Occur _com_error when using CreateHwndRenderTarget() - direct2d

I use Direct2D to render the animation on VS2010. But when I create over 100 animation objects (the limitation amount is variable),
the output window shows the error message:
"First-chance exception at 0x7607C42D in StarrySky.exe: Microsoft C++
exception: _com_error at memory location 0x001C9580."
However, the error does not interupt the program, and the animation object's seems correct.
I trace the code and find out the error message print after calling
hr = m_pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(renderTargetProperties,
D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(this->m_hWnd, size), &m_pRT);
But the return hr is S_OK. Does anyone know the reason or the solution?

In Direct2D, make sure you are instantiating the device independent resources (In Constructor or something - Init_D2D() in this code example) before device dependent resources. For instance,
// In your header files
ID2D1Factory* pD2DFactory; // device independent
ID2D1HwndRenderTarget* pRenderTarget;
// In the source files
void Init_D2D() // probably in constructor
HRESULT hr = D2D1CreateFactory(
void Create_D2D_Device_Dep() //before drawing
if(pRenderTarget == NULL) //if it exists, do not create again
HRESULT hr = pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(
D2D1::SizeU((UINT32)m_pRect.right, (UINT32)m_pRectWindow.bottom)),
OnPaint() method should be something like this,
void CPlotterView::OnPaint_D2D()
hr = Create_D2D_Device_Dep();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
D2D1_SIZE_F renderTargetSize = pRenderTarget->GetSize();
// Drawlines or ellipses using pRenderTarget->DrawEllipse() or something
hr = pRenderTarget->EndDraw();
::ValidateRect(m_hWnd, NULL);
At the end, do not forget to close/release the resources, in the same order you opened.


Failure to create EGLSurface using the RenderResolutionScale property on Windows

I'm trying to create an EGLSurface in a Windows UWP app. The creation code is in a xaml.cpp file, as shown below.
When I try creating the surface using the optional property EGLRenderResolutionScaleProperty, it fails with an EGL_BAD_ALLOC error. Two alternate approaches work, but I need to try to use the resolution scale option for my app.
void MyClass::CreateRenderSurface()
if (mRenderSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
// NOTE: in practice, I only have one of the three following implementations in the code;
// all are included together here for ease of comparison.
// 1. This works
mRenderSurface = CreateSurface(mSwapChainPanel, nullptr, nullptr);
// 2. and this works (here I hardwired the size to twice the
// the size of the window I happen to be using, because
// Windows display settings is set at 200%)
Size size;
size.Height = 1448; // hardwired value for testing, in this case window height is 724 pix
size.Width = 1908; // hardwired value for testing, in this case window width is 954 pix
mRenderSurface = CreateSurface(mSwapChainPanel, &size, nullptr);
// 3. but this fails (and this is the one I want to use)
float resolutionScale = 1.0;
mRenderSurface = CreateSurface(mSwapChainPanel, nullptr, &resolutionScale);
EGLSurface MyClass::CreateSurface(SwapChainPanel^ panel, const Size* renderSurfaceSize, const float* resolutionScale)
if (!panel)
throw Exception::CreateException(E_INVALIDARG, L"SwapChainPanel parameter is invalid");
if (renderSurfaceSize != nullptr && resolutionScale != nullptr)
throw Exception::CreateException(E_INVALIDARG, L"A size and a scale can't both be specified");
EGL _egl = this->HelperClass->GetEGL();
EGLSurface surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
const EGLint surfaceAttributes[] =
// Create a PropertySet and initialize with the EGLNativeWindowType.
PropertySet^ surfaceCreationProperties = ref new PropertySet();
surfaceCreationProperties->Insert(ref new String(EGLNativeWindowTypeProperty), panel);
// If a render surface size is specified, add it to the surface creation properties
if (renderSurfaceSize != nullptr)
surfaceCreationProperties->Insert(ref new String(EGLRenderSurfaceSizeProperty), PropertyValue::CreateSize(*renderSurfaceSize));
// If a resolution scale is specified, add it to the surface creation properties
if (resolutionScale != nullptr)
surfaceCreationProperties->Insert(ref new String(EGLRenderResolutionScaleProperty), PropertyValue::CreateSingle(*resolutionScale));
surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(_egl._display, _egl._config, reinterpret_cast<IInspectable*>(surfaceCreationProperties), surfaceAttributes);
EGLint err = eglGetError();
if (surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
throw Exception::CreateException(E_FAIL, L"Failed to create EGL surface");
return surface;
const wchar_t EGLNativeWindowTypeProperty[] = L"EGLNativeWindowTypeProperty";
const wchar_t EGLRenderSurfaceSizeProperty[] = L"EGLRenderSurfaceSizeProperty";
const wchar_t EGLRenderResolutionScaleProperty[] = L"EGLRenderResolutionScaleProperty";
I have tried changing the cast of the EGLNativeWindowType argument (as in How to create EGLSurface using C++/WinRT and ANGLE?) - that only creates other problems. As indicated, this code does work to create a surface in the basic case, just not when using the EGLRenderResolutionScaleProperty.
My guess is that something about the way I'm supplying that property is failing, because it fails on what should be reasonable values (e.g., 1.0).
Solved this by first checking that swapChainPanel size is not zero:
void MyClass::CreateRenderSurface()
if (mRenderSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
if (0 == mSwapChainPanel->ActualHeight || 0 == mSwapChainPanel->ActualWidth)
mRenderSurface = CreateSurface(mSwapChainPanel, nullptr, &resolutionScale);
(The code checks elsewhere whether the render surface has been created, and will call this again if needed.)
Interestingly, the original code that used nullptr for both size and resolution arguments (case 1 in original snippet above) didn't need that check.

