MATLAB: readable code vs optimized code - performance

So, I want to know if making the code more easy to read slows performance in Matlab.
function V = example(t, I)
a = 10;
b = 20;
c = 0.5;
V = zeros(1, length(t));
V(1) = 0;
delta_t = t(2) - t(1);
for i=1:length(t)-1
V(i+1) = V(i) + delta_t*feval(#V_prime,a,b,c,t(i));
So, this function is just an example of a Euler method. The idea is that I name constant variables, a, b, c and define a function of the derivative. This basically makes the code easier to read. What I want to know is if declaring a,b,c slows down my code. Also, for performance improvement, would be better to put the equation of the derivative (V_prime) directly on the equation instead of calling it?
Following this mindset the code would look something like this.
function V = example(t, I)
V = zeros(1, length(t));
V(1) = 0;
delta_t = t(2) - t(1);
for i=1:length(t)-1
V(i+1) = V(i) + delta_t*(((10 + t(i)*3)/20)+0.5);
Also from what I've read, Matlab performs better when the code is vectorized, would that be the case in my code?
So, here is my actual code that I am working on:
function [V, u] = Izhikevich_CA1_Imp(t, I_amp, t_inj)
vr = -61.8; % resting potential (mV)
vt = -57.0; % threshold potential (mV)
c = -65.8; % reset membrane potential (mV)
vpeak = 22.6; % membrane voltage cutoff
khigh = 3.3; % nS/mV
klow = 0.1; % nS/mV
C = 115; % Membrane capacitance (pA)
a = 0.0012; % 1/ms
b = 3; % nS
d = 10; % pA
V = zeros(1, length(t));
V(1) = vr; u = 0; % initial values
span = length(t)-1;
delta_t = t(2) - t(1);
for i=1:span
if (V(i) <= vt)
k = klow;
k = khigh;
if ((t(i) >= t_inj(1)) && (t(i) <= t_inj(2)))
I_inj = I_amp;
else I_inj = 0;
V(i+1) = V(i) + delta_t*((k*(V(i)-vr)*(V(i)-vt)-u(i)+I_inj)/C);
u(i+1) = u(i) + delta_t*(a*(b*(V(i)-vr)-u(i)));
if (V(i+1) >= vpeak)
V(i+1) = c;
V(i) = vpeak;
u(i+1) = u(i+1) + d;
Since I didn't have any training in Matlab (learned by trying and failing), I have my C mindset of programming, and for what I understand, Matlab code should be vectorized.
Eventually I will start working with bigger functions, so performance will be a concern. Now my goal is to vectorize this code.

Usually it is faster.
Especially if you replace looped function calls (like plot()), you will see a significant increase in performance.
In one of my past projects, I had to optimize a program. This one was made using regular program rules (for, while, etc.). Using vectorization, I reached a 10 times increase in performance, which is quite notable..
I would suggest using vectorisation instead of loops most of the time.

On matlab you should basically forget the mindset coming from low-level C programming.
In my experience the first rule for achieving performance in matlab is to avoid loops and use built-in vectorized functions as much as possible. In general, you should try to avoid direct access to array elements like array(i).
Implementing your own ODE solver inevitably leads to very slow execution because in this case there is really no way to avoid the aforementioned things, even if your implementation is per se fine (like in your case). I strongly advise to rely on matlab's ode solvers which are highly optimized blocks of compiled code and much faster than any interpreted matlab code you can write.
In my opinion this goes along with readability of the code as well, at least for the trivial reason that you get a shorter code... but I guess it is also a matter of personal taste.


ODE with time dependent input, How to speed Up without using interpolation?

