Organize Go code for CRUD operations on MongoDB - go

I'm writing a web application in Go but I have some troubles getting my code organized.
For basic CRUD operations on MongoDB I always have to do something like this in the beginning of my code:
session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost")
if err != nil {
return err
defer session.Close()
But I don't like the fact that I always have to repeat the same code.
Is there a way to make it shorter or to avoid a lot of this in my code:
if err != nil {
return err
I'm new to Go so maybe I'm missing something obvious.

First for the actual question, no, that's the Go away of checking for errors.
Second, the proper way to use mgo is to have one sesson and clone it every time you need to do something, for example:
var (
mgoSession *mgo.Session
func init() {
sess, err := mgo.Dial("localhost")
if err != nil {
panic(err) // no, not really
mgoSession = sess
func do_stuff_with_mgo() {
sess := mgoSession.Clone()
defer sess.Close()
//do stuff with sess
func main() {
go do_stuff_with_mgo()
go do_stuff_with_mgo()
Also check this article about mgo (I'm not the author, but it helped me with learning mgo, it might be a bit outdated though.)


Best way to pass context

I've done a lot of research regarding context, but I can't seem to find a generally accepted answer, plus I'm new to Go.
In my current code I've var ctx = context.Background(),which is used in various places.
My concern is, aren't all my code modifying the same context since it's a global variable? .
Yes, I know context is request scoped.
This is part of my code for context.
var ctx = context.Background()
var db *firestore.Client
var auth *aut.Client
func init() {
app, err := firebase.NewApp(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
db, err = app.Firestore(ctx)
if err != nil {
auth, err = app.Auth(ctx)
if err != nil {
func SetRate(r int) (err error) {
//TODO: create last updated field
_, err = db.Collection("Rate").Doc("rate").Set(ctx, map[string]int{"USDT": r})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Please try not to use overly complicated words to describe a term.
Its an accepted practice in go to pass context from function to function. Normally, the first parameter of every function if context type. I have seen that whenever a context is passed down and has some use-case with in the method scope, a new context is created from parent context.
It is best practice to create a context inside of a function and pass it between functions as needed, rather than having the one context shared across the package. For something like a HTTP server, you will typically see a unique context for each incoming API call.

Cannot identify an error in sync.Once usage

I'm doing an online course on Golang. The following piece of code is presented in the course material as an example of misuse of sync.Once:
var (
once sync.Once
db *sql.DB
func DbOnce() (*sql.DB, error) {
var err error
once.Do(func() {
fmt.Println("Am called")
db, err = sql.Open("mysql", "root:test#tcp(")
if err != nil {
err = db.Ping()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return db, nil
Supposedly, the above is a faulty implementation of an SQL connection manager. We, the students, are to find the error ourselves, which I struggle with. The code runs fine even in parallel. This is how I used it:
func main() {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go (func() {
db, err := DbOnce()
if err != nil {
var v int
r := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1")
err = r.Scan(&v)
fmt.Println(v, err)
I understand that homework questions are discouraged here, so I'm not asking for a complete solution, just a hint would be fine. Is the error related to concurrency (i.e. I need to run it in a specific concurrent context)? Is it usage of sql.Open specifically?
Initialization of the db variable is OK. The problem is with the returned error.
If you call DbOnce() for the first time and opening a DB connection fails, that error will be returned properly. But what about subsequent calls? The db initialization code will not be run again, so nil db may be returned, and since the initialization code is not run, the default value of the err variable is returned, which will be nil. To sum it up, the initialization error is lost and will not be reported anymore.
One solution is to stop the app if connection fails (at the first call). Another option is to store the initialization error too in a package level variable along with db, and return that from DbOnce() (and not use a local variable for that). The former has the advantage that you don't have to handle errors returned from DbOnce(), as it doesn't even have to return an error (if there's an error, your app will terminate).
The latter could look like this:
var (
once sync.Once
db *sql.DB
dbErr error
func DbOnce() (*sql.DB, error) {
once.Do(func() {
fmt.Println("Am called")
db, dbErr = sql.Open("mysql", "root:test#tcp(")
if dbErr != nil {
dbErr = db.Ping()
return db, dbErr

Shorten repeating code with error checking [duplicate]

