JavaFX. How to run processing from terminal OSX - macos

I need to batch process a number of processing sketch files from my JavaFX application. The following code, below, works on Windows. I would like to get it running on a Mac, but not sure how.
My workflow is as follows:
//as the user for the processing-java.exe file
processingJavaProrgramFile = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(stage);
if (processingJavaProrgramFile != null) {
processingJavaProrgramPath = processingJavaProrgramFile.getPath();
//ask the user for the processing sketch folder
processingSketchDir = directoryChooser.showDialog(stage);
if (processingSketchDir != null) {
sketchPath = processingSketchDir.getPath();
//java run time exec method to compile sketch in user folder using through processing-java.exe
processingJavaProrgramPath +
" --force --run --sketch=" +
sketchPath + " --output=" +
sketchPath+File.separator +
How do I get it to run on Mac? For one, the Mac version does not have a processing-java.exe. Should it be a different workflow? If so, how do I let the application know whether it is running on a Windows or a Mac OS so that it runs the appropriate method?

Ok found the solution to both my questions.
To get the OS type, I used method here
To run processing with same code on the mac, I need to:
from processing, go to tools menu and install "processing-java". This install it into the system somehow. So in the Mac case, users do not need to select the path where processing-java is like in Windows (select the processing-java.exe). On the mac, users would only need to select the output folder.


Electron Windows Production Bundle Command Line Arguments

I'm building an Electron App using electron-builder on macOS.
In my code I access the command line args like this:
const cmd =;
const val = cmd.hasSwitch('myArg')
? cmd.getSwitchValue('myArg')
: undefined;
This works fine for the production build on macOS when providing the arguments:
./ --myArg=foo
// or:
open --args -myArg=foo
But on Windows I can't get it working.
Here's what I tried using cmd.exe:
my-electron-app.exe --myArg=foo
my-electron-app.exe -myArg=foo
my-electron-app.exe /myArg=foo
my-electron-app.exe myArg=foo
When logging electron.remote.process.argv[1] I can see the passed arguments on macOS and Windows, but hasSwitch and getSwitchValue won't give me the value.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there a better way to get cross platform command line arguments working?
I'm gonna take a guess that this is because of the capital letters in your switch. See this closed issue:
This is intentional. The hasSwitch API is a direct wrapper of the Chromium CommandLine class, which behaves this way on purpose.
From Chromium source:
Switch names must be lowercase.
Though it's not totally clear to me yet why Mac doesn't suffer from the same problem.

GoLand setting terminal cells doesn't work

I'm using the tcell library to display terminal cell graphics.
While writing this project in GoLand, I've noticed that using a normal run configuration and running the program in the integrated terminal, I'm not seeing the cells getting set as intended, despite tcell not giving any errors.
package main
import (
func main() {
screen, err := tcell.NewScreen()
if err != nil {
err = screen.Init()
if err != nil {
screen.SetCell(0, 0, tcell.StyleDefault, 'X')
screen.SetCell(1, 0, tcell.StyleDefault, 'X')
screen.SetCell(1, 1, tcell.StyleDefault, 'X')
screen.SetCell(10, 10, tcell.StyleDefault, 'X')
GoLand output:
The program works as expected when running through cmd:
How can I set a run configuration in GoLand to run my program in cmd, or some other form of terminal that will allow me to set cells like this?
Open Help | Find Action...
Type Registry and hit Enter.
Find there and turn it on.
Please, keep in mind that it can cause problems with run configurations like failing green tests or vice versa, never finishing debug sessions, and so on. If you notice weird IDE behavior related to console output, please disable the registry option back.
I'm not sure if points on Y-axis do display properly inside the Run window.
I guess GoLands terminal is a fake terminal without real cursor addressability. There may not be a good solution if that is the case.
I’m the author of tcell and I use goland but I confess I always run my test programs in a real terminal rather than in the toy terminal that the IDE provides. This is true whether I use goland, visual studio code, or even the venerable emacs.
By using a new Batch run configuration, you can run a batch file to build the program, then run the program in a new cmd window.
In the run configuration in GoLand, set "Working directory" to the main package directory. Then set the script to a new batch file.
Here is the code in my batch file for my package client
go build
start cmd /C client.exe
Running this configuration will build the package, then run the program in a new external cmd window where the cells display properly.
This solution isn't great, because most of the advantages of the GoLand run configuration system are lost, including debugging, process management (stop / restart), and other build options.
Does anyone have a better solution?

How to display command history with jline3?

