Oracle database data modeler check constraint - oracle

I need to create a check constraint on a date field on Oracle SQL developer 3.1.07 in domain administration.
I created The check constraint and assigned my domain to field in logical schema. After conversione to relational schema The constraint is not visibile in the DDL preview.


How to enable auto increment primary key for Oracle database in PowerDesigner 16.6?

I am new to SAP PowerDesigner I am trying to created tables and link them together to get the DB model and I am having difficulties on enabling Auto increment for the primary Key column of tables. Can someone please guide me
I have looked online and there was mentioning of check marking something called as Identity. But I do not see that option on Column properties.Image2
Which version of Oracle are you using?
Oracle 12+ supports identity columns. In PowerDesigner, the Identityoption is available in the Oracle tab on the Column, when the DBMS for the Physical Data Model is ORACLE Version 12c.
create table CONTACTS (
ID int
generated always as identity ( start with 1 nocycle noorder) not null,
NAME varchar(100) not null,
constraint PK_CONTACTS primary key (ID)
For previous versions of Oracle, the autoincrement was implemented with sequence, and triggers. See this page of PowerDesigner online documentation for example.

Oracle SQL - Column shows nullable yes despite check constraint

I'm working on migrating all the tables in my schema to be partitioned tables. Since I'm on 11g instead of 12.2 I have to use DBMS_REDEFINITION. I've automated this with some Ruby code that executes the redefinition procedures for each table in my schema.
My issue is that after migrating, all of my non-nullable columns show NULLABLE - YES. This isn't actually true however, as I can check the constraints and there are check constraints defined for each of the columns that used to be NOT NULL, still enforcing the NOT NULL status. It seems like DBMS_REDEFINITION successfully copied the constraints, but it didn't reflect the NULLABLE status.
Is there a way to tell Oracle to get this back in sync?
I found the answer elsewhere:
Oracle copies the constraints but never turns validate back on. You have to manually do that with:
ALTER TABLE <table_name> ENABLE VALIDATE CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>;

Delete cascading constraints from result in Oracle's SQL Developer

How can I delete a record from the grid of Oracle SQL Developer (3.1) with the option to cascade constraints?
You can't "delete with cascade" through SQL (and therefor not through any SQL client - including SQL Developer)
The option "cascade" is an attribute of the foreign key constraint.
It's nothing you can enable on demand

How to see the table relationships in ORACLE

I had an Access database.
Now I have created a connection with this Access DB and copied it to ORACLE.
I hope the keys and constraints must be recreated in Oracle.
I couldn't find out how to create the relationships between the tables.
And also visualizing them.
First of all your db keys and constraints should be maintained if you have completed migration from Access DB to Oracle successfully.
Having said that, there are products for Oracle database that will help you to visualize table relationships. There is a product called "PL/SQL Developer by Allround Automations", which we use as company, that includes this in their GUI interface - they have both "foreign keys" and "foreign key references" branches in their navigation tree for a table node (The product is not free though..). You can check here for detailed information about the 'Diagram Window' feature of PL/SQL Developer.
Secondly Oracle's SQL Developer (which is free) has a feature called 'Data Modeling' for visual representation of displaying the Relational. Check here for Oracle SQL Developer's Data Modeling.
Furthermore if you want to find out the tables that have references to a specific table you can also use the following query:
select table_name from user_constraints
where r_constraint_name in
(select constraint_name
from user_constraints
where constraint_type in ('P','U')
and table_name = upper('&tableOfInterest')
I recommend getting Oracle SQL Developer. It is a free tool from Oracle that allows you to view and modify your database within a GUI. It also has a data modeler built in. It is also free (you just need to have Oracle first)

How should I read the data from different oracle schema using

The database user has got two schemas. I need to read the data from a specific schema using I am using OleDbConnection object to create the connection to database. Appreciate your answers.
Use SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME in your queries.
If you don't specify a schema, Oracle will look into the current schema. The schema is by default the connexion user (so if you connect with USER1 and query TABLE1, Oracle will look for the table USER1.TABLE1). You can change your current schema at any time during a session with:
You can also use synonyms to point to the correct table.
