Regex matching plus or minus - ruby

Could someone please look at the following function and explain the regex for me as I don't understand it and I don't like using something I don't understand as then I won't be able to replicate it for use in the future and nor do I learn from it.
Also can someone explain the double !! in front, I know single means not so does double mean not "not"?
The function is a patch to String to check if it's capable of being converted to an integer or not.
class String
def is_i?
!!(self =~ /\A[-+]?[0-9]+\z/)
The main thing that's giving me trouble is [-+] as it makes little sense to me, if you could explain in the context given it would be very helpful.
Since people missed the second part of the question I'll be a little more explicit.
What does !! Mean in front of the check, I know a single ! means NOT but I can't find what !! means.

The [-+] Character Class
[-+] is a character class. It means "match one character specified by the class", i.e. - or +.
Hyphens in Character Classes
I can see how this particular class can be confusing because the hyphen often plays a special role in a character class: it links two characters to form a character range. For instance, [a-z] means "match one character between a and z, and [a-z0-9] means "match one character between a and z or between 0 and 9.
However, in this case, the hypen in [-+] is positioned in a place where it cannot be used to specify a range, and the - is just a literal hyphen.
Decoding the entire expression
Assert position at the beginning of the string \A
Match a single character from the list “-+” [-+]?
Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) ?
Match a single character in the range between “0” and “9” [0-9]+
Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) +
Assert position at the very end of the string \z

A Character Class defines a set of characters, any one of which can occur in a string for a match to succeed.
For example, the regular expression [-+]?[0-9]+ will match 123, -123, or +123 because it defines a character class (accepting either -, +, or neither one) as its first character.
In context:
\A asserts position at the start of the string.
[-+] any character of: - or + (? optional, meaning between zero and one time)
[0-9] any character of: 0 to 9 (+ quantifier meaning 1 or more times)
\z asserts position at the very end of the string.
What does !! mean?
!! placed together converts the value to a boolean.

explain the regex for me as I don't understand it
Pattern explanation: \A[-+]?[0-9]+\z
\A Start of string
[-+]? plus or minus sign [zero or one time (optional)]
[0-9]+ 0 to 9 any digit [one or more times]
\z End of string
The above regex pattern is able to match any positive and negative integer number that has + or - sign optional.
Read more about Character Classes and test your regex pattern online at Rubular


Ruby gsub to remove illegal characters in phone number

I want to remove all characters in a string that do not belong in a phone number string. The first character may or may not be a "+" and all other characters must be digits.
I had gsub(/\D/, ''), but I want to keep the first character if it is a "+" (or a digit, of course). I then tried some negation, but this is not right, either: gsub(/^(\+?(\d))/, '').
How can I ignore the first character with regex iff it is a "+"?
How about using a negative lookahead at the beginning:
gsub(/(?!^\+)\D*/, '')
Basically, the above regex should remove any series of non-digits where the first character is not a single '+' character at the beginning of the string.
Hope it helps.
Unless you absolutely have to do it in one gsub, it might be simpler to pull the plus sign out separately. You could use the [] method, with something like:
my_string[/^\+/].to_s + my_string.gsub(/\D/, '')
The to_s is necessary since the method will return nil if the plus sign isn't found.

Ruby regex specify length of captured group

I need to match a string of variable length(between 5 and 12), composed of uppercase letters and one or more digits between 1 and 8.
How can I specify that I need the whole captured group's length to be between 5 and 12?
I have tried with parenthesis but with no luck.
I have tried this
My idea was to use the quantifier {5,12} to limit the length of the captured group between parenthesis, but clearly it doesn't work like that.
The string needs to be identified inside a normal text just like
You actually have two conditions to met:
The length of the match is to be specified with curly brackets {5,12}, and before and after there should be not letters/digits. So:
First, we assure that the lookahead for letters only is negative, then we look for the pattern.
Use positive look-ahead on total size of regex
(?= # look-ahead match start
^.{5,12}$ # 3 to 15 characters from start to end
) # look-ahead match end

