I am using the Stepping Thread Group so that I constantly increase threads (users in system) every minute. I then have a Random Order Controller, containing several Simple Controllers, which in turn contain HTTP Requests:
Stepping Thread Group (Test Suite)
Random Order Controller (used to execute test cases randomly)
Simple Controller1 (Test Case)
HTTP Requests (Test Steps)
Simple Controller2 (Test Case)
HTTP Requests (Test Steps)
Simple Controller3 (Test Case)
HTTP Requests (Test Steps)
My idea is that the thread group will execute the simple controllers (Test Cases) in random order, and do so constantly until defined time runs out. So my questions are:
1) If I have an almost infine amount of users in CSV file, will this setup basically continue running the test cases in ranodm order continuously, or will each thread execute only once and then it just stops
2) If JMeter has ramped up all e.g. 150 threads, does that mean that 150 threads have been executed, or that 150 threads are now running concurrently?
Kindly find the clarifications below:
My idea is that the thread group will execute the simple controllers (Test Cases) in random order, and do so constantly until defined time runs out.
1) If I have an almost infine amount of users in CSV file, will this setup basically continue running the test cases in ranodm order continuously, or will each thread execute only once and then it just stops
It is not time based, it depends on the no. of threads e.g. if you set no. of threads to "5" and loop count to "1", all 5 threads/users will randomly go to only 1 simple controller. the test execution will stop after all 5 threads have finished the intended task, unless you have set the loop count to "forever", it will never stop.
2) If JMeter has ramped up all e.g. 150 threads, does that mean that 150 threads have been executed, or that 150 threads are now running concurrently?
you have to check in the top-right corner of Jmeter, if you see 150/150 test is still in execution. if it is 0/150, that means test has stopped.
Hope this will help.
Im just begining with stress tests in Jmeter and have following problem. I want to call 50 times at once (50 users) for one endpoint ss1. When I just leave empty "Ramp-up period" these calls have very small delay but still have - intention is to calls it at exactly the same time ss2
If you want the request to be sent at exactly the same moment with 50 users - add a Synchronizing Timer and set the number of simulated users to group by to 50 (or whatever it the number of threads in your Thread Group)
More information: Using the JMeter Synchronizing Timer
i am running a simple test with 10 users for 5 mins. my test has a single thread and different transactions within it. By the end of the test, there is a different number of samples for each transaction. Is there a way or a setting so that we don't start any new thread when the test is finishing, i tried ultimate thread group plugin with ramp down , hoping to see same samples for all requests but it didn't happen. Not sure if that is even possible.
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When you're defining test duration it might be the case that some virtual users are somewhere in the "middle" of the Samplers and they stop when they receive shutdown signal.
It means that the very first sampler will be executed with 100% of users and for further samplers the chance of getting executed becomes lower and lower.
The only way to have the same number of Sample Results for all Samplers is using normal JMeter Thread Group and providing fixed amount of loops.
Given above setup you will have strictly 80 executions of each and every Sampler in the Test Plan
More information: Getting Started with JMeter - A Basic Tutorial
i have the need to run one http request sample more times than the rest of the samples in the Test group, for example, i need to run for 10 users, but for each of them, i need to run one of the samples multiple times, lets say 10, is there a way to achieve it?
1) I set "Number of Threads (Users)" in Thread group to 10, so i have 10 total users (with data taken for every thread from a CVS file, with equal number of rows and threads, so 1 thread is an unique data set.
2) I make some requests after, but for only one of the requests, i need to make it like 100 times in parallel for the same data for every thread, so in total, i will make 1000 (100 http requests for 10 unique users/threads) requests to that endpoint
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I found the loop controller, but its not making the 100 http requests at the same time for each thread in the thread group, it makes another one when the first ends
If I correctly got your requirements, to wit:
You need to execute one sampler more times than other samplers
The execution must occur at exactly the same moment
The most obvious choice would be either Parallel Sampler or Parallel Controller (depending on the nature of your requests). You can install both test elements using JMeter Plugins Manager:
I have written a simple test plan with the following steps
Test Plan
View Results in Table
Aggregate Report
Thread group
Threads: 5
Ramp-up period: 0s
Loop count: 1
Inside Thread Group
A dummy sampler to prove that all threads are running concurrently
HTTP request to upload a file
When I run the above tests, the dummy sampler is executed nearly the same time. However, I realize that only 1 thread can execute the HTTP request to upload file at a time, even when I have multiple threads. So the final result will be Thread 1 upload file -> finish -> Thread 2 upload file ... e.t.c.
Is this a normal behaviour and can I make file upload performs concurrently from multiple threads?
It depends on the number of threads, loop count and ramp-up period. JMeter starts threads within the time frame you specify in "Ramp-up period" input and the threads start executing samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers). When there are no samplers to execute or loops to iterate the thread is being shut down.
If you need to configure JMeter to execute a certain request at exactly the same time by several threads add Synchronizing Timer as a child of this request and configure "Number of Simulated Users to Group by" setting to match the number of simultaneous users
Example execution:
As you can see, Dummy Samplers were started in 2 seconds while HTTP Request samplers were executed at nearly the same moment.
See Using the JMeter Synchronizing Timer article for more information on implementing these "rendezvous points" in JMeter tests
I have concerns about the duration of executing JMeter Test Scenario.
In fact, if we execute a manual test with 1 user in 1 hour, we will find the same duration or little more with 3 user.
But, with JMeter test the duration with 1 user will be multiplied by the number of users.
During my scripting with this tool, I've noticed that JMeter always wait for the response of the request to pass to another request. It's like we have 1 user doing the work of multiple users.
Does any body have explanations about this issue?
Can we configure JMeter to perform like we have x users working in // ?
Depends how you are simulating users..
Each thread will wait for a response, but users are represented by different threads, and threads do not wait for each other to complete samples, they are independent.
If you are using threads in thread group to represent users (which is the intended usage), the threads will start concurrently and run independently, so you should see the 3 users complete in an hour, as with manual tests. If this is not happening, then you should check the resources used on the client running jmeter during single thread and multi thread runs. Or perhaps the bottleneck may be in the transport (ie bandwidth). All you have determined so far is that the bottleneck is prior to the server, you need to determine where it is.
It is also possible you have created a thread group for each simulated user. If this is the case you can set the groups to run consecutive or concurrent. The setting for this is on the Test Plan element at the very top of the tree. You want concurrent, so untick 'Run Thread Groups Consecutively'.
So it comes down to how you are simulating users.
In ideal world if you test your site with 1 user all set of actions completes in 1 hour. If you add another 100 users - still one hour, 1000 users - 1 hour.
In real world server response time increases with the number of concurrent threads. But it isn't something like
1 user - average response time 10ms
2 users - 20 ms
3 users - 30 ms
1 user - 10 ms
2 users - 10 ms
3 users - 10 ms
10 users - 11 ms
The whole idea of the performance testing is to determine the upper limit of server load and identify bottlenecks and issues which happen under the load so you could state something like: using this hardware and this configuration the application is capable of serving 500 concurrent users without serious delays. In case of 1000 users response time will be more than 15 seconds.
In regards to threads, JMeter thread starts, executes samples one by one for defined amount of loops and exits. It is applicable for each thread which are independent. Basic throughput control can be done via ramp-up and loops count (see Thread Group documentation on details)
More advanced load scenario definition can be done using following Test Elements:
Ultimate Thread Group - which provides easy visual way of defining ramp-up, ramp-down and time to hold the load
Constant Throughput Timer - to set desired load rate in requests per minute
Synchronizing Timer - to pause all the test threads and release them at the same moment to produce a "spike"