Yii2: ActiveRecord How to unload / unset a model of all(some) attributes? - activerecord

Yii2 ActiveRecord has a method to automatically load a form data into a model using load() which is very good as it safely loads the model with data, However I am not able find a equivalent method to unload the model of all the attributes.
i.e. Is there a method to unset all attributes of a model in Yii2, like the unSetAttributes() method in Yii 1.x ?
Currently the only way to do this seems to be either
$model->setAttributes(['attribute1'=>NULL,'attribute2' => NULL ... ]);
foreach ($model->attributes as $attribute) {
$model->$attribute = NULL;
Edit: To clarify in response to Samuel Liew's answer, while at this point I only wanted to unset all attributes which I could do by reiniting the model, I would also like to control which attributes are getting reset, which unSetAttributes provided

You could simply create a new instance of the model.
$model = new MyModel;
Or as you can see, unsetAttributes in Yii 1 is like this, you could simply implement it in your base model:
public function unsetAttributes($names=null)
foreach($names as $name)


Laravel's Accessor call only when requested [duplicate]

Is there any possible way to lazy load a custom attribute on a Laravel model without loading it every time by using the appends property? I am looking for something akin to way that you can lazy load Eloquent relationships.
For instance, given this accessor method on a model:
public function getFooAttribute(){
return 'bar';
I would love to be able to do something like this:
$model = MyModel::all();
This question is not the same thing as Add a custom attribute to a Laravel / Eloquent model on load? because that wants to load a custom attribute on every model load - I am looking to lazy load the attribute only when specified.
I suppose I could assign a property to the model instance with the same name as the custom attribute, but this has the performance downside of calling the accessor method twice, might have unintended side effects if that accessor affects class properties, and just feels dirty.
$model = MyModel::all();
$model->foo = $model->foo;
Does anyone have a better way of handling this?
Is this for serialization? You could use the append() method on the Model instance:
$model = MyModel::all();
The append method can also take an array as a parameter.
Something like this should work...
public function loadAttribute($name) {
$method = sprintf('get%sAttribute', ucwords($name));
$this->attributes[$name] = $this->$method();

Overriding Laravel get and first methods

I need to override above mentioned methods to skip some database records. Using where is not an option since I would have to use it every single time as there are records in database that I do not need most of the time and I am not allowed to delete them from DB. Here is my attempt of doing this:
class SomeTable extends BaseModel {
public static function first() {
$query = static::query();
$data = $query->first();
if($data && $data->type == 'migration_type') return null;
return $data;
public static function get() {
$query = static::query();
$data = $query->get();
foreach($data as $key => $item) {
if($item->type == 'migration_type') unset($data[$key]);
return $data;
The problem with this code is that it works only when direct called on model. If I am using some other functions, like where, before get or first methods, it just skips my overridden method.
What would be the right way to do this and should I put this code within model?
My question is not duplicate as in the answer from mentioned question it is said:
all queries made from Models extending your CustomModel will get this new methods
And I need to override those two functions only for specific model, not for each one in application as not all tables have type column. That's the reason why I have written them within model class.
I need to override above mentioned methods to skip some database records.
Consider a global query scope on the model.
Global scopes allow you to add constraints to all queries for a given model. Laravel's own soft delete functionality utilizes global scopes to only pull "non-deleted" models from the database. Writing your own global scopes can provide a convenient, easy way to make sure every query for a given model receives certain constraints.
The issue here is that the where() method on the model returns a QueryBuilder instance where get() will return a Collection instance.
You should be able to override collection's default methods by adding a macro in it's place and can be done like so...
Collection::macro('toUpper', function () {
return $this->map(function ($value) {
return Str::upper($value);
Extending the query builder instance is not so easy but a good tutorial exists here and involves overriding the application's default connection class, which is not great when it comes to future upgrades.
Because after calling where you're dealing with the database builder and theses methods inside your model aren't being called .. about the issue you might overcome it by using select instead of first directly so will deal with the builder ..
another thing overriding these kind of methods is not a good idea if you're working with other developer on the same project.
good luck

Update Table Using Laravel Model

I've got a table for a sports team. The record shows the team selection and some other information. I want to update the record with the team selection. My model is thus:
class Selection extends Model {
protected $table = "selection";
protected $fillable = [
So I have a form which gives all the data for the positions and gives the id for the record in the DB. In my controller, I've got:
public function storeFirstTeam()
$input = Request::all();
return redirect('first-team');
But I get the following error:
Non-static method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::update() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Can anyone point out my silly error?
Please check the code below and this would solve your problem:
The error message tells you everything you know: you’re trying to call a method statically (using the double colons) that isn’t meant to be.
The update() method is meant to be called on a model instance, so first you need to retrieve one:
$selection = Selection::find($id);
You can then can the update() method on that:
You should write it like given example below:
Selection::where('id', $input['id'])->update($input);
// Or use this using dynamic where
Alternatively, you may write it like this as well:
You can also simply update the fields manually:
it is possible to update with primary key but in my case I dont have id field in the detail table. To do it just run a query like this:
->where(['name' => 'old name', 'language' => 'english'])
->update(['name' => 'new name']);
where is used as it is.

