Suppose there is a production line with 8 tanks: each filled with a different substance for parts to be dipped in. The parts will be dropped into tanks by a crane along side the tanks. Each part moving through the tanks has a recipe associated with it. That is, each a part with recipe #1 must be in tank 1 for 10 seconds and tank 2 for 5 seconds and so on. Also each part must be dipped in each tank in the order of the tank numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
Further suppose that each part cannot sit in a tank for more than the time specified in the recipe for that part and the travel time of the crane is instantaneous. For example if a part is in tank 2 for 10 seconds and the next part scheduled to enter tank 1 only is supposed to be in tank 1 for 5 seconds then that part will not be put in tank 1 because it would then have to wait in tank 1 for 5 seconds longer than the recipe specified. Instead the crane must wait to put a new part in tank 1 until it is guaranteed to not have any wait time moving between tanks.
Now if you have say 50 parts with recipe 1, 50 with recipe 2, and 50 with recipe 3 then what is the optimal way to add parts into the tanks? 1,1,1,2,3,2,1,3...? or maybe all parts with recipe 1 first then a mix of parts 2 and 3? My most promising thought on maybe solving this problem is to use a shortest path algorithm (which I don't have much experience with), but Dijkstra's algorithm looked promising. I would build a tree where the root node is the first part put on the line and each child represents the next part to be put in the tanks. If you start with a part using recipe 1 then you can think of it as the root node with three children 1,2,3 (one for each type of recipe). Similarly each of those child nodes would have three children 1,2,3 and so on down the line until you've run out of parts to add to the tree. The 'distance' between a parent and its child would then be how long, based on the parent's recipe, that the child has to wait outside the tanks before it can enter and safely move through the tanks with no delays.
The problem with this method, however, is that there are 150!/(50!)^3 = 2*10^64 distinct orders of part which would make it quite difficult to store in any kind of data structure or process it in a reasonable way. What other approaches could I take to solve this problem? Is a definitive optimal order of parts even obtainable or would I have to settle for an approximation?
You can turn this into a minimum cost flow problem.
Use a starting node s with supply 150 (the sum of your amounts of parts)
Add a node for each of your recipes
Connect each of these nodes to s and give them a capacity of 50 (however many of that part you need)
Add another node for each of your recipes, plus 1 extra.
Connect each of your first recipe nodes to each of the nodes you've just created.
Give these edges (i,j) infinite capacity, and a cost of how long you have to wait for recipe j to proceed before you can start recipe i. (For our special extra node, 0, any edge (i,0) should have cost 0 (as though we started with this recipe).
Connect each of these last nodes to a sink t with demand 150 (same as the supply of the source) using an edge with capacity 50 (or the amount of that part needed) or 1 (in the case of our special 0 node, since only 1 part can go first).
You can solve this problem with linear programming. What's nice about this approach is that you'll only have 2*n + 3 nodes and n*(n+3) + 1 edges, regardless of how many parts you have to produce.
The Linear Programming formulation is actually way easier than the network flow (to explain):
min sum(i in Recipes, sum(j in Recipes, t_(i,j)*n_(i,j)))
s.t. sum(j in Recipes n_(i,j)) = d_i for all i in Recipes
sum(i in Recipes n_(i,j)) <= d_j for all j in Recipes
sum(i in Recipes n_(i,0)) = 1
n_(i,j) >= 0 for all i in Recipes, for all j in Recipes and 0
where t_(i,j) is the time we wait for recipe j to proceed before starting recipe i, and n_(i,j)is the number of parts of recipes type i that follow a part of recipe type j, and n_(i,0) represents the number of parts of recipes type i that don't follow anything (that go first). d_i is the number of parts of recipe i that should be made.
Lets say in my company there are a number N of workers and M sectors. Each worker is currently assigned to a sector, also each worker is all willing to change to another sector.
For example:
Worker A is in sector 1 but want to go to sector 2
B is in 2 but want 3
C is in 3 but want 2
D is in 1 but want 3
and so on...
But they all must change with eachother.
A go to B position and B go to A position
A go to B position / B go to C position / C go to A position
I know that not everyone will change sectors, but I'm wondering if there is any specific algorithm that could find what movements will yield the maximum amount of changes.
