POST variables not getting through AngularJS - ajax

module2.factory('Ajax', function($http) {
$['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
return {
get : function(url, params){
return $, {
params : params
Made a factory to do some easy AJAX calls, but for security reasons I had to change the method to POST instead of GET ($ instead of $http.get), and now I dont get my data in my php files. Using $_GET[] did work when using $http.get, but now using $_POST[] when using $ I get an empty array. The $[] line was a solution in other stackoverflow topics, but it doesnt work for me.
What could be the problem?


ASP.NET Core API POST parameter is always null from Firefox

In my Angular2 Application, I'm submitting a form and send data through POST API to dotnet core backend. I've created a new form, that is working fine with chrome, but on firefox, I'm receiving null in POST API parameter.
I'm all stuck what to search and how to?? I've checked every possible issue and didn't find anything, because App is working fine with chrome, all data is up to date and correct but a single form is not working on firefox.
Can anyone help me out what to do? because I'm totally stuck and have
no idea what to do??
My Endpoints are;
public async Task<ActionResult> SaveIntimation([FromBody] ViewModelCreateIntimation objCreateIntimation)
if (objCreateIntimation == null || objCreateIntimation.objIntimation == null)
return Ok("null received");
// remaining code
my service on angular side
saveIntimation(intiModel) {
return<ViewModelResponse>(this.baseUrl + this._SubmitIntimationUrl, JSON.stringify(intiModel), { headers: this.configurations.getHeaderWithAuth() });
where this._SubmitIntimationUrl is "/api/Intimation/SaveIntimation", intiModel is object that I'm passing.
Controller function - Angular
this.intimationModel = this.admissionForm.value;
(response) => {
this.responseModel = response;
// further process
(error) => {
this.notification.onError(this.errorHandler.handleError(error).error, Constants.MESSAGE_ERROR);
Data that is sending from service (Last place where I can check data)
The problem looks like it's because of the name of the parameter in your controller is different to that being passed up in the request.
In your controller, the parameter the framework is trying to bind to is called objCreateIntimation, but your request shows you're sending up objIntimation instead. As they have different names, the model binder has no idea that objIntimation should be bound to objCreateIntimation.
Give them both the same name, and that should fix it for you.
I went through same issue once, and It took almost a day to figure out the reason behind it,
do check your date pickers and its values, and make sure it is not null and its format is also correct. Because firefox is a bit strict in this matter and a litter change in datepicker makes it null.
hope it helps you.

"the UmbracoHelper was constructed with an UmbracoContext and the current request is not a front-end request."

I'm trying to implement ajax pagination using Umbraco.
On the server side, I have the following:
public JsonResult pagination(int? page)
IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> newsPosts = Umbraco.AssignedContentItem.DescendantOrSelf("news").Children.Where(x => x.IsVisible() && x.DocumentTypeAlias == "newsPost").OrderByDescending(x => x.UpdateDate).Take(5);
//from here on we will be returning the json within which information required for displaying post entries in carousel is included.
string json = "[some random string]"; //just random string for now.
return Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
As you can see, I'm trying to get necessary data from IPublishedContents, but I'm having trouble instantiating this series of IPublishedContents.
And this is the error I'm getting when I access:
locahost:{port}/umbraco/surface/{controller}/pagination on Chrome.
Cannot return the IPublishedContent because the UmbracoHelper was constructed with an UmbracoContext and the current request is not a front-end request.
Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot return the IPublishedContent because the UmbracoHelper was constructed with an UmbracoContext and the current request is not a front-end request.
As I said, I'm making this request from Chrome, which is I think means this request is from the front end, so I'm not sure why I'm getting this error.
In the course of searching I found these
1) forum
2) stackoverflow post
is deserted with no answer, and as for 2, it strikes me that the answer is not quite relevant to my case. I want to instantiate IPublishedContent in the first place.
Mine is Umbraco 7.
and could it be possible to tell me why requests from the front-end are not desirable?
Any hint would be highly appreciated.
Try getting your node this way.
var umbracoHelper = new Umbraco.Web.UmbracoHelper(Umbraco.Web.UmbracoContext.Current);
var yourNode = umbracoHelper.TypedContentAtXPath("umbracoPathtoYourNode");
Perhaps easier to use web api
Create a controller which inherits from UmbracoApiController
public class PagedItemsController : UmbracoApiController
[ActionName("list")] //Optional see note below
public IHttpActionResult GetItems([FromUri] int pageNo = 1)
// Next you need some way of getting the items you need.
// I would not return the whole IPublishedContent items. Rather query those and then use linq Select to transform into a more relevant smaller class (not doing this here)
// I've just included this for brevity
var items = _itemService.GetPagedItems(pageNo);
// Now return the results
return Ok(items);
Calls to endpoints in Umbraco follow the format
With the [ActionName("list")] above the call to the GetItems method will be
Without the ActionName attribute the call would be
With a standard jquery ajax call this will return json without needing to serialise.

