Haxe application exits when deployed to windows - windows

I am making a game engine in haxe/openfl. so far it's just supposed to display the image that belongs to the thing object. what I have built so far runs perfectly on when deployed as a flash application, but closes instantly when I deploy it as a windows application. It just creates a blank screen in html5. I have not tested other targets. I am using HIDE, and every time it crashes, HIDE brings up the message: "File c:\Users\Adu\Documents\HaxeProjects\Downloaded\Export\windows\cpp\bin\Downloaded.exe was changed. Reload?" and gives me the options yes or no. My answer doesn't seem to change the situation. when I manually go into the export directory and run the application, it gives the error: "Error Custom([file_write,stderr]). Here is my code:
import openfl.display.Graphics;
import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.Bitmap;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.events.Event;
import openfl.Lib;
import openfl.text.TextField;
import openfl.text.TextFormat;
import openfl.ui.Keyboard;
import openfl.events.*;
class Main
static var obj(default,default):ObjectManager; //contains the list that all gameobjects add themselves to
static var stage = Lib.current.stage;
public static function main() // this is the gameloop
// static entry point
var running = true; // gives me a way to exit the gameloop
while (running)
Lib.current.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, function(event)
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE)
static function startUp() // runs once, when the game is started
obj= new ObjectManager();
stage.align = openfl.display.StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = openfl.display.StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
static function logic() // loops, this handles the logic
var thing = new GameObject("assets/pixel_thing.png", 1, obj);
var mech = new GameObject("assets/mechwarrior.png", 0, obj);
static function render() // runs right after logic and draws everything to the screen
for (i in obj.objects) //iterates through a list of gabeobjects and draws them, it is 2 dimensional so that I can draw objects in blocks
for (j in i)
package ;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.Bitmap;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.events.Event;
import openfl.Lib;
import openfl.text.TextField;
import openfl.text.TextFormat;
class GameObject extends Sprite
public function new(?image:String, zOrder:Int, objectManager:ObjectManager) // image is the image, zorder is which layer it's drawn on, lower layers are drawn on top objectmanager is just there to help me pass the list to the object
var data = Assets.getBitmapData(image);//this is the image data
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(data);//this is the actual image
Lib.current.stage.addChild(bitmap);//this sraws the image when the object is instantiated
objectManager.objects[zOrder].push(this);// this adds it to the list of objects
package ;
class ObjectManager
public var objects = new Array<Array<GameObject>>();
why is it that it works on flash but not windows? How do I fix this?

First off - this doesn't work fine on flash either. Are you running this in the flash debug player? If you don't, which I assume is the case, you won't see any exceptions.
There's a null reference error at this line:
objectManager.objects[zOrder].push(this);// this adds it to the list of objects
You are accessing the array at index zOrder, which doesn't exist. objects is being initialized to [], which does not include the "inner arrays" (it can't, really, how would it know how many of them there should be?).
Now, Windows builds don't give you very helpful debug information by default. A simple way around is to use neko (which mostly behaves the same as hxcpp builds, except it compiles faster and performs worse) for debugging, where you get a stacktrace by default on crashes.
Sure enough, it's the same issue as in flash, the only difference is that native builds crash while flash just "ignores it" and tries to carry on.
Invalid field access : objects
Called from GameObject::new line 92
Called from GameObject::$init line 83
Called from Main::logic line 61
Called from Main::main line 38
Called from Reflect::callMethod line 58
Called from ApplicationMain::main line 91
Called from openfl.Lib::create line 113
For better hxcpp build debug info, you might want to have a look at the crashdumper lib.


Custom explosion after BlockPlaceEvent

So I'm trying to make a nuclear bomb in Minecraft so I tried to make a custom TNT block on placement, but I can't seem to trigger the action of creating the explosion at the block location. May I have some help?
Here's the code...
package com.TheRealBee.Bows.Event9;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent;
public class EventManager9 implements Listener {
public static void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent e) {
Block b = e.getBlock();
Location blocklocation = b.getLocation();
if (e.getBlockPlaced().equals(ChatColor.AQUA+"Nuclear bomb")){
blocklocation.getWorld().createExplosion(blocklocation, 5, true);
Your issue is that you're checking for equality between a Block (the result of e.getBlockPlaced()) and a string. These two will never be equal and so your condition is not met.
You could change your condition so that it checks the ItemStack in the player's hand when the block was placed. You also didn't check for the block type and so I've added a check for TNT in my example code below but you can just remove that for it to work with any block with the custom name.
public void onNukePlace(BlockPlaceEvent e){
// Return if it's not TNT, doesn't have ItemMeta or doesn't have a custom dispaly name
if(!e.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.TNT) || !e.getItemInHand().hasItemMeta() || !e.getItemInHand().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName())
// Return if the item display name is not correct
if(!e.getItemInHand().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(ChatColor.AQUA + "Nuclear bomb"))
// Create the explosion
e.getBlock().getLocation().getWorld().createExplosion(e.getBlock().getLocation(), 5, true);
However, this will cause the explosion to happen instantaneously on placement, if that's not desired, you can use a runnable like runTaskLater. You may wish to manually remove the block that the player placed as if, for example, you make your 'Nuclear bomb' using bedrock, the explosion won't get rid of it.

