Getting list of all applied discounts in magento cart - magento

I am writing am extension for my magento shop which basically gives 5% discount to all newsletter subscribed customers. the extension is working but now problem is it doesn't show the promotion code discounts entered by customers.
I am using this code to get discount:
$address->setDiscountAmount($total - $discountAmount);
$address->setDiscountDescription("5% Discounted Subtotal");
$address->setBaseDiscountAmount($total - $discountAmount);
I was wondering if there is any magento method or functions which gets an array of all applied discounts for the cart.
Or if anyone can tell me where can i find list of all the available functions in magento.

To get total discount for all the items in the cart, you can try this,
$quote2 = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote();
$discountTotal = 0;
foreach ($quote2->getAllItems() as $item){
$discountTotal += $item->getDiscountAmount();


how to show individual discount applied while chackout?

I have applied shopping cart rules in my magento store successfully, but in cart when total is calculated it shows directly total discount.
It doesn't show individual discount price applied to which product.
How to show individual discount to let customer know that on which product I got discount?
To get the individual discount amount for each product while checkout, you can do as below :
$quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote();
foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item){
$discount = $item->getDiscountAmount();
// $discount is the discount amount for the individual item

magento i need to apply discount 20% for the total if above 50euros but not to the discounted items

magento i need to apply discount 20% for the total if above 50euros but not to the discounted items if customers selects some already discounted items that should not include in the total can any one help
Thanks in advance
You need to create a custom module or say shopping cart price rule and an event observer to check whether the "special price" is zero or not. If it is "Zero" that means it is not a already discounted product or you can even check the "final price" with the "price" , if the final price is lesser than price it is already discounted.
If these conditions are satisfied get the prices of remaining products prices and discount them then add the already discounted products price to make the total amount.
I hope You understood this concept and write your own module.
you have to use a check in view page.
for example
$price = $product->getPrice();
$specialprice = $product->getFinalPrice();
//then your price would be same
then price would be = $price*20/100;
hope this would help you and don't forget to like if it was helpful

Add additional product price with mangento base product price

I want to add additional price with product(simple) price, I am trying to do this with the help of custom attributes. I add a custom attribute "Margin Price" and I want to add up this custom attribute value (margin price) with the base price of the product in the template file.
I am updating all product price after each 5 minutes by cron job, thats why I think I have to do add margin price with base product price by this way.
I added it successfully in product list page and in product view page, but have problem with how to add this margin price with base price in the cart and onepage checkout?
Here is the code on the product list page and same for the product detail page which works fine for me in magento 1.6.x.
$regularPrice = number_format($_product->getFinalPrice(), 2);
//echo $regularPrice = $this->getPriceHtml($_product, true
$priceWithoutComma = str_replace(",", "",$regularPrice);
settype($priceWithoutComma, "float");
$marPrice = $_product->getMarginPrice();
settype($marPrice, "integer");
$finalPrice = $priceWithoutComma + $marPrice;
echo $finalPrice.Mage::app()->getLocale()->currency(Mage::app()->getStore()->
I am doing this right way or I have to changes the whole process?
Looks like you might need to consider a different approach. The reason being that echoing the price from a template file does not modify the price of the item in any way. It simply outputs a calculation.
You'll need to learn a bit about event listeners for this one to work.
Here's a blog post of mine on how to do this.

How to access to the discount price in Magento?

I'm trying to rewrite a template for the cart.
I need to retrieve the discount amount but I was not able to find where.
Ie If my coupon code gives me $10 discount I want to retrieve 10, if I have a discount of 5% I want to retrieve 5 if the total price is $100.
Thank you.
you can debug your object by printing it out and observing what values it contains
I used the following code to access discount price. I was accessing the details of last order in a phtml file. For the last order if there was a discount coupon used then I used following code to access the Discount Amount.
$lastOrderId = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getLastRealOrderId();
if($lastOrderId) //If order was placed then only display coupon code
echo "<b>Discount coupon used during order:</b>".$coupon;
echo "<br/>Discount Amount: ".$disAmount;

Magento - Using getPriceHtml on custom product collection doesn't return correct tax price

I have a product collection called using the following (set to show 6 items):
$_testproductCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')
then i get the 6 products details with a foreach:
foreach($_testproductCollection as $_testproduct){
echo "Price is ".$this->htmlEscape($this->getPriceHtml($_product, true))."<br/>";
this works ok until I set my store to show prices inclusive of tax. Instead of showing 2 different prices, for example:
Excl. Tax: $138.56
Incl. Tax: $149.99
it shows the same price for both. If I add a call to the loaded product collection again immediately after it's loaded:
$_productCollection=$this->getLoadedProductCollection(); works fine, the prices are correct, but then it's skipping the setPageSize function and returning the full store collection of products.
How can I get the correct tax prices to show, and what is it in the getLoadedProductCollection that corrects this? The function is in Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List.php
See Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Product_Collection::addTaxPercents
Also, the getLoadedProductCollection calls (via a catalog layer) the addMinimalPrice and addFinalPrice methods. From those docs you can see there are methods for adding tiered pricing and URL rewrites. That is nice to know.