I tought about naively swap two workers but some of them may be missing, they could all form a "loop" and no one would be left out (if possible)
I could use Monte Carlo to chain the workers and find the longest chain/loop but that would be too expensive as N and M grows
Also tought about finding the longest path in a graph using djikstra but as it looks like a NP-hard problem
Does anyone know an algorithm or how could I solve this efficiently? Or I'm trying to fly too close to the sun here?
This can be solved as a min-cost circulation problem. Construct a flow network where each sector corresponds to a node, and each worker corresponds to an arc. The capacity of each arc is 1, and the cost is −1 (i.e., we should move workers if we can). The conservation of flow constraint ensures that we can decompose the worker movements into a sum of simple cycles.
Klein's cycle canceling algorithm is not the most efficient, but it's very simple. Use (e.g.) Bellman−Ford to find a negative-cost cycle in the network, if one exists. If so, reverse the direction of each arc in the cycle, multiply the cost of each arc in the cycle by −1, and loop back to the beginning.
You could use the following observations to generate the most attractive sector changes (measured as how many workers get the change they want). In order of falling attractiveness,
Identify all circular chains of sector changes. Everybody gets the change they want.
Identify all non-circular chains of sector changes. They can be made circular at the expense of one worker not getting what s/he wants.
Revisit 1. Combine any two circular chains at the expense of two workers not getting what they want.
Instead of one optimal solution, you get a list of many more or less attractive options. You will have to put some bounds on steps 1 - 3 to keep options down to a tractable number.
Consider a patient suffering from skin infection and germs are spreading all over rapidly. Assume that skin surface is scaled as a rectangular grid of size MxN and cells are marked by 0 and 1 where 0 represents non affected region on skin and 1 represents affected region on skin. Germs can move from one cell of grid to another in 4 possible directions (right, left, up, down) but can move to only one cell at a time in one direction and affect that cell in 1 sec. Doctor currently who is treating the patient see's status and wants to know the time left for him to save him before the germs spread all over the skin and patient dies. Can you help to estimate the minimum time taken for the germs to completely occupy skin surface?
Input: : Current status of skin. (A matrix of size MxN with 1's and 0's which represents affected and non affected area)
Output: : Min time in sec to cover all over the grid.
[1 1 0 0 1]
[0 1 1 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 1]
[0 1 0 0 0]
Output: 2 seconds
After 1 sec from input, matrix could be as below
[1 1 1 0 1]
[1 1 1 0 1]
[0 1 1 0 1]
[0 1 1 0 1]
In next sec, matrix is completely filled by 1's
I will not present a detailed solution here, but some thoughts that hopefully may help you to write your own program.
First step is to determine the kind of algorithm to implement. The optimal way would be to find a simple and fast ad hoc solution for this problem. In the absence of such a solution, for this kind of problems, classical candidates are DFS, BFS, A* ...
As the goal is to find the shortest solution, it seems natural to consider BFS first, as once BFS finds a solution, we know that it is the shortest ones and we can stop the search. However, then, we have to consider avoiding inflation of the nodes, as it would lead not only to a huge calculation time, but also a huge memory.
First idea to avoid node inflation is to consider that some 1 cells can only be expended in one another cell. In the posted diagram, for example the cell (0, 0) (top left) can only be expended to cell (1, 0). Then, after this expansion, cell (1, 1) can only move to cell (2, 1). Therefore, we know it would be suboptimal to move cell (1,1) to cell (1,0). Therefore: move such cells first.
In a similar way, once an infected cell is surrounded by other infected cells only, it is no longer necessary to consider it for next moves.
At the end, it would be convenient to have a list of infected cells, together with the number of non-infected cells that each such cell can move to.
Another idea to limit the number of nodes is to detect duplicates, as it is likely here that many of them will exist. For that, we have to define a kind of hashing. The used hash function does not need to be 100% efficient, but need to be calculated rapidly, and if possible in a recursive manner. If we obtain B diagram from A diagram by adding a 1-cell at position (i, j), then I propose something like
H(B) = H(A)^f(i, j)
f(i, j) = a*(1024*i+j)%b
Here, I used the fact that N and M are less than 1000.
Each time a new diagram is consider, we have to calculate the corresponding H value and check if it exists already in the set of past diagrams.
