies of keys, we could write routines quite easily to drill down/up a hierarchy easily. For instance we would access year of data, by going through the month keys, which in turn mapped to days and/or weeks. At each level we would aggregate data as part of building the cube - made calculations much faster.
We didn't implement any kind of query language, but we did support drill down on all axis (up to 7 in our biggest cubes), and that was tied directly to the UI which the users liked.
We implemented core stuff in C++, but these days I reckon C# could be fast enough, but I'd worry about how to implement sparse arrays.
Hope that helps, sound interesting.
The book Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services Unleashed spells out some of the particularities of SSAS 2008 in decent detail. It's not quite a "here's exactly how SSAS works under the hood", but it's pretty suggestive, especially on the data structure side. (It's not quite as detailed/specific about the exact algorithms.) A few of the things I, as an amateur in this area, gathered from this book. This is all about SSAS MOLAP:
Despite all the talk about multi-dimensional cubes, fact table (aka measure group) data is still, to a first approximation, ultimately stored in basically 2D tables, one row per fact. A number of OLAP operations seem to ultimately consist of iterating over rows in 2D tables.
The data is potentially much smaller inside MOLAP than inside a corresponding SQL table, however. One trick is that each unique string is stored only once, in a "string store". Data structures can then refer to strings in a more compact form (by string ID, basically). SSAS also compresses rows within the MOLAP store in some form. This shrinking I assume lets more of the data stay in RAM simultaneously, which is good.
Similarly, SSAS can often iterate over a subset of the data rather than the full dataset. A few mechanisms are in play:
By default, SSAS builds a hash index for each dimension/attribute value; it thus knows "right away" which pages on disk contain the relevant data for, say, Year=1997.
There's a caching architecture where relevant subsets of the data are stored in RAM separate from the whole dataset. For example, you might have cached a subcube that has only a few of your fields, and that only pertains to the data from 1997. If a query is asking only about 1997, then it will iterate only over that subcube, thereby speeding things up. (But note that a "subcube" is, to a first approximation, just a 2D table.)
If you're predefined aggregates, then these smaller subsets can also be precomputed at cube processing time, rather than merely computed/cached on demand.
SSAS fact table rows are fixed size, which presumibly helps in some form. (In SQL, in constrast, you might have variable-width string columns.)
The caching architecture also means that, once an aggregation has been computed, it doesn't need to be refetched from disk and recomputed again and again.
These are some of the factors in play in SSAS anyway. I can't claim that there aren't other vital things as well.
