How to include jar dependency classes in gradle? - gradle

We are building one jar and that jar depending on many jars. Currently we are adding dependency jars explicitly like below.
compile files('libraries/amqp-client-3.1.3.jar')
compile files('libraries/antisamy-1.5.1.jar')
compile files('libraries/antlr-2.7.7.jar')
compile files('libraries/aopalliance-1.0.jar')
So, instead of adding all the dependency jars explicitly, we need to take required classes from dependency jars and those should be included as part of jar preparation. Can any one tell me how to achieve? thanks.

Depending on your build system, you want the shade plugin (maven): or the shadow plugin (gradle):
If you are using ant, I would try to leverage the maven plugin:
However, see the warnings in my answer here: Gradle shadow jar with conflicting dependencies


Maven dependency scope vs Transitive dependency

I was learning maven scope and I encountered a doubt.
If scope of all the dependencies in a project , say A , is compile , then they will be present in its jar too. So, it is said, for any other project , say B, that depends on this project A , will get transitive dependencies too of A. But they are already present in the jar of project A ? Why download them again ?
They are not "present in the jar". Transitive dependencies of a jar are not bundled into the jar, unless you explicitly build a fat jar, e.g. with the assembly plugin or shade plugin.
Fat jars, though, are not meant to be dependencies of other artifacts, they are only meant to be run standalone.
For ears and wars, the situation is different (standard is to bundle everything), but wars and ears do not serve as libraries that you depend on.

How to run Maven Javadoc in a project with pom packaging?

I have a project that packages the delivery of a software using the assembly plugin. The packaging of the project is pom.
To make a nicer documentation i am using the dependency plugin to download the sources of the different projects and then using the javadoc plugin to generate a new documentation that merges the javadoc for the different projects into one.
The issue I am having is that maven javadoc will not run if the packaging is pom.
It complains with the message: Not executing Javadoc as the project is not a Java classpath-capable package
However, if I put packaging jar it works. Unfortunately then an empty unwanted jar file is generated.
Is there a way to get the maven javadoc to run with packaging pom?
The workaround I have found was to set the packaging in the pom to jar and prevent maven jar plugin to generate the jar.

How to pack a jar without dependency classes in gradle similar to maven

How to write a gradle script so that the application jar should be packed without dependency classes similar to maven jar package
The application JAR is always without dependencies, except you use special plugins to create a "fat" JAR where the dependencies are included. If you ask how to set up a Gradle build at all, you should start reading the Users Guide.
If you are trying to package a jar from your Android app or library:
I ran into this question because gradle would include 3rd party libraries into my jar when running gradle assembleRelease.
The contents of the jar then looked like this:
For some reason this did not happen when building for debug. Finally I found that changing:
compile ''
provided ''
would not include the 3rd party libs ...

Netbeans: maven dependencies of type pom

I've spent a lot of time and my head is blowing up already so I'll be very thankful for any help.
I'm migrating Netbeans Platform application from ant to maven, and so I'm changing all the jars in my version control repo to maven dependencies. I've found needed artifact in main maven repo and I've added it as a dependency with a help of Netbeans, but it's of type POM and was placed in Non-classpath Dependencies and I have no idea how to use it as it wasn't added to classpath etc…
Can someone explain what are these POM dependencies and how to use them?
Thank you in advance!!
here is dependency definition in pom.xml
Adding a pom dependency only pulls down transitive dependencies, that is jar dependencies defined as dependencies in the pom. The pom does not get added on the classpath for obvious reasons, but the transitive dependencies reachable from pom will be added to classpath.
What you ideally need to do is have dependencies of type jar Default dependency type is jar and you can simply define dependencies without any type element in the dependency section.
If you have located the jar files you need in Maven Cental, then you simply need to provide groupId artifactId and version for each one of those in dependencies section.
Personally I cannot think of any case when one would need to add pom type dependency. I usually use pom packaging for parent module in a project (specify common project configuration like plugin versions, common dependencies, like log4j for example, repositories, properties etc.) and for utility package module (the one that assembles the project and does some other necessary things).
Judging from my experience (I did it several times), when migrating project from ant to maven you should take all the jar files that your project used to depend on and convert them into maven dependencies (groupId:artifactId:version). Most probably all of these dependencies will not have any <type> (e.g. be jars).

Javadoc creation with maven

We have created a new artifact to generate javadoc. We have 40 artifacts defined as dependencies. Task is to create javadoc.jar and html pages for the 40 dependency artifacts.
Whats the best approach to achieve this in maven?
This is very unusual. Javadoc works on sources, not compiled classes, whereas maven dependencies reference classes, not sources.
So to make this work you'll have to do all of this:
since this is a dedicated javadoc artifact, it won't have a main JAR artifact, so you'll probably want to set the packaging to POM
make sure all your referenced artifacts have attached sources
add <classifier>sources</classifier> to all your dependencies
unpack all dependencies to a common root folder using dependency:unpack-dependencies
run javadoc on that folder
create a jar using the maven-assembly-plugin
attach that jar to the build using the buildhelper plugin
On re-reading the question: I'm assuming that you want to create combined docs of all dependencies. If not, you'll need 40 separate executions each of the javadoc, assembly and buildhelper plugins. Good luck with that.
A slightly more automated approach than the answer above:
So to make this work you'll have to do all of this:
since this is a dedicated javadoc artifact, it won't have a main JAR artifact, so you'll probably want to set the packaging to POM
make sure all your referenced artifacts have attached sources
add <classifier>sources</classifier> to all your dependencies
unpack all dependencies to a common root folder using dependency:unpack-dependencies
Change your sources directory to where you unpacked all the dependencies
Use the source plugin to manage all the Javadoc generation and deployment
