Hadoop: I want to know Path to hdfs - hadoop

I want to open a file in Hadoop File System using a Java Program. I wanted to know how the path to HDFS look like and how to specify it in a Java Program?

To get all the details of HDFS , its files , content in your java code use the Hadoop fs api.


Cloudera Hadoop : File reading/ writing in HDFS

I have this scala and Java code running in Spark on Cloudera platform whose simple task is to perform Word count on the files in HDFS. My question is : What's the difference in reading the file with this code snippet -
as opposed to reading from local drive over cloudera platform?
Is it not that in both cases the file is saved using HDFS and wouldn't make any difference reading/ writing either ways? These both read/write to HDFS, right? I referred this thread, but no clue.
Cloudera Quickstart VM illegalArguementException: Wrong FS: hdfs: expected: file:
Could you please tell me at least a single case where using hdfs:// implies something else?
Thank You!
As per my knowledge,
sc.textFile("hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/spark/InputFile/inputText.txt") in this line hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020 refers to HDFS directory or file /user/spark/InputFile/inputText.txt.
sc.textFile("/home/cloudera/InputFile/inputText.txt") in this line '/home/cloudera/InputFile/inputText.txt' refers to your local unix/linux file system.
So if you want to use/read/write into HDFS file then you need to use hdfs://namenodeHost:port as per hadoop configuration.
Hope this clarify your doubt !!

How can I get spark to access local HDFS on windows?

I have installed both hadoop and spark locally on a windows machine.
I can access HDFS files in hadoop, e.g.,
hdfs dfs -tail hdfs:/out/part-r-00000
works as expected. However, if I try to access the same file from the spark shell, e.g.,
val f = sc.textFile("hdfs:/out/part-r-00000")
I get an error that the file does not exist. Spark can access files in the windows file system using the file:/... syntax, though.
I have set the HADOOP_HOME environment variable to c:\hadoop which is the folder containing the hadoop install (in particular winutils.exe, which seems to be necessary for spark, is in c:\hadoop\bin).
Because it seems that HDFS data is stored in the c:\tmp folder, I was wondering whether there is would be a way to let spark know about this location.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If you are getting file doesn't exist, that means your spark application(code snippet) is able to connect to HDFS.
The HDFS file path that you are using seems wrong.
This should solve your issue
val f = sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:8020/out/part-r-00000")

hadoop file system change directory command

I was going through the HADOOP fs commands list. I am little perplexed not to find any "cd" command in hadoop fs.
Why is it so? It might sound silly question for the HADOOP users, but as I am beginner I can not understand why there is no list of cd command in HADOOP fs level?
Think about it like this:
Hadoop has a special file system called "hdfs" which runs on top of existing say linux file system. There is no concept of current or present working directory a.k.a. pwd
Let's say we have following structure in hdfs:
You could do cd in your Linux file system from moving from one to the other but do you think changing directory in hadoop would makes sense? HDFS is like virtual file system and you dont directly interact with hdfs except via hadoop command or job tracker.
HDFS provides various features that enable accessing HDFS(Hadoop Filesystem) easy on local machines or edge nodes. You have an option to mount HDFS using any of the following methods. Once Hadoop file system is mounted on your machine, you may use cd command to browse through the file system (It's is like mounting remote network filesystem like NAS)
Fuse dfs (Available from Hadoop 0.20 onwards )
NFSv3 Gateway access to HDFS data (Available from Hadoop version
Hadoop 2.2.0)

How to move Word and PDF documents to Hadoop HDFS?

I want to copy/upload some files from a local system (a system not in Hadoop cluster) onto Hadoop HDFS. The local system can be Windows system too.
I tried with Flume spool directory. It works fine with Text files. For other docs, the mime type is getting corrupted.
Please let me know different approaches to load a file(s) to HDFS.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <localsrc> URI
Check Hadoop documentation: copyFromLocal
Keep in mind, Apache Flume wasn't created to copy some files.
You can also use hadoop fs -put <localsrcpath> <hdfspath>
This is one of the alternative to copyFromLocal
In hadoop 2.0 (YARN) you can do as follows to transfer local files to HDFS:
hdfs dfs -put "localsrcpath" "hdfspath"
where hdfs is the command located in the bin directory.
Java code can do that easily. You don't require any tools for this. Check below, the piece of code that worked:
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
try {
conf.set("fs.defaultFS",<<namenode>>); //something like hdfs://server:9000 or copy from core-site.xml
FileSystem fileSystem= FileSystem.get(conf);
System.out.println("Uploading please wait...");
fileSystem.copyFromLocalFile(false, new Path(args[0]), new Path(args[1].trim()));//args[0]=C://file or dir args[1]=/imported
Prepare jar out of this and run on any OS. Keep in mind you no need to
have Hadoop running in the machine, where you are going to run this
code. If you need any help, add comments.
Don't forget to add dnsresolver line where you run this code. Open /drivers/etc/hosts (for Windows)
hadoopnamenode ip-address
slavenode ip-address
First you need to load docs from your Windows machine to linux machine using filezilla or other tool.
And then you need to use:
hadoop fs -put localsrcpath hdfspath
Following command will also work.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal localsrcpath hdfspath

hadoop - Where are input/output files stored in hadoop and how to execute java file in hadoop?

Suppose I write a java program and i want to run it in Hadoop, then
where should the file be saved?
how to access it from hadoop?
should i be calling it by the following command? hadoop classname
what is the command in hadoop to execute the java file?
The simplest answers I can think of to your questions are:
1) Anywhere
2,3,4)$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar [path_to_your_jar_file]
A similar question was asked here Executing helloworld.java in apache hadoop
It may seem complicated, but it's simpler than you might think!
Compile your map/reduce classes, and your main class into a jar. Let's call this jar myjob.jar.
This jar does not need to include the Hadoop libraries, but it should include any other dependencies you have.
Your main method should set up and run your map/reduce job, here is an example.
Put this jar on any machine with the hadoop command line utility installed.
Run your main method using the hadoop command line utility:
hadoop jar myjob.jar
Hope that helps.
where should the file be saved?
The data should be saved in "hdfs". You will want to probably load it into the cluster from your data source using something like Apache Flume. The file can be placed anywhere but most home is /user/hadoop/
how to access it from hadoop?
SSH into the hadoop cluster headnode like a standard linux server.
To list your hadoop root hdfs
hadoop fs -ls /
should i be calling it by the following command? hadoop classname
You should be using the hadoop command to access your data and run your programs, try hadoop help
what is the command in hadoop to execute the java file?
hadoop -jar MyJar.jar com.mycompany.MainDriver arg[0] arg[1] ...
