I have the following issue with sendKeys in casperjs.
I am trying to pass the port as an option into casperjs and this is working, but when i try to use the port value with casper.cli.get it doesn't work in sendKeys!!!
var casper = require('casper').create();
casper.echo("Casper CLI passed args:");
casper.echo("Casper CLI passed options:");
if (casper.cli.has("ip") === false) {
casper.echo("Usage: casper.js test modify_port.js --ip=<x.x.x.x> --port=<xxxxx>").exit();
if (casper.cli.has("port") === false) {
casper.echo("Usage: casper.js test modify_port.js --ip=<x.x.x.x> --port=<xxxxx>").exit();
casper.then(function() {
test.assertTextExists("Change", "Data Base - Change - port");
this.sendKeys('input[name="Params.port"]', casper.cli.get("port"));
The above way seems not to work and it doesn't give me also no error msg.
But when i hard code the port in the sendKeys line then i see that the port is changed, like:
this.sendKeys('input[name="Params.port"]', '29999');
This is also working fine (hard coded):
var myPort = '29999'
this.sendKeys('input[name="Params.port"]', myPort);
But this again is not working:
var myPort = casper.cli.get("port")
this.sendKeys('input[name="Params.port"]', myPort);
Thanks in adv. for your time
After some more readings I stepped over the part where casperjs documentation is saying about Raw parameter values.
So, I figured out to use my parameter in this way:
this.sendKeys('input[name="Params.port"]', casper.cli.raw.get('port'));
When passing variables into sendKeys they will not appear in the form unless they are preceded with an empty string "".
this.sendKeys("selector", "" + variable);
I guess this may be because sendKeys can only handle variables of type string.
let { Subprocess } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Subprocess.jsm");
let result = Subprocess.call({ command: "C:\\\\windows\\\\explorer.exe" });
While this works for explorer, mspaint and calculator for instance trying to open cmd.exe using System32\cmd.exe path won't work, is there any explanation for this?
Also I can't seem to be able to pass arguments to explorer.exe, something like :
let result = Subprocess.call({ command: "C:\\\\windows\\\\explorer /seperate, C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" });
won't work
Any ideas or help? Thank you
I am trying to port tests from using FakeRequest to using WithServer.
In order to simulate a session with FakeRequest, it is possible to use WithSession("key", "value") as suggested in this post: Testing controller with fake session
However when using WithServer, the test now looks like:
"render the users page" in WithServer {
val users = await(WS.url("http://localhost:" + port + "/users").get)
users.status must equalTo(OK)
users.body must contain("Users")
Since there is no WithSession(..) method available, I tried instead WithHeaders(..) (does that even make sense?), to no avail.
Any ideas?
So I found this question, which is relatively old:
Add values to Session during testing (FakeRequest, FakeApplication)
The first answer to that question seems to have been a pull request to add .WithSession(...) to FakeRequest, but it was not applicable to WS.url
The second answer seems to give me what I need:
Create cookie:
val sessionCookie = Session.encodeAsCookie(Session(Map("key" -> "value")))
Create and execute request:
val users = await(WS.url("http://localhost:" + port + "/users")
.withHeaders(play.api.http.HeaderNames.COOKIE -> Cookies.encodeCookieHeader(Seq(sessionCookie))).get())
users.status must equalTo(OK)
users.body must contain("Users")
Finally, the assertions will pass properly, instead of redirecting me to the login page
Note: I am using Play 2.4, so I use Cookies.encodeCookieHeader, because Cookies.encode is deprecated
This is my first time writing in Swift, Cocoa (have experience in Cocoa Touch), and using Authorization, so I honestly have no idea if I am even on the right track. I am trying to make a modification to the hosts file, which requires user authentication, but both the AuthorizationCreate and AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges methods are giving errors.
var authorizationRef:AuthorizationRef
var status:OSStatus
status = AuthorizationCreate(nil, environment:kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, flags:kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, authorization:&authorizationRef)
let overwrite_hosts = "echo \(hostsContents) > /private/etc/hosts"
let args = [overwrite_hosts.cStringUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)]
status = AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authorizationRef, pathToTool:"/bin/sh", options:kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, arguments:args, communicationsPipe:nil)
Me calling AuthorizationCreate is throwing "Type '()' does not conform to protocol 'AuthorizationRef'" and my call of AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges is throwing "Could not find an overload for '__conversion' that accepts the supplied arguments"
Any ideas? Am I approaching this incorrectly?
Thanks for any help!
I was able to figure out how to do it via AppleScript, but you should be able to do it using the Authorization method I was trying before, therefore leaving this question open. Anybody looking for a quick solution (no error checks implemented) you can use what I wrote below:
func doScriptWithAdmin(inScript:String) -> String{
let script = "do shell script \"\(inScript)\" with administrator privileges"
var appleScript = NSAppleScript(source: script)
var eventResult = appleScript.executeAndReturnError(nil)
if !eventResult {
return "ERROR"
return eventResult.stringValue
I'm having a problem getting casperjs test to exit after execution, I have to hit CTL-C to exit execution. I'm on OSX 10.7 with casperjs 1.1 devel.
To test this wasn't my code I simply copied this sample from the docs:
var casper = require("casper").create();
function Cow() {
this.mowed = false;
this.moo = function moo() {
this.mowed = true; // mootable state: don't do that at home
return 'moo!';
casper.test.begin('Cow can moo', 2, function suite(test) {
var cow = new Cow();
test.assertEquals(cow.moo(), 'moo!');
And I get the following output
casperjs test cow-test.js
Test file: cow-test.js
# Cow can moo
PASS Subject equals the expected value
PASS Subject is strictly true
I then have to hit CTL-C to stop execution. Am I missing something to stop execution?
Per https://github.com/n1k0/casperjs/issues/593#issuecomment-23062361, the problem was that I had created a casper instance at the top of the file, which the documentation warns you not to do.
The solution was to remove the var casper = require("casper").create(); line.
Hello I want to send to the child_process, for example, ping, that is, an infinite number of ping. And some of the iterations I want to stop this command and execute a new, but in this case I do not want to kill a child process.
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn('cmd'),
iconv = require('iconv-lite');
spawn.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('Stdout: ', iconv.decode(data, 'cp866'));
spawn.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('Stderr: ', iconv.decode(data, 'cp866'));
spawn.stdin.write('ping -t'+ '\r\n');
spawn.stdin.write(here control-c...); // WRONG
spawn.stdin.write('dir' + '\r\n');
I found your previous question. Looks like you are trying to create/emulate a terminal from within node.js. You can use readline for reading and writing from a terminal.
To write control character, you can see the example from its docs :
rl.write('Delete me!');
// Simulate ctrl+u to delete the line written previously
rl.write(null, {ctrl: true, name: 'u'});
To directly answer the question, to pass special characters you will need to pass their ASCII values. Ctrl + C becomes ASCII character 0x03. Value taken from here.