Magento Shopping Cart Rule - Is this combination possible - magento

Hoping some one can help me with a Magento Rule - is this rule even possible
I have numerous products of numerous sizes all part of the same category.
Each product regardless of size costs £3.98 - If a buyer buys 3 products of the same category regardless of the product or size they get it for £9.99. If they buy 4 products, they get 3 of them for 9.99 but pay full price for the 4th...Every group of 3 is £9.99
I have a rule created that seems to work perfect if a Customer buys 3 / 6 / 9 items of the same product and same size...However if they mix and match it doesn't work (though they are the same category)
The rule is:
IF ALL of these conditions are TRUE:
If total quantity equals or greater than 3 for a subselection of items in cart matching ALL of these conditions:
Category is 4
I have also set the Discount Qty Step to be 3
Thanks for your reply - I have tried to implement what you suggest and have got so far as to where I get the category id of the added products. I'm unsure how to set the price the previous products so it will be an automatically discounted price
$quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote();
$cartItems = $quote->getAllVisibleItems();
$itemPrice = "3.33";
foreach ($cartItems as $items) {
$product = $items->getProduct();
$prodCats = $product->getCategoryIds();
if (in_array('4', $prodCats)) {
$itemQty = $items->getQty();
$totalItems += $itemQty;
So what I want to do is apply a discount for multiple of 3's for any product that has a category_id of 4...The price will be 3.33 instead of the normal 3.99

You need event - observer approach for this, that will give you the flexibility you need. You can build an observer that catches the add-to-cart event sales_quote_add_item and put your logic there.
Following code within your observer function will point you in the right direction:
// Get products in cart:
$quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote();
$cartItems = $quote->getAllVisibleItems();
foreach ($cartItems as $item) {
$itemSku = $item->getSku();
$itemQty = $item->getQty();
// Added product:
$item = $observer->getEvent()->getQuoteItem();
$itemQty = $item->getQty();
$itemSku = $item->getSku();
// Change price of added product:
Good luck!


Reducing the number of products in stock management

I want it to reduce the number of products in the cart from stock after the order is placed. sample: The product stock with 5 IDs is 50 pieces, if 5 orders are received from this product,I want it updated to be 50 - 5 = 45.
note:number=the quantity of the product in the current order
more detailed: There is number in the cart_product table, stock in the products table,Number of products in cart_product,Taking the number from the cart_product table and subtracting it from the stock in the product table, but i didn't succeed can you help me please
->join('products', '', 'cart_product.product_id')
->join('cart_product', '', 'cart_product.main_cart_id')
// Fetch items in the cart
$cartItems = DB::table('cart_product')
->where('main_cart_id', session('active_cart_id'))
foreach ($cartItems as $cartItem) {
// Update stocks in the "products" table
I couldn't use the column names since I don't know. Keep in mind that you need to change the following texts in the code:
AAAAA => Column name of the purchased item amount in "cart_product" table.
$cartItem->BBBBB => Column name of item stock in "products" table.
For more information about increment and decrement methods, you can look at
it worked like this
// Fetch items in the cart
$cartItems = DB::table('cart_product')
->where('main_cart_id', session('active_cart_id'))
foreach ($cartItems as $cartItem) {
// Update stocks in the "products" table