How can I make changes in the GUI with background work in JavaFX?

From all the searching and reading it’s clear that I need to call Platform.runLater() to change the GUI. It also appears I need to use the Runnable interface. Perhaps I should also use Tasks?
But I can’t figure out how exactly I should use them. Plus, I’m not sure which class I should put them in. I’m super new to JavaFX.
My trial JavaFX project has only a Label and a TextField. Label contains a question and the TextField is for answering. Simple enough.
I ran into the problem here:
The answer checking method is in a separate class. I can’t figure out how I can access the components of the GUI/FXML and change them. The methods in the other classes are static while the components of the GUI/FXML are non-static.
Since my actual project would have many quizzes, I'm keen on using separate classes for checking answers.
Only 3 small classes are relevant here:
The “Launcher” class which contains the main method.
The “ViewController” class for the FXML file as well as some methods.
The “Ans” class which has a method to check the answer input.
In which class should I put the Platform.runLater()? And how would the code be?
I’ll just share the code of the “Ans” and the “ViewController” classes.
Ans (The background works are supposed to happen in this file. In the comments, I've mentioned what I want to do but unable to do. For example, I want to set the Label text from there but I can't. Since I have no idea how to do it I've just put a System.out.Println there. In the comments next to it, I've mentioned what I actually want to do.)
package com.dan.ans;
import com.dan.qn.Qn;
import com.dan.view.ViewController;
public class Ans {
public static void checkAns() {
// Checks if the ans is correct.
if (ViewController.getTextFieldInput().equalsIgnoreCase(Qn.getAns())) {
System.out.println("Correct!"); // Here I want the label to say 'Correct!' rather than it be print out in the console.
Qn.setQuestion(); // This gets the next question from the database. But again, I don't know how to make the changes show on the screen. (In the actual code I'd have a separate Label for each of these things)
} else { // Runs if it's not correct.
System.out.println("Incorrect!"); // Here I want the label to say 'Incorrect' rather than it be print out in the console.
package com.dan.view;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import com.dan.ans.Ans;
import com.dan.qn.Qn;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.fxml.Initializable;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
public class ViewController implements Initializable {
private static String textFieldInput; // I don't know how to access the typed info in the textField from another class. So I store it here and get it from it.
// This is the getter I use for it. (See above)
public static String getTextFieldInput() {
return textFieldInput;
private Label label;
private TextField textField;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
Qn.setQuestion(); // This method is in the Qn class. It retrieves data from the db file and keeps them in variables.
label.setText(Qn.getQn()); // This sets the label's text using the retrieved data. So you see the first question when the program opens.
// Event Listener on TextField[#textField].onAction
public void enter(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
textFieldInput = textField.getText(); // Stores the typed info in the variable to be accessed from elsewhere.
Ans.checkAns(); // Runs the checkAns to check if the typed answer is correct or not.
The “Launcher” method just looks like any method with a main class. So I haven’t shared its code here.
Could someone please show me how I can update the components in the GUI from other classes such as “Ans”? I’m pretty sure I should use Platform.runLater() and Runnable. Also may be Tasks. I’ve seen several examples but it’s not clear how I can use it this context.
Thanks a lot in advance! :)
It's not really particularly clear what the issue is here. The natural (to me, anyway) approach would simply be to make the checkAnswer(...) method a method that simply "does what it says on the box", i.e. that takes an answer as a parameter, checks it, and returns a value to the caller indicating if it is correct.
That way you can also avoid all the ugly static hacks.
public class Ans {
public boolean checkAns(String answer) {
// not really sure what Qn is here, but you can also clean this up and
// get rid of the static methods
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase(Qn.getAns()) {
// not sure if this really belongs here?
Qn.setQuestion(); // really takes no parameters? Sets it to what, then?
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
And then in your controller, you can just do
public class ViewController implements Initializable {
private Ans ans ;
private Label label;
private TextField textField;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
ans = new Ans();
// ...
// ...
public void enter(ActionEvent event) {
if (ans.checkAns(textField.getText())) {
// update UI to show answer was correct, etc
} else {
// update UI to show answer was incorrect...
// ...
Note how this allows you to maintain proper separation of concerns: the Ans class doesn't need to know anything at all about the UI (which it should not know about at all), and all the UI-specific code is encapsulated in the controller class where it belongs.
It's not really clear why you are asking about Platform.runLater(...) and using Task, since none of the code you posted appears to involve any background threads (i.e. none of this code seems to take an appreciable amount of time to run). If, for example, the checkAns(...) method was doing some remote lookup and did take time to run, you would execute it in a Task and update the UI from the task's onSucceeded handler. See, e.g. Using threads to make database requests. Your question really seems to be more about basic OO design and how to define the relationships between different objects, though; I don't think you are actually asking about threading at all.

