How to change laravel Default pagination slider range from 13 to 5 - laravel-4

I searched everywhere for how to change the number of pages after which laravel change the pagination from listing all pages to using a pagination slider. the default number is 13 but how can i change that to lets say 5 or 7 ?

The default of 13 is hardcoded into Laravel. The comments in the file explain why:
// The hard-coded thirteen represents the minimum number of pages we need to
// be able to create a sliding page window. If we have less than that, we
// will just render a simple range of page links insteadof the sliding.
The way around this is to create your own pagination view and then change app/config/view/ to point to your custom view as explained in the Documentation


Laravel Pagination + Livewire: How to retain number of data per page

Wanted to get an idea on how to perform this task or my question.
I wanted to have a datatable where it retains the number of data per page and doesn't move data whenever there's changes.
Let's say I got 50 per page then I deleted two data on the first page which makes it 48. I clicked on page 2, the original first 2 data of page 2 was moved to the first page because of what I've deleted. What I wanted is that it shouldn't move and should stay on page 2. Then if I click on other pages, it should still retain first page 48, second page 50.
Hope you get my question.
Thank you in advance. :)
I don't know if it's possible to achieve that result, I wouldn't know how. But I suggest as a workaround that you set a property on each item, and then hide or show the item according to that property. This way the pagination counter remains the same.
In your controller:
$my_query_results = $query->paginate(50);
$my_query_results->each(function ($item) {
$item->visible = true||false; //check a condition here

Is there any Snippet (GitHub or somethin' else) for Laravel Vuetify server side datatable? With fully-functioned datatable like jQuery Datatable

I've seen tutorials addressing this issue but there's no example when it comes to the pagination. Unlike the jquery datatable, the pagination buttons are adding with no stop. Could you help me out, folks?
Been asking on the discord community and releasing an issue on vuetify github, got no answer. So I ask it here
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (goes to 1000) >>
It should be:
<< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 1000 >>
Use the Pagination Component when doing server side slicing.
The total-visible prop will limit the number of visible buttons.
On the data table, set pagination.sync to keep it in line with the external pagination component.
Used to control pagination and sorting from outside the data table. Can also be used to set default sorted column
descending: boolean
page: number
rowsPerPage: number // -1 for All
sortBy: string
totalItems: number
Also, set the total-items prop.
Manually sets total number of row items, which disables built-in sort and pagination. Used together with pagination prop to enable server-side sort and pagination
Here's a codesandbox I put together a while back that demonstrates how external pagination, although it's using Ag-Grid rather than the Vuetify component. Click the cog in the top left to add more rows.

Is it possible to create a custom paginator in laravel 5 with previous and next buttons?

I want to create a custom laravel 5 paginator which does not take the count of the collection for pagination and has next and previous links possibly. So the data is loaded sooner like when LIMIT is used. The count of the collection delays the process, so I want a paginator that displays first 15 or 20 results and next as the buttons are clicked.

How magento maintain grid values

I want to know where and how does magneto store the data to maintain grid filter and mode type. Like I go to listing page and select list mode while displaying five records and then goes to other page of the same site and comeback. It shows me my previous grid mode and records. I display $_REQUEST, but doesn't see anything there. Anyone knows how I can get those values?
Magento store limit,order,direction in Mage::getSingleton('catalog/session').
If limit,order,direction is found in REQUEST then new value is set in Mage::getSingleton('catalog/session') .
You can check getLimit(),getCurrentMode(),getCurrentOrder(),getCurrentDirection() function in the class

Drupal View - load more with ajax

I have a View (block display) listing node titles of a certain content type displaying the latest 12 published items. It displays underneath all nodes of a specific type.
What I'd like to do is be able to load the next 12 items with AJAX (I know the pager does this but I was hoping to avoid it) and also control the offset based on the node title.
I think the second request can be achieved with the row number in the query but so far I'm having trouble achieving a working script.
you always can call view results from Drupal API:
$results = views_get_view_result('my_view',$display, $args)
and in arguments you can pass start/end number of items, or something else, depends how you sorting your results
Well, instead of that work, how about selecting the mini pager? I'm pretty sure it only shows previous and next links. If it's not the exact display you want to use, you can override theme_views_mini_pager (from views/theme/, line 636) to only show what you need.
