Firefox zoom 100% not equal to screen size - firefox

My desktop screen resolution is 1080x1920 (the monitor is using portrait orientation). I noticed a website I'm working on is showing up in tablet mode in FireFox (Chrome and IE work fine). The media query for tablet styling is
#media only screen and (max-width: 959px) { ... }
So even with some loss for window borders and scroll bars I should have plenty of width for the full desktop site. I checked screen.width and it is returning 864. I noticed this is the width IE and Chrome report when zoomed to 125%, but firefox is zoom is at 100%. Is there some setting I'm missing in FF or do I just have to set my default zoom to 80%?


Window: How can i resize the height and width all window application?

i have a problem with resize of window. I want to resize all browser in window like IE or Chrome. My screen is 1920x1080. When i drag the border of the browser and stretch to the right or left , top or bottom and the browser don't allow me to stretch any more. Is there any config config to stretch more the size of it because i can do that with Visual Studio Code. Thanks for you help

getUserMedia return a rotated video on safari iOS

i need to stream a video over webrtc & play it on web page, it works properly on all desktop browser window & mac os. it works on android browsers too. but on safari iOS the video is rotated as landscape. it's rotated on both ( when capturig the video with iOS safari and when receiving the stream on chrome or safari desktop).
I tested it with the default basic getUserMedia example demo on webrtc site with safari iOS ans its the same issue. how can fix it or if any other solution please ?
Something that may be relevant that I've come across -
Requesting { width: 640, height: 480 } on iOS in portrait mode will return a camera MediaStream which is { width: 480, height: 640 }, and on orientation change the MediaStream flips its dimensions. Be careful around hardcoding the html elements width and height. Can cause warping. People should stick to known resolutions e.g those listed in When you use an atypical resolution WebRTC spec states the browser will try emulate your desired feed. However this makes poor cross-browser code. If you want a consistent camera feed I would avoid this.
getUserMedia (Selfie) Full Screen on Mobile

How to make Chrome window size as wide as window resolution

I have my monitor with resolution 2560 x 1440, however I don't know why my chrome browser has only 1754px width in full screen. I checked the zoom of chrome is 100%. I checked other browsers, they all have 2560 width in full screen. And I also reinstalled chrome, but the problem still there. Are there any potential problem there that I can fix it back? Thanks for answering!
Just tested myself, the problem is the font-size setting in my Windows OS:
Setting -> Display -> Make text bigger. It it value is more than 100%, then Chrome browser will shrink it's width. Double checked: there is no width shirking on Firefox and IE, but Chrome and Edge under the mentioned setting.

SVG - transform animation not working in in mask (Firefox)

This fiddle initially renders correctly in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, showing a semicircle with a mask starting at x="10".
When you hover over the SVG, though, you'll see that the mask animation only works on Chrome and Safari, not Firefox.
Is this a Firefox-specific bug? Any workarounds or alternate solutions?

Why my image isn't vertically centered on Firefox and IE?
The facebook icon is vertically centered on Opera / Chrome, but not in Firefox / IE.
Do you know why, and how I could resolve this issue?
The icon is vertically centered for me in Firefox on Mac.
But note that whether it is or not depends on your exact fonts and how they get rasterized. If you're on Windows, Firefox and IE are both using DirectWrite for text while Opera and Chrome are using GDI. You could try turning off hardware acceleration in Firefox to make it use GDI and see if that changes the rendering for you. If it does, then you need to fix the markup to not depend on the text metrics for the centering...
