elasticsearch: use aggregated value for filtering - elasticsearch

I'm using nested mapping (below), that represents a "task" and has a nested element of "requests" making progress towards that task.
I'm trying to find all tasks which have not made progress, i.e. all documents for which the "max" aggregation on the nested objects is empty. This requires being able to filter on the result of an aggregation - and that's where I'm a bit stuck.
I can order by the results of the aggregation. but I can't find a way to filter.
Is there such a capability?
mapping = {
properties: {
'prefix' => {
type: "string",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
'last_marker' => {
type: "string",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
'start_time' => {
type: "date",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
'end_time' => {
type: "date",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
'obj_count' => {
type: "long",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
'requests' => {
type: 'nested',
include_in_parent: true,
'properties' => {
'start_time' => {
type: "date",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
'end_time' => {
type: "date",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
'amz_req_id' => {
type: "string",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
'last_marker' => {
type: "string",
store: true,
index: "not_analyzed"
Ordering by aggregation query (and looking for the filter...):
"aggs": {
"pending_prefix": {
"terms": {
"field": "prefix",
"order": {"max_date": "asc"},
"aggs": {
"max_date": {
"max": {
"field": "requests.end_time"

It is like HAVING clause in SQL terms. It is not possible in current Elasticsearch Release.
In the upcoming 2.0 release, with newly introduced Pipeline Aggregation, it should be possible then.
More: https://www.elastic.co/blog/out-of-this-world-aggregations


elasticsearch nested query returns only last 3 results

We have the following elasticsearch mapping
index: 'data',
body: {
settings: {
analysis: {
analyzer: {
lowerCase: {
tokenizer: 'whitespace',
filter: ['lowercase']
mappings: {
// used for _all field
_default_: {
index_analyzer: 'lowerCase'
entry: {
properties: {
id: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lowerCase' },
type: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lowerCase' },
name: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lowerCase' },
blobIds: {
type: 'nested',
properties: {
id: { type: 'string' },
filename: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lowerCase' }
and a sample document that looks like the following:
// removed in-between elements for simplicity
I have the following ES query which is querying documents for a certain timerange based on the creationTimestamp field and then filtering the nested field blobIds based on a user query, that should match the blobIds.filename field.
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"creationTimestamp": {
"gte": "2020-07-01T09:07:38.775Z",
"lte": "2020-07-07T09:07:40.147Z"
"nested": {
"path": [
"query": {
"query_string": {
"fields": [
"query": "*"
// returns the actual blobId hit
// and not the whole array
"inner_hits": {}
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "+type:*test_type* +name:*test_name*"
"sort": [
"creationTimestamp": {
"order": "asc"
"id": {
"order": "asc"
The above entry is clearly matching the query. However, it seems like there is something wrong with the returned inner_hits, since I always get only the last 3 blobIds elements instead of the whole array that contains 24 elements, as can be seen below.
"name": "test_name",
"creationTimestamp": "2020-07-06T09:07:38.775Z",
"id": "5f02e9dae252732912749e13",
"type": "test_type",
"blobIds": [
"id": "5f02e9dbe252732912749e5d",
"filename": "test4.txt"
"id": "5f02e9dbe252732912749e5a",
"filename": "test5.csv"
"id": "5f02e9dbe252732912749e58",
"filename": "test6.txt"
I find it very strange since I'm only doing a simple * query.
Using elasticsearch v1.7 and cannot update at the moment