How do I get the camera2 api to work a second time?

I'm using Xamarin/Android (not Forms), trying to integrate the camera2basic api sample into my project.
I changed nothing in the sample, and I am only interested in using the main camera and only taking a snapshot.
My project has a MainActivity and the camera2 is one of its Fragments that I'm calling like this:
string fragmentTag = this.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.camera_form);
// Begin the transaction
FragmentTransaction trans = this.FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
// Replace the old fragment with the new one.
trans.Add(Resource.Id.fragment_container, camera2BasicFragment, fragmentTag);
// Add the transaction to the back stack.
// The tag is added so we can use PopBackStack to skip a screen on the back key
// Don't forget to commit
Everything works the first time. It takes a photo and saves it to a folder.
The second time I run it, it shows a preview, then when I take a photo it crashes here, where the throw is:
public void CaptureStillPicture()
var activity = Activity;
if (null == activity || null == mCameraDevice)
// This is the CaptureRequest.Builder that we use to take a picture.
if (stillCaptureBuilder == null)
stillCaptureBuilder = mCameraDevice.CreateCaptureRequest(CameraTemplate.StillCapture);
// Use the same AE and AF modes as the preview.
stillCaptureBuilder.Set(CaptureRequest.ControlAfMode, (int)ControlAFMode.ContinuousPicture);
// Orientation
int rotation = (int)activity.WindowManager.DefaultDisplay.Rotation;
stillCaptureBuilder.Set(CaptureRequest.JpegOrientation, GetOrientation(rotation));
mCaptureSession.Capture(stillCaptureBuilder.Build(), new CameraCaptureStillPictureSessionCallback(this), null);
catch (System.Exception e)
catch (CameraAccessException e)
With this error:
{Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: CaptureRequest contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!
at Java.Interop.JniEnvironment+InstanceMethods.CallIntMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference instance, Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo method, Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue* args) [0x00069] in <286213b9e14c442ba8d8d94cc9dbec8e>:0
at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers+JniInstanceMethods.InvokeAbstractInt32Method (System.String encodedMember, Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable self, Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue* parameters) [0x00014] in <286213b9e14c442ba8d8d94cc9dbec8e>:0
at Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraCaptureSessionInvoker.Capture (Android.Hardware.Camera2.CaptureRequest request, Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraCaptureSession+CaptureCallback listener, Android.OS.Handler handler) [0x00078] in <b781ed64f1d743e7881ac038e0fbdf85>:0
at RvsMobileApp.Activities.Camera2BasicFragment.CaptureStillPicture () [0x000b7] in C:\Source\RVS\rvs-mobile-app\src\Rvs.Mobile.App\Activities\Camera2BasicFragment.cs:807
--- End of managed Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException stack trace ---
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CaptureRequest contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!