event.preventDefault is unclear for me even if I understand stopImmediatePropagation and stopPropagation

event.preventDefault seems to be hard to understand to me.(this is the dark side of AS3). :)
stopImmediatePropagation - stopPropagation methods are pretty easy to understand.
Here's a test I made (which need just a copy/paste on the timeline) this may avoid You to spend too much time.
I just do not understand in which case preventDefault may be useful...
If you have some suggestions or links, please could You give me some feedback?
Here is the code :
// This example is coded on the Timeline.
// The Stage must fit 550 * 400 pixels (default size).
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
// function to create a MovieClip and return it to a variable.
function createMC(target:DisplayObjectContainer):MovieClip{
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
return mc;
// function that draws a Rectangle in the MovieClip of your choice.
function dRect(target:MovieClip,x:uint,y:uint,width:uint,height:uint,color:uint,alpha:Number):void{
var g:Graphics = target.graphics;
// event function that trace the properties of the Event.
function traceTarget(me:MouseEvent):void{
trace(" *** event.phase = " + me.eventPhase + ", event.bubbles = " + me.bubbles);
trace("me.target.name = " + me.target.name);
trace("me.currentTarget.name(the listening object) = " + me.currentTarget.name);
Use preventDefault and the events for m1 AND this will be triggered.
MOUSE_DOWN,setText will be called 2 times 1 time for this, the second time for m1!
MOUSE_DOWN,traceTarget will be called 2 times 1 time for this, the second time for m1!
Use stopPropagation to avoid that the same function is not called if an event occurs.
MOUSE_DOWN,setText will be called !
Use stopImmediatePropagation to avoid all the functions that another listener may trigger.
MOUSE_DOWN,setText WILL NEVER BE CALLED because traceTarget has been called!
stopImmediatePropagation will only allow the first listener (traceTarget).
// trace the Event that is triggered.
function setText(me:MouseEvent):void{
tf_1.text = "me.target.name = " + me.target.name;
trace("setText("+ me.target + ") has been called " + countText + " time(s)");
countText = 0;
A counter to see how many times an Event method is triggered
var countText:uint = 0;
Declare a TextField
var tf_1:TextField = new TextField();
tf_1.width = 300;
tf_1.height = 20;
tf_1.x = this.stage.stageWidth - this.stage.stageWidth/2 - tf_1.width/2;
tf_1.y = 30;
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(null,16,0xff0000,true,null,null,null,null,TextFormatAlign.CENTER)
tf_1.text = "Click on a Square/Rectangle";
Declare 4 MovieClips
3 MovieClips inside each other
- m1 on "this" (root1 in this case).
- m2 inside m1
- m3 inside m2
1 MovieClip on "this" (root1 in this case).
var m1:MovieClip
var m2:MovieClip
var m3:MovieClip
var otherClip:MovieClip
// Create the MovieClips
m1 = createMC(this);
m2 = createMC(m1);
m3 = createMC(m2);
otherClip = createMC(this);
// set the names for the MovieClip's
m1.name = "movieClip_1";
m2.name = "movieClip_2";
m3.name = "movieClip_3";
otherClip.name = "otherClip";
// Draw Rectangles in the MovieClip's
// Add a listener on m1 MovieClip.
// Add a listener on root (root1 in this case).
If You could help me to understand the preventDefault method, I should be really happy.
Best regards. Nicolas.
From the documentation of preventDefault()
Many events have associated behaviors that are carried out by default. For example, if a user types a character into a text field, the default behavior is that the character is displayed in the text field. Because the TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT event's default behavior can be canceled, you can use the preventDefault() method to prevent the character from appearing.
Here's an example for that:
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.TextEvent;
public class Main extends Sprite
public function Main()
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
tf.border = true;
tf.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, onInput);
private function onInput(te:TextEvent):void
The TextField is there, but you cannot type into it. If you comment out the line that adds the listener, the default behaviour is not prevent and you can type.
stopImmediatePropagation(), stopPropagation() and eventPhase are all concerned with the event flow: the three phases of capturing, target and bubbling. As such, they can be used to influence if an Event "reaches" an object that added a listener for it. If you want to think about the listeners that you add for an event as custom behaviour, you might call the three above "preventCustom()".
The documentation of the two methods explicitely mentions this:
Note: This method does not cancel the behavior associated with this event; see preventDefault() for that functionality.
preventDefault() deals with the default behaviour associated with the event and has nothing to do with the event flow.
As an example, you might be thinking that you could achieve the same thing as the above example by adding a listener for the capturing phase at stage and then stopping the propagation, like so:
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.TextEvent;
public class Main extends Sprite
public function Main()
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
tf.border = true;
stage.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, onInput, true); // new: added to stage and for capturing phase
private function onInput(te:TextEvent):void
te.stopImmediatePropagation(); // new: stopping propagation
If you execute this code, you will be able to type into the TextField just fine. Again, you're just messing with the event flow here, not the default behaviour. All you do is prevent subsequent listeners to be getting the Event, for example, if you add a listener to the TextField itself as shown below, it will never be executed, because you stop the event flow before it is reached.
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.TextEvent;
public class Main extends Sprite
public function Main()
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
tf.border = true;
tf.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, onTfInput);
stage.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, onInput, true);
private function onTfInput(te:TextEvent):void
// never executed
private function onInput(te:TextEvent):void
tl, dr;
If you find a bomb with a self timer ticking, stopImmediatePropagation() will stop other people getting notice about that and might prevent a panic, but only preventDefault() will save your life. If cancelable is false, you better run.
From the as3 docs: preventDefault() "cancels the events behaviour if that behaviour can be cancelled".
One example i can give you is the android back button. If you press the back button, it will minimize your AIR app by default. But if you listen for it and call preventDefault(). It will stop that default behavior so you can navigate to, your last open page instead.
Another example would be the home button on android, you can call preventDefault() but this action cannot he cancelled, so it will be ignored.
A mouse event like your example however, im not in a position to test what exactly that does

