CSS not Loading in Magento - magento

I'm having a problem with my magento, CSS is not loading.. and when I take a look on its source. There's a problem with my path..
link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\mycommerce_comhttp://mycommerce.com/skin/frontend/base/default/css/style.css" media="all" /
C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\mycommerce_com is not supposedly in the path.
the correct path must only: http://mycommerce.com/skin/frontend/base/default/css/style.css
Whats the solution for this? I already did all the solution given by google.
Still no luck.

can you check under System => Configuration => Web, under both Secured and Unsecured tab the value of skin folder, if you website is running correctly then I assume you have your base URL correct. If so then the value for media and skin should just be:

If you go to the controlcentre
System => Configuration => Web
The main point to watch out for is
i. Url options -> Add store code to Urls should be 'No'
ii. Unsecure -> Base Url should point to your own domain e.g http://mycommerce.com/
iii. Secure -> Base Url should point to your own domain e.g http://mycommerce.com/
also you should have
for your Base Skin


Laravel 5 helper function asset different domains

In Laravel 5.0, I am using the helper function asset to show where different assets are ( css, js images etc. ). I am building a platform that shows different information depending on the url which means I cannot bind the asset to a url. I know in config/app.php it has 'url' => 'http://localhost' but I cannot change that because the url will not always be the same. Is there a way to set this up to handle the domain changing within the same application?
Assuming your assets are always going to be in the same relative path from the root of the site (regardless of the domain), you should just be able to output the URL to various assets as a relative URL. So, for example, if in your blade template you had something like:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{!! asset('css/style.css') !!}">
you could replace it with a relative URL like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/style.css">
This should resolve correctly regardless of what domain you're on, and should also be fetched via HTTPS in the case that the user is on a secure page.
If you need something more complicated, you might consider setting a session('domain') variable or something that would be accessible from a global scope that could then be used to generate links to assets like:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://{{ session('domain') }}/assets/css/style.css">
If none of these work, then your situation is probably complicated enough that you'll need to provide us some more code before we can offer workable solutions.

Master Sitemap link in Header of site or Robots.txt

I have a master sitemap that contains links to other site maps that is accessable on a path like:
I wanted to ask if this is enough for the search engines or if I need to link this to my site?
linking - I know I can use a robots.txt file but I is it possible to just add a link to the head of the site - something like (and I'm just guessing):
<link rel="sitemap" type="application/xml" title="Sitemap" href="/sitemap.xml">
This is totally okay.
Sitemap should always be located in the root and that is the only place where the search engines will look.
I suggest you to use a Google Webmasters tool to submit a sitemap for your domain so you can get indexed and you can monitor search engine behavior.
Hopefully this info will help you.

Magento base url not reflecting value changed in database (missing /)

This is one of those things that on the surface of it seems very simple to resolve, but it's got me beat!
I can see from searching around that quite a few people have had this issue crop up but there seems to be no solution that I can find.
What I've done:
1. Transfered my site from the root folder into a /shop folder.
2. Changed the database entries for secure/unsecure base urls to https://www.dnabaits.com/shop/
3. Cleared out all the Cache and Tmp files.
What's happening:
The whole site is functional but no styles or scripts are being loaded because the paths in the head are missing the trailing / after shop.
So instead of getting this
I'm getting mydomain.com/shopskin/........
An example Url from my page source
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://www.dnabaits.com/shopskin/frontend/default/dna/css/lightbox.css" media="all" />
In your .htaccess file make sure you have this (with trailing slash):
RewriteBase /shop/
Another possibility is that your Store Configuration Scope for your Store View has a different setting. Change your Configuration Scope in Admin -> System -> Configuration -> Web and make sure your URL settings aren't customized there.

Spring web development images

Can anybody tell me or give me a link to go to which can tell me how to implement and display images step by step (I'm only beginning) on a webpage from a spring project
I'm using IntelliJ
What's the URL of the page? The one that appears in the location bar of your browser?
That is the URL to which relative locations are resolved in the HTML code. So, if the URL is http://localhost/MyApp/foo.html, and the URL of the CSS inside the HTML code is ../../css/style.css, the absolute URL where the browse will try to find the CSS will be http://localhost/MyApp/../../css/style.css, which doesn't make sense.
I prefer always using absolute paths for images and CSS files (and other resources). Using JSTL, that makes it like
<link href="<c:url value='/css/style.css'/>" ...
The <c:url> tag takes care of prepending the application context (/MyApp) to the path.
Note that relative paths inside CSS files are not resolved relative to the page URL, but relative to the location of the CSS file itself. So the path in your CSS file is correct.

resolving urls to some other url for development purposes

I am working with both asp and asp.net pages together. I wanted to host the application in my local iis (v5.1) but later learned about iisexpress suits my needs. But irrespective of whether I use iis 5.1 or iis express I seem to have an issue.
The asp page which I work with refers to static resources (css, javascript, etc) which reside in a different virtual directory. For e.g. a css file include would look like this.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/common/include/style/css.css"/>
If such a thing is supposed to run from the test environment then the above url would resolve to:
This is in contrast where my main application would reside. That would look something like:
Now if I run iisexpress in say port 8082, and there is an inbound request like:
it will hit a 404 error. Is it possible to instruct iss or iis express to resolve such url (which begin with /common/...) to say http://testing/common/...
Update (May 31st 2011, 7.04 PM IST):
Been doing some research on what url rewriting is, and from the examples I have come to understand a few things. I am not sure if what I want is url re-writing, per se. Again taking the iisexpress analogy, I know there will be an inbound request uri like:
But I want this to be actually served by the following uri:
The former uri doesn't exist in the folder which I have virtualized using iisexpress.
Do I need url re-writing here?
Further, in ASP, I have include lines like:
<!-- #include virtual="/common/include/classes/utils.asp" -->
Even these things are supposed to be resolved to their corresponding http://testing/... counterparts.
ps: I am doing all this is iis 5.1
In ASP.NET 2.0 onwards you can use the tilde operator (~) which is used to specify where your application is rooted. For example:
<link href="~/Styles/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Would produce a relative url:
<link href="Styles/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
This works fine for ASP.NET pages.
Classic ASP and static HTML pages are a different story and one or more of the following mechanisms would have to be used:
Make everything relative. If you have a page or ASP script in the root of the site, instead of specifying /common/include/... specify common/include/.... If you have a page or ASP script in a subfolder the you'd reference your CSS by way of ../common/include/..., i.e. parent paths. The deeper the folder structure the more ../ parent paths you have so managing these relative paths can get messy. Also, although not common these days, some shared hosted servers disallow parent paths.
Prefix your CSS paths with a variable containing a path prefix. For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%=Session("RootPath")%>/common/include/style/css.css"/>
In production you'd globally set the session value RootPath to /MyApp, but for testing leave as an empty string. You could do this in Session_OnStart in your global.asa. You could also use an application wide value Application("RootPath") instead. This would only work for ASP pages.
URL Rewriting - if you have static HTML pages then URL rewriting can come to the rescue. You would rewrite the absolute url's which work on your dev PC to the path used on the production server. So basically every time you see a href="/common/... you'd rewrite to href="/myapp/common/.... IIS6 doesn't support rewriting out of the box, you'd need a third party tool such as Iconics IRF or HeliconTech's ISAPI_Rewrite3. IIS 7.x does support URL rewriting through the URLRewrite Module 2.0.
