jsPlumb multiple containment drag parent - draggable

I have following HTML
<div class='wraper'>
<div class="demo statemachine-demo1">
<div class="w" id="inperson">IN PERSON
<div class="ep"></div>
<div class="w" id="rejected">
<div class="ep"></div>
<div class="demo statemachine-demo1">
<div class="w" id="inperson">IN PERSON
<div class="ep"></div>
<div class="w" id="rejected">
<div class="ep"></div>
</div>as per the above HTML the wrapper div contains two div each .demo div contains two div and are connected to each other .statemachine-demo1 .inperson div to .statemachine-demo2 .inperson(.statemachine-demo1.inperson ----> .statemachine-demo2.inperson) and .statemachine-demo1 .reject to .statemachine-demo2 .reject(.statemachine-demo1.reject -----> .statemachine-demo2.reject).
now if i drag class w the join line will move continuously, but what i want to know is their any way if i drag parent div statemachine-demo1 the child div reject and inperson class div should also move along with joined line continuously.

For this you need customised jquery draggable function instead of using jsPlumb.draggable() for parent div's. Whenever you drag a parent div, you need to check whether any of the child has connection, if so you need to repaint those connections. Code:
$('.demo').draggable({ // considering parent div has 'demo' class as in your case
// on drag check any child has connections and repaint them


How to make draggle only inside of child dv using react-draggle package

when I use react-dragggle, I want to drag only inside of child div.. But, not ouside of child div and not inside parent div? Please let me know, how to achieve this ?
<div class="parent">
<div class="child">
defaultPosition={{x: 0, y: 0}}
grid={[25, 25]}
<div className="handle">Drag from here</div>
<div>This readme is really dragging on...</div>

D3js: ":last is not a valid selector"?

d3.select('.activity:last') and d3.selectAll('.activity:last') both fail. Meanwhile; $('.activity:last') works.
.append('<div class="hook-table">Table comes here</div>');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/5.7.0/d3.min.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="activity"></div>
<div class="activity"></div>
<div class="activity"></div>
<div class="activity"></div>
<div class="activity"></div>
Is there a D3 way to pass :last selector.
:last is not a valid css selector. It works with jQuery because jquery has added support for this selector:
:last is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification (docs)
As D3 only contemplates valid CSS selector strings so :last won't work with D3.
Instead you'll require a bit more code to get the last element.
If your div is the last of of its siblings, then you can use :last-child:
.text("5: This div selected");
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/5.7.0/d3.min.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="activity"><p>1</p></div>
<div class="activity"><p>2</p></div>
<div class="activity"><p>3</p></div>
<div class="activity"><p>4</p></div>
<div class="activity"><p>5</p></div>
However, this won't work if you have another element below the last div. The above will select the div with class "activity" that is the last child of .container (see MDN).
For more complex structures, where the last div or element with class "activity" isn't the last sibling, you'll need to take a more complex approach.

Need to select a checkbox, based on text in another div

<div class="bli-category">
<div class="row ng-scope" ng-repeat="placementtrack by $index">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="col-sm-1 bli-category-checkbox">
<input class="bli-check-box ng-valid" type="checkbox" ng-click="addPlacement" ng-checked="checkedPlacementIndex" ng-model="selectedPlacement">
<div class="col-sm-8 bli-category-content">
<div class="ng-binding" ng-bind="placement.placementName">page_details</div>
I need to select the checkbox in class='bli-check-box ng-valid' for the text in class='ng-binding'
When I try to get the xpath like
//input[#class='bli-check-box ng-valid']
it selects all the 4-5 checkboxes
To select the checkbox in class='bli-check-box ng-valid' with respect to the text in class='ng-binding' i.e. page_details you can use the following xpath :
//div[#class='bli-category']//div[#class='ng-binding' and contains(.,'page_details')]//preceding::input[#class='bli-check-box ng-valid']
Note : As the element is an Angular element you have to induce wait for the element to be clickable before attempting to click.
//div[text='page_detials' and class='ng-binding']/../preceding-sibling::div//input[class='bli-check-box ng-valid']
The above xpath starts with finding the node which has the custom text that you know. It then traverses to its parent and then its previous sibling which in your case houses your required input node. So after traversing to the div you select its child which is your required input node.

How to target sibling DIV node in XPath

I have this html code:
<div class="info">
<div class="label">Phone</div>
<div class="text">+966 (13) 828 3771</div>
Using XPath, I need to target the Text inside div class text.
For now, I'm using this code and I can target the div class label:
How could I target the text inside <div class="text">?
There are other <div class="info"> and <div class="label">, and I need to target those that are direct sibling of <div class="label"> that contains Phone in it.
//div[#class = 'info' and div[#class = 'label' and contains(., 'Phone')]]/div[#class = 'text'] should select the div element(s) with the class attribute text inside a div parent element that has the class attribute info and a child div with class as label and which contains the text Phone.

Angular UI Bootstrap - I can open and close a modal just once

I have a weird problem with a modal. It should be a absolutely normal modal that I can open and close many times, but I can open just one and also just close one time! http://plnkr.co/ksTy0HdifAJDhDf4jcNr
My index.html file looks this:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div ng-include src="'widget.html'" ng-controller="WidgetCtrl"></div>
<!-- other widgets and content -->
As you can see I have devided my application in different parts (called widgets), that I am including per ng-include in my index html file. Every widget has it's own controller.
The widget.html looks like this:
<div modal="theModal">
<div class="modal-header"><h3>The Modal</h3></div>
<div class="modal-body">
Body intentionally left blank
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn" type="button" ng-click="CloseModal()">ok</button>
<!-- more modals and other stuff -->
<button ng-click="OpenModal()">open modal</button>
And now the widget controller (which is a child controller of the main controller)
app.controller('WidgetCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.OpenModal = function() { $scope.theModal = true; }
$scope.CloseModal = function() { $scope.theModal = false;}
All stuff for opening and closing the modal is part of the sub controller (WidgetCtrl) and therefore shouldn't conflict with anything from the parent controller.
$scope.theModal is in the beginning undefined, so the modal is not shown. With a click on the button $scope.theModal is defined and set to true; this is triggered by Angular UI and the modal is shown. On a click of ok, the now existing $scope.theModal is set to false and the modal disappears. Everything is perfect but .. it's not working again!
You just have to include close="CloseModal()" in the first div of your widget
<div modal="theModal" close="CloseModal()">
<div class="modal-header"><h3>The Modal</h3></div>
<div class="modal-body">
Body intentionally left blank
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn" type="button" ng-click="CloseModal()">ok</button>
Here is a working plunker