Recreate a Google Swiffy animation once destroy() is called

I'm trying to remove a Google swiffy (v 5.2.0) animation and then readd it at a later date.
In terms of the running animation there doesn't seem to be any problem, but the code triggers an error: TypeError: Cannot redefine property: Animation_fla.MainTimeline at which point all AS3 in the movie stops working. This seems to be because the destroy method is not removing references to the AS3 code within the swiffy runtime. I've spent some time trying to step through the code but it's pretty incomprehensible.
Below is a stripped out version of all I'm doing with swiffy - calling init again after calling destroy will trigger this TypeError. I've tried to reinitialise the swiffy runtime itself but this causes a similar error.
var stage;
function init() {
stage = new swiffy.Stage(domElement, swiffyJson);
function destroy() {
stage = null;
The only solution I've come up with is a pretty horrible hack. It seem Swiffy really doesn't like to recreate animations after they've been destroyed. I've had some success with detaching the Swiffy from the DOM but retaining it's reference in memory. I then had to hack the runtime to enable pause and restart. I could then reattach the original Swiffy without having to destroy it. This is in v5.2.0 downloaded from https://www.gstatic.com/swiffy/v5.2/runtime.js, after putting the runtime through jsbeautifier.org
Around line 5640 after the M.releaseCapture function I added the following function:
M.hackPause = function (bool) {
if(this.hackPaused === bool) return;
if(this.hackPaused) {
bi(ef(this.qh.yl, this.qh));
this.hackPaused = bool;
The around line 7137, replace the AK[I].yl function with the following:
Ak[I].yl = function () {
if (this.bh) {
var a = Date.now();
a >= this.Mf && (this.tl.ei(), this.Mf += (s[Xb]((a - this.Mf) / this.sl) + 1) * this.sl);
if(!this.tl.hackPaused) {
bi(ef(this.yl, this))
What this is doing is preventing the requestAnimationFrame or setTimeout from firing and therefore effectively pausing the animation.
I've tried to expose a gotoAndStop function within the runtime also, but I couldn't manage to find the scope amongst the code. In the meantime, using a hack from this post - Is it possible to pause/resume/manipulate a swiffyobject from JS? we can do this with a brute force approach by adding an enter frame event to the flash movie and testing for a change in Flashvars. Below is the Document Class we've been using for our animations. It's worth noting that Swiffy doesn't seem to like AS3 Classes that extend from the same base class, it throws the same cannot redefine property error, so we've duplicated the code from here in the Document class of each of our Flash animations. I've also got a method in there that allows dispatching events from the AS3 to a javascript function called onSwiffyEvent:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.net.navigateToURL;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
public class BaseAnimation extends MovieClip {
private var _request:URLRequest;
private var _pageName:String;
private var _movieName:String;
public function BaseAnimation() {
_request = new URLRequest();
_pageName = getFlashVar('pageName');
_movieName = getFlashVar('movieName');
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, jsListen);
private function getFlashVar(name:String):String {
var flashVar:String = stage.loaderInfo.parameters[name] || '';
stage.loaderInfo.parameters[name] = '';
return flashVar;
public function dispatchJSEvent(eventName:String, param:String = ''):void {
