Primefaces datatable sorting a list - sorting

I have a datatable in Primefaces which has sorting feature on click of column header, when I click on sort it sorts like this example
Existing output:
I would like the sort output to be like this on UI
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Existing code:
<p:column id="firstName"
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{appmsg['']}" />
<h:outputText value="#{row.user.firstName}" />

Primefaces has the option to plugin a custom sortFunction, see the documentation of the Datatable and Column
You can then sort whatever way you want. And if you use a LazyDatamodel, you have even more control.


malformedXML: During update: outerTab:j_idt185 not found; iframe id="JSFFrameId"

I have a form with a PrimeFaces selectOneMenu which, when the user selects an option, I want to refresh a DataTable in the same form with different data. When I select an option I get a Javascript popup that says "malformedXML: During update: outerTab:j_idt185 not found" with no DataTable refresh and on inspecting the source I see an invisible iframe at the bottom of the page with id="JSFFrameId" that contains an element <partial-response> that in turn contains an element <update id="outerTab:j_idt185" ...> and this contains an element <![CDATA[<div id="outerTab:j_idt185" class="ui-messages ui-widget" aria-live="polite"></div>]]>. I think this references my <messages> tag, but nothing in the backing bean creates a message, and I do see an element in the page source <div id="outerTab:facilitatorTestsForm:j_idt113" class="ui-messages ui-widget" aria-live="polite"></div> where the messages should be, so the messages tag is indeed rendered. I can find no element with an ID containing "j_idt185" and apparently neither can some Javascript.
The "outerTab" in the IDs is a PrimeFaces TabView that contains all this stuff.
A page refresh causes the update to happen and the DataTable shows the correct data for the selected SelectOneMenu option.
I have found several posts by balusC where some element that is updated by an ajax call has a rendered value that makes it not render and therefore unable to be found when the update is called for. The target of my update (the DataTable) has no rendered attribute and is visible all the time, so this is a different problem. Other posts speak to a bug in earlier versions of PrimeFaces (I am using 6.1). I cannot figure out why this error occurs.
#Kukeltje kindly pointed me to several posts showing that using an encoding type of multipart/form-data in a file-upload component or a form submit can cause this problem but my page has neither of these.
Here is an excerpt of my page:
<div align="center">
<h:form id="facilitatorTestsForm">
<p:messages for="testBeanMessages" showSummary="true" showDetail="true" globalOnly="true" escape="false" autoUpdate="true" />
Tests for which event?
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{testBean.selectedEventId}" style="top: 7px; ">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="All Tests" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{testBean.facilitatorEvents}" var="event" itemValue="#{}" itemLabel="#{}" />
<f:ajax update="facilitatorTests" />
<p:commandButton value="Add a New Test" style="margin: 20px;" oncomplete="PF('newTestDialog').show();" actionListener="#{testBean.createEmptyNewTest}" immediate="true" />
<p:dataTable var="test" value="#{testBean.testsForFacilitator}" rowIndexVar="index" id="facilitatorTests" widgetVar="facilitatorTests" selectionMode="single" selection="#{testBean.selectedTest}" rowKey="#{}">
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" oncomplete="PF('facilitatorEditTestDialog').show(); " update="#form:facilitatorEditTestDialog" />
<p:column>#{index + 1}</p:column>
<p:column headerText="Test" sortBy="#{}" width="40%"><h:outputText value="#{}" /></p:column>
<p:column headerText="Tester" sortBy="#{test.tester.fullname}"><h:outputText value="#{test.tester.fullname}" /></p:column>
<p:column headerText="Manager" sortBy="#{test.manager.fullname}"><h:outputText value="#{test.manager.fullname}" /></p:column>
<p:column headerText="Event" sortBy="#{}"><h:outputText value="#{}" /></p:column>
<p:column headerText="Functional Area" sortBy="#{}"><h:outputText value="#{}" /></p:column>
<p:column headerText="Complete" width="150" sortBy="#{test.completionDate}"><h:outputText value="#{test.completionDate == null ? 'Not Completed' : test.completionDate}"><f:convertDateTime pattern="M/d/yyyy hh:mm a" /></h:outputText></p:column>
<p:column id="delete" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; min-width: 54px; ">
<p:commandButton update="facilitatorTests" process="facilitatorTests" icon="ui-icon-close" actionListener="#{testBean.deleteTest(}"
title="If the test has not been completed, it will be deleted permanently. Otherwise it will be archived."/>
<... a few dialogs with conditional rendering ...>
I have tried different targets for the selectOneMenu update attribute and it does not change the behavior so I believe it is correct.
Primefaces 6.1
Mojarra JSF API & IMPL 2.2.4
EL 3.0.0
Tomcat 7
Is this a JSF bug? Thanks for any help you can offer.
Found the solution. Thanks to #Kukeltje for staying with me through this even if he did downvote my question for not having enough info :)
It comes back to #BalusC's posts about not rendering the target of an ajax update. In this case I had several PrimeFaces TabView tabs containing <p:messages> tags with autoUpdate="true", and the tabs are shown/hidden depending on the role of the user. When I removed autoUpdate="true" from these messages tags the problem went away. Apparently every time I did an ajax post, even if I had partial submit limited to rendered subelements of the current visible tab, autoUpdate causes JSF to try to update the messages tags in the unrendered tabs and of course they cannot be found.
The way I found this was to put id attributes EVERYWHERE, on every element in my forms. Then the Javascript error pointed me to a named (id'd) element, rather than one with an automatically assigned ID that I could not trace, and when I saw "autoUpdate" the light bulb came on. Moral: put ids on EVERYTHING.
I hope this helps someone with the same symptom to look for autoUpdate everywhere.
And #Kukeltje you were right that my post had inadequate information - without the enclosing tab tags with their rendered attributes you could not have seen the problem. Since they were in another template that ui:includes the forms I did not think they were relevant. Wrongo!

