kendoui menu filter / form - kendo-ui

I would like to have a button and when the user clicks on it a filter form pops down just below the button. I would like to utilize Kendo UI controls to achieve the effect.
In fact, what I need is almost exactly the 'filtering' that can be found on this example:
However, I'm not dealing with a grid of data so I can't use that example above.

There are different possible implementations. Here I will describe one based on kendoWindow since then you have a lot of possible customizations for that filtering form.
This is the HTML that includes the button:
This is the container that includes a
<button id="filter" class="k-button">Filter</button>
that is used to display a form
And then you define the HTML form. Example:
<div id="form">
<div>Filtering value:<input data-role="autocomplete"/></div>
<button class="k-button">Filter</button>
Doing the form initialization is:
var form = $("#form").kendoWindow({
title : "Filter",
visible : false,
modal : false,
draggable: false
Where initially we set the form as not visible.
You can define it as modal, draggable or even define the opening and closing effect.
Finally, for opening and placing the form just bellow the button you should:
$("#filter").on("click", function(e) {
// Find clicked button
var button = $(e.currentTarget);
// and get its position
var pos = button.offset();
// shift down the form to open by the height of the button + 5px (margin) += button.outerHeight() + 5;
// Apply positioning to the form
// display form;
You can see this here :


How to find selected tab on KendoTabStrip on page load?

I am using Kendo UI MVC and i have a kendoTabStrip on acshtml page. By default I am selecting the first tab on page load. All other tabs are loaded dynamically using AJAX.
Issue: I am trying to find the selected tab so i can find its children?
one way to find active tab is by calling select() method without parameter, or anotherway is by checking classname 'k-state-active' however both methods doesnt work
<section class="tpt-tabstrip">
.Items(items =>
foreach (var revision in Model.MyCollection)
.LoadContentFrom("MyActionMethod", "MyController", Model.ID);
<script src="~/Scripts/MyScript.js"></script>
Note that above in cshtml that the script tag is at the end of the page.
Below is the script code
var tabStrip = $("#MyTabStrip").getKendoTabStrip();
if (tabStrip != null && tabStrip.tabGroup.length > 0) {; // this line is getting executed for sure
// the line below returns -1 here why?????
var index =;
// another way to find active tab is by checkikng class name 'k-state-active' however it didnt work either.
// jQuery couldnt find any element with class 'k-state-active'
The activate event of tabstrip would not work for me because it get fired each time i select tab. I need an event which gets fired only once. Ultimately i want to find NumericTextBox controls on selected tab and attach 'change' event handlers to those controls. like below
var tabStrip = $('#MyTabStrip').data("kendoTabStrip");
tabStrip.bind('activate', function (e) {
here the change event handler will get attach to NumericTextBox everytime i select the tab
$('.k-state-active') works fine it will return the two elements from DOM. You are trying to select element in $(document).ready that's the reason you are not getting element as tab control is not rendered yet.
Try to write your code onActivate event of kendo tab strip control.
OnActivate event is triggered after a tab is being made visible and its animation complete. Before Q2 2014 this event was invoked after tab show, but before the end of the animation. This event is triggered only for tabs with associated content.
See more at
1st Tab name
<li class="k-item k-state-default k-first k-tab-on-top k-state-active" role="tab" aria-controls="RoleTabs-1" style="" aria-selected="true">
<span class="k-loading k-complete k-progress"></span>
<a class="k-link">Tab Name</a>
2nd Tab Content
<div class="k-content k-state-active" id="RoleTabs-1" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: auto; opacity: 1;" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="true">

Kendo UI kendoWindow - Causes Javascript show function to stop working

I have a Kendo window created using kendoWindow, which is called on a div. This correctly shows this div in a Kendo Window. If at some later point I then try to simply show the div using the show function, to make it appear on the page instead of in a window,
which worked perfectly fine before creating the Kendo
Window, the show doesn't work. How do I get it to show the div?
if (GC.ViewModels.Dashboard.IsSubscriberLoaded()) { // ***CREATES MY KENDO WINDOW
var $kwin = $('#complaint-dashboard-container').kendoWindow({
width: "1400px",
title: "", // ??
modal: true,
actions: ["Close"]
} else { // *** WON'T SHOW THE div if above has been executed at some point
Answer : once you bind the div and make a widget it does not act as a normal div , if you need show the content i suggest you to get the html of the content and show in a different div

Kendo UI Window does not respond to data-bind visible settings

I'm trying to toggle the visible property of a Kendo UI window through the data-bind method using an MVVM pattern but it is not responding as it should according to the Kendo documentation.
<div id="KendoWindow"
data-title="Title does not show"
<div class="span4" >
<label for="Comment">Comments</label>
<textarea id ="Comment" data-bind="value: Comment"></textarea>
I am initializing it properly but if I set the WinowVisible property to false in the viewModel like so,
this.set("WindowVisible", false);
the window stays visible.
If I set it through jQuery like so :
var dialog = $("#KendoWindow").data("kendoWindow");
it will then become invisible. Then I can't make it visible again if I run this code:
var dialog = $("#KendoWindow").data("kendoWindow");
Maybe try adding data-visible="false" to the window, then when the ShowWindow becomes true, it should become visible. I have a checkbox bound to the boolean value, as well as a button click function setting the boolean and both seem to work fine.
See sample...