_request.url = "javascript:onSwiffyEvent('" + eventName + "', '" + param + "', '" + _movieName + "', '" + _pageName + "');";
navigateToURL(_request, "_self");
private function jsListen(e:Event):void {
var mode:String = getFlashVar('mode');
if(mode.length) {
switch(mode) {
case 'stop':
case 'play':
case 'gotoStart':
Swiffy also doesn't seem to like gotoAndStop(0) so I've had to set a frame label of 'start' on the first frame of the animation.
With all this horrible hackery in place, we're able to remove and restart Swiffy animations. The only issue we've found is that detaching and reattaching has caused issues with embedded SVG fonts and we've ended up converting all text to outlines. The above is used like so:
You can call it on the swiffy stage like so:
var stage = new swiffy.Stage(domObject, swiffyObj);
// when reading to remove this element from the DOM do the following:
setTimeout(function () {
// timeout is required to ensure that the enterframe listener has time to run
stage.hackPause(true); // paused animation
}, 100);
// you can then remove the containing div from the DOM, but retain it in memory
// after you reattach the div to the DOM, ensuring we've kept hold of our stage variable in memory, you can restart it like this:
stage.hackPause(false); // resumes javascript requestAnimationFrame
stage.setFlashVars('mode=play'); // resumes flash animation
Hope this helps someone, but I also really hope Google start to expose some kind of JS API or ExternalInterface to the Swiffy runtime to give us more control over what is really a pretty great tool.
Try creating a copy of the swiffyobject before passing it to swiffy.Stage(). Swiffy is modifying the object upon instantiation, so with a copy you can simply recreate after destroy()

Key Input using GtkD

I'm a beginner of both gtk and GtkD.
Now, I'm trying to get input from keyboard with reference to this .
But, It seems that three years have made some changes in Toolkits.
I wrote code below. However, I got strange values of ev in callback function.
I could not see any prospect of resolution with going alone.
So, could you show me where to modify?
I appreciate you in advance, and also your patient with my poor English.
I'm using gtkD-2.1.1 and gtk+3.2.3.
this is the full code:
import std.stdio;
import gtkc.gdktypes;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Widget;
import gdk.Event;
import gtk.Main;
class Window : MainWindow{
immutable width = 200;
immutable height = 200;
super("input test");
setEvents(EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK); // Actually I don't know how this works
auto callback_func = cast(bool delegate(Event,Widget))&get_key; // I doubt this cast
bool get_key(GdkEventKey* ev, Widget widget){
writefln("sender %s", widget);
writefln("type %x",ev.type);
writefln("window* %x",ev.window);
writefln("send_event %x",ev.sendEvent);
writefln("time %x",ev.time);
writefln("state %x",ev.state);
writefln("keyval %x",ev.keyval);
writefln("length %x",ev.length);
writefln("gchar* %x",ev.string);
writefln("hardware_keycode %x",ev.hardwareKeycode);
writefln("group %x",ev.group);
writefln("is_modifier %x\n",ev.bitfield0);
return true;
void main(string[] args){
auto win = new Window();
Yes, that cast is wrong. I guess that Signature with GdkEventKey* is outdated. Change your get_key to take an Event and you should get proper results:
auto call = &get_key;
bool get_key(Event e, Widget widget){
GdkEventKey* ev = e.key();
I have never done anything with GtkD, and this is just the result of some glances over the docs. So, it's probably not best practice, but it should get you back on the road.