Primefaces responsive data table displaying sort drop down in all cases

I am using a very basic example of responsive data table as follows:
<p:dataTable value="#{personManagedBean.personList}" var="person" reflow="true">
<p:column sortBy="#{person.firstName}" headerText="First Name">
<p:column sortBy="#{person.lastName}" headerText="Last Name">
The issue is that, once i make a column sortable by using the sortBy attribute, an extra drop down starts appearing on top of the data table for the respective column (as shown in the attached image).
I realize that this behavior is coming because i have made the data table responsive, but ideally it should appear only when the screen size is minimized enough that the responsiveness of the UI is active i.e. when the layout of data table's columns changes and becomes stacked. It should not appear in all cases.
Please suggest if there is a way to achieve the required behavior. Thanks.
Primefaces version: 5.3.11
JSF version: 2.2
Browser: Firefox 45.0.2, Chrome 50.0.2661.94 m

Howto validate an entity shared over multiple tabs

I am having an entity with many attributes which should be displayed in multiple tabs in a p:tabView. It might look like the following.
I have one h:form which surrounds the p:tabView. In the tabs I have a single p:message for every input element.
<p:outputLabel value="Name" for="name_input" />
<p:message for="name_input" display="icon" />
<p:inputText id="name_input" value="#{}">
<p:ajax /> <!-- put value into backingbean on tabchange -->
<f:validateRequired />
I have made the following observations.
1) Problem: validation is only executed in tabs which have been activated
If I switch to edit mode and the current tab has no validation errors and I do not change the tab, then my entity gets saved and validation error on other tabs are ignored.
If I switch to edit mode and navigate to a tab which has validation error and then navigate to the first tab with no validation error, then a vaidation error is displayed (but only from those tab, that I visited).
(I hope this is understandable, at least a little bit) It does not make a difference if I set dynamic=true/false and cache=false in the p:tabView.
2) Problem: no message icon on tab change
If I switch to edit mode and click on every tab so that every validation error are recognized (like in scenario b) I get a proper validation message (icon) and the p:inputText is displayed with a red border. So everything seems to be fine. But if I navigate to another tab with validation errors there is no message icon displayed, only the red border is around the particular p:inputText. As far as I would guess, the JSF lifecycle is executed on tab change but no validation takes place so for this lifecycle roundtrip everything is OK and the message icon disappears (on the other hand it is a mystery to me why the red border does not disappear...).
3) Problem: no visual hint in the tab
For the user experience I would very much like to have a visual hint (i. e. a red background on a tab-title) so that a user knows where the problems occur.
I have read Validating one form with multiple tabs, how to switch tabs without losing validation errors? Using Myfaces and Trinidad but neither the wizard (it is not a "wizardy" task it is just an edit of a big entity) nor the do-it-yourself-with-javascrip-and-css (main problem is the corporated identity I am using pretty often tabViews in other situations) is a good option for me.
Does anyone have a solution/hint for any of my problems?
I am using JSF 2.2, Primefaces 5.3.
OK, a colleague of mine came up with the answer.
