Errors in UDP sending in a sub-script (bash) - bash

Using a Raspi/Debian - I have a script that parses the results from an iwlist scan and sends them via UDP to a Pure Data patch. This runs fine in gui mode, but now I'm trying to automate the whole process in another script with the following:
pd-extended -nogui /home/pi/patch.pd & /home/pi/libOSC/ && fg
But when I run this new script, the UDP appears to only send the info to Pure Data once, and then the scanning continues but Pd does not receive the packet. Any help with this would be appreciated.

What happens when you run /home/pi/libOSC/ It sends the results only once? Then maybe you need to do it differently, like calling that script from within pd using the 'shell' or 'popen' objects for instance. Or you implement a polling command via UDP that will return the values.

how does your script look like?
you probably want to make it something like:
do_scan() {
## some code here that does the scan and print's the result to stdout
doscan | while read line
echo "${line};" | pdsend ${pdhost} ${pdport}
rather than the following:
doscan | pdsend ${pdhost} ${pdport}


Avoid mass e-mail notification in error analysis bash script

I am selecting error log details from a docker container and decide within a shell script, how and when to alert about the issue by discord and/or email.
Because I am receiving the email alerts too often with the same information in the email body, I want to implement the following two adjustments:
Fatal error log selection:
FATS="$(docker logs --since 24h $NODENAME 2>&1 | grep 'FATAL' | grep -v 'INFO')"
Email sent, in case FATS has some content:
swaks --from "$MAILFROM" --to "$MAILTO" --server "$MAILSERVER" --auth LOGIN --auth-user "$MAILUSER" --auth-password "$MAILPASS" --h-Subject "FATAL ERRORS FOUND" --body "$FATS" --silent "1"
How can I send the email only in the case, FATS has another content than the previous run of the script? I have thought about a hash about its content, which is stored and read in a text file. If the hash is the same than the previous script run, the email will be skipped.
Another option could be a local, temporary variable in the global user's bash profile, so that there is no file to be stored on the file system (to avoid read / writes).
How can I do that?
When you are writing a script for your monitoring, add functions for additional functionality, like:
logging all the alerts that have been send
make sure you don't send more than 1 alert each hour
consider sending warnings only during working hours
escalate a message when it fails N times without intermediate success
possible send an alert to different receivers (different email adresses or also to sms or teams)
make an interface for an operator so he can look back when something went wrong the first time.
When you have control which messages you send, it is easy to filter duplicate meassages (after changing --since).
I‘ve chosen the proposal of #ralf-dreager and reduced selection to 1d and 1h. Consequently, I‘ve changed my monitoring script to either go through the results of 1d or just 1h, without the need to select each time again and again. Huge performance improvement and no need to store anything else in a variable or on the file system.
FATS="$(docker logs --since 1h $NODENAME 2>&1 | grep 'FATAL' | grep -v 'INFO')"

How to see print() results in Tarantool Docker container

I am using tarantool/tarantool:2.6.0 Docker image (the latest at the moment) and writing lua scripts for the project. I try to find out how to see the results of callin' print() function. It's quite difficult to debug my code without print() working.
In tarantool console print() have no effect also.
Using simple print()
Docs says that print() works to stdout, but I don't see any results when I watch container's logs by docker logs -f <CONTAINER_NAME>
I also tried to set container's logs driver to local. Than I get one time print to container's logs, but only once...
The container's /var/log directory is always empty.
Using box.session.push()
Using box.session.push() works fine in console, but when I use it in lua script:
-- app.lua
function log(s)
-- No effect
function say_something(s)
box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'execute', 'function', 'say_something')
And then call say_something() from nodeJs connector like this:
const TarantoolConnection = require('tarantool-driver');
const conn = new TarantoolConnection(connectionData);
const res = await'update_links', 'hello');
I get error:
Any suggestions?
I suppose you've missed io.flush() after print command.
After I added io.flush() after each print call my messages start to write to logs (docker logs -f <CONTAINER_NAME>).
Also I'd recommend to use log module for such purpose. It writes to stderr without buffering.
Regarding the error in the connector, I think nodejs connector simply doesn't support pushes.

