How to access iokit/pwr_mgt from swift? - macos

I'm trying to write an OSX app (not iOS) that prevents the system from going to sleep when certain things are happening. To do so, I'm trying to access the pwr_mgt submodule of IOKit from a MacOS app using Swift.
In XCode, I've indicated that I want to use the IOKit framework, and in code, I'm have declared import IOKit. Although IOKit's classes/methods import fine (I can see them with auto-complete when I type IO*Whatever), the ones relating to power management don't show up.
I've tried to instead import IOKit.pwr_mgt, but the compiler complains that the submodule can't be found.
<unknown>:0: error: missing required module 'pwr_mgt'
From other documentation for how to do this with Objective-c, the classes that I need to access (amongst others) are:

I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem in older Xcode betas, but on Beta 7 (and I imagine in Xcode 6.1 too)
import IOKit.pwr_mgt
works fine in newer betas.


import Charts conflicts with cocoa pod library's name

I am trying to use Apple's Swift Charts (iOS 16 only) but it can't compile, I presume because the import statement is interpreted as targeting this library: (that I am using in other places in the App and installed via Cocoapods) and not Apple's Swift Charts as I want to.
Using Swift Chart's API results in compile error: "Can not find 'Chart' in scope"
Any fix, workaround or better way to specify better what to import is welcomed, haven't found any other solution than nuking this library from my project, however I would need it for users with iOS 15 or less.
I seem to be unable to use Swift Charts because of this library

How to exclude standard but unused libswift*.dylib's from macOS app bundle and reduce bundle size

When I build my simple menubar cocoa application written in Swift 4 with Xcode 9, a lot of libswift*.dylib libraries are linked/downloaded/embedded into .app bundle,into Frameworks folder as seen below:
I am only using import Cocoa and import Foundation in my project, and some #objc functions as selector to timer functions. I really don't think my very simple menubar app would need some 3D rendering Metal library functions or any SwiftOnoneSupport, so I would like them to be removed from the .app bundle. (Same libraries are also included in the helper app for launch at login feature, which makes even the helper app over 10 MB)
I would have thought Xcode would just copy whatever is neccessary by default actually. Some similar questions were asked here and here but I don't think there is a fulfilling and up-to-date answer to both.
What I have tried so far
I set ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES to NO in Build Settings. It doesn't seem to have any effect.
I set LINK_WITH_STANDARD_LIBRARIES to NO in Build Settings. It ruined everything and couldn't make it build even though I tried to add some frameworks(Cocoa, Foundation) on my own under Linked Frameworks and Libraries section.
Simply put, it's not possible to exclude the standard libraries that Swift automatically includes with an app and expect it to work. Currently any application created with Swift bundles its own version of the Swift Dynamic Library. Swift doesn’t live on the OS, rather it lives within each app bundle. What this means is that any app that is using Swift 4.1 for example bundles in the Swift 4.1 Dynamic Library (containing the 4.1 ABI), and so forth.
One of the things on the Swift project roadmap is to eventually have ABI Stability. If Swift becomes ABI Stable, Swift will live within the OS and it’s ABI will be compatible with every version of Swift.
From iOS v12.2 ABI[About] Stability for iOS is on. That is why your target will not include Swift standard library[About] because it is a part of OS