at android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest.convertSurfaceToStreamId(CaptureRequest.java:674)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.submitCaptureRequest(CameraDeviceImpl.java:1066)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.capture(CameraDeviceImpl.java:936)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraCaptureSessionImpl.capture(CameraCaptureSessionImpl.java:173)
at md5bbb797339b35f7667da89d6634e22c37.CameraCaptureListener.n_onCaptureCompleted(Native Method)
at md5bbb797339b35f7667da89d6634e22c37.CameraCaptureListener.onCaptureCompleted(CameraCaptureListener.java:37)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraCaptureSessionImpl$1.lambda$onCaptureCompleted$3(CameraCaptureSessionImpl.java:640)
at android.hardware.camera2.impl.-$$Lambda$CameraCaptureSessionImpl$1$OA1Yz_YgzMO8qcV8esRjyt7ykp4.run(Unknown Source:8)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:873)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65)
base: {Java.Lang.RuntimeException}
JniPeerMembers: {Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers}
At first I thought it was a memory leak, so I made sure my fragment was killing itself off. Here is how I end the fragment when the finished button is pressed:
case Resource.Id.camera_finished:
// EventHandler<DialogClickEventArgs> nullHandler = null;
Activity activity = Activity;
if (activity != null)
// Send all of the data to the service
// SendPhotosAndDataToService();
// Call the paren activitity's back to END this Fragment
Here are my steps to reproduce the error:
Start the Camera (load the fragment)
See a preview
Take a photo
Return to Main Activity (close fragment)
Start the Camera (load the fragment)
See a preview
Take a photo CRASH!!!
As long as I don't take any photos, I can load and unload the fragment as many times as I need to.
I Googled "CaptureRequest contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!", and didn't get enough information to really understand the problem.
I think something is not cleaning itself up after the first run.
I've been working on this issue for days now.
As Alex Cohn pointed out, and I found when I read this article:
Which is an excellent resource BTW, the sample code was not releasing the stillCaptureBuilder so it can be used the second time.
public void CaptureStillPicture()
var activity = Activity;
if (null == activity || null == mCameraDevice)
//// This is the CaptureRequest.Builder that we use to take a picture.
////if (stillCaptureBuilder == null)
//// stillCaptureBuilder = mCameraDevice.CreateCaptureRequest(CameraTemplate.StillCapture);
// This is the proper code
var stillCaptureBuilder = mCameraDevice.CreateCaptureRequest(CameraTemplate.StillCapture);
// Use the same AE and AF modes as the preview.
stillCaptureBuilder.Set(CaptureRequest.ControlAfMode, (int)ControlAFMode.ContinuousPicture);
// Orientation
int rotation = (int)activity.WindowManager.DefaultDisplay.Rotation;
stillCaptureBuilder.Set(CaptureRequest.JpegOrientation, GetOrientation(rotation));
mCaptureSession.Capture(stillCaptureBuilder.Build(), new CameraCaptureStillPictureSessionCallback(this), null);
catch (System.Exception e)
catch (CameraAccessException e)
I am documenting this so anyone else struggling with camera2 can learn.
Thank you as always
Have stillCaptureBuilder re-initialized when you restore the camera fragment. Even better, make sure you clean the stillCaptureBuilder up when the fragment is destroyed.

