I am trying to put a WINAPI WinMain in a dll - winapi

I am making a dll file and at the same time trying to call this function automatically when my DLL is loaded. How can I do this? It is a Windows API main function that creates a window but I dont know how do it. My first idea is to put it into DllMain function but I am really sure if this will work and also what to fill in the variables "HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow"
Below is the function I am trying to call automatically when my dll is loaded and I expect it to open a Window. Thanks.
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow);

There are limitations on what you can do in a DllMain function:
Calling functions that require DLLs other than Kernel32.dll may result in problems that are difficult to diagnose. For example, calling User, Shell, and COM functions can cause access violation errors, because some functions load other system components.
That rules out creating a window directly from DllMain. What you can do, however, is launch a thread from your DllMain, and that thread can create a window.

DLLs do have a WinMain() function. DllMain() or DllEntryPoint() are what you are looking for. Windows itself calls them when the DLL is loaded and unloaded. You do not call them yourself, you implement them instead. As for creating a window, you call CreateWindow/Ex() and related functions.


Create a GUI application directly with GCC, remove console

I decided to create applications direct with Notepad + GCC Compiler (and the entire Mingw environment).
Well I started by creating a simple Win32 application (a simple window). The file is only 4 Kb (which, with an IDE like C:B or VS is about 8 kb.
Anyway, my problem is that the window is displayed but also a window console. Well, I don't want the console to appear but only the GUI window. I think this is achieved by creating manifest files or something like that, of which I don't know much about, as this is the first time I am trying this. How do I tell GCC that it shouldn't create a console window - just a GUI window?
You need to create an executable that targets the GUI subsystem rather than the console subsystem. In the MS tools the normal way to indicate that is to use a different form of main function:
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hThisInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpszArgument,
int nCmdShow)
I believe that mingw supports the same convention.
Yeah, -mwindows can solve the problem. And I found another option, passing -Wl,--subsystem,windows when using gcc to compile. Both of them are OK.
I found out how to do it. For anyone having the same question: use -mwindows in your command line, when compiling the code with GCC. Thanks!

Stop looking for the entry point at runtime in a DLL

I have an application which runs on windows 2003, window 2008 and windows small business server.
There is a windows call that I make to reboot the system.All the calls mentioned below come from advapi32.dll
InitiateSystemshutdown - This is fine in windows 2003 and windows 2008 but for some reason not working in Windows aurora
InitiateShutdown - since the above call is not working in windows aurora we used this call and minimum supported OS for this call is windows 2008
Now my application fails to run in windows 2003 since the InitiateShutDown is not present in the advapi32.dll on Windows 2003
I get a failed to find procedure entry point for Initiateshutdown in advapi32.dll
I have already put a condition also so that the proper function calls are called with respect to the windows version.
Is there way to stop looking for the entry point in the dll when the application launches.The condition will make sure that the proper function call are called?
I should be asking Microsoft why the old call InitiateSystemshutdown is not working properly ?
You have to use GetProcAddress and set your preprocessor variables for the earlier version of Windows. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383745(VS.85).aspx#setting_winver_or__win32_winnt
Basically, you should:
Set WINVER to the earliest version of Windows you must support so you don't accidentally use something newer.
Some API calls and definitions won't work anymore (like InitiateShutdown in your case) in your code, because they aren't included by header files. For these, you must use them dynamically. Typically you use the GetProcAddress API and use a "typedef" to define the function's signature (since it isn't in the header files you're including anymore). An example is here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683212(VS.85).aspx. In your case you would use the InitiateShutdown API instead of the given GetNativeSystemInfo. If the call to GetProcAddress fails then you can assume that the API is not supported on that version of Windows.
Rather that explicitly calling that function in your code (such that your app will fail to load if the function can't be loaded from the expected DLL), call it implicitly via LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.
Do a "LoadLibrary" on advapi32.dll. And then call GetProcAddress for "InitiateShutdown". Fail gracefully if the function doesn't exist, otherwise cast it to an appropriate function pointer and
invoke it.
typedef DWORD (WINAPI *InitiateSystemShutdownTypeA) (char*, char*, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD);
typedef DWORD (WINAPI *InitiateSystemShutdownTypeW) (wchar_t*, wchar_t*, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD);
InitiateShutdownTypeA func = NULL;
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary("advapi32.dll");
if (hMod)
func = (InitiateShutdownTypeA)GetProcAddress("InitiateShutdownW");
if (func)
func(pwszMachineName, pwszMessage, dwGracePeriod, dwFlags, dwReason);

dynamically running a DLL at a remote Windows box?