regexp match group with the exception of a member of the group

So, there are a number of regular expression which matches a particular group like the following:
/./ - Any character except a newline.
/./m - Any character (the m modifier enables multiline mode)
/\w/ - A word character ([a-zA-Z0-9_])
/\s/ - Any whitespace character
And in ruby:
/[[:punct:]]/ - Punctuation character
/[[:space:]]/ - Whitespace character ([:blank:], newline, carriage return, etc.)
/[[:upper:]]/ - Uppercase alphabetical
So, here is my question: how do I get a regexp to match a group like this, but exempt a character out?
match all punctuations apart from the question mark
match all whitespace characters apart from the new line
match all words apart from "go"... etc
You can use character class subtraction.
The syntax […&&[…]] allows you to use a logical AND on several character classes to ensure that a character is present in them all. Intersecting with a negated character, as in […&&[^…]] allows you to subtract that class from the original class.
Consider this code:
s = "./?!"
res = s.scan(/[[:punct:]&&[^!]]/)
puts res
Output is only ., / and ? since ! is excluded.
Restricting with a lookahead (as sawa has written just now) is also possible, but is not required when you have this subtraction supported. When you need to restrict some longer values (more than 1 character) a lookahead is required.
In many cases, a lookahead must be anchored to a word boundary to return correct results. As an example of using a lookahead to restrict punctuation (single character matching generic pattern):
This will match 1 or more punctuation symbols but a !.
The puts "./?!".scan(/(?:(?!!)[[:punct:]])+/) code will output ./? (see demo)
Use character class subtraction whenever you need to restrict with single characters, it is more efficient than using lookaheads.
So, the 3rd scenario regex must look like:
If you write /(?!\bgo\b)\b\w+\b/, the regex engine will check each position in the input string. If you use a \b at the beginning, only word boundary positions will be checked, and the pattern will yield better performance. Also note that the ^^ \b is very important since it makes the regex engine check for the whole word go. If you remove it, it will only restrict to the words that do not start with go.
Put what you want to exclude inside a negative lookahead in front of the match. For example,
To match all punctuations apart from the question mark,
To match all words apart from "go",
This is a general approach that is sometimes useful:
a = []
".?!,:;-".scan(/[[:punct:]]/) { |s| a << s unless s == '?' }
a #=> [".", "!", ",", ":", ";", "-"]
The content of the block is limited only by your imagination.