Xamarin Cam2 IOnImageAvailableListener's OnImageAvailable called twice causing

UPDATE: The initial question has been answered as to why the crashes happen but the lingering problem remains of why is the 'OnImageAvailable' callback called so may times? When it is called, I want to do stuff with the image, but whatever method I run at that time is called many times. Is this the wrong place to be using the resulting image?
I am using the sample code found here for a Xamarin Android implementation of the Android Camera2 API. My issue is that when the capture button is pressed a single time, the OnCameraAvalibleListener's OnImageAvailable callback gets called multiple times.
This is causing a problem because the image from AcquireNextImage needs to be closed before another can be used, but close is not called until the Run method of the ImageSaver class as seen below.
This causes these 2 errors:
Unable to acquire a buffer item, very likely client tried to acquire
more than maxImages buffers
maxImages (2) has already been acquired, call #close before acquiring
The max image is set to 2 by default, but setting it to 1 does not help. How do I prevent the callback from being called twice?
public void OnImageAvailable(ImageReader reader)
var image = reader.AcquireNextImage();
owner.mBackgroundHandler.Post(new ImageSaver(image, file));
// Saves a JPEG {#link Image} into the specified {#link File}.
private class ImageSaver : Java.Lang.Object, IRunnable
// The JPEG image
private Image mImage;
// The file we save the image into.
private File mFile;
public ImageSaver(Image image, File file)
if (image == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("image");
if (file == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("file");
mImage = image;
mFile = file;
public void Run()
ByteBuffer buffer = mImage.GetPlanes()[0].Buffer;
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.Remaining()];
using (var output = new FileOutputStream(mFile))
catch (IOException e)
The method OnImageAvailable can be called again as soon as you leave it if there is another picture in the pipeline.
I would recommend calling Close in the same method you are calling AcquireNextImage. So, if you choose to get the image directly from that callback, then you have to call Close in there as well.
One solution involved grabbing the image in that method and close it right away.
public void OnImageAvailable(ImageReader reader)
var image = reader.AcquireNextImage();
ByteBuffer buffer = mImage.GetPlanes()[0].Buffer;
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.Remaining()];
// I am not sure where you get the file instance but it is not important.
owner.mBackgroundHandler.Post(new ImageSaver(bytes, file));
The ImageSaver would be modified to accept the byte array as first parameter in the constructor:
public ImageSaver(byte[] bytes, File file)
if (bytes == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("bytes");
if (file == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("file");
mBytes = bytes;
mFile = file;
The major downside of this solution is the risk of putting a lot of pressure on the memory as you basically save the images in memory until they are processed, one after another.
Another solution consists in acquiring the image on the background thread instead.
public void OnImageAvailable(ImageReader reader)
// Again, I am not sure where you get the file instance but it is not important.
owner.mBackgroundHandler.Post(new ImageSaver(reader, file));
This solution is less intensive on the memory; but you might have to increase the maximum number of images from 2 to something higher depending on your needs. Again, the ImageSaver's constructor needs to be modified to accept an ImageReader as a parameter:
public ImageSaver(ImageReader imageReader, File file)
if (imageReader == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("imageReader");
if (file == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("file");
mImageReader = imageReader;
mFile = file;
Now the Run method would have the responsibility of acquiring and releasing the Image:
public void Run()
Image image = mImageReader.AcquireNextImage();
ByteBuffer buffer = image.GetPlanes()[0].Buffer;
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.Remaining()];
using (var output = new FileOutputStream(mFile))
catch (IOException e)
I too facing this issue for longer time and tried implementing #kzrytof's solution but didn't helped well as expected but found the way to get the onImageAvailable to execute once.,
Scenario: When the image is available then the onImageAvailable method is called right?
so, What I did is after closing the image using image.close(); I called the imagereader.setonImageAvailableListener() and made the listener = null. this way I stopped the execution for second time.,
I know, that your question is for xamarin and my below code is in native android java but the method and functionalities are same, so try once:
public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
final Image image=imageReader.acquireLatestImage();
try {
if (image != null) {
Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();
ByteBuffer buffer = planes[0].getBuffer();
int pixelStride = planes[0].getPixelStride();
int rowStride = planes[0].getRowStride();
int rowPadding = rowStride - pixelStride * width;
int bitmapWidth = width + rowPadding / pixelStride;
if (latestBitmap == null ||
latestBitmap.getWidth() != bitmapWidth ||
latestBitmap.getHeight() != height) {
if (latestBitmap != null) {
catch(Exception e){
imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(null, svc.getHandler());
// next steps to save the image

How do I check if my DirectShow Renderer filter is being used?

