Safe shell redirection when command not found - bash

Let's say we have a text file named text (doesn't matter what it contains) in current directory, when I run the command (in Ubuntu 14.04, bash version 4.3.11):
nocommand > text # make sure noommand doesn't exists in your system
It reports a 'command not found' error and it erases the text file! I just wonder if I can avoid the clobber of the file if the command doesn't exist.
I try this command set -o noclobber but the same problem happens if I run:
nocommand >| text # make sure noommand doesn't exists in your system
It seems that bash redirects output before looking for specific command to run. Can anyone give me some advices how to avoid this?

Actually, the shell first looks at the redirection and creates the file. It evaluates the command after that.
Thus what happens exactly is: Because it's a > redirection, it first replaces the file with an empty file, then evaluates a command which does not exist, which produces an error message on stderr and nothing on stdout. It then stores stdout in this file (which is nothing so the file remains empty).
I agree with Nitesh that you simply need to check if the command exists first, but according to this thread, you should avoid using which. I think a good starting point would be to check at the beginning of your script that you can run all the required functions (see the thread, 3 solutions), and abort the script otherwise.

Write to a temporary file first, and only move it into place over the desired file if the command succeeds.
nocommand > tmp.txt && mv tmp.txt text
This avoids errors not only when nocommand doesn't exist, but also when an existing command exits before it can finish writing its output, so you don't overwrite text with incomplete data.
With a little more work, you can clean up the temp file in the event of an error.
{ nocommand > tmp.txt || { rm tmp.txt; false; } } && mv tmp.txt text
The inner command group ensures that the exit status of the outer command group is non-zero so that even if the rm succeeds, the mv command is not triggered.
A simpler command that carries the slight risk of removing the temp file when nocommand succeeds but the mv fails is
nocommand > tmp.txt && mv tmp.txt text || rm tmp.txt

This would write to file only if the pipe sends at least a single character:
nocommand | (
IFS= read -d '' -n 1 || exit
exec >myfile
[[ -n $REPLY ]] && echo -n "$REPLY" || printf '\x00'
exec cat
Or using a function:
function protected_write {
IFS= read -d '' -n 1 || exit
exec >"$1"
[[ -n $REPLY ]] && echo -n "$REPLY" || printf '\x00'
exec cat
nocommand | protected_write myfile
Note that if lastpipe option is enabled, you'll have to place it on a subshell:
nocommand | ( protected_write myfile )
At your option you can also just summon subshell on the function by default:
function protected_write {
IFS= read -d '' -n 1 || exit
exec >"$1"
[[ -n $REPLY ]] && echo -n "$REPLY" || printf '\x00'
exec cat
() summons a subshell. A subshell is a fork and runs on a different process space. In x | y, y is also summoned by default in a subshell unless lastpipe option (try shopt lastpipe) is enabled.
IFS= read -d '' -n 1 waits for a single character (see help read) and would return zero code when it reads one which bypasses exit.
exec >"$1" redirects stdout to file. This makes everything that prints to stdout print to file instead.
Everything besides \x00 when read is stored in REPLY that is why we do printf '\x00' when REPLY has null (empty) value.
exec cat replaces the subshell's process with cat which would send everything that it receives to the file and finish the remaining job. See help exec.

If you do:
set -o noclobber
invalidcmd > myfile
if myfile exists in current path then you will get:
-bash: myfile: cannot overwrite existing file

Check using "which" command
#!/usr/bin/env bash
command_name="npm2" # Add your command here
command=`which $command_name`
if [ -z "$command" ]; then #if command exists go ahead with your logic
echo "Command not found"
else # Else fallback
echo "$command"
Hope this helps


