Warning "forced in submake" in parallel execution of make - parallel-processing

When I run make -j3 to build in parallel, I get
warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
In the documentation I found the warning is emitted
if make detects error conditions related to parallel processing on
systems where sub-makes can communicate.
What are these error conditions? What can I do to heal them or suppress the error message?
The makefile is generated from CMake, so I cannot (=I don't want to) edit the makefile.

Usually this message occurres if you call make from your Makefile not by the variable $(MAKE)
cd foo/ && make foo
cd foo && $(MAKE) foo

You call make -j3 for you top-level Makefile, which means that up to 3 targets can be built simultaneously (make uses 3 threads to build). Your top-level Makefile (generated by CMake) run another make (which is called sub-make). And in this invocation another -jN option is used. So instead of using common jobserver for both makes, sub-make uses another N threads to build its targets. So up to 3 + N threads in total are used for building. So this is what this warning about.
To enable common jobserver for parent make and sub-make, there are 2 requirements:
Explicit -jN option mustn't be passed to sub-make. Call sub-make without this argument.
Sub-make must be called using $(MAKE) expression (not just plain make). Alternatively the + prefix can be added before make command. See this answer for details.
If both requirements are satisfied, then, when you run make -jN for you top-level Makefile, parent make and child make use N threads in common for building.

This is related to multi-threaded make feature. It happens when there is yet another multi-threaded make inside a make process that is already multi-threaded. As there is second level of multi-threaded make, the internal synchronization is not available.
It is possible to fix this by -j parameter.
make -j 1
The code above will avoid multiple thread and it will remove the warnings.
Again, we can use -j parameter in the makefile as well.
$(MAKE) -j 1 -C ${SUBDIR} $#
The above rule will not spawn threads for submake and it will avoid the warning.

With newer versions of GNU make (4.0) and CMake (2.8.6 and 3.3) I can no longer reproduce the warning. One of these got fixed in the meantime.


Recursive Make passes incorrect -j argument

I'm running make (GNU Make 3.82) with a recursive Makefile.
I'm running make -j2 in order to spawn only 2 processes in parallel.
The internal Makefile is called with $(MAKE).
However, it looks like the internal Makefile (which was started by the main Makefile) spawns processes infinitely as if it was given -j and not -j2.
Trying to verify this, I dumped the environment variables of the child "make":
# pgrep -a make
17218 make -j2
17227 make -C obj_dir/ -f Vf1_package.mk ...
# strings /proc/17227/environ
MAKEFLAGS= --jobserver-fds=3,4 -j
MAKEFLAGS is not set explicitly anywhere, and -j is only provided in the command line and doesn't appear anywhere in the makefiles. So it seems like "make" itself decided to strip the "2" from the -j argument when composing the MAKEFLAGS for the child "make".
Any idea what could cause "make" to set MAKEFLAGS to -j instead of -j2?
Update 1
I've identified the problem, but I still don't understand why it happens and how to fix that.
The problem is that the job server doesn't work well when the sub-make is running under SCL context.
This is required because I need the sub-make to use specific gcc toolchain.
SCL = scl enable devtoolset-8
$(SCL) "$(MAKE) -C $(SUB_MAKE_DIR) ... "
When running like this, the sub-make spawns infinite number of jobs. When SCL is removed, it works as expected.
Why does SCL interfere with make's job server?
How can I solve this? I know I can enable SCL before running the external Makefile, but I would like to control the toolset from within the Makefile.
Update 2
It seems to be related to the fact that SCL changes PATH environment variable. On the new PATH, "make" is newer ("GNU Make 4.2.1").
So it seems that make job server fails if the top level make is running old GNU Make 3.82 and the sub make is running newer 4.2.1 make, maybe something changed between these versions in the way make communicates with the sub-make.
There's nothing wrong here. The top-level make knows how many total jobs there are and it arranges for all the sub-makes to share those jobs through the jobserver (that's what the --jobserver-fds entry in MAKEFLAGS is for). The sub-makes don't need to know how many total jobs there are, they just need to know how to ask if they can start a new job.
In the very old version of GNU make you are using there is no way, from a sub-make, to know what the specific -j number for this build.
Starting with GNU make 4.2, make will add the specific -j value to MAKEFLAGS for informational purposes even though it's still not used.
I don't know anything about scl or how it works. But, the GNU make jobserver works by sharing file descriptors across all the sub-makes. If this scl tool is interfering with that, say by forcing all file descriptors to be closed, or running the sub-make inside a docker image where obviously it can't access these shared file descriptors, or some similar thing, then it clearly cannot work with the jobserver feature and you'll have to run the entire make inside the scl.
An option is to not put the -j on the outer make but instead run a single inner make using -j, inside scl.
Can you run make --print-data-base and check if you get proper value of -j.
May be execute a simple test example as shown below where you can test to check if gnu make is able to compile multiple files in parallel to generate object files and is giving correct values of -j:
.PHONY:compile objs
TARGET = program.exe
SOURCES = file_1.c file_2.c file_3.c
objs: $(OBJ_FILES)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c $< -o $#
all: test
# Enable parallel compilation
make -j ${NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS} objs
link : compile $(TARGET)
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $(OBJ_FILES) -o $#
test: link
# Execute test script
echo "Executing test script"
Command to execute : make test
This will help you debug and also check if there is issue of gnu-make or some internal bug or make is unable to run in parallel as it did not find anything. I have use ${NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS} to use all the available processors, you can change it's value and test different runs as per your need.
Unfortunately I am not aware about sc1.If scl is the root cause identified, then option would be run the entire make inside sc1. or maye be would be good to test once by explicitly passing -j2 inside the sc1 as maybe global flags are not getting passed to SC1.