How do I give whole words priority in elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch is running well for me at the moment, however I want to give whole words priority over Ngrams.
I've tried the following:
client.indices.create index: index,
body: {
mappings: {
search_variable: {
properties: {
"name" => {
"type" => "string",
"index" => "not_analyzed"
"label" => {
"type" => "string",
"index" => "not_analyzed"
"value_labels" => {
"type" => "string",
"index" => "not_analyzed"
"value_label_search_string" => {
"type" => "string",
"index" => "not_analyzed"
"search_text" => {
"type" => "multi_field",
"fields" => {
"whole_words" => {"type" => "string", "analyzer" => "simple"},
"ngram" => {"type" => "string", "analyzer" => "ngram", "search_analyzer" => "ngram_search"}
settings: {
analysis: {
filter: {
ngram: {
type: 'nGram',
min_gram: 3,
max_gram: 25
analyzer: {
ngram: {
tokenizer: 'whitespace',
filter: ['lowercase', 'stop', 'ngram'],
type: 'custom'
ngram_search: {
tokenizer: 'whitespace',
filter: ['lowercase', 'stop'],
type: 'custom'
This is the part relevant to my full text search field: search_text:
"search_text" => {
"type" => "multi_field",
"fields" => {
"whole_words" => {"type" => "string", "analyzer" => "simple"},
"ngram" => {"type" => "string", "analyzer" => "ngram", "search_analyzer" => "ngram_search"}
I want to give higher scores to items that match whole words in the search text.
[400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"analyzer [ngram_search] not found for field [ngram]"}],"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Failed to parse mapping [search_variable]: analyzer [ngram_search] not found for field [ngram]","caused_by":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"analyzer [ngram_search] not found for field [ngram]"}},"status":400}
Here's the error:
"reason":"analyzer [ngram_search] not found for field [ngram]"
What am I doing wrong?
Here is my query, where I tried to match on whole words only for now, and I only get 0 results every time.
search_query = {
index: index,
body: {
_source: {
exclude: ["search_text", "survey_id"]
query: {
:bool => {
:filter => {
:term => {"survey_id" => 12}
:must => {
:match => {
"search_text.whole_words" => {"query" => "BMW", "operator" => "and"}
result = client.search(search_query)
Here is the output of:
curl -XGET localhost:9200/yg_search_variables
It seems strange that index is no:
"search_text": {
"type": "string",
"index": "no",
"fields": {
"ngram": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "ngram",
"search_analyzer": "ngram_search"
"whole_words": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "simple"
Edit: Here is a sample matching document for the term "Ford":
"label"=>"Customer: Ford",
"category"=>["Vehicles", "Passenger Vehicles"], "value"=>nil,
"value_labels"=>{"1"=>"Yes", "2"=>"No"},
"survey_id" => 12,
"search_text" => "Customer Ford Vehicles Passenger Vehicles Yes No"
Edit: I have added a smaller beginning to end test case that can be found here, which replicates the error.
The first issue is that settings is not properly nested when you create your index. settings and mappings should be at the same level.
Then, looking at your dropbox file, I think the issue is that the mapping type is called search_variable while in your bulk you are using the mapping type test_type. Hence the mapping will never be applied.

ElasticSearch: Partial/Exact Scoring with edge_ngram & fuzziness

In ElasticSearch I am trying to get correct scoring using edge_ngram with fuzziness. I would like exact matches to have the highest score and sub matches have lesser scores. Below is my setup and scoring results.
settings: {
number_of_shards: 1,
analysis: {
filter: {
ngram_filter: {
type: 'edge_ngram',
min_gram: 2,
max_gram: 20
analyzer: {
ngram_analyzer: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'standard',
filter: [
mappings: [{
name: 'voter',
_all: {
'type': 'string',
'index_analyzer': 'ngram_analyzer',
'search_analyzer': 'standard'
properties: {
last: {
type: 'string',
required : true,
include_in_all: true,
term_vector: 'yes',
index_analyzer: 'ngram_analyzer',
search_analyzer: 'standard'
first: {
type: 'string',
required : true,
include_in_all: true,
term_vector: 'yes',
index_analyzer: 'ngram_analyzer',
search_analyzer: 'standard'
After doing a POST with first name "Michael" I do a query as below with changes "Michael", "Michae", "Micha", "Mich", "Mic", and "Mi".
GET voter/voter/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"_all": {
"query": "Michael",
"fuzziness": 2,
"prefix_length": 1
My score results are:
-"Michael": 0.19535106
-"Michae": 0.2242768
-"Micha": 0.24513611
-"Mich": 0.22340237
-"Mic": 0.21408978
-"Mi": 0.15438235
As you can see the score results aren't getting as expected. I would like "Michael" to have the highest score and "Mi" to have the lowest
Any help would be appreciated!
One way to approach this problem would be to add raw version of text in your mapping like this
last: {
type: 'string',
required : true,
include_in_all: true,
term_vector: 'yes',
index_analyzer: 'ngram_analyzer',
search_analyzer: 'standard',
"fields": {
"raw": {
"type": "string" <--- index with standard analyzer
first: {
type: 'string',
required : true,
include_in_all: true,
term_vector: 'yes',
index_analyzer: 'ngram_analyzer',
search_analyzer: 'standard',
"fields": {
"raw": {
"type": "string" <--- index with standard analyzer
You could also make it exact with index : not_analyzed
Then you can query like this
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"_all": {
"query": "Michael",
"fuzziness": 2,
"prefix_length": 1
"match": {
"last.raw": {
"query": "Michael",
"boost": 5
"match": {
"first.raw": {
"query": "Michael",
"boost": 5
Documents that matches more clauses will be scored higher.
You could specify boost according to your requirements.

