calling another target inside my makefile without depending on it - bash

I would prefer to avoid a recursive call of make. Unless someone recommends this, it seems inefficient. (if someone does recommend it, we can mark as duplicate of How can I call a specific target from my makefile?)
I've found related threads but most of the solutions involve refactoring the make command, e.g.
makefile execute another target
or depending on the target that you want to run, e.g.
How do I make a target in a makefile invoke another target in the makefile
In fact, I would be interested in how to refactor my makefile. I am newbie with makefiles so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm making things more complicated than they need to be.
# depend on all files in folder abc
myTarget1: $(shell find abc -type f)
make otherTarget
some commands...
# I have various targets that need to do the following:
.PHONY : otherTarget
common commands...


Best practice for makefile calling other makefile

I have a Makefile which, for a particular target, calls another Makefile. Suppose that the main Makefile contains
cd some_dir && make some_target
and that some_dir/Makefile contains
some_target: file1 file2
Here's my conundrum: What should the dependencies be for the target in the main Makefile? If I put no dependencies, then, according to the GNU make manual, some_dir/Makefile will only be invoked if some_dir/some_target doesn't exist. I could instead copy the dependencies from some_dir/Makefile. However, that creates the danger of later changing the dependencies in the subdirectory's Makefile and forgetting to update the main Makefile.
Is there a way to tell the main Makefile, "I don't know if the target is out of date or not. Go ask the other Makefile"?
Is there a way to tell the main Makefile, "I don't know if the target is out of date or not. Go ask the other Makefile"?
There is no provision specifically for delegating to another makefile, but you can achieve a similar result by ensuring that the recipe for the target in question is always run. There are mechanisms and conventions for that.
The old-school approach is to declare a dependency on a target that does not exist and is never actually built. You may see such a target being named FORCE, though that's only a convention. The name is not directly significant. Example:
some_dir/some_target: FORCE
cd some_dir && make some_target
# Dummy target
As long is there is not, in fact, a file named FORCE in the working directory, the FORCE target will be considered initially out of date, so every target that directly or indirectly depends on it will be built (see also below).
There is, of course, a weakness in that: what if a file named FORCE actually is created? However unlikely that may be, it screws up the whole scheme if it happens. Some make implementations, notably GNU's, have an implementation-specific way to address that. GNU's approach is to recognize a special, built-in target named .PHONY (do not overlook the leading .). All prerequisites of .PHONY are considered out of date on every build, notwithstanding anything on the filesystem. Inasmuch as make implementations that do not recognize that convention are unlikely to be troubled by its use, there is little drawback to putting it in play:
You could also skip FORCE and just directly declare some_dir/some_target itself to be phony, as another answer suggests, but there are at least two problems with that:
it's not really phony in the usual sense. You expect that target to be built. Declaring it phony is therefore confusing.
if you happen to try to use that approach with a make that does not recognize .PHONY, then the whole scheme falls apart. If you instead use an intermediate phony target (such as FORCE, above) then your makefile still works even with such makes, except in the unlikely event that a file named the same as the dummy target is created.
But note well that however implemented, any such scheme has a significant drawback: if you force some_dir/some_target be considered out of date on every build, so that the sub-make will be run unconditionally, then every other target that depends directly or indirectly on some_dir/some_target will also be rebuilt every time. On the other hand, if you do not force it to be rebuilt, then it might not be rebuilt when it ought to be, as you already recognize. This is the topic of the well-known paper Recursive Make Considered Harmful. As an alternative, then, you should consider not using recursive make.
One option consists in forcing a sub-make:
dummy := $(shell $(MAKE) -C some_dir some_target)
top_target: some_dir/some_target
"I don't know if the target is out of date or not" - you can use .PHONY for this:
.PHONY: some_dir/some_target
cd some_dir && make some_target
The prerequisites of the special target .PHONY are considered to be phony targets. When it is time to consider such a target, make will run its recipe unconditionally, regardless of whether a file with that name exists or what its last-modification time is.

How to trigger the rebuild of a Makefile prerequisite file ONLY when a specific target is called?

I haven't found an answer so far, so I think this is not a repeat question.
I have some Makefile along the lines of:
include prerequisite_2
all: prerequisite_1 prerequisite_2
rm *.mod
mkdir somedir
re-write existing file
The issue is that I want the prerequisite_2 to rebuild whenever the default goal is called (all) or when prerequisite_2 is called from the command line, and I know I can use touch prerequisite_2, FORCE or .PHONY to achieve this. However, I DO NOT want it to run every time (the written file contains dependency information for the Fortran files involved) as it doesn't make sense to also rebuild this when calling: make clean
Is it possible to emulate the effects of FORCE or .PHONY only when the depending targets are called?
You can see what the goal targets are by looking at the MAKECMDGOALS variable.
So you can do something like:
ifeq (,$(if $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(filter-out all prerequisite-2,$(MAKECMDGOALS))))
include prerequisite-2
The if condition will be true if MAKECMDGOALS is the empty string, or if it contains only all and/or prerequisite-2 but not if it contains any other target.
Usually, this is not what you want though. Usually you want to disable the include only if certain targets (clean is the classic example) are used.
This exact situation is even discussed in the GNU make manual.