I want the most recent command entered to be displayed when the user presses the up arrow key.
The Terminal is defined like this (Scala code):
val terminal: Terminal =
The LineReader is defined like this:
def reader(parser: Parser, terminal: Terminal): LineReader = {
val lineReader: LineReader = LineReaderBuilder.builder
.variable(LineReader.HISTORY_FILE, historyFile)
.history(new DefaultHistory())
Update: I found that the above actually works on some consoles, not others. I am still discovering what works and what does not. Any insight would be appreciated.
This is supposed to work out-of-the box. If you have an issue with a specific terminal, please report which exact terminal you use. For what it's worth, this can't work from inside build tools (gradle, maven) or IDE (Eclipse, Intellij IDEA).

Meteor and graphicsMagic on Windows

I'm trying to run meteor app developed under MacOS on Windows.
Have this problem:
WARNING: cfs:graphicsmagick could not find "graphicsMagic" or
"imageMagic" on the system.
I just checked PATH to see if I could find the GraphicsMagick or
ImageMagic unix/mac os/windows binaries on your system, I failed.
1. I may be blind or naive, help making me smarter
2. You havent added the path to the binaries
3. You havent actually installed GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick
* Make sure "$PATH" environment is configured "PATH:/path/to/binaries" *
Installation hints:
* Mac OS X "brew install graphicsmagick" or "brew install imagemagick"
* Linux download rpm or use packagemanager
* Centos "yum install GraphicsMagick"* Windows download the installer and run
I've installed GraphicsMagick and ImageMagic, checked PATH.
In cmd gm command runs GraphicsMagick, but still this problem remain in meteor.
The cfs:graphicsmagick module is designed to work on windows. This is the script that looks for graphicsmagick. I've modified it to work with node and increased the verbosity to help you debug the issue:
var graphicsmagick = false;
var imagemagick = false;
var fs = require("fs"); //or Npm.require("fs") if you're running this script with meteor
// Split the path by : for linux
// Split the path by ; for windows
var sep = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? ';' : ':';
var binaryPaths = process.env['PATH'].split(sep);
// XXX: we should properly check if we can access the os temp folder - since
// gm binaries are using this and therefore may fail?
// XXX: we could push extra paths if the `gm` library check stuff like:
// $MAGIC_HOME The current version does not check there
// $MAGICK_HOME (GraphicsMagick docs)
// We check to see if we can find binaries
for (var i = 0; i < binaryPaths.length; i++) {
var binPath = binaryPaths[i];
console.log("Looking in", binPath)
// If we have not found GraphicsMagic
if (!graphicsmagick) {
// Init
var gmPath = path.join(binPath, 'gm');
var gmExePath = path.join(binPath, 'gm.exe');
// Check to see if binary found
graphicsmagick = fs.existsSync(gmPath) || fs.existsSync(gmExePath);
// If GraphicsMagic we dont have to check for ImageMagic
// Since we prefer GrapicsMagic when selecting api
if (!graphicsmagick && !imagemagick) {
// Init paths to check
var imPath = path.join(binPath, 'convert');
var imExePath = path.join(binPath, 'convert.exe');
// Check to see if binary found
imagemagick = fs.existsSync(imPath) || fs.existsSync(imExePath);
console.log("Found GraphicsMagick", graphicsmagick)
console.log("Found ImageMagick", imagemagick)
When you run it it will give you a path that it is looking in, in the through all PATH variables from the environment variable.
Look for the imagemagick installation you have and check that it matches up. If you run the script with Meteor make sure to change Npm.require("fs") from require('fs').
The check is very thorough looking for the gm.exe or convert.exe, if you have it installed you will have to find out why it is not being detected.

How do we manually fix "ResourceRules.plist: cannot read resources" error after xcode 6.1 upgrade?