In my DirectShow project I create a filter (derived from CBaseVideoRenderer) to render to a block of memory. This works in most cases perfectly well, with me adding the filter
mGraphBuilder->AddFilter(pInterfaceInfo, MemoryRendererName);
and relying on GraphBuilder to do the rest. However in some cases the graph builder and my filter cannot agree on a common format and it creates a new ActiveMovie window, bypassing my filter.
I would like to detect when this occurs so that I know my filter is not being used, but cannot work out how.
I enumerate all filters in my graph, looking for my filter, using the following method:
(EDIT: I pass my my GraphBuilder object as the pGraph parameter when I call this)
HRESULT MediaPlayer::CheckFilterGraphFor(IFilterGraph *pGraph, IBaseFilter* pFilterToLookFor)
IEnumFilters *pEnum = NULL;
IBaseFilter *pFilter;
ULONG cFetched;
HRESULT enumeratedFilterCount = 0;
FILTER_INFO pRefFilterInfo;
HRESULT hr = pGraph->EnumFilters(&pEnum);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
while(pEnum->Next(1, &pFilter, &cFetched) == S_OK)
hr = pFilter->QueryFilterInfo(&FilterInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if(wcscmp(FilterInfo.achName, pRefFilterInfo.achName) == 0)
return S_OK;
// The FILTER_INFO structure holds a pointer to the Filter Graph
// Manager, with a reference count that must be released.
if (FilterInfo.pGraph != NULL)
return enumeratedFilterCount;
But it does not work as expected, as my filter is always found regardless of whether it is in use or not.
How can I tell when my filter is in use as the video renderer for my DirectShow graph, and when it is not?
After finding your renderer filter, find its input pin and check if it's connected or not (IPin::ConnectedTo)

Wrong PIDL got from CIDA when dragging a Control Panel item

I'm working on a drag and drop problem now and trying to get the PIDLs of the items being dragged from windows shell to my application.
The code below can get correct PIDLs if the dragged item is 'My Computer' or 'Control Panel' itself, but it doesn't work when the dragged item is an item in the 'Control Panel'.
What's wrong with my code?
#define GetPIDLFolder(pida) (LPCITEMIDLIST)(((LPBYTE)pida)+(pida)->aoffset[0])
#define GetPIDLItem(pida, i) (LPCITEMIDLIST)(((LPBYTE)pida)+(pida)->aoffset[i+1])
UINT fmt = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST);
HRESULT GETDATA_RESULT = pDataObject->GetData(&fe, &medium);
LPIDA pida = (LPIDA)GlobalLock(medium.hGlobal);
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = GetPIDLFolder(pida);
int n = pida->cidl; // the n is always correct
if( n > 0 )
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlItem = GetPIDLItem(pida, 0);
// the pidlItem is wrong when the dragged object is an item in 'Control Panel'
Any idea? Thanks
If I D&D Mouse, Network Connections and Fonts I get the following output in my test app:
0 Mouse | sfgao=4 hr=0
1 ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E} | sfgao=20000004 hr=0
2 C:\WINDOWS\Fonts | sfgao=60000004 hr=0
The Network Connections and Fonts pidls can be converted to fully qualified shell paths while Mouse only returns a relative path/displayname.
This makes sense if you check the documentation for IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf:
...They do not guarantee that
IShellFolder will return the requested
form of the name. If that form is not
available, a different one might be
returned. In particular, there is no
guarantee that the name returned by
the SHGDN_FORPARSING flag will be
successfully parsed by
IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName. There
are also some combinations of flags
that might cause the
round trip to not return the original
identifier list. This occurrence is
exceptional, but you should check to
be sure.
It is clear that when dealing with controlpanel items, you need to keep the pidl around and only use GetDisplayNameOf for display strings in your UI.
(IShellLink::SetIDList on the Mouse pidl will create a working shortcut so the pidl is valid)
void OnDrop(IDataObject*pDO)
UINT fmt = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST);
HRESULT hr = pDO->GetData(&fe, &medium);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
LPIDA pida = (LPIDA)GlobalLock(medium.hGlobal);
if (pida)
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = GetPIDLFolder(pida);
for (UINT i=0; i<pida->cidl; ++i)
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlItem = GetPIDLItem(pida,i);
LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbsolute = ILCombine(pidlFolder,pidlItem);
if (pidlAbsolute)
hr= SHBindToParent(pidlAbsolute,IID_IShellFolder,(void**)&pParentSF,&pidlItem);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr= pParentSF->GetDisplayNameOf(pidlItem, SHGDN_FORPARSING, &str);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr= StrRetToBuf(&str,pidlItem,szName,MAX_PATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr= pParentSF->GetAttributesOf(1,&pidlItem,&sfgao);
TRACE(_T("%u %s | sfgao=%X hr=%X\n"),i,szName,sfgao,hr);
