Edit a Hash contained in another Hash - ruby

I have a Hash inside a Hash with the following structure:
mysystem = {
"slicompany" => {
"sahil" => "developer",
"Jag" => "developer"
"uzanto" => {
"kapil" => "tech lead"
What is the best way to add/delete/edit the elements of the inner Hashes?

As Uri Agassi says it's very easy to access nested hashes via keys...
mysystem['slicompany']['sahil'] = 'tech lead'
For convenience, you can also assign the inner hash to a separate variable, changes to that variable will be reflected in the "outer" variable (since the inner variable and the hash of the outer variable are pointing to the same hash object)
slicompany = mysystem['slicompany']
slicompany["George"] = "dishwasher"
p mysystem
=> {"slicompany" => {"sahil" => "developer", "Jag" => "developer", "George" => "dishwasher"},
"uzanto" => {"kapil" => "tech lead"}}


Ruby: transform Hash-Keys

I have a Hash:
urls = [{'logs' => 'foo'},{'notifications' => 'bar'}]
The goal is to add a prefix to the keys:
urls = [{'example.com/logs' => 'foo'},{'example.com/notifications' => 'bar'}]
My attempt:
urls.map {|e| e.keys.map { |k| "example.com#{k}" }}
Then I get an array with the desired form of the keys but how can I manipulate the original hash?
If you want to "manually" transform the keys, then you can first iterate over your array of hashes, and then over each object (each hash) map their value to a hash where the key is interpolated with "example.com/", and the value remains the same:
urls.flat_map { |hash| hash.map { |key, value| { "example.com/#{key}" => value } } }
# [{"example.com/logs"=>"foo"}, {"example.com/notifications"=>"bar"}]
Notice urls are being "flat-mapped", otherwise you'd get an arrays of arrays containing hash/es.
If you prefer to simplify that, you can use the built-in method for for transforming the keys in a hash that Ruby has; Hash#transform_keys:
urls.map { |url| url.transform_keys { |key| "example.com/#{key}" } }
# [{"example.com/logs"=>"foo"}, {"example.com/notifications"=>"bar"}]
Use transform_keys.
urls = [{'logs' => 'foo'}, {'notifications' => 'bar'}]
urls.map { |hash| hash.transform_keys { |key| "example.com/#{key}" } }
# => [{"example.com/logs"=>"foo"}, {"example.com/notifications"=>"bar"}]
One question: are you best served with an array of hashes here, or would a single hash suit better? For example:
urls = { 'logs' => 'foo', 'notifications' => 'bar' }
Seems a little more sensible a way to store the data. Then, saying you did still need to transform these:
urls.transform_keys { |key| "example.com/#{key}" }
# => {"example.com/logs"=>"foo", "example.com/notifications"=>"bar"}
Or to get from your original array to the hash output:
urls = [{'logs' => 'foo'}, {'notifications' => 'bar'}]
urls.reduce({}, &:merge).transform_keys { |key| "example.com/#{key}" }
# => {"example.com/logs"=>"foo", "example.com/notifications"=>"bar"}
Much easier to work with IMHO :)
If you don't have access to Hash#transform_keys i.e. Ruby < 2.5.5 this should work:
urls.map{ |h| a = h.to_a; { 'example.com/' + a[0][0] => a[0][1] } }

Creating Ruby Hash from XML

I have an XML doc that looks like this (and contains hundreds of these entries):
<entry name="entryname">
ansible_hash is a hash that I will use as a basis for a dynamic ansible inventory, and has a structure as on the Ansible website:
ansible_hash = {
"_meta" => {"hostvars" => {}},
"all" => {
"children" => ["ungrouped"]
"ungrouped" => {}
I'm trying to use Nokogiri to retrieve the hostname from the XML doc, and add it to ansible_hash. I would like to have each of the hostnames to be appended to the array under the "hosts" key. How can I achieve this?
When I do this,
xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(File.open("file.xml", "r"))
xml_doc.xpath("//entry//hostname").each do |entry|
ansible_hash["all"] = ansible_hash["all"].merge("hosts" => ["#{entry.inner_text}"])
the entry under "all" => {"hosts" => []} only has the last one like this:
"_meta" => {"hostvars"=>{}},
"all" => {
"children" => ["ungrouped"],
"hosts" => ["host200"]
"ungrouped" => {}
ansible_hash['all']['hosts'] = []
xml_doc.xpath("//entry//hostname").each do |entry|
ansible_hash['all']['hosts'] << entry.inner_text
The reason your code not working:
You're trying to merge two hashes with a same key hosts in each block, and the latter one's k/v will overwrite the previous one.
The behavior you need is to append something into an array, so just focus on it and forget about merge hashes.

How to organize hashes by property

Here is the hashes that will be processed:
"flatiron school bk" => {
:location => "NYC"
"flatiron school" => {
:location => "NYC"
"dev boot camp" => {
:location => "SF"
"dev boot camp chicago" => {
:location => "Chicago"
"general assembly" => {
:location => "NYC"
"Hack Reactor" => {
:location => "SF"
I need to organize these hashes by location, like this:
{ "NYC"=>["flatiron school bk", "flatiron school", "general assembly"],
"SF"=>["dev boot camp", "Hack Reactor"],
"Chicago"=>["dev boot camp chicago"]}
You can use each_with_object to combine in into new hash:
hash.each_with_object({}) do |(name, data), res|
(res[data[:location]] ||= []) << name
Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object given, and returns the initially given object.
In this case name and data is key and value of each element in given hash.
In (res[data[:location]] ||= []) << name you get location, create array in result hash for given location (if it doesn't exist), then put key of input hash to it.

