How to set phpdocumenter INFO displaying? - phpdoc

I'm using phpdocumenter, but since I puppetized it again I get for every file it inspects a line saying:
[2014-07-23 09:12:24] phpDocumentor.INFO: Parsing /home/kramer65/my-project/ClassMapper.php [] []
Although I don't think it does any harm, it's really annoying because it clogs up the output. Any ideas how to turn that off?
All tips are welcome!

No... phpDocumentor 2.x does not have a "--quiet" option like 1.x had.


Use Flyspell-prog-mode with go-autocomplete

Using flyspell-prog-mode in emacs causes go-automplete to choke. Is there anyway I can make these two modes play nicely together?
I have researched using another spell checker but did not find one that has same capabilities as flyspell (i.e only check comments and strings, and do it on the fly). Any tips most appreciated, thanks
This is a general issue with auto-complete. Just do
after setting up auto-complete.
jpkotta was correct. Complete solution for reference was:
(with-eval-after-load 'go-mode
(require 'go-autocomplete)

How to disable Sonar-Check in codes

Some lines of codes don't need to be checked by Sonar ( How can I just disable checking on these lines? Is there any way like just addding annotation "#" to make these lines invisible for Sonar? Thank you!
There are several ways. See FrequentlyAskedQuestions-NOSONAR and further down that page to see both a comment (//NOSONAR) and annotation (#SuppressWarnings) options, as well as some other ways to disable checking.
From official docs:
How do I get rid of issues that are False-Positives?
False-Positive and Won't Fix You can mark individual issues False Positive or Won't Fix through the issues interface. If you're using
Short-lived branch and PR analysis provided by the Developer Edition,
issues marked False Positive or Won't Fix will retain that status
after merge. This is the preferred approach.
//NOSONAR Most language analyzers support the use of the generic mechanism: //NOSONAR at the end of the line of the issue. This will
suppress the all issues - now and in the future - that might be raised
on the line.

Python syntax error with "else"

I am using IDLE and Python 2.7. I am new to python and programming in general so sorry if this is extremely newbish, which it probably is.
Anyway, I'm following along and taking notes with python video and I was using IDLE and I keep getting this syntax error . I tried moving "else:" back to see if that was the problem but that didn't help. Just giving me a hint would help lol, thanks.
White space is significant in loops and if-else in python, I believe you wanted something like
if sister_age > brother_age:
print("Sister is older")
print("Brother is older")
I solve your problem and solution is very just have to start the else part from the start of IDLE like i have done you will get your desirable output .

How to debug Octopress markdown source files?

I use Octopress for blogging. Generally it works well except one occassion -- after typing rake generate, I got depressing output which says something like:
psych.rb:203:in `parse': (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 3 column 6 (Psych::SyntaxError)
I can't remember how many times I've encounterd this situation. Every time I google the key words above, but got nothing help.
What I can do is to exclude all the source files (*.mkd) from _posts, and add them one by one to check which one goes wrong. I keep checking, and finally it turns out that a minor grammer mistake makes octopress angry.
Life should NOT be that hard. So is it possible to debug a octopress source file to show which line of file is incorrect in grammer? The outputs from rake generate don't make sense at all.
The reason could be wrong JAML in the top part of the post (e.g. ':' in the title), see for more info.
I've seen a similar error ("mapping values are not allowed in this context") when I try to convert markdown files, using Pandoc. Perhaps your error message is coming from pandoc somehow?
Don't bother to debug Octopress. Please migrate to Pelican -- a Python-powered static site generator. It is full-featured, easy to use, and no doubt, generating useful debug information.

How to detect if an element exists in Watir

I'm relatively new to Watir but can find no good documentation (examples) regarding how to check if an element exists. There are the API specs, of course, but these make precious little sense to me if I don't find an example.
I've tried both combinations but nothing seems to work...
if browser.image (:src "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists
if browser.image (:src "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists?
If anyone has a concrete suggestion as per how to implement this, please help! Thanks!
It seems you are missing a comma between parameters.
Should be
if browser.image(:src, "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists?
Also you can find this page useful in future to know what attributes are supported.
The code you posted should work just fine.
Edit: Oops, wrong. As Katmoon pointed out, there is a missing comma.
browser.image(:src "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists?
One problem you may get caught up in is if the browser variable you specified is actually an element that doesn't exist.
b = Watir::IE.start(ipAddress)
b.frame(:name, "doesntExist).image(:src "/media/images/icons/reviewertools/editreview.jpg").exists?
The above code will throw a Watir::UnknownFrameException. You can get around this by first verifying the frame exists or by surrounding the code in a begin/rescue block.
Seems like you are using it correctly. Here is an old RDoc of Watir.
Does it not work because Watir cannot find it? Hard to tell because there is no source or link to the page that is being tested. I think that I only use image.exists?. In general, errors that come from when the image exists but is not found are:
The how is not compatible with the element type. There is a cheatsheet to help you see which object types can be found with different attributes here.
The what is not correct. You may have to play with that a little bit. Consider trying a regex string to match it such as browser.image(:src, /editreview.jpg/). As a last resort, maybe use element_by_xpath, but there are maintenance costs with that.
The location is not correct. Maybe the element is in a frame or something like that. browser.frame("detail").image(:src, /editreview.jpg/).
Try those, but please let me know what worked. One more thing, what are you checking for? If it's part of the test criteria, you can handle it that way. If you need to click on it, then forget the .exists? and just click on it. Ruby will let you know if it's not there. If you need it to be grace, learn about begin/rescue.
Good luck,