Advice with Magento large productsfile csv import

I need to import 40.000 products.
These products together are generating 600.000 attribute values
There is a csv file with product info (Sku, Name, Description and Ean) and a seperate sheet with only the attributes(600K)
On each row i have:
Sku - Attribute - Value
123 Color Green
123 Length 120
123 Size XL
456 Color White
456 Length 260
I have filtered all duplicates out which resulted in 2200 unique Attributes.
What should i Do with these attributes?
Put them all in one attributeset? Will it hurt the performance of the webshop?
And what about the attributesheet?
How should i convert the structure of the presented data so it will be usefull for for import in magent? Cause magento needs all attribute names as columnheaders?
I have tried to collect teh attribute values with VLOOKUP but run into memory problems on my MACbook Pro. Fill down one column with a formula doesn't work wit this amount of records.
Maybe there is a solution programmticly.
I would suggest to create product pragmatically.
Import product into a mysql table (tables) and create using magento code directly.
You can create configurable attributes and use its id when creating products.
You should think about using uRapidFlow.
While I am not a huge fan of the fact that it uses direct sql to import products, it has been around for some time and is known to be very reliable and very fast.
//add new products
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$product->setAttributeSetId(4); // enter the catalog attribute set id here
$product->setCategoryIds($categoryIds); // id of categories
$product->setColor('color',$color_id); // u need to get attribute code for dropdown items
$product->setData('material', $avid);
'manage_stock' => 1,
'is_in_stock' => 1,
'qty' => $qty
// assign product to the default website
}catch (Exception $e) {
echo Mage::logException($e->getMessage());
$id = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getIdBySku(trim($sku)); //get product id after create
//add dropdown items for attribute u created already, u need to make this as function to get option id before add a product
$attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
$attribute_options_model= Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table') ;
$attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', $attribute_code);
$attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
$attribute_table = $attribute_options_model->setAttribute($attribute);
$options = $attribute_options_model->getAllOptions(false);
foreach($options as $option)
if (strtolower($option['label']) == strtolower($label))
//u need to run thru a loop to add products

Magento: count products using stock quantity

I'm new in magento.
I'm wondering how I can count all products using stock quantity. For example, I have
category 1
product one - stock 10
product two - stock 5
category 2
product three - stock 10
The result of the sum of all products should be 25
Actually, I'm using
$prods = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$count = number_format(count($prods));
echo $count;
but this counts the products without stock quantity.
Thanks for your help.
Untested but this should get you what you need…
$stockItemCollection = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')
$stockTotal = array_sum($stockItemCollection->getColumnValues('qty'));
This should work, too. The reports collection joins together all the quote_items. But I'm not sure wether any order status is considered
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_sold_collection');
// EDIT reading the question is all
$sum = 0;
foreach($collection as $product) {
$sum += $product->getOrderedQty();
echo $sum;

php round() leading mistake

My website is build by magento system use for shopping. now I add a function about nice foreign price. for example:
if the price is $35.4 , it will be changed to $34.99;
if the price is $35.5 , it will be changed to $35.99;
code is : round(35.4) + 0.99;
now here is a question, my product has several options link 'type','colour'. and different option shows different price just as the default configurable product in magento.
in the product page: price is $1000 shows $999.99, colour red + $100 shows +$99.99
,and type big +50 shows+49.99. here the total price is 1149.97. but in shopping chat the price is round(1000 + 100 +50)+0.99 = 1149.99. so I don't know how to deal with it.
some one help me ..... waiting for your advice.
because magento final price is calculate onFly ,you shall overwrite
and change method to like as . (you need add to adminhtml it option or hardcode it)
public function calcPriceRule($actionOperator, $ruleAmount, $price)
$priceRule = 0;
switch ($actionOperator) {
case 'to_fixed':
$priceRule = min($ruleAmount, $price);
case 'to_percent':
$priceRule = $price * $ruleAmount / 100;
case 'by_fixed':
$priceRule = max(0, $price - $ruleAmount);
case 'by_percent':
$priceRule = $price * (1 - $ruleAmount / 100);
case 'my_custom_prices':
//your price rules
return $priceRule;

How to get grand total without shipping costs from a Magento order model?

I have a Magento order model that I create like this:
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderId);
Now I want to get the order grand total including the taxes etc., but without the shipping costs. I can retrieve the grand total with $order->getGrandTotal(), but how can I exclude the shipping costs?
Thank you in advance!
$amount = $order->getGrandTotal() - $order->getShippingAmount();
Try not to over-think it. ;-)
Here is another quick method to get grand total incuding taxes and without shipping fee.
if you are dealing with the cart:
$quote = Mage::getModel('checkout/session')->getQuote();
$cartGrossTotal = 0;
foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item) {
$cartGrossTotal += $item->getPriceInclTax()*$item->getQty();
if you are dealing with an order:
$orderGrossTotal = 0;
foreach ($order->getAllItems() as $item) {
$orderGrossTotal += $item->getPriceInclTax()*$item->getQty();
I think
base_subtotal_incl_tax can be, so
There is one way more easy:
$orderValue = $order->getSubtotal();
Return the subtotal from the order, without shipping method;
Try it.