Using Active Record, how can I save child's detail information through its parent?

I'm using parent->child (master->detail) relation in Yii2 Active Record
When I want to create a child, I have to manually fill its parent info like this:
Relation: Client (1) ---> (n) Comments
class ClientController extends \yii\web\Controller
public function actionAddComment() {
$comment = new Comment;
if ($comment->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$comment->client = $this->id; // Client id
return $this->render('view', ['comment'=>$comment]);
I've optimized it, creating a Comment method to do that:
class Comment extends ActiveRecord {
public function newComment($client) {
$comment = new Comment;
$comment->client = $client; // Client id
return $comment;
And I have gone through beforeSave in the Comment model, but still not sure if there is a better way.
Is there anything like:
$comment = new Comment(Yii::$app->request->post());
$client->save($comment); // Here the parent is writing his information to the child
Or one-liner shortcut:
$client->save(new Comment(Yii::$app->request->post());
Without having to create this logic in beforeSave?
Yes, I recommend to use the built in link() and unlink() methods provided by Active Record which you can use in your controller to relate or unrelate 2 models either they share many-to-many or one-to-many relationship.
It even has an optional $extraColumns attribute for additional column values to be saved into a junction table if using it link( $name, $model, $extraColumns = [] )
So your code may look like this :
$comment = new Comment;
if ($comment->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$comment->link('client', $this);
check docs for more info.
Now about where to use this code to relate models, it depend on how your app is structured. I'm not sure if doing that through a triggered event would be a good practice, you need to remember that errors may happens and
you may need to evaluate certain scenarios or logic before throwing exceptions. So in my case, I prefer to use that code into my Controllers.
Sometimes you need to build a specific action like you did actionAddComment(), In certain other cases like when your Post request is meant to update the Parent model and also update its related child models at once, the Parent's Update Action ClientController::actionUpdate() may be a good place to do so, maybe something like this will do the job :
$params = Yii::$app->request->post();
$client->load($this->params, '');
if ($client->save() === false && !$client->hasErrors()) {
throw new ServerErrorHttpException('Failed to update the object for unknown reason.');
foreach ($params["comments"] as $comment) {
// We may be sure that both models exists before linking them.
// In this case I'm retrieving the child model from db so I don't
// have to validate it while i just need its id from the Post Request
$comment = Comment::findOne($comment['id']);
if (!$comment) throw new ServerErrorHttpException('Failed to update due to unknown related objects.');
// according to its documentation, link() method will throw an exception if unable to link the two models.
$comment->link('client', $client);

cakephp3.0 query Builder Retrieve data

Hey I am facing some problem I am trying to create a patientcontroller.php in which I want to get data for only one user id from users table so that I can create a dashboard for sngle patient here is my code :
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Controller\AppController;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Network\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
class PatientsController extends AppController
public function isAuthorized($user)
return true;
public function index (){
echo $this->Auth->user('id');
$users = TableRegistry::get('Users');
$users->find('all')->where(['id' => 4]);
$this->set('users', $users);
I want to get username bio and profile information in my Index.ctp I am trying to pass data using query builder but I am confused so any help
So you have a number of issues with both your approach, techniques and also your code.
If you want to get a single patients record, you should be using the view() method in your controller. So you need to create a new method called view(), in which you can return your record. This method should, in most cases, take an id as the parameter.
In CakePHP the table which is associated with the controller will be loaded by default. So there is no need to use the TableRegistry to load the table.
Fetching data
When you are looking for a single record you have two choices. You can either just use a find, with a first().
->where(['id' => $id])
Or you can use get() which will throw an exception if a record isn't found.
Joining associated data
If you want to join data to your user, then you'll need Tables to manage that data, which can then be contained, using foreign keys in your database. This will change your finds, to include a contain() call.
->where(['id' => $id])
Outputting data in the view
You can set the result of your find to the view as you have done, and then you can loop through, or output it how you like, using the variable you've set. In your case $user.
So overall you can see that there is quite a bit you are missing. Hopefully this will help get you on track.
Given that this is basically your third question here asking for exactly the same thing (getting the results of a query) I will point you to these very useful resources that you should read:
The tutorials: http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/tutorials-and-examples.html
They basically have everything you need to understand how queries work and how they can be used in the view and forms.
The ORM manual: http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm.html
You will find plenty examples of getting data and using it after retrieving it.
I Found A solution for this query : Full code for this kind of problem :
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Controller\AppController;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Network\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
class PatientsController extends AppController {
public function isAuthorized($user) {
return true;
public function index () {
$id = $this->Auth->user('id');
$articles = TableRegistry::get('Users');
$query = $articles->find()
->where(['id' => $id]);
For Index.ctp
<!-- File: src/Template/Articles/index.ctp (edit links added) -->
<h1>Patient Dashboard</h1>
I am patient
foreach ($query as $row) {
echo $row->username ,$row->password;
This kind of solution is veryhelpful if you are just trying to move from procedural php to oops in cakephp .
