android 4.4 print word document in reduced scale - android-4.4-kitkat

My android app (android 4.4) needs to print out some word document (.doc). The documents are in A4-size but my client's receipt is in A5-size format. I have checked the developer documentation (link in below) but it only talks about pdf.
Is there any print example related to .doc?


Is there an API to the new macOS translation system?

In the newest editions of Safari (and other Apple apps, like Books) you can select some text, then control-click for a context menu, and then "Translate" the text. You get two things:
The translated text
Play buttons that read you either language in nice Siri-like (realistic) text-to-speech.
Is there an API to do this that's available to our own apps?
Unfortunately I don't believe this is available as a developer API at this current time

Places SDK IOS output language

I'm building an app on ios based on the user's current place and I'm using Google Places SDK for ios to find the current place of the user.
The problem is that I would like to get the adress in English and the SDK is providing it to me in the system language.
Is there a way to specify the output language ?
For example :
On an iPhone in french i'll get country Italie instead of Italy.

Arabic text to speech in Xamarin not working

Hi I'm trying to develop an application that will talk to the user via text to speech. I have used the tutorials available on Xamarin website and the plugin created by James Montemagno and I can output English text to speech but whenever I ask the app to say Arabic words it goes silent.
Is Arabic TTS supported on Xamarin in either Forms, Android, or iOS?
After too many searches I found that android devices not supporting Arabic TTS and you have to use paid third party to do that.

How to measure number of installs on versions of an iOS app

I have an app published on Apple's app store via iTunes Connect. I also have the same app published on Google's Play store.
Both platforms are on their 3rd version and I need to measure the number of installs of each version. Google have made this easy - in the developer console click 'Statistics' then 'App Version':
However, I'm struggling to find a similar report in iTunes Connect.
Is there a way to achieve this with iOS apps?
You can get similar (but not the same nice overview!) information for apps using iOS8+ via Apple's own App Analytics without integrating any 3rd party SDK.
Go to > Your App > Metrics
Then choose from the "Usage" metrics on the left either "Installations" or "Sessions" (1) and plot them by "App Versions" (2). Please note that usage metrics only included "opt-in" data. (I'd also adjust the time interval if needed)
You can get your opt-in rate by clicking on the little "?" in the top right next to "About App Analytics" in almost every view.

Can we get to choose the application which can be used to edit a document in iOS 8?

I was going through Document Picker & Document Provider Extensions of iOS8 today. Document picker allows us to pick documents of the different apps where as the document provider helps us to work with third party storage.
Right now I have one scenario that I am stuck with i.e, in my app I will have a document lets say a word document. Now I want to open this document in my app using an other app say Microsoft office and then I want to perform edit on this document. After editing, I should be able to come back to my application. Again if I view this document those changes should be present. Can this be achievable in iOS 8 without duplicating the documents.