AngularJS: Setting Global Variable AJAX

I am looking for best practices with AngularJS:
I need to share a json ajax response between nested controllers.
Right now I have a working version that simply sets a $scope.variable with the response in controller1, and the other controllers access it by calling the same variable.
I have tried creating a global service, but the problem is I make the ajax call in a controller, and before the ajax call is finished, the global variable defaults to null for all the other controllers.
I am just trying to understand what best approach is in this situation.
Create publisher/subscriber service or factory and subscribe methods from your controller2 and 3 to data change. Just like this:
.factory('GlobalAjaxVariable', function() {
var subscribers = [];
function publish(data) {
callbacks.forEach(function(clb) {
return {
setData: function(ajaxData) {
addSubscriber: function(clb) {
You can put the value in $rootScope.variable and after access it from any other controller (as $scope.variable)

$.extend ignoring 'traditional' flag

I'm working in an ASP.NET MVC4 application, and as such, all array data sent to the server over ajax must be sent using the traditional option. (no [] for POST variables).
The problem is, I also have a filter set-up which requires an AntiforgeryToken to be sent with each ajax POST.
I have fixed this using an ajaxPrefilter like this:
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions) {
if (options.type.toUpperCase() == "POST") { = $.param($.extend(, { __RequestVerificationToken: "antiForgeryToken" }));
This works great, and adds the __RequestVerificationToken to all POSTs.
However, it also causes my data not to be parametrized according to the traditional flag.
Does anybody know how I can modify my prefilter to account for this?
Example can be found here:
You forgot to pass the traditional argument to $.param(). You should write: = $.param($.extend(, {
__RequestVerificationToken: "antiForgeryToken"
}), true);

Debugging Ajax requests in a Symfony environment

Not sure if SFDebug is any help in this situation. I am making an ajax post using jQuery. Which retrieves JSON data in my action URL and then makes a call to the Model method that executes the action. The part until my action URL, and the jQuery call to it work fine. With the data transmitted from the client to the server well received and no errors being made.
It is the part where it calls the method on the Model that is failing. My jQuery method looks like this:
$.post(url, jsonData, function(servermsg) { console.log(servermsg); }) ;
My server action is like this
public function executeMyAjaxRequest(sfWebRequest $request)
// process whatever
$servermsg = Doctrine_Core::getTable('table')->addDataToTable($dataArray);
return $this->renderText($servermsg);
return false;
The method of concern in the Table.class.php file looks like this:
public function addDataToTable($dataArray)
// process $dataArray and retrieve the necessary data
$data = new Data();
$data->field = $dataArray['field'];
return $data->id ;
The method fails up here in the model, when renderText in the action is returned and logged into the console, it returns the HTMl for SFDEBUG. Which indicates that it failed.
If this was not an Ajax call, I could debug it by seeing what the model method spat out, but this is a little tedious with Ajax in the mix.
Not looking for exact answers here, but more on how I can approach debugging ajax requests in a symfony environment, so if there are suggestions on how I can debug this, that would be great.
You must send cookie with session ide key via ajax
(Assuming you have XDEBUG configured on the server)
In order to trigger a debug session by an AJAX request you have to somehow make that request to send additional URL parameter XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1. For your example:
$.post(url + '?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1', jsonData, function(servermsg) { console.log(servermsg); }) ;
You can also trigger it via cookie, but appending URL parameter usually easier.