How to use a string description to access data from a hash-within-hash structure?

I have the following:
data_spec['data'] = "some.awesome.values"
data_path = ""
data_spec['data'].split('.').each do |level|
data_path = "#{data_path}['#{level}']"
data = "site.data#{data_path}"
At this point, data equals a string: "site.data['some']['awesome']['values']"
What I need help with is using the string to get the value of: site.data['some']['awesome']['values']
site.data has the following value:
"some" => {
"awesome" => {
"values" => [
"things" => "Stuff",
"stuff" => "Things",
"more_things" => "More Stuff",
"more_stuff" => "More Things",
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You could do as tadman suggested and use site.data.dig('some', 'awesome', values') if you are using ruby 2.3.0 (which is awesome and I didn't even know existed). This is probably your best choice. But if you really want to write the code yourself read below.
You were on the right track, the best way to do this is:
data_spec['data'] = "some.awesome.values"
data = nil
data_spec['data'].split('.').each do |level|
if data.nil?
data = site.data[level]
data = data[level]
To understand why this works first you need to understand that site.data['some']['awesome']['values'] is the same as saying: first get some then inside that get awesome then inside that get values. So our first step is retrieving the some. Since we don't have that first level yet we get it from site.data and save it to a variable data. Once we have that we just get each level after that from data and save it to data, allowing us to get deeper and deeper into the hash.
So using your example data would initally look like this:
{"awesome" => {
"values" => [
"things" => "Stuff",
"stuff" => "Things",
"more_things" => "More Stuff",
"more_stuff" => "More Things",
Then this:
{"values" => [
"things" => "Stuff",
"stuff" => "Things",
"more_things" => "More Stuff",
"more_stuff" => "More Things",
and finally output like this:
"things" => "Stuff",
"stuff" => "Things",
"more_things" => "More Stuff",
"more_stuff" => "More Things",
If you're receiving a string like 'x.y.z' and need to navigate a nested hash, Ruby 2.3.0 includes the dig method:
spec = "some.awesome.values"
data = {
"some" => {
"awesome" => {
"values" => [
# => ["a", "b", "c"]
If you don't have Ruby 2.3.0 and upgrading isn't an option you can just patch it in for now:
class Hash
def dig(*path)
path.inject(self) do |location, key|
location.respond_to?(:keys) ? location[key] : nil
I wrote something that does exactly this. Feel free to take any information of value from it or steal it! :)
Check out the unit tests to see how to use it:
There's an accessor method that returns a lambda. Since lambdas can be called using the [] operator (method, really), you can get such a lambda and access arbitrary numbers of levels:
or, in your case:
require 'trick_bag'
accessor = TrickBag::CollectionsAccess.accessor(site.data)
What you are looking for is something generally looked down upon and for good reasons. But here you go - it's called eval:
binding.eval data

Map keys with the same name

A GET to an API endpoint I'm working with returns json with an inconsistent order of contacts, either
{"id"=>$UUID_0, "name"=>nil, "email"=>$EMAIL_0, "phone"=>$PHONE_0, "type"=>"foo"},
{"id"=>$UUID_1, "name"=>nil, "email"=>$EMAIL_1, "phone"=>$PHONE_1, "type"=>"bar"}
{"id"=>$UUID_1, "name"=>nil, "email"=>$EMAIL_1, "phone"=>$PHONE_1, "type"=>"bar"},
{"id"=>$UUID_0, "name"=>nil, "email"=>$EMAIL_0, "phone"=>$PHONE_0, "type"=>"foo"}
The "type" values are the only static objects in these responses, so I'd like to map this so that the contact types are keys containing the other pairs:
"foo"=>{"id"=>$UUID_0, "name"=>$NAME_0, "email"=>$EMAIL_0, "phone"=>$PHONE_0},
"bar"=>{"id"=>$UUID_1, "name"=>$NAME_1, "email"=>$EMAIL_1, "phone"=>$PHONE_1}
A solution is not obvious to me.
If you use Ruby on Rails, or at least ActiveSupport, you can try index_by instead of group_by: it won't put the values into arrays.
hash['contacts'].index_by {|r| r['type']}
"bar" => {
"id" => "asdf",
"name" => nil,
"email" => "EMAIL_1",
"phone" => "PHONE_1",
"type" => "bar"
"foo" => {
"id" => "asdf",
"name" => nil,
"email" => "EMAIL_0",
"phone" => "PHONE_0",
"type" => "foo"
Hash[data['contacts'].map { |c| [c['type'], c] }]
This can be done with Enumerable#reduce:
hash['contacts'].reduce({}) {|m,c| m[c['type']] = c;m}
How it works:
An empty hash is the starting point.
The block is called once for each element in the contacts list. The block receives the hash that we're building as m and the current contact as c.
In the block, assign c to the hash based on its type and return the hash so far.
Final result is the last return value of the block.
