SCSS On Sublime - sass

I just can't get it work. I have a .scss file with some basic CSS.
Now, I have installed Ruby and I installed SASS like so - gem install sass.
What do I do to get it work on sublime?
I installed "SASS" so sublime acknowledge the .SCSS extension. I also installed SASS builder, and it actually works but in an strange way.
In addition to the compiled css file, it also adds .map file and a folder name .sass-cache.
Why Is that? How to I get rid of that? I don't need a .map file.
I also get an alert every single time the build is done. ("style.css has been compiled")
And not only that but I also get this comment at the end of my compiled CSS file:
/*# */
Please help, I'm lost.
Thanks in advance.

The .map file is for chrome (and maybe other browsers) to MAP your CSS that is rendered in the browser back to your actual SCSS. This is very very useful when debugging.
The scss-cache is just what it says it is a cache file that Sass uses. You can delete it but it will keep coming back every time you compile.
Once you go to production you can set Sass to not add any comments to your final css output file. You do this through a config.rb file if you are using compass.
Search on YouTube for LevelUp Tuts and Sass Compass install. Scott expanse how to get stared very well.

--sourcemap=none will disable the comment as well as the .map file creation. not so hard guys.
also, --no-cache will prevent creating the .sass-cache folder and its content.
Thanks anyway.

Try using SassBuilder for ST2. And you can config not to include comments, cache,etc with True/False.
"output_path": "../css",
"options": {
"cache": true,
"debug": false,
"line-comments": true,
"line-numbers": true,
"style": "nested"
For further info, click here.


Parcel Bundler - handle scss without resolving any urls in my sass

It's great that ParcelJS just handles sass out of the box but I'm running into a problem where it keeps throwing an exception when it encounters a url within in my scss file. I guess Parcel is trying to locate the resource and rewrite the url. I do not want Parcel to do this. Is there anyway to disable this? I just want it to compile the sass and leave any urls in there alone.
This question was posted when Parcel v1 was the latest version. For folks arriving here in the future, you can accomplish this in Parcel v2 with the parcel-resolver-ignore plugin. Here's how:
Install it (e.g. yarn add -D parcel-resolver-ignore)
Create or modify your .parcelrc file to add it to the parcel pipeline:
"extends": "#parcel/config-default",
"resolvers": ["parcel-resolver-ignore", "..."]
Add a "parcelIgnore" entry to package.json that contains regex patterns that define which resources to ignore, e.g.:
// An array of Regex patterns
"parcelIgnore": [
The things you want to target your regexes to match are the urls referenced in the .scss files, not the .scss files themselves.

I try but I don't understand how build CSS from SCSS in VSCODE

All is in the title :)
How can I build css from sass file in vscode ?
In task file I just found lines for LESS not for SASS...
Thanks a lot !
I got it to work.
My root path has a /css folder underneath with my styles.scss file & the associated map file. I also had to fix my path for ruby. Once those two were working, my build showed an error where ruby couldn't find the scss file. So I fixed my task file - here is the working file. Notice the ${fileDirname} - that fixed the build errors for pathing.
"version": "0.1.0",
"command": "sass",
"args": ["${fileDirname}/styles.scss", "${fileDirname}/styles.css", "--trace"],
"isShellCommand": true
But this was just a test -- it doesn't watch and build more than 1 file as you would normally want to in a larger system. The docs for gulp/automation are here:
We don't have predefined problem matchers for SASS yet. You might want to open a feature request here
But you can always create a problem matcher for SASS yourself. Have a look at the doc here:

Compass/SASS - not all files are compiled

I don't know if I can explain the issue without pasting the whole code of all files but I'll try.
EDIT I've added the whole code to Github Account - My Sass structure
I use Windows 8.1 and Compass 0.12.6
In my public_html folder I have config.rb file and stylesheets folder. In stylesheets folder I have directory sass where I keep all sass files. CSS files are generated into stylesheets/preview folder (for development purposes) and into stylesheets folder (for production purposes).
I run compass watching running watch.bat script that I have in public_html folder
Content of watch.bat is:
START compass watch -c config.rb -e development
START compass watch -c config.rb -e production
My config.rb file is:
require 'compass/import-once/activate'
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
# Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
http_path = "../"
sass_dir = "stylesheets/sass"
images_dir = "img"
javascripts_dir = "js"
cache = false
relative_assets = true
add_import_path "stylesheets/sass"
if environment == :development
css_dir = "stylesheets/preview"
line_comments = true
output_style = :nested
if environment == :production
css_dir = "stylesheets"
line_comments = false
output_style = :compressed
In stylsheets/sass I have 4 files print.scss , medium.scss, small.scss and large.scss
Both medium.scss and large.scss begin with:
#import "base/_init";
This file import partial _init from base folder and this one loads another partials and other partials load another partials.
The problem is when I change something in partial Compass doesn't always compile all necessary output files. For example I've just changed something in _settings.scss partial and this one is finally loaded by medium.scss and large.scss (I remind that those 2 files have the same beginning so they both should be compiled). Somehow only medium.scss file is being in fact watched and large.scss file is not compiled as it should be in this case.
I have had such situation just before. I stoped 2 watchers (CTRL + C and Y) and then run again my watch.bat not changing anything in files - just after running I have info:
Change detected at 15:51:33 to: large.scss overwrite stylesheets/preview/large.css
Compass is polling for changes. Press Ctrl-C to Stop.
Change detected at 15:51:33 to: large.scss overwrite stylesheets/large.css
Compass is polling for changes. Press Ctrl-C to Stop.
So in fact there was change that should be watched but somehow compass/sass doesn't always catch it.
Sometimes neither of 2 watchers catch changes and I have to stop them and once again run watch.bat so it's not very convenient to work that way.
Sometimes even happen that watchers are stopped (as I presed CTRL +C + y) but I haven't pressed anything and in cmd there's no question about closing visible. They've just stopped
Question: What could be wrong and how to fix it?
I've cloned and checked your project structure, and your problem is simply the unnecessary use of the Import Once plugin. If you comment the first line of your config.rb (where this plugin is activated), your stylesheets will be compiled normally. Each main scss file you have (large.css, medium.css, small.css) is rendered to a separated css file, and you're not repeating your imports for each one of these files.
Below is the sequence of your imports with the Import Once plugin disabled:
I dont't know exactly how to solve your problem.
I think basically it's a bug or problem with two instances of compass running at the same time on the same folder.
But due to your environment, I have a suggestion that can do the trick for you.
Why, instead of having two folders with the assets, one for prod. and dev., you just keep one, for both dev. and prod.
What you can set on compass is to output css in the way you want for dev. and then pass that css through a yui filter (or whatever) for prod. This will minify all assets. If you are using symfony, you can use assetics, for instance.
That's the way we do and works perfect. We don't use assetics for compass... that's another topic :D
If you don't use any framework or extra filters, you can alway manually dump the assets when this ones are ready for production.
This way you avoid using two compass instances at the same time and also to compile manually for every deploy on production.
I really think it have to do with having two instances of compass running.

ST2: SublimeLinter ignoring JSHint settings

I've been trying to configure SublimeLinter to use different JSHint settings, but my settings are being totally ignored. Mostly I just want to be able to use double quotes without getting a linting error. Here's what I have in my 'User' SublimeLinter.sublime-settings
"evil": true,
"regexdash": true,
"browser": true,
"wsh": true,
"sub": true,
"quotmark" : true
The file is definitely being parsed, as it throws an error whenever it's not properly formatted (amusingly this includes whenever the strings are wrapped in single quotes). It's also ignoring more than just the quote preference- I can set "evil" to false and it'll still give me eval warnings.
Any ideas? This is on OSX.
Thanks in advance.
FYI just in case: jshint_options is no longer available on SublimeLinter-jshint and settings are now set with .jshintrc files. See this and this.
I had the exact same problem. The default .jshintrc in "sublime/preferences/package settings/js hint/set linting preferences" did absolutely nothing for me either.
In order to fix it, I created a .jshintrc file in the root folder of the web project I was working on. I then opened the folder through sublime text and sublinter/jshint picked up my settings.
Maybe your Jshint options are overridden by a .jshinrc file. According to SublimeLinter README file :
SublimeLinter supports .jshintrc files. If using JSHint, SublimeLinter will recursively search the directory tree (from the file location to the file-system root directory). This functionality is specified in the JSHint README.
The jshint follows convention set by node-jshint (though node is not required) and will attempt to locate the configuration file for you starting in pwd. (or "present working directory") If this does not yield a .jshintrc file, it will move one level up (..) the directory tree all the way up to the filesystem root. If a file is found, it stops immediately and uses that set of configuration instead of "jshint_options".

How to Minify CSS with SCSS File Watcher in PHPStorm IDE

Is there a way to configure SASS FileWatcher so it builds a Minified CSS?
I currently configured SASS + YUI Compressor to accomplish this but I would like to do this with pure SASS if possible.
Here are the screenshots of both configurations:
YUI Compressor CSS
Thanks in advance.
Probably the fastest way to achieve this is to use the compressed option, mentioned in the previous comments, as an argument. The quickest way to configure this in PHPStorm is as follows:
Go to File > Settings
Inside Project Settings select File Watchers
You should already have an SCSS watcher created here (if you have the SCSS watch plugin enabled, PHPStorm prompts you to create a watcher when opening a new .scss file.) Otherwise, enable it (more info about that in this section of the official documentation,) and then create the new watcher pressing the "+" symbol.
Double click the watcher name to access its configuration.
In the Arguments line make sure to add the --style compressed argument
Click OK and you're done
This image shows how that configuration should look:
From that point on, your .css output files will be compressed.
The correct answer is --style=compressed
menu File -> Settings -> Tools - File watchers
add scss and in argument add --style=compressed
If you are using sassc under Linux (Arch) you could use as Arguments:
-t compressed -m auto $FileNameWithoutExtension$.scss $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.css
For me, --style compressed, --style compressed and --style=compressed don't work.
I had to add the option -x as an argument.
Like here:
If you want more details this post the following post is where I found this solution:
