Skrollr: Scroll down, pause, scroll to bottom - animation

I'm sorry, but I can't get this working:
Scroll down the page to a certain position. Then pause scrolling and animate something. After that scroll down to the bottom of the page.
How do I make Skrollr scroll the end of the page without feeding absolute values to it?
I know the pausing demo, but that works with sections that always fill the whole window. But my section that follows the animated part is larger than that so I can't just say: change its position from -100% to 0% or something like that.


How do you update all the TreeView items full area when the vertical scrollbar shows up or goes away?

I am using NM_CUSTOMDRAW to draw tree view items. My items right justify parts of it by using a right margin based on the RECT area reported available. The issue I have is that when the vertical scrollbar appears or disappears, only the item expanded/collapsed and the area under the scrollbar seems to update (invalidated regions). This causes the repaint requests (with the new width) to not update the area correctly.
For example (using text and a single space as example): You could have something with the scrollbar be right justified text ## where ## is the scrollbar then when the scrollbar goes away you end up with right justified text t instead of right justified text
Is there a good way to fix this?
One thought is if I could catch a message when a scrollbar shows up or goes away, I could just invalidate the window to force a redraw. Is there such a message?
Or is there a way to add to the invalidated region without triggering a redraw loop but would update the full items area?
Another thought is I can just use the full window RECT size and use a right margin large enough that wouldn't be under the scroll area but I'd rather not do that.

Scroll indicator overview window

This is my first question.
I'm wondering if there's a way to create a scroll indicator with an overview image on a website. Like if I had an oversized webpage and I wanted a window in the lower right corner showing my location as I scrolled through the x and y as a cutout of the entire page.
I'm not even sure if scroll indicator is the correct term. I don't need any percentages or show of how close the scroll is to the end, I want to make an interactive display of what the user would be seeing on their screen as a piece of the overall map of the page.
Thank you for any help!
Edit: sketch

HOw to get rid of vertical "overflow:hidden" in Slick Slider

All. I am emboding the Online Store PSD design to HTML/CSS. Here is link.
There is an items slider in items page. Every item has configuration icons in the bottom of the it. When you hover on the item, second row of icons appear. Every configuration icon has its tooltip on hover. Let me describe the problem. Now because of Slick slider 'overflow:hidden' property on 'slick-list' block, the second row of icon is not visible fully. BEsides, tooltips are also being trimmed. If If I delete 'overflow:hidden', this problems disappear. But another problem appears. That is, now all slides are visible horizontally which are out of bound. If you visit the site, you notice in the bottom of the page 2 sliders. The second one has no 'overflow:hidden'. Therefore, everything is visible. But it is not good. If users monitor has high density, it looks very ugly. The first slider is by default. It has 'overflow-hidden' property , therefore everything out of bound is trimmed. I need only get rid of vertical 'overflow:hidden'. Is this possible? Thanks much, in advance.
enter image description here

Click, Scroll to and fade in

I need your help with a javascript.
The status quo:
I am making a website, that kind of functions like a slide show:
Each slide consists of a header, an image and a little text. Underneath the text comes a little arrow that points down. When you click it you should scroll down to the next slide. When it scrolls down it should fade in the next header.
You can find what I've got so far here:
<script type="text/javascript">
The problem:
Whenever the arrow is clicked it sometimes does and sometimes doesn't scroll to the desired div. It seems pretty random.
The other problem is only with the first arrow: I have is when i click it, the next header-, image- and text-div hide but then the third slide slides up, right after the first slide. It then scrolls from the first slide to the second one, but you will see the third one while it scrolls. Why is this happening when the first arrow is being clicked and only then?
Do you have an idea how to make it work?
Thank you very much!

Xcode Implementing scroll with animation

How to implement a scroller to one of the labels before reaching the top of the screen has remained at the top, and the text scrolls from another label beyond the limits of the screen, such as in instagramm, except instead of photos text from the second label
Scroll View
scroller to one of the labels before reaching the top of the screen has remained at the top, and the text scrolls from another label beyond the limits of the screen,