always run a script when running 'make' before compiling

I'm using automake.
I'd like to have a script run each time I run 'make'.
This script does a git diff and generates an MD5 sum of the diff.
The hash is written as a #define in repos_version.h
#define REPOS_DIFF "-190886e9f895e80c42cf6b426dc85afd"
The script only rewrites this file if it doesn't exist or if the diff has is different to what is in repos_version.h already. But the script needs to be run for each make.
main.c includes repos_version.h and prints out the hash when the executable is run.
Here's Attempt 1 for Makefile.am
all: config.h
#chmod +x gen_diff_hash.sh
$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-recursive
This work, but I get the following error
Makefile:1234: warning: overriding recipe for target all'
Makefile:734: warning: ignoring old recipe for targetall'
Here's Attempt 2 for Makefile.am
#chmod +x gen_diff_hash.sh
main.c: repos_version.h
However, this doesn't work, as all-local seems to be run too late. A second run of 'make' does get the desired result, but that's not a runner.
So neither are great.
Any ideas?
I've been reading through the automake hooks documentation, but I can't see anything that suits my needs.
You could ensure the script is always run every time Make loads the Makefile, by executing it via $(shell ./gen_diff_hash.sh) and assigning it to a throwaway variable (or using it in some other construct like an ifeq or something).
Note, that this is not POSIX, and on Make implementations other than GNU this isn't valid syntax. GNU Make 4.x supports using VAR != ./gen_diff_hash.sh as well, which is compatible with BSD Make at least.
But maybe it would be a better idea to create a .PHONY: gendiff target that runs the script, and make the header depend on this gendiff. The target would then be re-evaluated every time Make checks if repos_version.h is up-to-date, rather than every time Make is run at all.

Disabling parallel jobs when calling MAKE inside a makefile

I have a makefile in which one of the targets calls another makefile elsewhere.
$(MAKE) -C /some/dir other_target
I am running my main makefile using the -j option at command line to enable parallel jobs. However, the other makefile is perhaps not written properly (it is auto-generated from a tool I am using) because it fails miserably when running with -j.
How can I stop the -j option from trickling down to the $(MAKE) command inside my main makefile?
Use -j 1 option for nested make calls.

Make is deleting my target. Why?

