I want to display a limited number of columns in a grid that is connected to a DataTable as the data source. In an example that I found, it uses the property, ExtendedProperties to define how the column headers are displayed, the order and which columns are selected. However, when I use this, the columns, order and number displayed are the same as in the original DataTable.
Can anybody see what I am doing wrong?
This is a subset of the code. It is just the Customer's Table:
// initialize db connection variables
string conn = GetConnectionString();
// load some tables
string[] tables = "Customers, Orders, Order Details, Products, Employees, Shippers".Split(',');
foreach (string tableName in tables)
FillTable(_ds, tableName, conn);
dt = _ds.Tables["Customers"];
// re-arrange the columns on the customer table
dt.ExtendedProperties.Add("ShowColumns", new string[] {
"CustomerID, Customer",
"OrderCount, Orders",
"CompanyName, Company",
"ContactName, Contact",
// show customers to begin with
_flex.SetDataBinding(_ds, "Customers");
The method that sets up the columns:
// customize grid display to show selected columns, captions, formats, and data maps
void _flex_SetupColumns(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// get grid that was just bound
C1FlexDataTree grid = sender as C1FlexDataTree;
if (grid == null || grid.DataSource == null)
// get source DataTable
CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)BindingContext[grid.DataSource, grid.DataMember];
DataTable dt = ((DataView)cm.List).Table;
// apply custom column order, captions, format
string[] columns = dt.ExtendedProperties["ShowColumns"] as string[];
if (columns != null)
SetupColumns(grid, columns);
// apply custom data maps
foreach (Column gridColumn in grid.Cols)
DataColumn dataColumn = dt.Columns[gridColumn.Name];
if (dataColumn == null) continue;
gridColumn.DataMap = dataColumn.ExtendedProperties["DataMap"] as IDictionary;
if (gridColumn.DataMap != null)
gridColumn.TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.LeftCenter;
// all done, autosize to show mapped data
if (grid.AutoResize)
The method, 'SetupColumns' is never called.
I figured this out. My problem was that I had not defined the Event within the grid so it was not firing. Once I did that, it worked fine.
I'm using a Kendo Grid / Custom validator editing to validate the a Column in the grid,Actually I'm trying the check the email already exists in the database or not ? to implement it I would like to get ID for the Row.
For example given in reference its products table, so in this case I would to get the ProductID inside the validation function ?
You can get the id by retrieving the uid and then getting the data item from the dataSource via dataSource.getByUid(). Each row in the grid has a unique uid generated by the grid.
So for instance, referring to kendo's demo, the validation would now look like this:
productnamevalidation: function (input) {
//get row and uid
var row = input.closest('tr')[0];
var uid = $(row).attr('data-uid');
//get data item and then its ProductID
var dataitem = dataSource.getByUid(uid);
//continue doing validation
if (input.is("[name='ProductName']") && input.val() != "") {
input.attr("data-productnamevalidation-msg", "Product Name should start with capital letter");
return /^[A-Z]/.test(input.val());
return true;
Here is their demo with this code included, you can open the console to see that each data row is being printed out with all its model properties.
You can get the record's ID with this:
For example:
emailUnique: function (input) {
if (input.is("[name=Email]") && input.val() !== "") {
input.attr("data-emailUnique-msg", "Email already exists");
return isEmailUnique(input.val(), input[0].kendoBindingTarget.source.ID);
return true;
Bonus track, in case it's useful for someone:
function isEmailUnique(val, id) {
var data = YourGridDataSource; // If you don't have it, you may need something like $("#YourGrid").data().kendoGrid.dataSource
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].ID != id && data[i].Email == val)
return false;
return true;
Is there a way to refresh a single Kendo grid row without refreshing the whole datasource or using jQuery to set the value for each cell?
How do you define the row that you want to update? I'm going to assume that is the row that you have selected, and the name of the column being updated is symbol.
// Get a reference to the grid
var grid = $("#my_grid").data("kendoGrid");
// Access the row that is selected
var select = grid.select();
// and now the data
var data = grid.dataItem(select);
// update the column `symbol` and set its value to `HPQ`
data.set("symbol", "HPQ");
Remember that the content of the DataSource is an observable object, meaning that you can update it using set and the change should be reflected magically in the grid.
data.set will actually refresh the entire grid and send a databound event in some cases. This is very slow and unnecessary. It will also collapse any expanded detail templates which is not ideal.
I would recommend you to use this function that I wrote to update a single row in a kendo grid.
// Updates a single row in a kendo grid without firing a databound event.