I'm not sure how far I would get with this in an interview situation. After some thought, rather than considering solutions that store more than one full board state, I would rather consider a greedy priority queue since a strong heuristic for the next zero-cell candidates to fill seems to be:
(1) healthy cells that have the least neighbouring infected cells (but at least one, of course),
e.g., choose A over B
1 1 B 0 1
0 1 1 0 0
0 0 A 0 1
0 1 0 0 0
and (2) break ties by choosing first the healthy cells that when infected will block the least infected cells.
e.g., choose A over B
1 1 1 0 1
1 B 1 0 A
0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 0
An interesting observation is that any healthy cell destination can technically be reached in time Manhattan-distance from the nearest infected cell, where the cell leading such a "crawl" continually chooses the single move that brings us closer to the destination. We know that at the same time, though, this same infected-cell "snake" produces new "crawlers" that could reach any equally far or closer neighbours. This makes me wonder if there may be a more efficient way to determine the lower-bound, based on counts of the farthest healthy cells.
This is a variant of the multi-agent pathfinding problem (MAPF). There is a ton of recent work on this topic, but earlier modern work is a good starting point for finding optimal solutions to this problem - for instance the operator decomposition approach.
To do this you would order the agents (germs) 1..k. Then, you would start a search where you generate all possible first moves for germ 1, followed by all possible first moves for germ 2, and so on, where moves for an agent are to stay in place, or to spread to an adjacent unoccupied location. With 4 possible actions for each germ, there are up to 4^k possible actions between complete states. (Partial states occur when you haven't yet assigned actions to all k agents.) The number of actions is exponential, meaning you may run up against resource constraints (time or space) fairly quickly. But, there are only 2^(MxN) states possible. (Since agents don't go away, it's actually 2^(MxN-i) where i is the number of initial germs.)
Every time all (k) germs have considered a possible action, you have a new complete state. (And k then increases for the next iteration.) The minimum time left comes from the shallowest complete state which has the grid filled. A bit of brute-force computation will find the shortest solution. (Quite a bit in the case of large grids.)
You could use a BFS to find the first state that is completely filled. But, A* might do much better. As a heuristic, you could consider that all adjacent locations of all cells were filled in each step, and then compute the number of steps required to fill the grid under that model. That gives a lower bound on the time required to fill the full grid.
But, there are many more optimizations. The reason to do operator decomposition is that you could order the moves to take the best moves first and not consider the weaker possibilities (eg all germs don't spread). You could also use a partial-expansion approach (EPEA*) to avoid generating a lot of clearly suboptimal policies for the germs.
If I was asking this as an interview questions I might be looking to see someone formulate the problem (what are actions, what are states), come up with the lower bound on the solution (every germ expands to every adjacent cell), come up with an algorithm, and perhaps analyze how hard the problem is, in order of increasing difficulty.
There are N modules in the project. Each module has
(i) Completion time denoted in number of hours (Hi) and may depend on other modules. If Module x depends on Module y then one needs to complete y before x. s Project manager, you are asked to deliver the project as early as possible. Provide an estimation of amount of time required to complete the project.
Input Format:
First line contains T, number of test cases.
For each test case: First line contains N, number of modules. Next N lines, each contain: (i) Module ID (Hi) Number of hours it takes to complete the module (D) Set of module ids that i depends on - integers delimited by space.
Output Format:
Output the minimum number of hours required to deliver the project.
Input: 1
1 5
2 6 1
3 3 2
4 2 3
5 1 3
output: 16
I know the problem is related to topological sorting.But cant get idea how to find total hours.
You are looking for the length of the critical path. The is the longest path through the network from start to finish in the digraph where the nodes are the tasks, arrows from a node A to node B represent prerequisite relationships (A must be done before B begins) and the weight of an arrow is the time it takes to complete the source node task. If there isn't any well-defined start and end node it is common to create dummy nodes for that purpose. Create a 0-cost arrow from the start node to all tasks with no prerequisites, and a 0-cost arrow from all nodes which aren't prerequisites to anything else to the end node. Furthermore, the start and end nodes themselves are just book-keeping devices, they themselves shouldn't correspond to tasks which take any time to complete.