I'm currently learning go and some of my code looks like this:
a, err := doA()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err := doB(a)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := doC(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
... and so on ...
This looks kinda wrong to me because the error checking takes most of the lines. Is there a better way to do error handling? Can I maybe avoid this with some refactoring?
UPDATE: Thank you for all the answers. Please note that in my example doB depends on a, doC depends on b and so on. Therefore most suggested refactorings don't work in this case. Any other suggestion?
This is a common complaint, and there are several answers to it.
Here are a few common ones:
1 - It's not so bad
This is a very common reaction to these complaints. The fact you have a few extra lines of code in your code is not in fact so bad. It's just a bit of cheap typing, and very easy to handle when on the reading side.
2 - It's actually a good thing
This is based on the fact that typing and reading these extra lines is a very good reminder that in fact your logic might escape at that point, and you have to undo any resource management that you've put in place in the lines preceding it. This is usually brought up in comparison with exceptions, which can break the flow of logic in an implicit way, forcing the developer to always have the hidden error path in mind instead. Some time ago I wrote a more in-depth rant about this here.
3 - Use panic/recover
In some specific circumstances, you may avoid some of that work by using panic with a known type, and then using recover right before your package code goes out into the world, transforming it into a proper error and returning that instead. This technique is seen most commonly to unroll recursive logic such as (un)marshalers.
I personally try hard to not abuse this too much, because I correlate more closely with points 1 and 2.
4 - Reorganize the code a bit
In some circumstances, you can reorganize the logic slightly to avoid the repetition.
As a trivial example, this:
err := doA()
if err != nil {
return err
err := doB()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
can also be organized as:
err := doA()
if err != nil {
return err
return doB()
5 - Use named results
Some people use named results to strip out the err variable from the return statement. I'd recommend against doing that, though, because it saves very little, reduces the clarity of the code, and makes the logic prone to subtle issues when one or more results get defined before the bail-out return statement.
6 - Use the statement before the if condition
As Tom Wilde well reminded in the comment below, if statements in Go accept a simple statement before the condition. So you can do this:
if err := doA(); err != nil {
return err
This is a fine Go idiom, and used often.
In some specific cases, I prefer to avoid embedding the statement in this fashion just to make it stand on its own for clarity purposes, but this is a subtle and personal thing.
You could use named return parameters to shorten things a bit
Playground link
func doStuff() (result string, err error) {
a, err := doA()
if err != nil {
b, err := doB(a)
if err != nil {
result, err = doC(b)
if err != nil {
After you've been programming in Go a while you'll appreciate that having to check the error for every function makes you think about what it actually means if that function goes wrong and how you should be dealing with it.
If you have many of such re-occurring situations where you have several of these
error checks you may define yourself a utility function like the following:
func validError(errs ...error) error {
for i, _ := range errs {
if errs[i] != nil {
return errs[i]
return nil
This enables you to select one of the errors and return if there is one which
is non-nil.
Example usage (full version on play):
x, err1 := doSomething(2)
y, err2 := doSomething(3)
if e := validError(err1, err2); e != nil {
return e
Of course, this can be only applied if the functions do not depend on each other
but this is a general precondition of summarizing error handling.
You could create context type with result value and error.
type Type1 struct {
a int
b int
c int
err error
func (t *Type1) doA() {
if t.err != nil {
// do something
if err := do(); err != nil {
t.err = err
func (t *Type1) doB() {
if t.err != nil {
// do something
b, err := t.doWithA(a)
if err != nil {
t.err = err
t.b = b
func (t *Type1) doC() {
if t.err != nil {
// do something
c, err := do()
if err != nil {
t.err = err
t.c = c
func main() {
t := Type1{}
if t.err != nil {
// handle error in t
It looks wrong to you perhaps because you are used to not handling errors at the call site. This is quite idiomatic for go but looks like a lot of boilerplate if you aren't used to it.
It does come with some advantages though.
you have to think about what the proper way to handle this error is at the site where the error was generated.
It's easy reading the code to see every point at which the code will abort and return early.
If it really bugs you you can get creative with for loops and anonymous functions but that often gets complicated and hard to read.
You can pass an error as a function argument
func doA() (A, error) {
func doB(a A, err error) (B, error) {
c, err := doB(doA())
I've noticed some methods in the "html/template" package do this e.g.
func Must(t *Template, err error) *Template {
if err != nil {
return t

goroutine deadlock: In an app that reads from a blockchain and writes to rethinkdb, have

Okay, so
My situation is this: It's been three weeks and some-odd hours since I've become entranced by golang. I'm working on a blockchain dump tool for steem, and I'm probably going to give a touch of gjson to, the library I currently rely on. Now, with this said, this question is about the goroutines for my current blockchain reader. Here it is (sorry a tad on the beefy side, but you'll see the part that I want to pull back into the library, too):
// Keep processing incoming blocks forever.
fmt.Println("---> Entering the block processing loop")
for {
// Get current properties.
props, err := Client.Database.GetDynamicGlobalProperties()
if err != nil {
// Process blocks.
for I := uint32(1); I <= props.LastIrreversibleBlockNum; I++ {
go getblock(I, Client, Rsession)
if err != nil {
func getblock(I uint32, Client *rpc.Client, Rsession *r.Session) {
block, err := Client.Database.GetBlock(I)
writeBlock(block, Rsession)
if err != nil {
func writeBlock(block *d.Block, Rsession *r.Session) {
//rethinkdb writes
I just made a third edit to this, which was to call the function writeBlock from goroutine getBlock instead of the way I was doing things before. I'
Okay, so that is now resolved, but this is going to spawn another question, unfortunatley.
I've got the application working with the goroutine, however it hasn't increased performance any.
The way that I got it to work was by not spawning a goroutine from a goroutine and instead calling a plain function, writeBlock from the goroutine "getblock":
fmt.Println("---> Entering the block processing loop")
for {
// Get current properties.
props, err := Client.Database.GetDynamicGlobalProperties()
if err != nil {
// Process blocks.
for I := uint32(1); I <= props.LastIrreversibleBlockNum; I++ {
go getblock(I, Client, Rsession)
if err != nil {
func getblock(I uint32, Client *rpc.Client, Rsession *r.Session) {
block, err := Client.Database.GetBlock(I)
writeBlock(block, Rsession)
if err != nil {
func writeBlock(block *d.Block, Rsession *r.Session) {
//rethinkdb writes

Avoid checking if error is nil repetition?

