cordova Hybrid APP build error with vs2013 - installation

I tried build blank cordova hybrid app with vs2013 , but got some error
(1) Cannot find module 'lru-cache'
(2) The command ""C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\vs-mda\vs-cli" prepare --platform Android --configuration Debug --projectDir . --projectName "BlankCordovaApp2"" exited with code 8.
What's i missing?
Dev Tool : vs2013 up2 and install cordova perview
OS : win 8.1

Do you know if the project build was interrupted midway?
This looks like a node acquisition issue. If any of you run into this issue, could you run npm install lru-cache and let us know if that fixes it?


STRIPPRIVATESYMBOLS : error : EC_FORMAT when building windows

I'm trying to build a project for windows using cordova build windows --arch="x86" and I got this error
STRIPPRIVATESYMBOLS : error : EC_FORMAT [D:\my-project\platforms\windows\CordovaApp.Windows.jsproj]
Everything is ok when I build Android version.
I'm using VS2015, node 4.3.1 and npm 5.0.4.
I also have VS2012 installed on my computer for other projects
Has anyone run into the same problem ? Please tell me if you need further information
Thank you

Ionic trouble: can't build to android

I've got an Ionic 3.4 project and trying to build it to Android for testing purposes.
I installed Android Studio and the Android SDK, aswell Java 8. Then did:
ionic cordova platform add android
Then, when I write...
ionic build android
... I get the following error:
cordova build android ✖ Running command - failed!
[ERROR] Cordova encountered an error.
You may get more insight by running the Cordova command above directly.
[ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova build android (exit
code 1):
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_121
Error: Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio,
or on your system to install the gradle wrapper. Please include gradle
in your path, or install Android Studio
What's going on? I also installed Gradle 4.0 into the Java folder, and pointed towards it in the GRADLE_HOME environment variable:
Value: C:\Program Files\Java\gradle-4.0
Also added the following to the path:
But it still throws the same error... I don't think it's a problem with plugins, but with the Ionic/Cordova build system. What I don't understand, is why it needs Gradle when it's perfectly working in Android Studio, maybe it's because it's not in C:/, but a different disk? Any ideas?
(Assuming Windows 10)
open Start Menu, type path and hit Enter
System Properties will open. On the bottom click Environment Variables...
In the window that opens, on the bottom section named System Variables, double click Path
Click New and copy paste the path to your gradle installation
Make sure the path environment variable points to the bin folder of gradle like so: export PATH="$PATH:/home/jeffbl/android-studio/gradle/gradle-3.2/bi‌​n".
If that doesn't work try:
$ cordova platform rm android && cordova platform add && cordova build
If that doesn't work then use the SDK manager to downgrade to an earlier version of your SDK. It might be that there is no graddle wrapper out yet for the latest.
In any case you will find the answer to your problem in this github issue.
Ok, I already fixed it. And the fix is weird as hell, but well, at least it works.
Solution: uninstall Android Studio and install it in the main drive (C in my case). Everything began to work perfectly after this clean install.

IOS emulator working app is not installed on it

I have started the IOS emulator through apache cordova CLI and it works, says the build is successful. I can interact with the emulator however my app is not installed on it?
Is there a command that im missing to install my app on this emulated device?
To build
cordova build ios
To run in emulator
cordova emulate ios
To run in device
cordova run ios
It might be a bug in Cordova CMD. Try the following commands from your project root directory:
1) cordova build --emulator
2) ios-sim launch platforms/ios/build/emulator/<your_app_name>.app --devicetypeid ", 8.1"
If you don't have ios-sim install it: npm install -g ios-sim

Cordova Windows Project Setup

I have created a new cordova windows application (not WP8) using CLI.
I followed the following procedure,
cordova create xyz com.compname.wxyz XYZ<br>
cd xyz<br>
cordova platform add windows<br>
cordova plugin add blah! blah! blah!<br>
cordova build windows<br>
cordova run windows<br>
When i run the above codes in command promp everything runs fine until "cordova build windows", but when i run "cordova run windows" it shows a lot of errors,
Error: Could not install the package.<br>
Starting application...<br>
Get-AppxPackage : The package repository is corrupted.<br>
The package repository is corrupted.<br>
when i try to run the project it says error log as,
Error 1 Error : DEP0600 : The following unexpected error occurred during deployment: <br>
The package repository is corrupted.<br>
The package repository is corrupted. CordovaApp.Windows80<br>
Does anyone have any idea what is going on or can someone tell me how to successfully create a new cordova windows project using CLI or manually.
Thank you.
I'm assuming you have Microsoft Visual Studio installed and you're running on a Windows 8 system?
What happens when you open the solution in Visual Studio?
I guess this is because your deployment environment you targeting is not being recognized by the deploying platform you are using.
in short your device in which you want to deploy the appxBundle is not being identified by your computer.
I hope this helps...
Tell me you want to deploy it on windows which OS version.
1) windows 10 [ARM/x86]
2) windows 8.1 [ARM/x86]
Let me know if it helps.

ionic build android doesn't do anything

I am trying to set up ionic in my Windows 7 machine. I follow the steps here
When i do the step, ionic add platform android, it does nothing. ionic platform android tries to download cordova-android but not sure if its fine. Below are my console logs. Can someone help me how to solve this issues.
C:\inv-mob\todo>ionic platform android
npm http GET
C:\inv-mob\todo>ionic build android
reinstalling the android sdk worked.