Topological sorting doesn't find it for you but is rather a form of pre-processing that allows you to find the critical path in a single pass. You use it to sort the nodes in such a way that the first node listed has no prerequisites and, when you come to a node in the sorted list, you are guaranteed that all prerequisite nodes have been processed. You process them by assigning a minimum start time for each task. The first node (the start node) in the sorted list has start time 0. When you get to a node for which all prerequisite nodes have been processed, the min start time of that node is
max({m_i + t_i })
where i ranges over all prerequisite nodes, m_i is the min start time for node i and t_i is the time it takes to do the task for node i. The point is that m_i + t_i is the minimum finish time for node i and you take the max of such things because all prerequisite tasks must be finished before a given task can be begu. The minimum start time of the end node is the length of the critical task.
create a directed graph G if a depends on b add a directed edge in G from b to a apply topological sort on G it lets say we stored it in a array called TOPO[],intialize time=H(0)
now run a loop over TOPO array starting from the second element.
check if TOPO[i] depends on TOPO[i-1] if it is so we have to perform them one after the other so add their task times
if TOPO[i] does not dependent on TOPo[i-1] then we can perform them together so take a maximum of thier task times
after the end of the loop variable time will have your answer
do this for every component separately and take the maximum of all
I have the following scenario: (since I don't know of a way to show LaTeX, here's a screenshot)
I'm having some trouble conceptualizing what's going on here. If I were to program this, I would probably attempt to structure this as some kind of heap where each node represents a worker, from earliest-to-latest, then run Prim's/Kruskal's algorithm on it. I don't know if I'm on the right track with that idea, but I need to flesh out my understanding of this problem so I can do the following:
Describe in detail the greedy choice
Show that if there's an optimal solution for which the greedy choice was not made, then an exchange can be made to conform with the greedy choice
Know how to implement a greedy algorithm solution, and its running time
So where should I be going with this idea?
This problem is very similar in nature to "Roster Scheduling problems." Think of the committee as say a set of 'supervisors' and you want to have a supervisor present, whenever a worker is present. In this case, the supervisor comes from the same set as the workers.
Here are some modeling ideas, and an Integer Programming formulation.
Time Slicing Idea
This sounds like a bad idea initially, but works really well in practice. We are going to create a lot of "time instants" T i from the start time of the first shift, to the end time of the very last shift. It sometimes helps to think of
T1, T2, T3....TN as being time instants (say) five minutes apart. For every Ti at least one worker is working on a shift. Therefore, that time instant has be be covered (Coverage means there has to be at least one member of the committee also working at time Ti.)
We really need to only worry about 2n Time instants: The start and finish times of each of the n workers.
Coverage Property Requirement
For every time instant Ti, we want a worker from the Committee present.
Let w1, w2...wn be the workers, sorted by their start times s_i. (Worker w1 starts the earliest shift, and worker wn starts the very last shift.)
Introduce a new Indicator variable (boolean):
Y_i = 1 if worker i is part of the committeee
Y_i = 0 otherwise.
Now think of a 0-1 matrix, where the rows are the SORTED workers, and the columns are the time instants...
Construct a Time-Worker Matrix (0/1)
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 ... tN
w1 1 1
w2 1 1
w3 1 1 1
w4 1 1 1
wn 1 1 1 1
Total 2 4 3 ... ... 1 2 4 5
So the problem is to make sure that for each column, at least 1 worker is Selected to be part of the committee. The Total shows the number of candidates for the committee at each Time instant.
An Integer Programming based formulation
Objective: Minimize Sum(Y_i)
Subject to:
Y1 + Y2 >= 1 # coverage for time t1
Y1 + Y2 + Y3 >= 1 # coverage for time t2
More generally, the constraints are:
# Set Covering constraint for time T_i
Sum over all worker i's that are working at time t_i (Y_i) >= 1
Y_i Binary for all i's
This Integer program, if attempted without preprocessing can be very difficult, and end up choking the solvers. But in practice there are quite a number of preprocessing ideas that can help immensely.
Make any forced assignments. (If ever there is a time instant with only one
worker working, that worker has to be in the committee ∈ C)
Separate into nice subproblems. Look at the time-worker Matrix. If there are nice 'rectangles' in it that can be cut out without
impacting any other time instant, then that is a wholly separate
sub-problem to solve. Makes the solver go much, much faster.
Identical shifts - If lots of workers have the exact same start and end times, then you can simply choose ANY one of them (say, the
lexicographically first worker, WLOG) and remove all the other workers from
consideration. (Makes a ton of difference in real life situations.)
Dominating shifts: If one worker starts before and stays later than any other worker, the 'dominating' worker can stay, all the
'dominated' workers can be removed from consideration for C.