I am trying to solve a system of ODEs and my input excitation is a function of time.
I have been using interp1 inside the integration function, but this doesn't seems like a very efficient way to do this. I know it is not, because once I change the input excitation to a sin function, which does not require an interp1 call inside the function, I get much much faster results. But doing interpolation every step takes about 10–20 times longer to converge. So, is there a better way of solving ODEs for arbitrary time dependent excitation, without needing to do interpolation or some other tricks to speed up?
I am just copying a modified version of a simple example from The MathWorks here:
Input Excitation is a gradually increasing sin function, but after some time later it becomes a constant amplitude sin function.
Dt = 0.01; % sampling time step
Amp0 = 2; % Final Amplitude of signal
Dur_G = 10; % Duration of gradually increasing part of signal
Dur_tot = 25; % Duration of total signal
t_G = 0 : Dt : Dur_G; % time of gradual part
A = linspace(0, Amp0, length(t_G));
carrier_1 = sin(5*t_G); % Unit Normal Signal
carrier_A0 = Amp0*sin(5*t_G);
out_G = A.*carrier_1; % Gradually Increasing Signal
% Total Signal with Gradual Constant Amplitude Parts
t_C = Dur_G+Dt:Dt:Dur_tot; % time of constant part
out_C = Amp0*sin(5*t_C); % Signal of constant part
ft = [t_G t_C]; % total time
f = [out_G out_C]; % total signal
figure; plot(ft, f, '-b'); % input excitation
function dydt = myode(t,y,ft,f)
f = interp1(ft,f,t); % Interpolate the data set (ft,f) at time t
g = 2; % a constant
dydt = -f.*y + g; % Evaluate ODE at time t
tspan = [1 5]; ic = 1;
opts = odeset('RelTol',1e-2,'AbsTol',1e-4);
[t,y] = ode45(#(t,y) myode(t,y,ft,f), tspan, ic, opts);
Note that I explained only first part of my problem above, which is solving system for a gradually increasing sin function.
In the second part, I need to solve it for an arbitrary input excitation (e.g., a ground acceleration input).
For this example, you could use griddedInterpolant class to get a bit of a speed-up:
ft = linspace(0,5,25);
f = ft.^2 - ft - 3;
Fp = griddedInterpolant(ft,f);
gt = linspace(1,6,25);
g = 3*sin(gt-0.25);
Gp = griddedInterpolant(gt,g);
tspan = [1 5];
ic = 1;
opts = odeset('RelTol',1e-2,'AbsTol',1e-4);
[t,y] = ode45(#(t,y)myode(t,y,Fp,Gp),tspan,ic,opts);
The ODE function is then:
function dydt = myode(t,y,Fp,Gp)
f = Fp(t); % Interpolate the data set (ft,f) at time t
g = Gp(t); % Interpolate the data set (gt,g) at time t
dydt = -f.*y + g; % Evaluate ODE at time t
On my system with R2015b, the call to ode45 is about three times faster (0.011 sec vs. 0.035 sec) for your example. You could get a bit more speed by switching to ode23. You can read more about the griddedInterpolant class here.
If your actual system, discretely switches between inputs particular points in time, then you should probably solve the problem piecewise by integrating each case separately. See this question and this question. If the system switches based on the value of the state variable(s), then you should use event location (see this question). However, if "solving ODEs for random time dependent excitation" means that you're adding random noise to the system, then you have an SDE rather than an ODE, which is a completely different beast.

Matlab parfor, cannot run "due to the way P is used"

I have a quite time consuming task that I perform in a for loop. Each iteration is completely independent from the others so I figured out to use the parfor loop and benefit from the i7 core of my machine.
The serial loop is:
for i=1 : size(datacoord,1)
%P matrix: person_number x z or
P(i,1) = datacoord(i,1); %pn
P(i,4) = datacoord(i,5); %or
P(i,3) = predict(Barea2, datacoord(i,4)); %distance (z)
dist = round(P(i,3)); %round the distance to get how many cells
x = ceil(datacoord(i,2) / (im_w / ncell(1,dist)));
P(i,2) = pos(dist, x); %x
Reading around about the parfor, the only doubt it had is that i use dist and x as indexes which are calculated inside the loop, i heard that this could be a problem.
The error I get from matlab is about the way P matrix is used though. How is it? If i remember correcly from my parallel computing courses and I interpret correcly the parfor documentation, this should work by just switching the for with the parfor.
Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Unfortunately, in a PARFOR loop, 'sliced' variables such as you'd like P to be cannot be indexed in multiple different ways. The simplest solution is to build up a single row, and then make a single assignment into P, like this:
parfor i=1 : size(datacoord,1)
%P matrix: person_number x z or
P_tmp = NaN(1, 4);
P_tmp(1) = datacoord(i,1); %pn
P_tmp(4) = datacoord(i,5); %or
P_tmp(3) = predict(Barea2, datacoord(i,4)); %distance (z)
dist = round(P_tmp(3)); %round the distance to get how many cells
x = ceil(datacoord(i,2) / (im_w / ncell(1,dist)));
P_tmp(2) = pos(dist, x); %x
P(i, :) = P_tmp;