How to get exit codes for different sections of a command in bash

Let's say I have a line in my bash script with ssh bad#location "find -name 'fruit.txt' | grep "Apple" and I'm trying to retrieve the exit codes of ssh, find . -name 'fruit.txt', and "grep "Apple` to see which command went bad.
So far, I've tried something like echo $? ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ${PIPESTATUS[1]}, but it looks like $? returns the same thing as ${PIPESTATUS[0]} in this case. I only need to return the first non-zero exit code along with dmesg for debugging purposes.
I've also considered using set -o pipefail, which will return a failure exit code if any command errors, but I'd like to somehow know which command failed for debugging.
I'd like either get an exit code of 255 (from ssh) and its corresponding dmesg, or somehow get all of the exit codes.
ssh only returns one exit status (per channel) to the calling shell; if you want to get exit status for the individual pipeline components it ran remotely, you need to collect them remotely, put them in with the data, and then parse them back out. One way to do that, if you have a very new version of bash, is like so:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# note <<'EOF' not just <<EOF; with the former, the local shell does not munge
# heredoc contents.
remote_script=$(cat <<'EOF'
tempfile=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/output.XXXXXX"); mktemp_rc=$?
find -name 'fruit.txt' | grep Apple >"$tempfile"
printf '%s\0' "$mktemp_rc" "${PIPESTATUS[#]}"
cat "$tempfile"
rm -f -- "$tempfile"
exit 0 # so a bad exit status will be from ssh itself
# note that collecting a process substitution PID needs bash 4.4!
exec {ssh_fd}< <(ssh bad#location "$remote_script" </dev/null); ssh_pid=$!
IFS= read -r -d '' mktemp_rc <&$ssh_fd # read $? of mktemp
IFS= read -r -d '' find_rc <&$ssh_fd # read $? of find
IFS= read -r -d '' grep_rc <&$ssh_fd # read $? of grep
cat <&$ssh_fd # spool output of grep to our own output
wait "$ssh_pid"; ssh_rc=$? # let ssh finish and read its $?
echo "mktemp exited with status $mktemp_rc" >&2
echo "find exited with status $find_rc" >&2
echo "grep exited with status $grep_rc" >&2
echo "ssh exited with status $ssh_rc" >&2
How does this work?
exec {fd_var_name}< <(...) uses the bash 4.1 automatic file descriptor allocation feature to generate a file descriptor number, and associate it with content read from the process substitution running ....
In bash 4.4 or newer, process substitutions also set $!, so their PIDs can be captured, to later wait for them and collect their exit status; this is what we're storing in ssh_pid.
IFS= read -r -d '' varname reads from stdin up to the next NUL (in read -d '', the first character of '' is treated as the end of input; as an empty string in a C-derived language, the first byte of the string is its NUL terminator).
This could theoretically be made easier by writing the output before the exit status values -- you wouldn't need a temporary file on the remote machine that way -- but the caveat there is that if there were a NUL anywhere in the find | grep output, then some of that output could be picked up by the reads. (Similarly, you could store output in a variable instead of a temporary file, but again, that would destroy any NULs in the stream's output).

bash: pgrep in a commad substition

I want to build a small script (called that checks if a certain process $PROC_NAME is running. If it does, it returns its PID or -1 otherwise.
My idea is to use pgrep -f <STRING> in a command substitution.
If I run this code directly in the command line:
export ARG1=foo_name
export RES=$(pgrep -f ${ARG1})
if [[ $RES == "" ]]; then echo "-1" ; else echo "$RES"; fi
everything goes fine: PID or -1 depending on the process status.
My script contains the same lines plus an extra variable to pass the process' name :
export ARG1=$1
export RES=$(pgrep -f ${ARG1})
if [[ $RES == "" ]]; then echo "-1" ; else echo "$RES"; fi
But this code does not work!
If the process is currently running I get two PIDs (the process' PID and something else...), whereas when I check a process that is not running I get the something else !
I am puzzled. Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
If you add the -a flag to pgrep inside your script, you can see something like that (I ran ./ vlc):
17295 /usr/bin/vlc --started-from-file ~/test.mkv
18252 /bin/bash ./ vlc
So the "something else" is the pid of the running script itself.
The pgrep manual explains the -f flag:
The pattern is normally only matched against the process name. When -f is set, the full command line is used.
Obviously, the script command line contain the lookup process name ('vlc') as an argument, hence it appears at the pgrep -f result.
If you're looking just for the process name matches you can remove the -f flag and get your desired result.
If you wish to stay with the -f flag, you can filter out the current pid:
TMP=$(pgrep -f ${ARG1})
RES=$(echo "${TMP}" | grep -v $$)
if [[ $RES == "" ]]; then echo "-1" ; else echo "${RES}"; fi