Is there a way of dynamically running a DLL at a remote Windows box?
Say a user wants to send a his own DLL file to a remote server and run a function in that DLL at the remote site. The user may be able to provide function entry points as well as required parameters, but no more. (e.g. no header file)
I am thinking of setting up an agent executable at the remote site that can (1) dynamically load and bind a unknown DLL and (2) run a function with parameters. Is this a good a approach, or is such an executable possible?
You can use a technique of Dynamically loading your DLL's.
Normally you use a DLL by statically linking a .LIB into your project and compiling it. To load a DLL dynamically at runtime you use the following WIN32 API functions and a few other tricks.
There are some other tricks involved
You need to declare the dll functions as export'ed.
In c++ you need to use extern "C" to prevent name mangling of your functions.
FARPROC ... with GetProcAddress
It is all explained in the following wiki article - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library
Your idea of installing an executable on the remote machine is a good one. So long as you agree on the function names and parameters with the user. If the dll complies with this then the dll can be changed at any time without requiring you EXE to be changed. Once set up and working it is simple to add extra functions.
Yes you could write small program that runs the DLL function using this information and call it remotely using the something like PSEXEC from sysinternals.
PsExec is a light-weight
telnet-replacement that lets you
execute processes on other systems,
complete with full interactivity for
console applications, without having
to manually install client softwareto manually install client software
Andrew Cash's reply is sound for unmanaged code. The technique he describes around GetProcAddress is essentially what RunDll32.exe does. RunDll32.exe is part of Windows and specializes at loading arbitrary DLLs and executing their code. You can run it like this:
RUNDLL32.EXE [dllfile],[entrypoint] [optional arguments]
When you do this, RunDll32 will call LoadLibrary on the DLL and then GetProcAddress on the entrypoint name you give it. If all that goes well then it calls the entry point function.
For this to actually work the entrypoint function needs to be exported. It must also be declared like this:
void CALLBACK MyEntryPoint(
HWND hwnd,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine,
int nCmdShow);

Unloading DLL from all processes after unhooking global CBT hook

How do you properly unload a DLL from all processes when the system-wide hook that loaded them gets unloaded?
From MSDN:
You can release a global hook
procedure by using
UnhookWindowsHookEx, but this function
does not free the DLL containing the
hook procedure. This is because global
hook procedures are called in the
process context of every application
in the desktop, causing an implicit
call to the LoadLibrary function for
all of those processes. Because a call
to the FreeLibrary function cannot be
made for another process, there is
then no way to free the DLL. The
system eventually frees the DLL after
all processes explicitly linked to the
DLL have either terminated or called
FreeLibrary and all processes that
called the hook procedure have resumed
processing outside the DLL.
So what I am looking for, is a method to detect when the hook is unhooked, and then call FreeLibrary from all the processes that were hooked. Are there any other ways to cause instant unloading of a DLL when the hook is unloaded?
Hook dll are unloaded in their message loop. Forcing them to pass in the message loop help to unload them.
Add this after your UnhookWindowsHookEx to force all message loops to wake up :
DWORD dwResult;
However I still have the issue from time to time. I don't know where it's coming from. I suppose a locked process could prevent the dll to unload, but I have no proof of that.
In general you should use global windows hooking if FreeLibrary is not a required be called. If you do want to do this you can use DLL injection (see for example http://www.codeproject.com/KB/threads/winspy.aspx and http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/hooksys.aspx) with respect of CreateRemoteThread and LoadLibrary technique. In the case you can do what you want in the remote process. You can combine both techniques.
If you want call FreeLibrary only to do an update of the DLL you can do this in another way. Every DLL which is loaded could be renamed (in cmd.exe for example) to a temporary name and you can call MoveFileEx with MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT flag. Then you can already copy and use new version of the DLL. The old one DLL will be deleted at the next reboot of computer.

System calls on Windows

I just want to ask, I know that standart system calls in Linux are done by int instruction pointing into Interrupt Vector Table. I assume this is similiar on Windows. But, how do you call some higher-level specific system routines? Such as how do you tell Windows to create a window? I know this is handled by the code in the dll, but what actually happend at assembler-instruction level? Does the routine in dll calls software interrupt by int instruction, or is there any different approach to handle this? Thanks.
Making a Win32 call to create a window is not really related to an interrupt. The client application is already linked with the .dll that provides the call which exposes the address for the linker to use. Since you are asking about the difference in calling mechanism, I'm limiting the discussion here to those Win32 calls that are available to any application as opposed to kernel-level calls or device drivers. At an assembly language level, it would be the same as any other function call since most Win32 calls are user-level calls which internally make the needed kernel calls. The linker provides the address of the Win32 function as the target for some sort of branching instruction, the specifics would depend on the compiler.
It looks like you are right about the interrupts and the int. vector table. CodeGuru has a good article with the OS details on how NT kernel calls work. Link:
Windows doesn't let you call system calls directly because system call numbers can change between builds, if a new system call gets added the others can shift forward or if a system call gets removed others can shift backwards. So to maintain backwards compatability you call the win32 or native functions in DLLs.
Now there are 2 groups of system calls, those serviced by the kernel (ntoskrnl) and by the win32 kernel layer (win32k).
Kernel system call stubs are easily accessible from ntdll.dll, while win32k ones are not exported, they're private within user32.dll. Those stubs contain the system call number and the actual system call instruction which does the job.
So if you wanted to create a window, you'd call CreateWindow in user32.dll, then the extended version CreateWindowEx gets called for backwards compatability, that calls the private system call stub NtUserCreateWindowEx, which invokes code within the win32k window manager.