Cannot debug Swift module/framework embedded in Objective-C app

Alternative titles (to aid searching)
Cannot debug Swift 2.3 framework linked to an Objective-C app in Xcode 8
error in auto-import: failed to get module 'XYZ' from AST context Xcode 8
Xcode 8 cannot debug Swift framework
warning: Swift error in module <XYZ>
Workaround for; Xcode Debugger cannot debug apps written in Objective-C only but that link against frameworks written in Swift only. (28312362)
I have an app written in Objective-C that links against some modules (frameworks) written in Swift 2.x.
Everything (debugging etc.) works fine in xcode7, however when moving to xcode8 and updating the modules to use swift2.3 I was unable to debug the modules.
LLDB reported these errors:
warning: Swift error in module XYZ.
Debug info from this module will be unavailable in the debugger.
error: in auto-import:
failed to get module 'ABC' from AST context
This does not happen if I link the modules to an app built in Swift 2.3.
For me it was just as simple as it was painful and time consuming:
import SDWebImage was the PROBLEM,
because one of the frameworks had the SDWebImage already packed in it(and I couldn't see it), and that framework happened to be Objective-C, and the app was Swift.
I also added the SDWebImage to the project, because I use it in the classes I write, and that what created the mess the Xcode debugger couldn't deal with.
So basically, make sure you don't have ANYTHING duplicated in ANY way, I'd check for common things like SDWebImage for example.
use fr v instead po for debugging
For more debugging
I discussed this issue with an Apple engineer named Sean at WWDC 2017.
My team spent weeks trying to figure this out, and it ended up being a bug on Apple's compiler, which we could never have figured out by ourselves. Also, it has a VERY easy workaround.
There happens to be a bug with the way the compiling flags get aggregated from the frameworks and the project, and the "pure Objective-C" project "activates" it.
Solution: add one single, empty Swift file ("Whatever.swift", or whatever) in your Objective-C project, making it not-pure-objective-c anymore (new->file->Swift file, don't create the bridging header. The file will only contain the import of Foundation).
And that's it. Problem solved.
Add a user defined setting under "Build Settings" for your app target.
More Info
I'm unsure if this is an Xcode 8 bug or if it's Apple policy (to try an force developers to Swift 3.0?). But... by default Xcode 8 installs the Swift 3.0 versions of the standard Swift runtime libraries.
When it comes to debugging with LLDM the Swift 2.3 modules fail to load (in to the Swift 3.0 runtime).
Forcing the app to use Swift 2.3 (or legacy Swift as Apple call it), fixes the issue.
Swift apps have this setting exposed by Xcode but you have to manually add it for an Objective-C app.
Further Advice
Port your Swift 2.3 code to Swift 3.0 as soon as possible, Apple won't support 2.x for very long.
In my case, I had to remove Objective-C Bridging header from build settings file. My Bridging header file did not do anything.. so it was okay.
I ran into the error in auto-import: failed to get module 'XYZ' from AST context message while attempting to debug in an 9.3 simulator. Switching to a 10.2 simulator resolved the issue.
I ran into this when building a framework with Carthage. Trying to debug would print the error, which referenced an Obj-C framework dependency.
I found this blog post which suggested adding a the following user-defined build setting to my project:
This fixed the issue for me.
Try to restart Xcode. In my case it resolved an issue.
In my case there was a compiler error in the "C" code which was reported in LLDB, after fixing the error LLDB started working again.
As suggested by Tim the root cause to our problem was a matter of duplicates.
We had a obj-c wrapper category for SDWebImage that was used from both obj-c and Swift.
When Importing the category from Swift everything blew up because of redefinition/duplicate import since the SDWebImage pod already exposed it self as a Swift module.
The solution? We re-implemented the obj-c category as a Swift extension - and kept using it from both Swift and obj-c by adding #objc in front of the extension and importing the #import "product-Swift.h" file from obj-c.
And maybe start with checking:
I just took 2 days for me to resolve and debugging through print command all the time. Now I got the issue:
My project is in Swift and I was using objective-C library same as imported in pods for swift(old Objective-C project merged in this one) and was using import IQKeyboardManager as well as import "IQKeyboardManager.h" header as well. That conflicts and deleting the header one resolved my issue finally.
You can check with this type of duplicity in libraries.

Xcode 6.3 and Swift: Unicode Utilities (e.g. UCKeyTranslate) are not available?

I have the following test code:
import Cocoa
import Carbon
let x = kUCKeyActionDisplay
In Xcode 6.2 there is no problem, but in Xcode 6.3 this code throws an error.
The error message is: Use of unresolved identifier 'kUCKeyActionDisplay'.
Why can't I access the UnicodeUtilities namespace?
It is no longer available in Swift for some reason, according to the OSX 10.10.3 API documents.
You can however still access them in Objective-C, in the same way (i.e. #import CoreServices;)
I've just written the code that needs them in Objective-C - you could of course create a wrapper.

Xcode 3 -> 4 causing errors

I have a Carbon-based project that compiles on XCode 3, but fails on XCode 4.
It can't seem to find any Carbon or QT functions, even though I've included
and #include
I get lots of errors like this:
No member named 'InitCursor' in the global namespace
I tried re-adding in the Carbon.framework from the System/Library/Frameworks folder
The InitCursor function, along with pretty much everything else in QuickDraw, was removed in Lion. You will need to remove your uses of all removed APIs, and probably replace most of them with more modern replacements.
This is a non-trivial task, but it is necessary if you want to build with modern tools and target current and future versions of Mac OS X.
It's been a long time coming, too; QuickDraw has been deprecated for years.
Much of Carbon is still supported, and you should find that you are not getting errors about those APIs.
You mention Qt; I've heard that there is a Cocoa version of Qt now.