I'm currently learning go and some of my code looks like this:
a, err := doA()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err := doB(a)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := doC(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
... and so on ...
This looks kinda wrong to me because the error checking takes most of the lines. Is there a better way to do error handling? Can I maybe avoid this with some refactoring?
UPDATE: Thank you for all the answers. Please note that in my example doB depends on a, doC depends on b and so on. Therefore most suggested refactorings don't work in this case. Any other suggestion?
This is a common complaint, and there are several answers to it.
Here are a few common ones:
1 - It's not so bad
This is a very common reaction to these complaints. The fact you have a few extra lines of code in your code is not in fact so bad. It's just a bit of cheap typing, and very easy to handle when on the reading side.
2 - It's actually a good thing
This is based on the fact that typing and reading these extra lines is a very good reminder that in fact your logic might escape at that point, and you have to undo any resource management that you've put in place in the lines preceding it. This is usually brought up in comparison with exceptions, which can break the flow of logic in an implicit way, forcing the developer to always have the hidden error path in mind instead. Some time ago I wrote a more in-depth rant about this here.
3 - Use panic/recover
In some specific circumstances, you may avoid some of that work by using panic with a known type, and then using recover right before your package code goes out into the world, transforming it into a proper error and returning that instead. This technique is seen most commonly to unroll recursive logic such as (un)marshalers.
I personally try hard to not abuse this too much, because I correlate more closely with points 1 and 2.
4 - Reorganize the code a bit
In some circumstances, you can reorganize the logic slightly to avoid the repetition.
As a trivial example, this:
err := doA()
if err != nil {
return err
err := doB()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
can also be organized as:
err := doA()
if err != nil {
return err
return doB()
5 - Use named results
Some people use named results to strip out the err variable from the return statement. I'd recommend against doing that, though, because it saves very little, reduces the clarity of the code, and makes the logic prone to subtle issues when one or more results get defined before the bail-out return statement.
6 - Use the statement before the if condition
As Tom Wilde well reminded in the comment below, if statements in Go accept a simple statement before the condition. So you can do this:
if err := doA(); err != nil {
return err
This is a fine Go idiom, and used often.
In some specific cases, I prefer to avoid embedding the statement in this fashion just to make it stand on its own for clarity purposes, but this is a subtle and personal thing.
You could use named return parameters to shorten things a bit
Playground link
func doStuff() (result string, err error) {
a, err := doA()
if err != nil {
b, err := doB(a)
if err != nil {
result, err = doC(b)
if err != nil {
After you've been programming in Go a while you'll appreciate that having to check the error for every function makes you think about what it actually means if that function goes wrong and how you should be dealing with it.
If you have many of such re-occurring situations where you have several of these
error checks you may define yourself a utility function like the following:
func validError(errs ...error) error {
for i, _ := range errs {
if errs[i] != nil {
return errs[i]
return nil
This enables you to select one of the errors and return if there is one which
is non-nil.
Example usage (full version on play):
x, err1 := doSomething(2)
y, err2 := doSomething(3)
if e := validError(err1, err2); e != nil {
return e
Of course, this can be only applied if the functions do not depend on each other
but this is a general precondition of summarizing error handling.
You could create context type with result value and error.
type Type1 struct {
a int
b int
c int
err error
func (t *Type1) doA() {
if t.err != nil {
// do something
if err := do(); err != nil {
t.err = err
func (t *Type1) doB() {
if t.err != nil {
// do something
b, err := t.doWithA(a)
if err != nil {
t.err = err
t.b = b
func (t *Type1) doC() {
if t.err != nil {
// do something
c, err := do()
if err != nil {
t.err = err
t.c = c
func main() {
t := Type1{}
if t.err != nil {
// handle error in t
It looks wrong to you perhaps because you are used to not handling errors at the call site. This is quite idiomatic for go but looks like a lot of boilerplate if you aren't used to it.
It does come with some advantages though.
you have to think about what the proper way to handle this error is at the site where the error was generated.
It's easy reading the code to see every point at which the code will abort and return early.
If it really bugs you you can get creative with for loops and anonymous functions but that often gets complicated and hard to read.
You can pass an error as a function argument
func doA() (A, error) {
func doB(a A, err error) (B, error) {
c, err := doB(doA())
I've noticed some methods in the "html/template" package do this e.g.
func Must(t *Template, err error) *Template {
if err != nil {
return t