Upload button styling causes file list to not be shown?

I have defined both the template and filetemplate options for the fineUploaderS3 object.
I have been able to change the look of the qq-upload-button element, by changing the div to a button, and setting it as a button after the uploader creations.
template: '<div class="qq-uploader">' +
'<div class="qq-upload-drop-area"><span>{dragZoneText}</span></div>' +
'<button class="qq-upload-button"><div>{uploadButtonText}</div></button>' +
'<span class="qq-drop-processing"><span>{dropProcessingText}</span><span class="qq-drop-processing-spinner"></span></span>' +
'<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' +
Though the button changes, and works when clicked on to add files, the files do not get shown in the list, it obviously is broken.
What is the correct way to make the Upload button use the current jQueryUI style button?
Update 1
After reading the following thread: How to assign custom css class to upload button in fineuploader?
It appeared as though the upload button would be very problematic to try to change into a normal jQueryUI button.
So I solved the problem by changing the upload button to 'display:none;', created my own generic jQueryUI button, on the clicking of my button, send a click to the hidden button.
<button id="addFiles">Add Files</button>
template: '<div class="qq-uploader">' +
'<div class="qq-upload-drop-area"><span>{dragZoneText}</span></div>' +
'<div class="qq-upload-button" style="display:none;"><div>{uploadButtonText}</div></div>' +
'<span class="qq-drop-processing"><span>{dropProcessingText}</span><span class="qq-drop-processing-spinner"></span></span>' +
'<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' +
$('#addFiles').click(function() {
$(".qq-uploader input").click();
Your solution will not work on IE9 and older since programmatically clicking an input element is not allowed in those browsers.
Using a button element as your upload button will not work on IE9 and below because those browsers intercept change events on button elements before Fine Uploader is able to. Also, the jQuery-UI button constructor must add some logic that intercepts events too because I needed to instantiate it before Fine Uploader. Possibly related to an earlier question regarding Bootstrap's button.
The cross-browser solution would be to first render your button as a div instead of a button, then instantiate jQuery-UI's button() on that element, then instantiate an instance of Fine Uploader with the button option set as that element. Also, with the changes I've proposed, you can do away with the template option. Fine Uploader has some logic in the default template which adds or removes its own button element based on the presence of the button option.
<h3>Fine Uploader</h3>
<div id="addFiles"">Add Files</div>
<div id="jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
// Construct jQuery-UI button
// Instantiate Fine Uploader
button: $("#addFiles")

How Do I Reselect A KendoUI TabStrip After AJAX Postback in UpdatePanel

I've got a Telerik Kendo UI TabStrip with multiple tabs inside of an UpdatePanel...
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="DataDetails_Panel" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<div id="ABIOptions_TabContainer">
<li>Parent Data Changing</li>
...which I then wire up in javascript later...
var optionTabContainer = $("#ABIOptions_TabContainer").kendoTabStrip({
animation: {
open: {
effects: "fadeIn"
select: onMainTabSelect
The users will click on the various tabs and inside of each tab are settings for our portal. When they are in a tab and they make a change to a setting, the expectation is that they'll click on the 'Save' button, which will perform a postback to the server via ajax, because it is in the update panel.
Current Behavior
After the post back happens and the ul content comes back, I reapply the kendoTabStrip setup function call, which makes none of the tabs selected. This appears to the user like the page is now empty, when it just had content.
Desired Result
What I want to do, is after the partial postback happens and the UpdatePanel sends back the ul, I want to reselect the tab that the user previously selected.
What Already Works
I already have a way to preserve the tab that the user clicked on:
var onMainTabSelect = function (e) {
tabToSelect = e.item;
console.log("onTabSelect --> ", e.item.textContent);
and a function to reset the selected tab whenever it is called:
function setMainTab() {
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(tabToSelect)) {
var tabStrip = $('#ABIOptions_TabContainer').data("kendoTabStrip");
console.log("Attempt to set tab to ", tabToSelect.textContent);;
} else {
console.log("tabToSelect was empty");
What Doesn't Work
My hypothesis is that the Kendo TabStrip says, "Hey, that tab is already selected" when I call the setMainTab after my postback:
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
prm.add_endRequest(function () {
...and therefore, doesn't set my tab back. If I click on the tab, then Poof, all my content is there just like I expect.
Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?
I ended up changing the onMainTabSelect method to:
var onMainTabSelect = function (e) {
tabToSelect = $(e.item).data("tabindex");
which gets me the data-tabindex value for each li in my ul. I couldn't get the tab index from kendo, so I had to role my own. Once I got that value, then I was able to set the selected tab via an index rather than the tab object reference itself.
