Phpstorm superslow - 282.8% CPU usage - performance

After working for over 5 years with Netbeans I wanted to give a try with Phpstorm suggested by a friend.
I downloaded a fresh copy of Phpstorm and imported in the IDE a fresh project. The result is TERRIBLE!
Phpstorm is terribly slow during startup.
Doing an SVN commit take 5 minutes and keep CPU from 182.3% to 192%.
Editing a simple line of HTML like Hello World take 5 to 7 seconds just to type the first opening character "<".
Working in this situation is a disaster moreover if I'm working on a MacPro workstation with 8GB RAM with 2 Core Duo CPU.
I really don't understand what is causing the issue.
I attach a screenshot.
Netbeans on the same workstation is flying!
Thanks in advance to all help and suggestion

I've been working on a large number of git branches recently, and a coworker advised me to invalidate my cache & restart PHPStorm. It seems to have worked, but be warned - you will lose your local history.
In any case, File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart solved my issue.

There is no quick easy answer here to fix your problem, because it can depend on many things, like OS version, JVM version, other software installed (you get my drift). If you open the IDE, and go to Help -> New Support Request, and open a ticket, one of our support engineers will be able to talk you through generating a summary of the system that will enable them to help you solve this problem.
I'm sorry I can't be more specifically helpful here, but usually in this case it's a JVM or OS problem that can be fixed quickly by the team once they get your system specs.

Go into your settings, and under IDE Settings, click on "Editor"
Go to the -Virtual Space- heading, and make sure "Use soft wraps in editor" is UNticked

In my case the problem was new plugins.
In setting disable newly install plugins.

From the official forum:
Current tasks are displayed in a View > Status Bar (a bar in a bottom of IDE). It might show "indexing ..." or "scanning files to index".
close it works for me.


What is causing an access denied on executable MobaSCPRinew.exe when using MobaXterm on Windows

I've been a happy user of MobaXterm for years, this is a great terminal and X-window manager on Windows to access Linux machine and others. Recently, possibly since I upgraded to Windows 11 or changed laptop, I sometimes get the following error window:
An error occurred while starting the following MobaXterm subprocess:
Access is denied
I could not figure out which action is triggering this error but it is pretty rare and seems to happen either when I switch from one tab to another or when I unlock my computer after a while but I can't reproduce it systematically. I'm using MobaXterm Personal Edition v22.0 Build 4858.
This executable exists on my system and the file properties mention that this is a "Command-line SCP/SFTP client". However, even after the error, the SSH Browser available in the side bar (provided you only show one tab) is still visible and working.
Does anybody know what could be causing this?
I contacted the support of MobaXterm:
they told me it is a known bug related to the "Remote Monitoring" feature, which can display stats about memory, disk usage, connected users,...
advised me to test the preview version 22.2 since the bug seems fixed in that release
I used it for a few days and the issue never happened. I will download the latest official release 22.1 and, if it happens also in that one, will wait for the official 22.2. I will close this issue once the bug is fixed in an official release.
Same issue here, with some slight differences:
Location seems to be the "Documents" folder of my "Onedrive":
E:\OneDrive - xyz\Documents\MobaXterm\slash\bin\MobaSCPRinew.exe"
I use the "professional edition" with the same license ID, so I suppose technically it is the same software.
Issue only popped up till now after a reboot of my system, launching the MobaXterm and subsequently starting an ssh session.
Restarting MobaXterm only (once) didn't produce the issue.
I now upgraded to 22.1. Since the release notes do not mention anything concerning this issue, I can't know for sure the problem will be solved. I'll report back when it reoccurs.

xCode 6.1.1 slow and keeps freezing

I'm having some trouble working with xCode. It just keeps hanging and using 100% CPU right after a couple lines of code. I'm working on a new project and it barely has two files and it has become completely imposible to work with.
I tried reinstalling xCode and starting my project from scratch but it won't work.
I noticed three things that may help someone find out what it's going on.
It's slow even when typing, the characters appear delayed on the screen.
It keeps saying indexing on the task bar on top. If I clean the project it will disappear but come back whenever I start working again.
It overheats as soon as I open xCode
And here's some other facts that might help
I'm running xCode 6.1.1 (build 6A2008a)
My Mac is a mid 2012 MacBook pro 8GB Ram
I did a fresh install of Yosemite a month after it was released, so it's pretty clean.
I'm using the latest build of Xampp for my SQL server
I'm using nodejs as a backend so I'm running an http with nodemon
Hope any of you has a solution to this.
Thanks and merry christmas to all of you.
I found out that it will build just fine if I remove my conditional cast to NSInteger, NSString, Float, etc. I have like 8 of them one after the other, and just replacing as? for as did the trick. I'm curious as for why this is happening anyway though.
Similar problems on 6.1.1 (but also source kit crashes) were improved (but not completely resolved) for me by deleting derived data.

