How to (re-)generate ActiveX Wrapper Classes with Visual Studio 10 - visual-studio-2010

... especially in the case of Non-Dialog Containers?
Hi folks,
I want to use ActiveX controls that are created in a view, not in a Dialog container, as described in . But in that article, the existence of the wrapper class is already supposed / not mentioned how to generate it. In the project that was handed me over, i found such generated classes.
For Dialog-Containers, the generator runs when I add a control varaible for the embedded activeX control, (again: not mentioned in msdn doc ). Workaorunds are possible (eg. creating a useless dialog just for that purpose), but there must be a "clean" way in Visual Studio!? I am a little bit disappointed by the MS-Documentation I found. If somebody could give me a hint, you could make me happy...


FxCop Custom Rules for Custom Controls

In my project I am using custom controls instead of normal ASP.NET controls. We have build an architecture on .NET and are using its controls.
Now I need to write a custom rule to check for if some of windows controls are being used. Reason being, my team needs to be limited to only my custom controls that were designed to replace the windows controls.
Example: I need to search and if they are using System.Windows.Controls.Textbox.....I need it to be an error.
Can anyone please help me out with code?
I hope the problem is clear ..... in case of any further clarifications needed please let me know.
The logic for this sort of rule is fairly simple:
Check method bodies, visiting each constructor invocation to see if
the target class inherits from the base Control class.
If it does, verify that the target class is in your namespace or assembly (or however you can best identify it as "yours").
This is relatively simple. A much bigger problem is that the relevant contructors will usually be invoked in designer-generated code, which most folks tend to prefer ignoring when executing FxCop. To get your rule to work, you will need to include designer-generated code in your analyses.
The tool NDepend let's write custom code rules on .NET code much more easily than with FxCop. Disclaimer: I am one of the developer of the tool
With this tool you can write custom code rules over LINQ queries (what is named CQLinq). For example, the query you are asking for can be written this way with CQLinq:
// <Name>Don't use system controls</Name>
warnif count > 0
let systemControls = ThirdParty.Types.Where(
t => t.DeriveFrom("System.Windows.Forms.Control".AllowNoMatch()))
where systemControls.Count() > 0
from t in systemControls
let methodsThatCreateT = t.TypesUsingMe.ChildMethods().Where(m => m.CreateA(t))
select new { t, methodsThatCreateT }
While editing such code rule, instantly a browsable result is shown (in 3 milliseconds here). Double clicking any type or method in this result, jumps to its declaration in source code in Visual Studio:
200 default code rules are proposed. The tool is 100% integrated in Visual Studio 2012, 2010, and 2008. Default or custom code rules can be validated inside Visual Studio, and/or at Build Process time, in a generated HTML+javascript report.

Create Language Service for VisualStudio 2010

I want to build a language service for visual studio 2010. I was first trying to follow the tutorial and documentations from MSDN.
The problem is i don't succeed to make this works (i'll explain later my problem). So i digged into existing implementations, i found Ook! and lua . both of these projects doesn't use the tutorial or documentation i found on MSDN, but something based on MEF. Lua used this only with previous Visual Studio versions.
So i'm wondering if i'm using an obsolete method to create a language service (But the documentation aims Visual Studio 2010), or there is different ways to do this, which depends on needs.
In my case, i've got a language that doesn't need to be compiled into cli, but i want to have an editor that have colorization, syntax warnings and errors, intellisense ...
The problem i mentionned is that when launching exp instance, there is no text editor with my file extension, and visual studio begins to have many lags. The language service is registered using 3 attributes : ProvideServiceAttribute, ProvideLanguageServiceAttribute and ProvideLanguageServiceExtension. Also initialized in Package intialize method, like mentionned in Proffer the Language.... The package is loaded when i try to open the file with my extension, the language service is initialized.
So i don't get it why i does not work, could you please help me to understand how language service works, and what is the best way to implement it
Good chance your IScanner implementation has an endless loop, happened to me.

Visual Studio - Edit source code located in a database

I am building something similar to Server Explorer for Apache CouchDB. One of the things necessary is to be able to edit CouchDB view definitions which in CouchDB are JavaScript functions.
How can I trick Visual Studio into using my object to retrieve and save the content of the JavaScript function but still use the rest of it - I am happy with editor itself and have no intention of writing my own Editor/Language Service, etc. The latter would be much bigger effort than what this project warrants
After more digging I am still stuck. Here is what I know: IVsUIShellOpenDocument interface provides a method OpenStandardEditor which can be used to open the standard Visual Studio editor. As one of the parameters this method takes a Pointer to the IUnknown interface of the document data object. This object is supposed to implement several interfaces described in many places all over the MSDN.
Visual Studio SDK also provides a 'sample' implementation of the document data object VsTextBufferClass. I can create an instance of this class and when I pass the pointer to the instance to the OpenStandardEditor I can see my editor and it seems to work ok.
When I try to implement my own class implementing the same interfaces (IVsTextBuffer, VsTextBuffer, IVsTextLines) OpenStandardEditor method returns success, but VS bombs out on call editor.Show() with an access violation.
My suspicion is that VsTextBufferClass also implements some other interface(s) but not in C# way but rather in the good old COM way. I just do not know which one(s).
Any thoughts?
What if you had a program that would export the javascript to files on disk, then imported them back into the database once you were done editing them with Visual Studio? That might be the simplest way to do this.

VB6, ActiveX: Cannot create reference to OCX

I have a little problem with the creation of a user control.
Though I have made a control I want to use in another control.
As soon as I want to add the reference (would like to use it as compiled OCX) in the Component's list, the message "Wechselseitiger Verweis zwischen Projekten nicht zulässig" which means something like "Circular referencing between projects is not allowed"
Strange is that the control I want to use does not have any type of reference to the first project.
I've checked this using dependency walker which is shipped as a tool with Visual Studio, but it says as well that there's no reference to the other control. I've opened the project-files using a text-editor to check for referenced OCX, I didn't find any.
To avoid some comments: change to .NET or any other language is not an option.
Comment: Why ever, adding the uncompiled .ctl-file seems to work. For now I can continue my work. But anyways I'm interested in a solution and the reason why it doesn't work with the current constellation.
VOTE FOR CLOSE: I've been looking at all the files, well and now I've just simply added all control-files to the project instead of creating OCX. I'll give it up. Thanks to all...
It is possible for VB6 to get quite confused when you add references to OCX files. You should really be adding an OCX as a component instead of using Project References.

setup mfc project

A word or two about project I have to make.
I have a list of products (XML formatted), and I have to make a bar code of that list.
Here are the requirements:
Technology has to be MFC, VS 2005 or VS2008
All functionality must be in one dll
Same solution should have a simple tester for the dll
I will use pdf417.
Also, I would like to provide an interface, so that different bar codes can be implemented in future.
For example, my dll has "Write" method which is implemented in a separate file for pdf417 and in a separate file for some other bar code, so that user can choose which bar code to use.
Since I have no knowledge of mfc, I really don't know how to even start. I read some tutorials, created the dll with some dummy method, and then tried to use it in tester application, but no luck.
I know that this is a "needle in a haystack" type of a question, but if someone could help me how to setup/architect this project I would be very grateful.
I don't see how you benefit from using MFC if your DLL's client is not an MFC app. You are better off using a standard C interface in your exported functions if you want to support non-MFC clients. Just create a Win32 project and choose the project type as DLL, then the wizard will generate some example exported function for you. Follow the examples to create your own export functions.
