Wordnet::Similarity installation issue - macos

When I install Wordnet::Similarity on mac, the following error occur:
usr/local/bin/perl "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" build/Depthfiles.PL blib/lib/WordNet/synsetdepths.dat
Generating default depth files.
Can't load '/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/darwin-2level/auto/Digest/SHA1/SHA1.bundle' for module Digest::SHA1: dlopen(/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/darwin-2level/auto/Digest/SHA1/SHA1.bundle, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/darwin-2level/auto/Digest/SHA1/SHA1.bundle: mach-o, but wrong architecture at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/darwin-2level/DynaLoader.pm line 230.
at blib/lib/WordNet/Tools.pm line 76
Compilation failed in require at blib/lib/WordNet/Tools.pm line 76.
My attempt was to enter to the downloaded package directory from terminal and type:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install
I made sure to have installed all prerequisite http://search.cpan.org/dist/WordNet-Similarity/doc/install.pod#Prerequisites. I suspect that this may be due to mac processor version with Perl interface. Any suggestion on how to fix this?

Install libdigest-sha-perl in Ubuntu 14.04 has solved this issue.
Download link:http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/perl/libdigest-sha-perl


./configure doesn't find Qt5Core, QT5GUI, QT5Widgets

I've recently replaced Win10 by Linux Debian 11.2 on my PC (hence I'm a newbee in Linux). Now, not all programs are available as deb-Files.
I tried to compile source code - here a synthesizer ams-2.2.0 - from a tar.gz files (after unzipping into a separate folder) with steps (as written in the INSTALL.TXT to this source, and obviously usual)
make install
I get a bunch of error messages for missing files, when running ./congigure most resolved by installation of missing packages, but at last it fails with error message:
checking for QTCore Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets >= 5.0... no
configure: error: cannot find Qt5 library >= 5.0
(hope to get all written correctly, because I can't copy from the terminal ... Ctrl-Shift-C doesn't seem to work)
I checked the installation in synaptics and found that Qt-Version is 5.12. So what's wrong here?
I'm afraid to have this error message everytime I try to compile different source codes.
You need to install libqtcore and libqtwidgets with development headers, they are in qtbase5-dev package.
sudo apt install build-essential qtbase5-dev qtchooser

Perl can't install Glib on Mac Big Sur

I'm trying to install Gtk2 from CPAN on my Mac (Big Sur), but it requires Glib, and Glib install is failing. The tail of the installer output is here:
echo Generating POD...
Generating POD...
"/usr/bin/perl" -I blib/lib -I blib/arch -MGlib::GenPod -MGlib \
-e "add_types (qq(doctypes)); Glib::GenPod::set_copyright(qq/Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team.\n\nThis software is licensed under the LGPL. See L<Glib> for a full notice.\n/); Glib::GenPod::set_main_mod(qq(Glib)); xsdoc2pod(q(build/doc.pl), q(blib/lib), q(build/podindex));"
Can't load 'blib/arch/auto/Glib/Glib.bundle' for module Glib: dlopen(blib/arch/auto/Glib/Glib.bundle, 0x0001): open("", O_RDONLY) failed with errno=2 at /System/Library/Perl/5.30/darwin-thread-multi-2level/DynaLoader.pm line 197.
at blib/lib/Glib/GenPod.pm line 21.
Compilation failed in require at blib/lib/Glib/GenPod.pm line 21.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at blib/lib/Glib/GenPod.pm line 21.
Compilation failed in require.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
make: *** [build/podindex] Error 2
! Installing Glib failed. See /Users/principal/.cpanm/work/1626461722.68580/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
Retry with --force gives the same results. The specified build.log file gives less detail than the console output above.
If I understand what it's telling me, it is that the GenPod.m module fails at the point where it is trying to "use Glib;". But when I look at the specified search point (blib/arch/auto/Glib/Glib.bundle) there is such a file there.
I'm using the Mac-installed Perl (5.30) and have had no other issues installing via CPAN. Any help would be appreciated. I would even welcome knowing how to bypass the "GenPod" step, as having working code is better than having documentation. The latest post I could find on the topic of Glib failing to install on Mac was four years ago in the El Capitan days, and the OP there was having an entirely different problem.

Octave: error installing package on Windows

First of all, I know a lot of questions similar to mine have been asked, and nevertheless they don't help me solve the problem I'm facing. I'm running Octave on Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. I'm having no issues but one: when I try to install Symbolic package by pkg install symbolic-2.7.1.tar.gz (downloaded from Octave Forge), I get the error
unpack: unarchiving program exited with status: 1
tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open
error: called from
unpack at line 274 column 5
untar at line 48 column 5
install at line 81 column 9
pkg at line 441 column 9
and I have no clue where the problem related to the unpacking could be. Not only I have 7z and Winrar installed, but moreover I use a full installation of Cmder, so my system has everything that is needed to work with a .tar.gz
I've tried in different terminals, both with and without administrator privileges, and the problem persists. How should I proceed then?
EDIT: Following Andy's suggestion, I let you know that even before installing Octave I already have installed and used both Python and MinGW, as well as sympy module. Moreover, my Octave installation was the most standard possible for Windows, that is using the official .exe installer. No other package, apart from those included with installation, have been added before I tried adding symbolic.
Thank you in advance.

How to fix fatal error: zlib.h: no such file or directory?

I'm trying to compile miniSAT on Kali Linux 64 bits but I keep getting the error message:
fatal error: zlib.h: no such file or directory
I have read that there might be a linking problem that makes the compiler unable to find the header files, but I'm new to Linux and do not know how to solve that.
You should install the development support files for zlib, try:
sudo apt-get install libz-dev
Other package names: zlib1g-dev.
If you've already zlib library, make sure you're compiling your code sources with -lz. See: missing zlib.h in ubuntu.
Install zlib from it's source, solve my similar error.
Download last version from this then:
make -j4
make install

Help Installing psycopg2 on snow leopard : command '/usr/bin/gcc-4.0' failed with exit status 1

This has been driving me crazy for 2 days.
I have been trying to install psycopg2 using easy_install and no matter what I try (i.e using gcc-4.0 instead of the snow leopard default one) I always get the same error:
error: Setup script exited with error: command '/usr/bin/gcc-4.0' failed with exit status 1
Please see: http://dpaste.com/hold/228252/
I have googled that error so many times and nothing I have found seem to help.
Looks like you're missing a dependency, the development files for libpq. The relevant log part is here:
In file included from psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:32In file included from psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:32:
./psycopg/psycopg.h:31:22: error: libpq-fe.h: No such file or directory
Try installing libpq development files and then rerun easy_install. You may hit another missing dependency; pay attention to the first error that GCC spits out.
Link http://dpaste.com/hold/228252/ seems to be dead, this is how I solved this problem (Mac OS X 10.6, virtualenv).
If pip fails with this message, just take a look to build folder in your virtual environment. You should edit setup.cfg file there, particularly include_dirs and library_dirs. In first one set your include folders, my option was:
and most likely you will need to set library_dirs to correct location as well:
probably you should install postgresql-devel first
yum -y install postgresql-devel