HP Fortify Audit Workbench

I am trying to use the HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer to analyze security concerns in a large C application and I have run into various bugs in the software itself that I cannot seem to find any answers to anywhere on the Internet. I am using version 3.4 of the software and running it on a Linux x64 system.
The main bug that I am encountering that makes it very difficult to use this product at all is that in various different places in their Audit Workbench GUI the program will just close for no reason. An example is whenever a pop-up window shows asking you a question and your answer to the question is just to close the pop-up window by either clicking on the close button or the cancel button, the whole program ends instead of returning you back to where you were when you originally got the pop-up. Another example is when I try to open the Rules Editor, either for a new Rule Pack or an existing Rule Pack, the program opens up a progress window with a moving progress bar that sits there and moves for a while but when it is finished, instead of opening up the Rules Editor, the whole program just ends suddenly.
Has anyone out there seen behavior like this? If so, please let me know what I can do about it. Thank you.
I would highly recommend upgrading to the latest (4.10 at the time of this post) version. One thing you can do to help diagnose issues is to look at the log files. These are located in (by default) [user.home]/fortify/AWB-3.40/log.
Also, since you are using Linux 64bit, you will want to ensure that AWB isn't trying to access the 32bit JRE at any time. This can be accomplished by removing [fortify install root]/jre and renaming [fortify install root]/jre64 to [fortify install root]/jre. Some of the tools default to /jre and so you can run into issues on Linux 64bit.

CacheInstaller.exe has stopped working

I am having below mentioned issue when I am running Asp.Net MVC 2 project on windows Azure emulator (dev environment)
I have installed Windows Azure SDK for .NET - October 2012 version and I am using cache feature on my system.
With above error Below one is also comming.
How to get rid of this ?
Maybe I have an stupid solution, but that works with me.
When I begin to recieve the message "CacheInstaller.exe has stopped working", I do the following:
1) Stop the execution.
2) Go to the Role I'm using in the Azure project and open the corresponding Properties page.
3) Go to the "Caching" section and there I uncheck the "Enable Caching" checkbox. After that I checked again.
4) Save*, Run de application and never the warning appear again.
Is weird because nothing should change if you uncheck and check it again an option without save in the middle, but in this case when you do that the file changes (I can see it in the red icon that said something change there, :P)
I hope this helps. Cheers.
Do you have any error messages in the event log that may give more hint.
It could be an issue with missing dlls, do you have the windows server appFabric installed as well on this machine, which may be leading to a conflict with the dlls?
A procmon log might help you see what file paths its looking for.
I banged my head against the wall on this one as well. I finally figured out the problem after digging deep into the crash-dump logs located within: C:\Users\{YOU}\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\{GUID}\directory\DiagnosticStore\AzureCaching\
AzureCaching does not allow UNC paths.
As my primary .net dev is from a vm, my documents/projects drive is mapped to my native drive located at: \\psf\Home\Documents\... Once I moved the project to the vm c:/ drive, CacheInstaller worked as intended.
Might as well post my experience as I was unable to locate anything on this specific problem.
I found today that if my system time was more than about 10 minutes wrong then CacheInstaller.exe bailed out on starting the emulator.
That includes the combination of system time and timezone being wrong, presumably as it results in an inability to calculate the correct UTC time at which Azure operates. Fixing the system clock resolved the issue in my case.

What is this 'Waiting for Background operation' in Visual Studio 2012?