Speeding up a nested for loop

I've been working on speeding up the following function, but with no results:
function beta = beta_c(k,c,gamma)
beta = zeros(size(k));
E = #(x) (1.453*x.^4)./((1 + x.^2).^(17/6));
for ii = 1:size(k,1)
for jj = 1:size(k,2)
E_int = integral(E,k(ii,jj),10000);
beta(ii,jj) = c*gamma/(k(ii,jj)*sqrt(E_int));
Up to now, I solved it this way:
function beta = beta_calc(k,c,gamma)
k_1d = reshape(k,[1,numel(k)]);
E_1d =#(k) 1.453.*k.^4./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
E_int = zeros(1,numel(k_1d));
parfor ii = 1:numel(k_1d)
E_int(ii) = quad(E_1d,k_1d(ii),10000);
beta_1d = c*gamma./(k_1d.*sqrt(E_int));
beta = reshape(beta_1d,[size(k,1),size(k,2)]);
Seems to me, it didn't really enhance performances. What do you think about this?
Would you mind to shed a light?
I thank you in advance.
I am gonna introduce some theoretical background involving my question.
Generally, beta is to be calculated as follows
Therefore, in the reduced case of unidimensional k array, E_int may be calculated as
E = 1.453.*k.^4./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
E_int = 1.5 - cumtrapz(k,E);
or, alternatively as
E_int(1) = 1.5;
for jj = 2:numel(k)
E =#(k) 1.453.*k.^4./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
E_int(jj) = E_int(jj - 1) - integral(E,k(jj-1),k(jj));
Nonetheless, k is currently a matrix k(size1,size2).
Here's another approach, parallelize, because it's easy using spmd or parfor. Instead of integral consider quad, see this link for examples...
I like this question.
The problem: the function integral takes as integration limits only scalars. Hence, it is difficult to vectorize the computation of of E_int.
A clue: there seems to be lot of redundancy in integrating the same function over and over from k(ii,jj) to infinity...
Proposed solution: How about sorting the values of k from smallest to largest and integrating E_sort_int(si) = integral( E, sortedK(si), sortedK(si+1) ); with sortedK( numel(k) + 1 ) = 10000;. Then the full value of E_int = cumsum( E_sort_int ); (you only need to "undo" the sorting and reshape it back to the size of k).

Improving performance of interpolation (Barycentric formula)