All the identical rows (and columns) in the time-worker Matrix can be fused. You need to only keep one of them. (De-duping)
You could throw this into an IP solver (CPLEX, Excel, lp_solve etc.) and you will get a solution, if the problem size is not an issue.
Hope some of these ideas help.
I'm looking for an algorithm that, given a set of items containing a start time, end time, type, and id, it will return a set of all sets of items that fit together (no overlapping times and all types are represented in the set).
S = [("8:00AM", "9:00AM", "Breakfast With Mindy", 234),
("11:40AM", "12:40PM", "Go to Gym", 219),
("12:00PM", "1:00PM", "Lunch With Steve", 079),
("12:40PM", "1:20PM", "Lunch With Steve", 189)]
Algorithm(S) => [[("8:00AM", "9:00AM", "Breakfast With Mindy", 234),
("11:40AM", "12:40PM", "Go to Gym", 219),
("12:40PM", "1:20PM", "Lunch With Steve", 189)]]
This can be solved using graph theory. I would create an array, which contains the items sorted by start time and end time for equal start times: (added some more items to the example):
no.: id: [ start - end ] type
0: 234: [08:00AM - 09:00AM] Breakfast With Mindy
1: 400: [09:00AM - 07:00PM] Check out
2: 219: [11:40AM - 12:40PM] Go to Gym
3: 79: [12:00PM - 01:00PM] Lunch With Steve
4: 189: [12:40PM - 01:20PM] Lunch With Steve
5: 270: [01:00PM - 05:00PM] Go to Tennis
6: 300: [06:40PM - 07:20PM] Dinner With Family
7: 250: [07:20PM - 08:00PM] Check out
After that i would create a list with the array no. of the least item that could be the possible next item. If there isn't a next item, -1 is added:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
1 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 | -1
With that list it is possible to generate a directed acyclic graph. Every vertice has a connection to the vertices starting from the next item. But for vertices where already is a vertices bewteen them no edge is made. I'll try to explain with the example. For the vertice 0 the next item is 1. So a edge is made 0 -> 1. The next item from 1 is 7, that means the range for the vertices which are connected from vertice 0 is now from 1 to (7-1). Because vertice 2 is in the range of 1 to 6, another edge 0 -> 2 is made and the range updates to 1 to (4-1) (because 4 is the next item of 2). Because vertice 3 is in the range of 1 to 3 one more edge 0 -> 3 is made. That was the last edge for vertice 0. That has to be continued with all vertices leading to such a graph:
Until now we are in O(n2). After that all paths can be found using a depth first search-like algorithm and then eliminating the duplicated types from each path.
For that example there are 4 solutions, but none of them has all types because it is not possible for the example to do Go to Gym, Lunch With Steve and Go to Tennis.
Also this search for all paths has a worst case complexity of O(2n). For example the following graph has 2n/2 possible paths from a start vertice to an end vertice.
There could be made some more optimisation, like merging some vertices before searching for all paths. But that is not ever possible. In the first example vertice 3 and 4 can't be merged even though they are of the same type. But in the last example vertice 4 and 5 can be merged if they are of the same type. Which means it doesn't matter which activity you choose, both are valid. This can speed up calculation of all paths dramatically.
Maybe there is also a clever way to consider duplicate types earlier to eliminate them, but worst case is still O(2n) if you want all possible paths.
It is possible to determine if there are sets that contain all types and get a t least one such solution in polynomial time. I found a algorithm with a worst case time of O(n4) and O(n2) space. I'll take an new example which has a solution with all types, but is more complex.
no.: id: [ start - end ] type
0: 234: [08:00AM - 09:00AM] A
1: 400: [10:00AM - 11:00AM] B
2: 219: [10:20AM - 11:20AM] C
3: 79: [10:40AM - 11:40AM] D
4: 189: [11:30AM - 12:30PM] D
5: 270: [12:00PM - 06:00PM] B
6: 300: [02:00PM - 03:00PM] E
7: 250: [02:20PM - 03:20PM] B
8: 325: [02:40PM - 03:40PM] F
9: 150: [03:30PM - 04:30PM] F
10: 175: [05:40PM - 06:40PM] E
11: 275: [07:00PM - 08:00PM] G
1.) Count the different types in the item set. This is possible in O(nlogn). It is 7 for that example.