Sub-makefiles and passing variables upward

I have a project that involves sub-directories with sub-makefiles. I'm aware that I can pass variables from a parent makefile to a sub-makefile through the environment using the export command. Is there a way to pass variables from a sub-makefile to its calling makefile? I.e. can export work in the reverse? I've attempted this with no success. I'm guessing once the sub-make finishes its shell is destroyed along with its environment variables. Is there another standard way of passing variables upward?
The short answer to your question is: no, you can't [directly] do what you want for a recursive build (see below for a non-recursive build).
Make executes a sub-make process as a recipe line like any other command. Its stdout/stderr get printed to the terminal like any other process. In general, a sub-process cannot affect the parent's environment (obviously we're not talking about environment here, but the same principle applies) -- unless you intentionally build something like that into the parent process, but then you'd be using IPC mechanisms to pull it off.
There are a number of ways I could imagine for pulling this off, all of which sound like an awful thing to do. For example you could write to a file and source it with an include directive (note: untested) inside an eval:
${MAKE} ${MFLAGS} -f /path/to/makefile
some_other_target : some_target
$(eval include /path/to/new/file)
... though it has to be in a separate target as written above because all $(macro statements) are evaluated before the recipe begins execution, even if the macro is on a later line of the recipe.
gmake v4.x has a new feature that allows you to write out to a file directly from a makefile directive. An example from the documentation:
If the command required each argument to be on a separate line of the
input file, you might write your recipe like this:
program: $(OBJECTS)
$(file >$ $(foreach O,$^,$(file >>$,$O))
#rm $
... but you'd still need an $(eval include ...) macro in a separate recipe to consume the file contents.
I'm very leery of using $(eval include ...) in a recipe; in a parallel build, the included file can affect make variables and the timing for when the inclusion occurs could be non-deterministic w/respect to other targets being built in parallel.
You'd be much better off finding a more natural solution to your problem. I would start by taking a step back and asking yourself "what problem am I trying to solve, and how have other people solved that problem?" If you aren't finding people trying to solve that problem, there's a good chance it's because they didn't start down a path you're on.
edit You can do what you want for a non-recursive build. For example:
# makefile1
include makefile2
my_tool: ${OBJS}
# makefile2
OBJS := some.o list.o of.o objects.o
... though I caution you to be very careful with this. The build I maintain is extremely large (around 250 makefiles). Each level includes with a statement like the following:
include ${SOME_DIRECTORY}/*/makefile
The danger here is you don't want people in one tree depending on variables from another tree. There are a few spots where for the short term I've had to do something like what you want: sub-makefiles append to a variable, then that variable gets used in the parent makefile. In the long term that's going away because it's brittle/unsafe, but for the time being I've had to use it.
I suggest you read the paper Recursive Make Considered Harmful (if that link doesn't work, just google the name of the paper).
Your directory structure probably looks like this:
|-- Makefile
|-- dir1
| `-- Makefile
`-- dir2
`-- Makefile
And what you are doing in your parent Makefile is probably this:
make -C ./dir1
make -C ./dir2
This actually spawns/forks a new child process for every make call.
You are asking for updating the environment of the parent process from its children, but that's not possible by design (1, 2).
You still could work around this by:
using a file as shared memory between two processes (see Brian's answer)
using the child's exit error code as a trigger for different actions [ugly trick]
I think the simplest solution is using standard out from a sub Makefile.
Parent Makefile
VAR := $(shell $(MAKE) -s -C child-directory)
echo $(VAR)
Child Makefile
#echo "MessageToTheParent"

make variables that depend on a target

I have a Variable in make that is dependant on a file that must be built before the variable can be set, is there a way to get this to work?
parsable_file: dependancies
commands to make parsable_file
targets=$(shell parse_cmd parsable_file)
$(targets): parsable_file
command to make targets
.phony: all
If I run $ make parsable_file && make all this will work (I get an error that parse_cmd cant find parsable_file but it works), but just make all will not work. Is there a Make idiom for this?
Set the variable in a file that you include in the main makefile and include a rule in the main makefile for how to build it (the one you already have should be fine).
I believe that will do what you want.
See Including Other Makefiles and How Makefiles Are Remade (which is linked from the first section) for more details on this concept.
Also, unless parseable_file has a usage independent from that parse_cmd call, it should be possible to do the creation and the parsing at the same time and just have the resulting makefile contain the correct value for $(targets) in one step.

Makefile: how to find out dependencies are no longer used in other rules

I have a somewhat complicated Makefile which runs perl scripts and other tools and generates some 1000 files. I would like to edit/modify some of those generated files after all files are generated. So I thought I can simply add a new rule to do so like this:
(phony new rule): $LIST_OF_FILES_TO_EDIT
file_modifier ...
however, the point here is some of those generated files which I'd like to edit ($LIST_OF_FILES_TO_EDIT) are used in the same make process to generate a long list of files. So I have to wait to make sure those files are no longer needed in the make process before I can go ahead and edit them. But I don't know how to do that. Not to mention that it is really hard to find out what files are generated by the help of $LIST_OF_FILES_TO_EDIT.
If it was possible to mention in the Makefile that this rule should be only run as the last rule, then my problem would be solved. but as far as I know this is not possible. So anyone has an idea?
Some points:
List of files to edit ($LIST_OF_FILES_TO_EDIT) is determined dynamically (not known before make process)
I am not sure I have picked a good title for this question. :)
1) If you're going to modify the files like that, it might behoove you to give the targets different names, like foo_unmodified and foo_modified, so that the Make's dependency handling will take care of this.
2) If your phony new rule is the one you invoke on the command line ("make phonyNewRule"), then Make will build whatever else it's going to build before executing the file_modifier command. If you want to build targets not on that list, you could do it this way:
(phony new rule): $(LIST_OF_FILES_TO_EDIT) $(OTHER_TARGETS)
file_modifier ...
3) If your dependencies are set up correctly, you can find out which targets depend on $(LIST_OF_FILES_TO_EDIT), but it's not very tidy. You could just touch one of the files, run make, see which targets it built, repeat for all files. You could save a little time by using Make arguments: "make -n -W foo1 -W foo2 -W foo3 ... -W foo99 all". This will print the commands Make would run-- I don't know of any way to get it to tell you which targets it would rebuild.