I have been given an assignment in which I am supposed to write an algorithm which performs polynomial interpolation by the barycentric formula. The formulas states that:
p(x) = (SIGMA_(j=0 to n) w(j)*f(j)/(x - x(j)))/(SIGMA_(j=0 to n) w(j)/(x - x(j)))
I have written an algorithm which works just fine, and I get the polynomial output I desire. However, this requires the use of some quite long loops, and for a large grid number, lots of nastly loop operations will have to be done. Thus, I would appreciate it greatly if anyone has any hints as to how I may improve this, so that I will avoid all these loops.
In the algorithm, x and f stand for the given points we are supposed to interpolate. w stands for the barycentric weights, which have been calculated before running the algorithm. And grid is the linspace over which the interpolation should take place:
function p = barycentric_formula(x,f,w,grid)
%Assert x-vectors and f-vectors have same length.
if length(x) ~= length(f)
sprintf('Not equal amounts of x- and y-values. Function is terminated.')
n = length(x);
m = length(grid);
p = zeros(1,m);
% Loops for finding polynomial values at grid points. All values are
% calculated by the barycentric formula.
for i = 1:m
var = 0;
sum1 = 0;
sum2 = 0;
for j = 1:n
if grid(i) == x(j)
p(i) = f(j);
var = 1;
sum1 = sum1 + (w(j)*f(j))/(grid(i) - x(j));
sum2 = sum2 + (w(j)/(grid(i) - x(j)));
if var == 0
p(i) = sum1/sum2;
This is a classical case for matlab 'vectorization'. I would say - just remove the loops. It is almost that simple. First, have a look at this code:
function p = bf2(x, f, w, grid)
m = length(grid);
p = zeros(1,m);
for i = 1:m
var = grid(i)==x;
if any(var)
p(i) = f(var);
sum1 = sum((w.*f)./(grid(i) - x));
sum2 = sum(w./(grid(i) - x));
p(i) = sum1/sum2;
I have removed the inner loop over j. All I did here was in fact removing the (j) indexing and changing the arithmetic operators from / to ./ and from * to .* - the same, but with a dot in front to signify that the operation is performed on element by element basis. This is called array operators in contrast to ordinary matrix operators. Also note that treating the special case where the grid points fall onto x is very similar to what you had in the original implementation, only using a vector var such that x(var)==grid(i).
Now, you can also remove the outermost loop. This is a bit more tricky and there are two major approaches how you can do that in MATLAB. I will do it the simpler way, which can be less efficient, but more clear to read - using repmat:
function p = bf3(x, f, w, grid)
% Find grid points that coincide with x.
% The below compares all grid values with all x values
% and returns a matrix of 0/1. 1 is in the (row,col)
% for which grid(row)==x(col)
var = bsxfun(#eq, grid', x);
% find the logical indexes of those x entries
varx = sum(var, 1)~=0;
% and of those grid entries
varp = sum(var, 2)~=0;
% Outer-most loop removal - use repmat to
% replicate the vectors into matrices.
% Thus, instead of having a loop over j
% you have matrices of values that would be
% referenced in the loop
ww = repmat(w, numel(grid), 1);
ff = repmat(f, numel(grid), 1);
xx = repmat(x, numel(grid), 1);
gg = repmat(grid', 1, numel(x));
% perform the calculations element-wise on the matrices
sum1 = sum((ww.*ff)./(gg - xx),2);
sum2 = sum(ww./(gg - xx),2);
p = sum1./sum2;
% fix the case where grid==x and return
p(varp) = f(varx);
The fully vectorized version can be implemented with bsxfun rather than repmat. This can potentially be a bit faster, since the matrices are not explicitly formed. However, the speed difference may not be large for small system sizes.
Also, the first solution with one loop is also not too bad performance-wise. I suggest you test those and see, what is better. Maybe it is not worth it to fully vectorize? The first code looks a bit more readable..

How to speed this kind of for-loop?

I would like to compute the maximum of translated images along the direction of a given axis. I know about ordfilt2, however I would like to avoid using the Image Processing Toolbox.
So here is the code I have so far:
imInput = imread('tire.tif');
n = 10;
imMax = imInput(:, n:end);
for i = 1:(n-1)
imMax = max(imMax, imInput(:, i:end-(n-i)));
Is it possible to avoid using a for-loop in order to speed the computation up, and, if so, how?
First edit: Using Octave's code for im2col is actually 50% slower.
Second edit: Pre-allocating did not appear to improve the result enough.
sz = [size(imInput,1), size(imInput,2)-n+1];
range_j = 1:size(imInput, 2)-sz(2)+1;
range_i = 1:size(imInput, 1)-sz(1)+1;
B = zeros(prod(sz), length(range_j)*length(range_i));
counter = 0;
for j = range_j % left to right
for i = range_i % up to bottom
counter = counter + 1;
v = imInput(i:i+sz(1)-1, j:j+sz(2)-1);
B(:, counter) = v(:);
imMax = reshape(max(B, [], 2), sz);
Third edit: I shall show the timings.
For what it's worth, here's a vectorized solution using IM2COL function from the Image Processing Toolbox:
imInput = imread('tire.tif');
n = 10;
sz = [size(imInput,1) size(imInput,2)-n+1];
imMax = reshape(max(im2col(imInput, sz, 'sliding'),[],2), sz);
You could perhaps write your own version of IM2COL as it simply consists of well crafted indexing, or even look at how Octave implements it.
Check out the answer to this question about doing a rolling median in c. I've successfully made it into a mex function and it is way faster than even ordfilt2. It will take some work to do a max, but I'm sure it's possible.
Rolling median in C - Turlach implementation