Replacing 'source file' with its content, and expanding variables, in bash

In a,
how can I replace the source *.sh with their content (without executing the commands)?
I would like to see what the bash interpreter executes after sourcing the files and expanding all variables.
I know I can use set -n -v or run bash -n -v 2>, but that would not replace the source commands (and even less if or contain variables).
I thought of using a subshell, but that still doesn't expand the source lines. I tried a combination of set +n +v and set -n -v before and after the source lines, but that still does not work.
I'm going to send that output to a remote machine using ssh.
I could use << to pipe the content into the ssh command, but I can't log as root onto the remote machine, but I am however a sudoer.
Therefore, I thought I could create the script and send it as a base64-encoded string (using that clever trick )
base64 script | ssh remotehost 'base64 -d | sudo bash'
Is there a solution?
Or do you have a better idea?
You can do something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while read line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ (\.|source)\s+.+ ]]; then
file="$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2)"
echo "$(cat $file)"
echo "$line"
done < "$1"
Note this assumes the sourced files exist, and doesn't handle errors. You should also handle possible hashbangs. If the sourced files contain themselves source, you need to apply the script recursively, e.g. something like (not tested):
while egrep -q '^(source|\.)'; do
bash >
Let's test it
echo cc
echo "$var_a $var_b"
echo aa
echo bb
echo aa
echo bb
echo cc
echo "$var_a $var_b"
bash | bash
stack overflow
BTW, if you just want to see what bash executes, you can run
bash -x [script]
or remotely
ssh user#host -t "bash -x [script]"

"allowed" operations in bash read while loop

I have a file text.txt which contains two lines.
first line
second line
I am trying to loop in bash using following loop:
while read -r LINE || [[ -n "$LINE" ]]; do
# sed -i 'some command' somefile
echo "echo something"
echo "$LINE"
if ! sh ; then
echo "operation failed"
done <file.txt
When calling only the first line is processed, however when commenting it out all two lines are processed. does all kind of stuff, like starting processes, sqlplus, starting WildFly etc.
./bin/ | tee $SOME_LOGFILE &
whenever sqlerror exit 1;
whenever oserror exit 2;
nohup $SERVER_DIR/bin/ -c $WILDFLY_PROFILE -u >/dev/null 2>&1 &
My question is if there are some operations which are not supposed to be called in and in the loop (it may as well take 10 minutes to finish, is this a good idea at all?) which may break that loop.
The script is called using Jenkins and the Publish over SSH Plugin. When is called on its own, there are no problems.
You should close or redirect stdin for the other commands you run, to stop them reading from the file. eg:
sh </dev/null

What does && do in redirecting an output to a file?

I found a bash script that lists all files with a blank line at the beginning or end of the file.
for f in `find . -type f`; do
for t in head tail; do
$t -1 $f |egrep '^[ ]*$' >/dev/null && echo "blank line at the $t of $f" ;
I would like to pass the output to a file. I changed the echo line to:
$t -1 $f |egrep '^[ ]*$' >/dev/null && echo "blank line at the $t of $f" > blank_lines.log
But this didn't work.
I would like to ask what the symbol && does and why the above line does not pass the output to the file.
This does not redirect output it adds another command to execute if and only if the first one succeeded. I.e command1 && command2 means execute command1 and if it is successful execute command2. Also the result of executing this statement is success if and only if both commands succeeded.
The reason the redirect doesn't work is that you used > to redirect output. This erases the file before writing the command's output to it, meaning that you'll only ever see the last thing written to it. To fix this, either use >> to append (although you may need to truncate the file at the beginning to prevent the output from multiple runs of the script accumulating), or redirect output for the entire loop.
BTW, the for ... find construct you're using to iterate over files will fail horribly if any filenames have spaces or other funny characters in them. It's much better to use find ... -print0 | while IFS= read -d $'\0' ... (and then use double-quotes around $f):
find . -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -d $'\0' f; do
for t in head tail; do
$t -1 "$f" |egrep '^[ ]*$' >/dev/null && echo "blank line at the $t of $f"
done > blank_lines.log
It's a short-circuited 'and' operator. It takes no part in output redirection.
In this context, it performs the right hand side only if the left hand side succeeded. I.e. it only prints out 'blank line at the ...' if there was indeed a blank line reported by egrep.
As mentioned by the other guys && is a short-circuited and operator:
command1 && command2
executes command1 and, if that command did run without errors (exit code 0) executes command2. It then returns the exit code of command2.
echo "foo" > /dev/null && echo "bar" > tmp.txt
does work, so the reason your script does not work should be something else.
Perhaps try executing the
$t -1 $f |egrep '^[ ]*$' >/dev/null && echo "blank line at the $t of $f" > blank_lines.log
line without the variables and the for loop.