Understanding negative look aheads in regular expressions

I want to match urls that do NOT contain the string 'localhost' using Ruby regex
Based on answers and comments here, I put together two solutions, both of which seem to work:
Solution A:
Solution B:
The problem is that I don't understand what they're doing. For example, according to the docs, ^ can be used in various ways:
[^abc] Any single character except: a, b, or c
^ Start of line
But I don't get how it's being applied here.
Can someone breakdown these expressions for me, and how they differ from one another?
In both of your cases, ^ is just the start of the line (since it's not used inside a character class). Since both ^ and the lookahead are zero-width assertions, we can switch them around in the first case - I think that makes it a bit easier to explain:
The ^ anchors the expression to the beginning of the string. The lookahead then starts from that position and tries to find localhost anywhere the string (the "anywhere" is taken care of by the .* in front of localhost). If that localhost can be found, the subexpression of the lookahead matches and therefore the negative lookahead causes the pattern to fail. Since the lookahead is bound to start at the beginning of the string by the adjacent ^ this means, the pattern overall cannot match. If, however the .*localhost does not match (and hence localhost does not occur in the string), the lookahead succeeds, and the .*$ simply takes care of matching the rest of the string.
Now the other one
This time the lookahead only checks at the current position (there is no .* inside it). But the lookahead is repeated for every single character. This way it does check every single position again. Here is roughly what happens: the ^ makes sure that we're starting at the beginning of the string again. The lookahead checks whether the word localhost is found at that position. If not, all is well, and . consumes one character. The * then repeats both of those steps. We are now one character further in the string, and the lookahead checks whether the second character starts the word localhost - again, if not, all is well, and . consumes another character. This is done for every single character in the string, until we reach the end.
In this particular case both methods are equivalent, and you could select one based on performance (if it matters) or readability (if not; probably the first one). However, in other cases the second variant is preferable, because it allows you to do this repetition for a fixed part of the string, whereas the first variant will always check the entire string.
You can get them easily explained online. The first:
(?! look ahead to see if there is not:
.* any character except \n (0 or more times
(matching the most amount possible))
localhost 'localhost'
) end of look-ahead
^ the beginning of the string
.* any character except \n (0 or more times
(matching the most amount possible))
$ before an optional \n, and the end of the
' '
And the second:
^ the beginning of the string
( group and capture to \1 (0 or more times
(matching the most amount possible)):
(?! look ahead to see if there is not:
localhost 'localhost'
) end of look-ahead
. any character except \n
)* end of \1 (NOTE: because you are using a
quantifier on this capture, only the LAST
repetition of the captured pattern will be
stored in \1)
$ before an optional \n, and the end of the
As an aside comment, these two solutions are slow. A better way is to use:
In other words: all characters that are not a l or a l not followed by ocalhost
This will give you a better result since you don't have to check each positions. (For an url like http://localhost:1234/toto this kind of pattern will fail in ~15 steps vs ~50 steps for the two other patterns)
You can improve this pattern using atomic groups and possessive quantifiers to forbid backtracks:
Note that in your particular case you can speed up your pattern considering that you only want to check the host part of the url. Example:
according to the docs, ^ can be used in various ways:
[^abc] Any single character except: a, b, or c
^ Start of line
But I don't get how it's being applied here.
In the regex
The ^ is not inside any brackets, so the second one applies. Here is a trivial example:
That regex says to match the start of the line, followed by the letter x. So it will match lines like this:
However, the regex will not match the lines:
...because the x does not appear directly after the start of the line. You may wonder why 'axb' doesn't match. After all 'a' is the start of the line, and it is followed by an 'x'. However, 'start of the line' is just to the left of the first character, like this:
^ is called a zero-width match because it matches the slim sliver just to the left of the 'a', e.g. between the starting quote mark and the 'a' in "axb". There's not really any space there, so ^ matches something that is 0 width.
Here is another example:
That says to match the character x followed by the start of the line. Well, no line can have an x first and then the start of the line second, so that won't ever match anything.
Now your regex:
Like the 'start of line' ^, a lookahead is zero-width. What that means is that the lookahead scans the string looking for the match, but when it finds the match, it comes back to the beginning of the string, and then looks for the rest of the regex:
One word of advice, when a regex requires lookarounds(lookaheads or lookbehinds), 99% of the time there are easier ways to do what you want. For instance, you could write:
url = "....."
if url.index('http') == 0
#then the line starts with 'http'
#the line doesn't start with http
That's much easier to read, and it doesn't require trying to decipher a complex regex.

How can I write a regex in Ruby that will determine if a string meets this criteria?

How can I write a regex in Ruby 1.9.2 that will determine if a string meets this criteria:
Can only include letters, numbers and the - character
Cannot be an empty string, i.e. cannot have a length of 0
Must contain at least one letter
It goes like
beginning of string
some (or zero) letters, digits and/or dashes
a letter
some (or zero) letters, digits and/or dashes
end of string
I suppose these two will help you: /\A[a-z0-9\-]{1,}\z/i and /[a-z]{1,}/i. The first one checks on first two rules and the second one checks for the last condition.
No regex:
str.count("a-zA-Z") > 0 && str.count("^a-zA-Z0-9-") == 0
You can take a look at this tutorial for how to use regular expressions in ruby. With regards to what you need, you can use the following:
The ^ will instruct the regex engine to start matching from the very beginning of the string.
The [..] will instruct the regex engine to match any one of the characters they contain.
A-Z mean any upper case letter, a-z means any lower case letter and 0-9 means any number.
The \- will instruct the regex engine to match the -. The \ is used infront of it because the - in regex is a special symbol, so it needs to be escaped
The $ will instruct the regex engine to stop matching at the end of the line.
The + instructs the regex engine to match what is contained between the square brackets one or more time.
You can also use the \i flag to make your search case insensitive, so the regex might become something like this:
