Hi I have about 20 Vagrant VM in my laptop ( Windows OS) , however disk space is almost full. Hence I would like to know if I can use external SSD disk as Vagrant "Default Machine Folder" in Oracle VM VirtualBox.
Anybody have done this before ? Any issue in performance of Vagrant or memory if use external disk as storage for Vagrant VM ?
I am trying to add more swap space in docker in order to avoid this error installing oracle database:
This system does not meet the minimum requirements for swap space.
Based on the amount of physical memory available on the system, Oracle
Database 11g Express Edition requires 2048 MB of swap space. This
system has 1023 MB of swap space. Configure more swap space on the
system and retry the installation.
I am following the instructions commented here:
but when I execute mkswap I get "command not found":
mkswap /var/swap.file
Any idea?
Docker for Mac runs an Alpine Linux VM to host containers.
This is a prebuilt boot image that is designed for ease of use, and also updates over time so it can be hard to customise some times as most config is reset when you reboot it.
In this case you can persist a swap file change, but config like this has the possibility of changing between versions without notice. You might be better off running a custom VM for this so your swap configuration hangs around.
Docker for Mac 17.06.0
Swap is controlled by the do_swapfile function in the /etc/init.d/automount init script in the VM. If the swap file exists, it will be used as is. As the swap file is stored in /var it is persisted across reboots and can be manually customised.
Attach to the VM's tty from your mac with screen (brew install screen if you don't have it)
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
Then in the VM, replace the existing swap file with a new one of the required size and reboot the box. The size of the file is the block size bs * count.
swapoff -a
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/spool/swap bs=1k count=2097152
chmod 600 /var/spool/swap
mkswap /var/spool/swap
When the VM has rebooted, you should be able to connect again and see the new size of the VM's Swap space with free.
$ screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
/ # free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3526164 389952 3136212 165956 20968 208160
-/+ buffers/cache: 160824 3365340
Swap: 2097148 0 2097148
I'm using Docker 1.13.1 for Mac. The Docker client allows you to change the amount of memory provided to Docker using a simple slider interface.
How can I set this value via docker's command line utility?
For added clarity, this is not per container memory, this is the value of "Total Memory" that's returned when you run docker info.
Thank you
With docker (at least version 18.03.1) the settings for the VM are maintained in a special file located at:
/Users/<username>/Library/Group\ Containers/group.com.docker/settings.json
If you close docker you can edit it directly from the command line using sed, for example the command below will replace the 2 GB limit with a 10GB limit, and create a backup file of the original settings at settings.json.bak
sed -i .bak 's/2048/10240/g' /Users/`id -un`/Library/Group\ Containers/group.com.docker/settings.json
When docker restarts, it will now have 10 GB.
On a Mac, Docker actually runs as a Hyperkit virtual machine. The docker command line utility just interfaces with the docker daemon process running inside that virtual machine.
If you run ps auxwww | grep hyperkit on your Mac, you'll see the hyperkit process running with the amount of memory passed as an argument. This is controlled by the Docker Mac client, and I imagine the saved value is stored in a .plist file somewhere.
In order to modify that on the command line, you'd need to find where the Docker Mac client stores the data, modify it, and restart the hyperkit process.
I have a number of windows VMs running on my hyper-v instance I want to turn into vagrant boxes. Its there a tool out there that can do this for me or a clear guide on what needs to be enabled on the machine and how to create the config files that go into the box?
The documentation for windows VMs coming from hyper-v seem to be lacking with most guides focusing on virtual box.
There is no direct approach to achieve what you want.
NOTE: remove the hyper-v integration tools (agent, PV drivers etc...).
First, you need to convert VHD to VMDK or VDI format using VBoxManage, for example from VHD to VDI -> VBoxManage clonehd source.vhd target.vdi --format VDI
Once done, create a VM in VirtualBox with a proper spec (# of vCPUs, Memory, etc.), use the existing converted .vdi file as its virtual disk.
Try to boot the VM and see if everything works as expected. Install the VirtualBox Guest Additions (recommended).
Configure the VM as per Vagrant Documentation (e.g. NAT port forwarding rules, disabling UAC etc., refer to Creating a Base Box)
Package it as Vagrant box vagrant package --base vbox_vm_name --output /file/to/name.box
For some reason this morning when I run 'vagrant up' I get the following error (this has worked absolutely fine for over a year)
Your VM has become "inaccessible". Unfortunately, this is a critical error with VirtualBox that Vagrant can not cleanly recover from. Please open VirtualBox and clear out your inaccessible virtual machines or find a way to fix them.
I could try removing my existing .vagrant folder and doing a vagrant up but that will take forever on our very slow internet speeds - can anyone suggest how to fix this quickly?
this works for me:
In my "C:\Users{user}\VirtualBox VMs{vm-id}" folder are two files
Renaming from "{vm-id}.vbox-tmp" to "{vm-id}.vbox" solved my problem and i can call "vagrant up"
You can simply delete the .vagrant folder from your project folder and run vagrant up again.
This worked for me
After some digging through the debug output, I discovered that even though the actual VM is intact (I can load and run it from the VirtualBox GUI app), somewhere in its guts, VirtualBox flagged this VM as "". Vagrant, rightly believing what it's told, spits out the error message.
After looking at VBoxManage's help, I found that one its commands, list vms, unsurprisingly lists all of the VMs registered with VirtualBox:
$ /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe list vms
"precise64" {3613de48-6295-4a91-81fd-36e936beda4b}
"<inaccessible>" {2568227e-e73d-4056-978e-9ae8596493d9}
"<inaccessible>" {0fb42965-61cb-4388-89c4-de572d4ea7fc}
"<inaccessible>" {c65b1456-5771-4617-a6fb-869dffebeddd}
"<inaccessible>" {9709d3d5-ce4d-42b9-ad5e-07726823fd02}
One of those VMs flagged as inaccessible is my lost VM! Time to fix VBoxManage's wagon, by unregistering the VM as inaccessible, then re-registering it with the correct name:
Open the configuration file for your lost VM. Mine was saved to C:\cygwin\home\Philip\VirtualBox VMs\rails-vm-v2\rails-vm-v2.vbox
Find and copy the value of the uuid attribute of the Machine node. Mine was 9709d3d5-ce4d-42b9-ad5e-07726823fd02.
In a Windows command prompt (or Cygwin terminal), unregister the VM with the unregistervm command, using the [uuid] value from step 2:
$ C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe unregistervm [uuid]
Now register the VM using the registervm command, with the path to the VM configuration file:
$ C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe registervm C:\cygwin\home\Philip\Virtual VMs\rails-vm-v2\rails-vm-v2.vbox
Now you should be able to start the VM as expected.
Source :
Nothing here worked for me.
I deleted (or renamed see first comment) all files from
Run vagrant again:
vagrant up
Now it's up.
VirtualBox Manager will likely give you a bit more useful information, for example in my case it reported that the .vbox file did not exist.
After taking a look the problem was indeed that the file didn't exist - something had renamed it to x.vbox-tmp (shutting the PC down with the VM still running maybe?)
I copied the x.vbox-prev file to x.vbox and tried booting the VM again and everything worked fine.
Find the one which is inaccessible with one of the following commands:
$ vagrant global-status
$ VBoxManage list vms
Then note the GUID, and remove it from VirtualBox.xml file (OS X: ~/Library/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml, Windows: %HOME%/.VirtualBox).
Alternatively remove .vagrant folder from the folder where is your VM and start from scratch (vagrant up).
See also: Cannot Delete "Inaccessible" virtual machines from Virtualbox GUI at VirtualBox
By chance if someone deletes your vm from VirtualBox VMs folder manually, also in this case your vm would become inaccessible. However, you will not be able to get your machine back but vagrant will still show your vm in the list. To remove it completely from the vm list, go to
and open index file. Delete the reference of inaccessible machine. Next time when you run below command, it will not show your inaccessible machine.
vagrant global-status --prune
My problem was the same, but the fix was quite different... my VMs are stored on a network drive, accessible by NFS share. The remote drive had failed to come up after a reboot, so the VMs weren't accessible.
Took me a while to realise the reason, and meantime hunted all over SO without a solution.
Then I realised, facepalmed, mounted the paths, and it all worked.
So in a nutshell, it was a path issue.
I felt I should include it here in case it helps someone in the same boat.
By using command line, you can remove all inaccessible boxes by using an one-liner:
VBoxManage list vms |grep inaccessible |cut -d "{" -f2 |cut -d "}" -f1 |xargs -L1 VBoxManage unregistervm
See https://phz.fi/?p=8422
I had to rename [vm-id].vbox-tmp (on VirtualBox VMs) to [vm-id].vbox. After that, without delete the .vagrant folder, I could run vagrant up and it worked very well.
On Linux the following will unregister the machines:
VBoxManage list vms
VBoxManage unregistervm <inaccessible machine UID>
After that you may want to restart VB services:
sudo /sbin/vboxconfig
Deleting .vagrant folder may help but you had to rebuild the machines.
I also had this problem.
when change directory of virtualBox after restart macOS virtualbox get inaccessible to all vms.
my solution worked.
just move virtual box to default directory.
remove all inaccesible vms from gui, then register vms from default path next run it.
vagrant up