2.) Create a n*n-matrix, that represents which nodes can reach the actual node and which can be reached from the actual node. For example if position (2,4) is set to 1, means that there is a path from node 2 to node 4 in the graph and (4,2) is set to 1 too, because node 4 can be reached from node 2. This is possible in O(n2). For the example the matrix would look like that:
3.) Now we have in every row, which nodes can be reached. We can also mark each node in a row which is not yet marked, if it is of the same type as a node that can be reached. We set that matrix positions from 0 to 2. This is possible in O(n3). In the example there is no way from node 1 to node 3, but node 4 has the same type D as node 3 and there is a path from node 1 to node 4. So we get this matrix:
4.) The nodes that still contains 0's (in the corresponding rows) can't be part of the solution and we can remove them from the graph. If there were at least one node to remove we start again in step 2.) with the smaller graph. Because we removed at least one node, we have to go back to step 2.) at most n times, but most often this will only happend few times. If there are no 0's left in the matrix we can continue with step 5.). This is possible in O(n2). For the example it is not possible to build a path with node 1 that also contains a node with type C. Therefore it contains a 0 and is removed like node 3 and node 5. In the next loop with the smaller graph node 6 and node 8 will be removed.
5.) Count the different types in the remainig set of items/nodes. If it is smaller than the first count there is no solution that can represent all types. So we have to find another way to get a good solution. If it is the same as the first count we now have a smaller graph which still holds all the possible solutions. O(nlogn)
6.) To get one solution we pick a start node (it doesn't matter which, because all nodes that are left in the graph are part of a solution). O(1)
7.) We remove every node that can't be reached from the choosen node. O(n)
8.) We create a matrix like in step 2.) and 3.) for that graph and remove the nodes that can not reach nodes of any type like in step 4.). O(n3)
9.) We choose one of the next nodes from the node we choosen before and continue with 7.) until there we are at a end node and the graph only has one path left.
That way it is also possible to get all paths, but that can still be exponential many. After all it should be faster than finding solutions in the original graph.
Hmmm, this reminds me of a task in the university, I'll describe what i can remember
The run-time is O(n*logn) which is pretty good.
This is a greedy approuch..
i will refine your request abit, tell me if i'm wrong..
Algorithem should return the MAX subset of non colliding tasks(in terms of total length? or amount of activities? i guess total length)
I would first order the list by the finishing times(first-minimum finishing time,last-maximum) = O(nlogn)
G<-Empty set;
while S!='Empty set' do
i<-index of activity with earliest finish time(**O(1)**)
if S(i).finish_time>=f
G.insert(S(i)) \\add this to result set
S.removeAt(i) \\remove the activity from the original set
return G
Run time analysis:
initial ordering :nlogn
each iteration O(1)*n = O(n)
Total O(nlogn)+O(n) ~ O(nlogn) (well, given the O notation weakness to represent real complexety on small numbers.. but as the scale grow, this is a good algo)
Ok, it seems like i've misread the post, you can alternatively use dynamic programming to reduce running time, there is a solution in link text page 7-19.
you need to tweak the algorithm a bit, first you should build the table, then you can get all variations on it fairly easy.
I would use an Interval Tree for this.
After you build the data structure, you can iterate each event and perform an intersection query. If no intersections are found, it is added to your schedule.
Yes exhaustive search might be an option:
initialise partial schedules with earliest tasks that overlap (eg 9-9.30
and 9.15-9.45)
foreach partial schedule generated so far generate a list of new partial schedules appending to each partial schedule the earliest task that don't overlap (generate more than one in case of ties)
recur with new partial schedules
In your case initlialisation would produce only (8-9 breakfast)
After the first iteration: (8-9 brekkie, 11.40-12.40 gym) (no ties)
After the second iteration: (8-9 brekkie, 11.40-12.40 gym, 12.40-1.20 lunch) (no ties again)
This is a tree search, but it's greedy. It leaves out possibilities like skipping the gym and going to an early lunch.
Since you're looking for every possible schedule, I think the best solution you will find will be a simple exhaustive search.
The only thing I can say algorithmically is that your data structure of lists of strings is pretty terrible.
The implementation is hugely language dependent so I don't even think pseudo-code would make sense, but I'll try to give the steps for the basic algorithm.
Pop off the first n items of the same type and put them in list.
For each item in list, add that item to schedule set.
Pop off next n items of same type off list.
For each item that starts after the first item ends, put on list. (If none, fail)
Continue until done.
Hardest part is deciding exactly how to construct the lists/recursion so it's most elegant.