What's causing the dark borders around letters using OpenGL? - opengl-es

Following on from this question.
When I draw the letters I'm getting a dark border around some areas. Below is an example zoomed 4x. The letter on the left is drawn with OpenGL. The letter on the right is my bitmap font atlas in Photoshop colour adjusted to match what is being drawn by my game. As you can see, the 's' on the left has noticeable dark borders in some areas.
I've played with various blending options but can't work out what's causing it. If someone could tell me what the cause is and how to fix it that's be appreciated.


HTML5 canvas - make a mono mask efficiently without antialiasing

I am using pixel colour inspection to detect collisions. I know there are other ways to achieve this but this is my use case.
I draw a shape cloned from the main canvas on to a second canvas switching the fill and stroke colours to pur black. I then use getImageData() to get an array of pixel colours and inspect them - if I see black I have a collision with something.
However, some pixels are shades of grey because the second canvas is applying antialiasing to the shape. I want only black or transparent pixels.
How can I get the second canvas to be composed of either transparent or black only?
I have achieved this long in the past with Windows GDI via compositing/xor combinations etc. However, GDI did not always apply antialiasing. I guess the answer lies in globalCompositeOperation or filter but I cannot see what settings/filters or sequence to apply.
I appreciate I have not provided sample code but I am hoping that someone can throw me a bone and I'll work up a snippet here which might become a standard cut & paste for posterity from that.

Is there a way to reorganise pixels in an image from darkest to brightest in Gimp?

I do a lot of Zoom quizzes, and am always looking for new and interesting rounds to include. Recently I saw a screenshot of a quiz where someone had taken album covers and rearranged the colours in the image so that all the darkest colours were in the top left and there was a smooth gradient to the lightest colours in the bottom right.
I am basically looking for a way to do this myself. Is there a tool on Gimp that will allow me to rearrange all the pixels by their colour value in a smooth gradient? I'm not tied to Gimp and would be open to trying other programs that could do this.

CIFilter HueAdjust

How to programmatically change the hue of UIImage?
I am using the above page's advice, for Core image filter CIFilter. The only problem I am having is my when I rotate to a yellow hue, it's a dark mustard yellow, and I can't get the brightest vibrant yellow, ie R:255 G:255 B:0. I have images that are on layers that are made up of a simple color R:255 G:0 B:0 I just want to rotate around, to get the basic colors plus orange. Orange works fine tho.
I just don't know why when I rotate from R:255 to try and get R:255 G:255 Yellow it's a dark yellow.
I am using 1.04719755 for the Yellow float, at deltaHueRadians
I don't know it's just weird this is the 3rd attempt at this but I keep getting a dingy yellow.
I realized the problem.
In Photoshop I have done so many Colorize operations when I used to photo edit, I got them confused with Hue Rotation.
Basically when you Colorize in Photoshop, it will "Colorize" the image not just Hue Rotate the values.
The difference between the two is a very thin line depending on what images you use. I don't really feel like going into a complete explanation but...
Say you have a grey cube on a layer, and you COLORIZE the image, the cube will rotate colors as you use a slider. If you Hue rotate it will stay grey.
But if you take a red cube, and hue rotate, then the hue rotation will take you thru colors, not necessarily all of them tho like a colorize.
I believe the issue has to do with all that good ole HSV RGB matrix crazy math problems. Which I am not doing right now. Keeping it simple.
I decided to just do a colorize method with:
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeMultiply);
With grey objects and this is perfectly what I wanted.
from googling I found this:

NSColor transparency on black background?

In the background of my view, I draw a light blue color. And in the middle, i have a square box that is supposed to have an even lighter gray in it that has a 20% transparency. But for some reason the transparency is on top of a black background instead of a blue. I'm sorry If i'm not being clear.
You're probably using the wrong compositing mode to draw the smaller box. Show us your code.

How does one reproduce the inset text style when drawing text with Mac OS X Cocoa?

I'm talking about the groove style of the text on focussed title bars, or safari's bookmarks bar for example. Is there an easy way to reproduce this style when using:
[string drawAtPoint:... withAttributes:...];
If you want it to look perfect, you'll need to draw the text twice.
As you can see when zooming in on labels below toolbar items in any app, or for instance the bookmarks bar in Safari (Control+scroll up, control+option+\ to toggle smoothing of the zoomed in image), the text is rendered with sub-pixel anti-aliasing, at least when "Font smoothing style:" in the "Appearance" system preferences is set to medium, which it will be by default on Macs with a built-in or external Apple flat-panel display.
NSShadow can not be used with sub-pixel anti-aliasing, so if you simply set an NSShadowAttributeName in the attributes dictionary you're drawing your string with, you will notice sub-pixel anti-aliasing is MIA when you zoom in on your rendered text.  Due to the way NSShadow is designed, no matter what color you set your NSShadow instance to —even if it is opaque— it will always be drawn with an alpha channel, making sub-pixel antialiasing impossible.
The solution is really very simple:
Draw your text once with a white color with some transparancy,
Then draw it once more on top of that, a pixel higher in a shade of grey of your liking with no transparancy.
Your 'shadow' will draw without sub-pixel antialiasing, but the actual text on top op of it will draw with it, giving you the exact same effect as standard Cocoa toolbar button item labels, or items in the Safari bookmarks bar.
EDIT: It seems that Safari's bookmarks bar items draw their 'shadows' with sub-pixel accuracy as well, so the way they did it is probably by choosing an opaque shade of gray for the white 'shadow' text as well; drawback of that approach: you are tying your drawing code to only work well on a particular background color, e.g. if your elements will be used on a blue background, you'll want to set that color to a light shade of blue, to appear like it's semi-transparent white.
Draw it with an un-shadow below it. Use a shadow with color white, opacity 50% or so, blur 0, offset 1 pt down.
A simple way to do this is to simply draw the text twice. The first time, you draw it 1 pt lower, in white, at 50% opacity. The second time, you draw it in the desired position, in the desired color, at the desired (probably 100%) opacity.