First of all, my first two problems vanished into thin air. With the attributes dynamic="false" and cache="false" in the <p:tabView /> this works as desired (I do not know what I tested back then).
And the visual hint in the tab. There is a <f:facet name="title" /> which can be used to display the tab title and additional messages. The <p:message /> components are doubled, firstly inside the column at the input component and secondly in the title-facet. With a little CSS one can adjust the icons in the title at will.
<p:tabView dynamic="false" cache="false">
<f:facet name="title">
<p:message for="name_input" display="icon" />
<p:outputLabel value="Name" for="name_input" />
<p:message for="name_input" display="icon" />
<p:inputText id="name_input" value="#{}">
<p:ajax />
<f:validateRequired />

How to show images in <option> elements rendered by <h:selectOneMenu> tag

Is it possible to show images in <option> elements rendered by <h:selectOneMenu> tag of JSF?
I use <f:selectItems> to generate the options that I get from the database. But the content I want to show in <h:selectOneMenu> is the image associated with each item.
How can I achieve that?
It is impossible to embed images within JSF's <h:selectOneMenu>/<f:selectItem>/<f:selectItems>, as there are no attributes designed for that purpose. Moreover, there is hardly a cross-browser compatible solution for that.
Though you could use a component library for that, like PrimeFaces. It has <p:selectOneMenu> component that basically wraps <select>/<option> with some HTML/jQuery magic, so that a 'substitute' is displayed onscreen. Example usage can be found in a showcase example. To recite it:
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{autoCompleteBean.selectedPlayer2}" converter="player" var="p">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Select One" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{autoCompleteBean.players}" var="player" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{player}"/>
<p:graphicImage value="/images/barca/#{}" width="40" height="50"/>
#{} - #{p.number}
Of course, you can load the images in a different manner.

Primefaces components to update when commandButton is clicked

Lets say we have button
<p:commandButton id="refreshButton" value="refresh all depending components"/>
Along the way I will add components that should be updated when the button is clicked. So using the update="text1,text2" will not suffice, as text3 might be added later on and shouldn't require changes to the refresh button.
<h:outputText id="text1" value="{bean.someValue1}></h:outputText>
<h:outputText id="text2" value="{bean.someValue2}></h:outputText>
... and later ...
<h:outputText id="text3" value="{bean.someValue3}></h:outputText>
What I want to do is to bind the components to the button, rather than the button having dependencies to the components
What you're asking is not possible. As least, not using the standard ways in the view.
But what is possible is to reference a common parent instead.
<p:commandButton ... update="texts" />
<h:panelGroup id="texts">
<h:outputText id="text1" ... />
<h:outputText id="text2" ... />
<h:outputText id="text3" ... />
Depending on the concrete functional requirement, which isn't clear from the question, there may be better solutions. But if it boils down to laziness and/or avoiding to "forget" to change the button, then I'm afraid that there's no magic fix.
I did a a temporary quickfix by using
<p:outputPanel autoUpdate="true">
<h:outputText id="text3" ... />
<p:outputPanel />
Guess it performance wise is not perfect, as it will be updated on all ajax events and not just the ones I'm interested in. But luckily this component is interested in all of them any ways, so it is not a problem atm.