// This is needed since otherwise the entire grid will be redrawn.
function kendoFastRedrawRow(grid, row) {
var dataItem = grid.dataItem(row);
var rowChildren = $(row).children('td[role="gridcell"]');
for (var i = 0; i < grid.columns.length; i++) {
var column = grid.columns[i];
var template = column.template;
var cell = rowChildren.eq(i);
if (template !== undefined) {
var kendoTemplate = kendo.template(template);
// Render using template
} else {
var fieldValue = dataItem[column.field];
var format = column.format;
var values = column.values;
if (values !== undefined && values != null) {
// use the text value mappings (for enums)
for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
var value = values[j];
if (value.value == fieldValue) {
} else if (format !== undefined) {
// use the format
cell.html(kendo.format(format, fieldValue));
} else {
// Just dump the plain old value
// Get a reference to the grid
var grid = $("#my_grid").data("kendoGrid");
// Access the row that is selected
var select = grid.select();
// and now the data
var data = grid.dataItem(select);
// Update any values that you want to
data.symbol = newValue;
data.symbol2 = newValue2;
// Redraw only the single row in question which needs updating
kendoFastRedrawRow(grid, select);
// Then if you want to call your own databound event to do any funky post processing:
I found a way to update the grid dataSource and show in the grid without refreshing all the grid.
For example you have a selected row and you want to change column "name" value.
//the grid
var grid = $('#myGrid').data('kendoGrid');
// Access the row that is selected
var row = grid.select();
//gets the dataItem
var dataItem = grid.dataItem(row);
//sets the dataItem
dataItem.name = 'Joe';
//generate a new row html
var rowHtml = grid.rowTemplate(dataItem);
//replace your old row html with the updated one
updateRecord(record) {
const grid = $(this.el.nativeElement).data('kendoGrid');
const row = grid.select();
const dataItem = grid.dataItem(row);
for (const property in record) {
if (record.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
dataItem.set(property, record[property]);
I am trying to use following code to create the PIVOT but its not working.
It's giving me compile time error. I don't know linq so unable to use it.
Please help :
DataTable Pivot(DataTable dt, DataColumn pivotColumn, DataColumn pivotValue) {
// find primary key columns
//(i.e. everything but pivot column and pivot value)
DataTable temp = dt.Copy();
temp.Columns.Remove( pivotColumn.ColumnName );
temp.Columns.Remove( pivotValue.ColumnName );
string[] pkColumnNames = temp.Columns.Cast(<DataColumn>)
.Select( c => c.ColumnName )
// prep results table
DataTable result = temp.DefaultView.ToTable(true, pkColumnNames).Copy();
result.PrimaryKey = result.Columns.Cast(<DataColumn>).ToArray();
.Select(r =>; r[pivotColumn.ColumnName].ToString())
.ForEach (c => result.Columns.Add(c, pivotColumn.DataType));
// load it
foreach( DataRow row in dt.Rows ) {
// find row to update
DataRow aggRow = result.Rows.Find(
.Select( c => row[c] )
.ToArray() );
// the aggregate used here is LATEST
// adjust the next line if you want (SUM, MAX, etc...)
aggRow[row[pivotColumn.ColumnName].ToString()] = row[pivotValue.ColumnName];
return result;
Code from : http://michaeljswart.com/2011/06/forget-about-pivot/
Moreover it tried to use following code, it works well except for it is not giving total sum for Value Column
public DataTable GetInversedDataTable(DataTable table, string columnX, string columnY, string columnZ, string nullValue, bool sumValues)
//Create a DataTable to Return
DataTable returnTable = new DataTable();
DataTable tempTable = table.Clone();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnX))
columnX = table.Columns[0].ColumnName;
//Add a Column at the beginning of the table
returnTable = tempTable.Clone();
//Read all DISTINCT values from columnX Column in the provided DataTale
List<string> columnXValues = new List<string>();
foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
string columnXTemp = dr[columnX].ToString();
if (!columnXValues.Contains(columnXTemp))
//Read each row value, if it's different from others provided, add to the list of values and creates a new Column with its value.