We are having the same issue found here, here, here and here
Basically we upgraded to xcode 6.1 and our build are getting the "ResourceRules.plist: cannot read resources" error.
We have a Jenkins server that does our ios builds for us. We are using the Xcode plugin on Jenkins to do the actual build and signing. Any thoughts on how we can make this change without manually opening xcode and doing this solution found on the other answers:
Click on your project > Targets > Select your target > Build Settings >
Code Signing Resource Rules Path
and add :
I'm very new to Xcode and iOS build in general. I have found the project.pbxproj file inside the Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj file. It looks like this contains the build settings under the /* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */ section it lists what looks like similar build properties foundin Xcode, however I do not see anything like "Code Signing Resource Rules Path".
Does anyone have experience manually editing this file? Is that a bad idea in general?
If you're using Jenkins with the XCode plugin, you can modify the 'Code Signing Resource Rules Path' variable by adding:
to the
'Custom xcodebuild arguments' setting for the XCode plugin.
This fix does not require the XCode GUI.
I encountered the same problem. Nicks solution does work, but is requiring additional dependencies. You don't need the heavy-handed npm xcode module for this. Just add a line to this file:
Note that before XCode 6.1.1, this needed to be specified as "$(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist" (notice the quotes).
If you are running this inside automated build systems such as Jenkins and wont't/can't use any XCode GUI, just create a small Cordova hook, leveraging npm's fs.appendFile, at this location:
$PROJECT_ROOT/hooks/before_build/ios_resourcerules.js (make sure it has chmod +x)
#! /usr/local/bin/node
var fs = require("fs");
fs.appendFileSync('build.xcconfig', '\nCODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH = $(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist', function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH added to Cordova iOS build configuration.');
This will might be merged in an upcoming Cordova release, so the hook will become unnecessary (i'm creating a see this PR for Cordova-iOS).
In case the above JavaScript snippet fails to execute due to a "wrong argument" failure, replace the file's content as follows:
if [ ! -f ./build.xcconfig ]; then
echo "[ERROR] hook befor_build/ cannot execute, ./build/xcconfig not found in $PWD"
exit 1
echo '// (CB-7872) Solution for XCode 6.1 signing errors related to resource envelope format deprecation' >> ./build.xcconfig
echo 'CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH=$(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist' >> ./build.xcconfig
echo 'CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH added to Cordova iOS build configuration.'
If you want to get really crazy, you can directly update PackageApplication.
# In /Applications/
my #codesign_args = ("/usr/bin/codesign", "--force", "--preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules",
"--sign", $opt{sign},
# OLD: "--resource-rules=$destApp/ResourceRules.plist");
I was already hacking this script to accept a keychain arg, so it made sense for me. Note I'm not using the Xcode Jenkins plugin -- I'm using Jenkins but running all the build commands from a script.
After the new release of XCode 7 on 23rd Sept 2015, Apple started rejecting any application that is using CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH, making the Jenkins build automatically rejected. However, setting CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH=$(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist into the Custom xcodebuild arguments causes a build failure.
This answer resolved the issue:
This is clearly a bug that Apple forgot to fix a while ago, as this article is also highlighting:
I had EXACTLY the same problem, as you have. We are building our iOS app on Jenkins, so we couldn't manually set "Code Signing Resource Rules Path".
I have wrote a small NodeJS file which does the job for me (see the code below).
The script use a nice NodeJS package called xcode which helps me with the parsing of the xcode.xcodeproj file.
I don't know if you are using Cordova/Phonegap or what you are using, but if you are can just copy the code and make a Cordova hook. If not I'm sure you can execute the file from Jenkins, with some small changes.
Anyways, I hope this script will help you:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH = '"$(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist"';
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var xcode = require('xcode');
var projectRoot = process.argv[2];
function getProjectName(protoPath) {
var cordovaConfigPath = path.join(protoPath, 'www', 'config.xml');
var content = fs.readFileSync(cordovaConfigPath, 'utf-8');
return /<name>([\s\S]*)<\/name>/mi.exec(content)[1].trim();
function run(projectRoot) {
var projectName = getProjectName(projectRoot);
var xcodeProjectName = projectName + '.xcodeproj';
var xcodeProjectPath = path.join(projectRoot, 'platforms', 'ios', xcodeProjectName, 'project.pbxproj');
var xcodeProject;
if (!fs.existsSync(xcodeProjectPath)) {
xcodeProject = xcode.project(xcodeProjectPath);
console.log('Setting Code Sign Resource Rules Path for ' + projectName + ' to: [' + CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH + '] ...');
console.log('An error occured during parsing of [' + xcodeProjectPath + ']: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
var configurations = nonComments(xcodeProject.pbxXCBuildConfigurationSection());
for (config in configurations) {
var buildSettings = configurations[config].buildSettings;
fs.writeFileSync(xcodeProjectPath, xcodeProject.writeSync(), 'utf-8');
console.log('[' + xcodeProjectPath + '] now has Code Signing Resource Rules Path set to:[' + CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH + '] ...');
var COMMENT_KEY = /_comment$/;
function nonComments(obj) {
var keys = Object.keys(obj),
newObj = {}, i = 0;
for (i; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (!COMMENT_KEY.test(keys[i])) {
newObj[keys[i]] = obj[keys[i]];
return newObj;
We are using Unity + Jenkins for auto builds.
You can achieve with post process cs scripts; however; for quick (and dirty fix) you can apply following bash command after Unity but before xcode:
sed -i '' 's/CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH = "\$(SDKROOT)\/ResourceRules\.plist";\'$'\n CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/g' /Users/admin/Jenkins/workspace/PROJECTNAME/Build/PROJECTNAME/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