Occassionaly, but fairly often, for no apparent reason, VS 2012 will lock up with a dialogue that says, "Waiting for a background operation to finish". E.g. this may happen during a plain old code edit, not on explicitly invoking any IDE command.
What causes this, and is there anything I can do about this?
I am running ReSharper 7, and I am not the only one I know experiencing this.
I was having the same problem, especially in cshtml pages. I found this page: that suggests changing the indent option in Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Tab to Smart instead of Block. In my case it was already set to Smart and changing it back to Block fixed the problem.
Update: I was wrong, that didn't fix the dialogue, it just delayed it until I copied or pasted. What finally worked for me was to go to Tools > Import and Export Settings... > Reset all settings.
Possibly related question: Visual Studios 2010 - MVC 4 Beta - long delays on paste and frequent crashing
It is a very generic diagnostic. It is triggered by COM, heavily used in Visual Studio to implement extensibility. The underlying trigger is the IMessageFilter interface. The trigger occurs when COM marshals a method call to another thread and that call doesn't complete for 60 seconds.
There's little value in the actual notification, it is telling you something you already know. By the time 60 seconds have passed, you typically already have noticed things are not working well. Short from the wee bit of useful knowledge that Visual Studio isn't actually completely dead. The call however has to complete before VS gets usable again. There's little you can do but tap your foot and wait.
This problem is almost always caused by an add-in. Resharper is certainly a good candidate. You find the trouble-maker by disabling the add-ins one-by-one until the problem disappears. It is the kind of problem that's common with new versions of Visual Studio, it takes the add-in vendors a while to get the bugs and hangups ironed out. Contact the vendor for support and in general look for updates that may solve the issue.
Deleting the Solutions "suo" file worked for me.
I was having the same problem and in my case it was DevExpress.
It seemed to hang Visual Studio everytime I did a copy or cut operation, bringing up the message:
"Waiting for a background operation to finish".
Turns out it was actually doing a one off task in the background and it really was taking a while to do it (over 5 minutes).
Perhaps if I had waited normally, it could have gone away, but what finally fixed it was to bring up the Toolbox into view (was hidden/collapsed), which in turn brought up a window saying:
"adding [SomeDevExpressAssemblyNameHere].dll"
this kept updating itself with the name of every dll required by DevExpress to populate the toolbar.
This way I could see the operation progress and after it finished I could use copy/cut paste again as usual.
Hope this helps.
For me the fix was to update the Web Essentials 2012 to version 1.8.
The problematic version was 1.6
Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Tabs -> Identing -> None settings solved this problem for me.
This fixed it for me:
Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Miscellaneous
Uncheck the option "Auto ID elements on paste in Source View"
I will post an update if the problem comes back.
I had this problem for a couple of days, tried uninstalling and reinstalling my visual studio 2012 ultimate edtion SP3...
Still didn't work.
So I deleted all my extensions (git tools for VS 2012 and Nuget Package downloader),
restarted my VS and it worked liked a charm again!
Hope it works !
Good luck!
I experienced this problem while running visual studio in a virtual machine - Virtual Box 4.2 running on Mac OS X Mountain Lion, hosting a fresh Windows 7 install with nothing else installed but Visual Studio. I found that the problem was caused by 2 separate issues.
Firstly, my project was on a folder shared from the host OS. In other words, on the Windows Guest, my project appeared on a network drive. So opening the project in Visual Studio from a network drive seemed to cause this problem because the problem went away when I copied the project onto the C drive of the Windows VM and opened it in Visual Studio from the copy on the C drive.
Secondly, I began to experience the problem again when the hard drive on the virtual machine was getting full. I had about 1GB free space available on the hard drive. When I increased the size of the hard drive on the virtual machine, this issue went away.
Just reproduced similar problem with Codemaid add-on. Found this conversation:
There's a lot of details in this issue, but to try and recap the issue
is that the VS2012 C++ API introduced a deadlock issue when the API is
accessed from a UI thread (e.g. a WPF context like Spade). It wasn't
an issue in VS2010, and Microsoft has fixed it going forwards for
VS2013 but they will not be patching it for VS2012.
Seems to indicate that a fix (for Codemaid) should be coming:
Please keep an eye on this thread for the ongoing resolution of the
issue. It ties in to that larger rewrite so I've been building towards
it by adding a lot of unit tests first to help ensure functionality
remains consistent after the changes.
For me it seemed to be related with the razor syntax, since I only had it on one particular file.
For example if I put the following code in one line I had the described issue.
#section BodyClassName {note}
But when putting the closing parenthesis on the next line the issue went away
#section BodyClassName {note
Kind regards
Far from an ideal solution, but please trying running visual studio in administrator mode
i tried virtually everything, and this was the only thing that worked for me
Open Visual Studio, create a new MVC application, close the new application, open the old application and it works!
Check if IIS or another process (BizTalk maybe) is locking your DLLs/references
Kill/stop IIS or the other process if it is
RUN> iisreset
Now it is working fine with VS 2012
i think i have found a clue! Every thing is ended to dcomcnfg.exe!
Open it and go under following path:
Component services>computers>my computer>dcom config
after click on dcom you'll see many warnings depend on amount of components on your pc.
Click yes on each message box in order to add correct record for dcom.
I found that VS also loads packages during the "background operation". You can remove unneeded extensions to make the operation faster.
I have it fixed weeks ago after I turn TeamViewer 8 Clipboard Sync off! now it appears back with no reason so I tried reset all settings and it worked for me.
I was having the same problem and running VS as an administrator seems to have done the trick for me (I had posted a similar question at Visual Studio 2012 Express Hangs with Message "Waiting for Background Operation to Complete" on Format Document Command that was marked as a duplicate for this one so I figured I would share here as well).
For me, it was Resharper addon opening a dialog which didn't show. I only found the dialog icon in the hidden icons menu on the task bar. When i got rid of the dialog, Visual Studio returned to normal immediately.