From the docs:
Usually when a recipe line fails, if it has changed the target file
at all, the file is corrupted and cannot be used--or at least it is not
completely updated. Yet the file's time stamp says that it is now up to
date, so the next time 'make' runs, it will not try to update that file.
The situation is just the same as when the shell is killed by a signal;
*note Interrupts::. So generally the right thing to do is to delete the
target file if the recipe fails after beginning to change the file.
'make' will do this if '.DELETE_ON_ERROR' appears as a target. This is
almost always what you want 'make' to do, but it is not historical
practice; so for compatibility, you must explicitly request it.
So, here I have a makefile:
# The idea here is to auto-generate the file ('make.include')
# and to use it as a makefile.
# For simplicity, I replaced the "auto-generate" part, with "touch".
# I also simplified the dependency-tree with 'phony'.
# In practice, we re-generate, only when "need" to.
make.include : phony
+touch '$#'
make -f '$#'
.PHONY: phony
$ make -q
I get:
touch 'make.include'
make: *** Deleting file 'make.include'
Now, i don't see how to prevent make from deleting this newly auto-generated 'make.include' (which may well be quite a costly process to re-run), unless i resort to the .PRECIOUS special target.
But, demanding the user to explicitly define their "precious" targets, is not in-line with that quote from the docs above. Right?
This arises because of your use of + in +touch '$#' and executing make with the -q option. From the GNU Make Manual the -q option is
“Question mode”. Do not run any recipes, or print
anything; just return an exit status that is zero if the specified
targets are already up to date, one if any remaking is required, or
two if an error is encountered. See Instead of Executing Recipes.
The + symbol is only relevant when make is executed with the -t, -n or -q options and it tells make to execute any commands it precedes make is executed with any of the options -t, -n or -q. So, when you execute your current makefile with make -q you are asking make to check if everything is up to date without running any commands but because you've specified + before touch '$#' make must execute this command. To then leave everything the way it was before you executed make -q make must delete the file it created with +touch '$#'.
To answer your question specifically. If you don't want make to delete make.include then you can run make without the -q option on the makefile specified in your question.
However, the recipe for a target, i.e. make.include should not call its self with make -f make.include. It would probably be better to rewrite the makefile so that the recipe for make.include only creates make.include and it is then called with make -f make.include in another recipe.
+touch $#
all: make.include
make -f $<

How do I force make/GCC to show me the commands?

I'm trying to debug a compilation problem, but I cannot seem to get GCC (or maybe it is make??) to show me the actual compiler and linker commands it is executing.
Here is the output I am seeing:
CCLD libvirt_parthelper
libvirt_parthelper-parthelper.o: In function `main':
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:102: undefined reference to `ped_device_get'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:116: undefined reference to `ped_disk_new'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:122: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:172: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:172: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [libvirt_parthelper] Error 1
What I want to see should be similar to this:
$ make
gcc -Wall -c -o main.o main.c
gcc -Wall -c -o hello_fn.o hello_fn.c
gcc main.o hello_fn.o -o main
Notice how this example has the complete gcc command displayed. The above example merely shows things like "CCLD libvirt_parthelper". I'm not sure how to control this behavior.
To invoke a dry run:
make -n
This will show what make is attempting to do.
Build system independent method
make SHELL='sh -x'
is another option. Sample Makefile:
#echo a
+ echo a
This sets the special SHELL variable for make, and -x tells sh to print the expanded line before executing it.
One advantage over -n is that is actually runs the commands. I have found that for some projects (e.g. Linux kernel) that -n may stop running much earlier than usual probably because of dependency problems.
One downside of this method is that you have to ensure that the shell that will be used is sh, which is the default one used by Make as they are POSIX, but could be changed with the SHELL make variable.
Doing sh -v would be cool as well, but Dash 0.5.7 (Ubuntu 14.04 sh) ignores for -c commands (which seems to be how make uses it) so it doesn't do anything.
make -p will also interest you, which prints the values of set variables.
CMake generated Makefiles always support VERBOSE=1
As in:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make VERBOSE=1
Dedicated question at: Using CMake with GNU Make: How can I see the exact commands?
Library makefiles, which are generated by autotools (the ./configure you have to issue) often have a verbose option, so basically, using make VERBOSE=1 or make V=1 should give you the full commands.
But this depends on how the makefile was generated.
The -d option might help, but it will give you an extremely long output.
Since GNU Make version 4.0, the --trace argument is a nice way to tell what and why a makefile do, outputing lines like:
makefile:8: target 'foo.o' does not exist
makefile:12: update target 'foo' due to: bar
Use make V=1
Other suggestions here:
make VERBOSE=1 - did not work at least from my trials.
make -n - displays only logical operation, not command line being executed. E.g. CC source.cpp
make --debug=j - works as well, but might also enable multi threaded building, causing extra output.
I like to use:
make --debug=j
Print debugging information in addition to normal processing. If the FLAGS are omitted, then the behavior is the same as if -d was specified. FLAGS may be a for all debugging output (same as using -d), b for basic debugging, v for more verbose basic debugging, i for showing implicit rules, j for details on invocation of commands, and m for debugging while remaking makefiles.
Depending on your automake version, you can also use this:
Note: I added this answer since V=1 did not work for me.
In case you want to see all commands (including the compiled ones) of the default target run:
make --always-make --dry-run
make -Bn
show commands executed the next run of make:
make --dry-run
make -n
You are free to choose a target other than the default in this example.