Efficient way of sending the same data to multiple dynamic processes

I have a stream of line-buffered data, and many readers from other processes
The readers need to attach to the system dynamically, they are not known to the process writing the stream
First i tried to read every line and simply send them to a lot of pipes
command | while read -r line; do
printf '%s\n' "$line" | tee listeners/*
mkfifo listeners/1
cat listeners/1
But that's consume a lot of CPU
So i though about writing to a file and cleaning it repeatedly
command >> file &
while true; do
: > file
sleep 1
tail -f -n0 file
But sometimes, a line is not read by one or more readers before truncation, making a race condition
Is there a better way on how i could implement this?
Sounds like pub/sub to me - see Wikipedia.
Basically, new interested parties come along whenever they like and "subscribe" to your channel. The process receiving the data then "publishes" it, line by line, to that channel.
You can do it with MQTT using mosquitto or with Redis. Both have command-line interfaces/bindings, as well as Python, C/C++, Ruby, PHP etc. Client and server need not be on same machine, some clients could be elsewhere on the network.
Mosquitto example here.
I did a few tests on my Mac with Redis pub/sub. The client code in Terminal to subscribe to a channel called myStream looks like this:
redis-cli SUBSCRIBE myStream
I then ran a process to synthesise 10,000 lines like this:
time seq 10000 | while read a ; do redis-cli PUBLISH myStream "$a" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; done
And that takes 40s, so it does around 250 lines per second, but it has to start a whole new process for each line and create and tear down the connection to Redis... and we don't want to send your CPU mad.
More appropriately for your situation then, here is how you can create a file with 100,000 lines, and read them one at a time, and send them to all your subscribers in Python:
# Make a "BigFile" with 100,000 lines
seq 100000 > BigFile
and read the lines and publish them with:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import redis
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Redis connection
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# Read file line by line...
with open('BigFile', 'r') as infile:
for line in infile:
# Publish the current line to subscribers
r.publish('myStream', line)
The entire 100,000 lines were sent and received in 4s, so 25,000 lines per second. Here is a little recording of it in action. At the top you can see the CPU is not unduly troubled by it. The second window from the top is a client, receiving 100,000 lines and the next window down is a second client. The bottom window shows the server running the Python code above and sending all 100,000 lines in 4s.
Keywords: Redis, mosquitto, pub/sub, publish, subscribe.

Candump Filter is occasionally not working correctly

For a bash script, where I read information from a Micoboard via can, I use the candump command with a filter to read a specific message.
My problem is that while the filter itself is working correctly, the candump command with the filter occasionally does not record the specific message on the Can Bus.
I have already verified that the expected message is being sent, by displaying all can canmessages with candump without the filter.
The code of the bash script to receive the specific can message is displayed here :
candump -L ${CAN_PORT},${CAN_ID_SET_VERSION}:1ffffff | tee temp_candump.log &
sleep 0.5 # wait for an answer from microboard
kill $candumpid
cat temp_candump.log
This code gives me the expected can message about 9 out of 10 times.
My question is if there is a problem in the code or has someone else experienced a similar problem and found a solution ?
Any answer would be appreciated.
With kind regards

Prometheus Pushgetway get data, data coverage appears

cat <<EOF | curl --data-binary #- http://localhost:9091/metrics/job/pushgetway/instance/test_instance
http_s_attack_type{hostname="test1",scheme="http",src_ip="",dst_ip="",port="15555"} 44
http_s_attack_type{hostname="other",scheme="tcp",src_ip="",dst_ip="",port="15557"} 123
Change data and write again:
cat <<EOF | curl --data-binary #- http://localhost:9091/metrics/job/pushgetway/instance/test_instance
http_s_attack_type{hostname="test2",scheme="http",src_ip="",dst_ip="",port="15555"} 55
http_s_attack_type{hostname="other3",scheme="tcp",src_ip="",dst_ip="",port="15557"} 14
View the data on localhost:9091 becomes the last write data, the data written for the first time is overwritten。
Is there a problem with my operation? Please tell me how to continuously introduce new data without being overwritten or replaced
This is working exactly as designed. The pushgateway is meant to hold the results of batch jobs when they exit, so on the next run the results will replace the previous run.
It sounds like you're trying to do event logging. Prometheus is not a suitable tool for that use case, you might want to consider something like the ELK stack instead.