Elasticsearch Facet Tokenization

I am using terms facet to get top terms in the elasticsearch server. Now my tags "indian-government" is not treated as one tag. Its treated as "indian" "government". And so, the most used tag is "indian". How can I fix this? Should I change tokenization?
'settings': {
'analysis': {
'analyzer': {
'my_ngram_analyzer' : {
'tokenizer' : 'my_ngram_tokenizer',
'filter': ['my_synonym_filter']
'filter': {
'my_synonym_filter': {
'type': 'synonym',
'format': 'wordnet',
'synonyms_path': 'analysis/wn_s.pl'
'tokenizer' : {
'my_ngram_tokenizer' : {
'type' : 'nGram',
'min_gram' : '1',
'max_gram' : '50'
Edit: Based on comments, indexing as follows. The results do not change though:
'settings': {
'analysis': {
'analyzer': {
'my_ngram_analyzer' : {
'tokenizer' : 'my_ngram_tokenizer',
'filter': ['my_synonym_filter']
'filter': {
'my_synonym_filter': {
'type': 'synonym',
'format': 'wordnet',
'synonyms_path': 'analysis/wn_s.pl'
'tokenizer' : {
'my_ngram_tokenizer' : {
'type' : 'nGram',
'min_gram' : '1',
'max_gram' : '50'
'mappings': {
'my_mapping_type': {
'_all': {
'enabled': False
'_source': {
'compressed': True
'properties': {
"tags": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
# ignore already existing index
EDIT: Solved. my_mapping_type has to be replaced by doc_type (in my case, its 'article') and it works :)
Making field not_analysed should work if it fits your requirement.
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/INDEX -d '{
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 5,
"number_of_replicas": 2
"mappings": {
"my_type": {
"_all": {
"enabled": false
"_source": {
"compressed": true
"properties": {
"tag": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"

ElasticSearch filter boosting based on field value

I have the following query:
"from": 0,
"query": {
"custom_filters_score": {
"filters": [
"boost": 1.5,
"filter": {
"term": {
"format": "test1"
"boost": 1.5,
"filter": {
"term": {
"format": "test2"
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"query_string": {
"analyzer": "query_default",
"fields": [
"query": "blah"
"should": []
"size": 50
Which should be boosting things that have {"format":"test1"} in them, if I'm reading the documentation correctly.
However, using explain tells me that "custom score, no filter match, product of:" is the outcome, and the score of the returned documents that match the filter isn't changed by this filter.
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: here's the schema:
_all: { enabled: true }
title: { type: string, index: analyzed }
description: { type: string, index: analyzed }
format: { type: string, index: not_analyzed, include_in_all: false }
section: { type: string, index: not_analyzed, include_in_all: false }
subsection: { type: string, index: not_analyzed, include_in_all: false }
subsubsection: { type: string, index: not_analyzed, include_in_all: false }
link: { type: string, index: not_analyzed, include_in_all: false }
indexable_content: { type: string, index: analyzed }
and let's assume a typical document is like:
"format": "test1",
"title": "blah",
"description": "blah",
"indexable_content": "keywords here",
"section": "section",
"subsection": "child-section",
If it says "no filter match", it means that it didn't match any filters in your query. Most likely reason for this is that the records that match your query don't have terms "test1" in them. Unfortunately, you didn't provide mapping and test data, so it's difficult to tell what's going on there for sure.
Try running this query to see if you can actually find any records that match your search criteria and should be boosted:
"from": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"query_string": {
"analyzer": "query_default",
"fields": ["title^5", "description^2", "indexable_content"],
"query": "blah"
}, {
"term": {
"format": "test1"
"size": 50
Your query looks fine and based on the provided information, it should work: https://gist.github.com/4448954