//Verify if Y and Z Axis columns re provided
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnY) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnZ))
//Read DISTINCT Values for Y Axis Column
List<string> columnYValues = new List<string>();
foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
if (!columnYValues.Contains(dr[columnY].ToString()))
//Loop all Column Y Distinct Value
foreach (string columnYValue in columnYValues)
//Creates a new Row
DataRow drReturn = returnTable.NewRow();
drReturn[0] = columnYValue;
//foreach column Y value, The rows are selected distincted
DataRow[] rows = table.Select((columnY + "='") + columnYValue + "'");
//Read each row to fill the DataTable
foreach (DataRow dr in rows)
string rowColumnTitle = dr[columnX].ToString();
//Read each column to fill the DataTable
foreach (DataColumn dc in returnTable.Columns)
if (dc.ColumnName == rowColumnTitle)
//If Sum of Values is True it try to perform a Sum
//If sum is not possible due to value types, the value displayed is the last one read
if (sumValues)
drReturn[rowColumnTitle] = Convert.ToDecimal(drReturn[rowColumnTitle]) + Convert.ToDecimal(dr[columnZ]);
drReturn[rowColumnTitle] = dr[columnZ];
drReturn[rowColumnTitle] = dr[columnZ];
throw new Exception("The columns to perform inversion are not provided");
//if a nullValue is provided, fill the datable with it
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nullValue))
foreach (DataRow dr in returnTable.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn dc in returnTable.Columns)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[dc.ColumnName].ToString()))
dr[dc.ColumnName] = nullValue;
return returnTable;
GetInversedDataTable(dtNormal, "Dated", "OrderStatus", "Qty", " ", true);
Please help :)
Here is the code with the compilation errors corrected:
DataTable Pivot(DataTable dt, DataColumn pivotColumn, DataColumn pivotValue) {
// find primary key columns
//(i.e. everything but pivot column and pivot value)
DataTable temp = dt.Copy();
temp.Columns.Remove( pivotColumn.ColumnName );
temp.Columns.Remove( pivotValue.ColumnName );
string[] pkColumnNames = temp.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
.Select( c => c.ColumnName )
// prep results table
DataTable result = temp.DefaultView.ToTable(true, pkColumnNames).Copy();
result.PrimaryKey = result.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().ToArray();
.Select(r => r[pivotColumn.ColumnName].ToString())
.ForEach (c => result.Columns.Add(c, pivotColumn.DataType));
// load it
foreach( DataRow row in dt.Rows ) {
// find row to update
DataRow aggRow = result.Rows.Find(
.Select( c => row[c] )
.ToArray() );
// the aggregate used here is LATEST
// adjust the next line if you want (SUM, MAX, etc...)
aggRow[row[pivotColumn.ColumnName].ToString()] = row[pivotValue.ColumnName];
return result;
I changed Cast(<DataColumn>) to Cast<DataColumn>() in two locations and got rid of the semicolon in the middle of a lambda expression. The second part of your question is a little trickier. You may want to ask it as its own question.
Good one., but you might want to replace the below line
.ForEach (c => result.Columns.Add(c, pivotColumn.DataType));
with this (change pivotColumn to pivotValue)
.ForEach (c => result.Columns.Add(c, pivotValue.DataType));
Works perfectly for my requirement.
How do I obtain the selected row value for a hidden column in a Telerik RadGridView? The column is hidden on the aspx page and I would like to retrieve the value on the client side (JavaScript).
Essentially, I want to display a name in the grid view and be able to retrieve a value from the hidden field "ID" to bring up an edit form.
Here is an example of how I'm hiding the RadGridView column.
code sample:
onKeyPressEvent(sender, args) {
var variable = function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
var PartyID = args.getDataKeyValue("PARTY_ID");
var oManager = '<%=winMgr.ClientID %>';
var oManager = window.radopen("AttorneyEdit.aspx?PARTY_ID=" + PartyID, null);
oManager.setSize(1000, 530);
//Width, Height oManager.center();
} else { return true;
theForm.onkeypress = variable
Thanks for your help...
maybe you're going the wrong way. There is a property called "ClientDataKeyNames" on the mastertableview. You can add several key separated by a comma in this property. Then you'll be able to get your value without adding an extra column.
You should do something like this:
function onKeyPressEvent(sender, args) {
if (args.get_keyCode() == 13) {
var dataItem=sender.get_selectedItems()[0];
var PartyID = dataItem.getDataKeyValue("PARTY_ID");
var oManager = '<%=winMgr.ClientID %>';
var oManager = window.radopen("AttorneyEdit.aspx?PARTY_ID=" + PartyID, null);
oManager.setSize(1000, 530);
//Width, Height oManager.center();
else {
return true;
good luck
I am using SubSonic along with the Linq T4 Templates. My ProjectRepository, for example, has the following two methods:
public int Add(Project item)
int result = 0;
ISqlQuery query = BuildInsertQuery(item);
if (query != null)
result = query.Execute();
return result;
private ISqlQuery BuildInsertQuery(Project item)
ITable tbl = FindTableByClassName();
Insert query = null;
if (tbl != null)
Dictionary<string, object> hashed = item.ToDictionary();
query = new Insert(_db.Provider).Into<Project>(tbl);
foreach (string key in hashed.Keys)
IColumn col = tbl.GetColumn(key);
if (col != null)
if (!col.AutoIncrement)
query.Value(key, hashed[key]);
return query;
Along with performing the insert (which works great), I'd really like to get the value of the auto-incrementing ProjectId column. For the record, this column is both the primary key and identity column. Is there perhaps a way to append "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();" to the query or maybe there's an entirely different approach which I should try?
You can do this with the ActiveRecord templates which does all of the wiring above for you (and also has built-in testing). In your scenario, the Add method would have one line: Project.Add() and it would return the new id.
For your needs, you can try this:
var cmd=query.GetCommand();
cmd.CommandSql+=";SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as newid";
var newID=query.Provider.ExecuteScalar(cmd);
That should work..
*Edit - you can create an ExtensionMethod for this on ISqlQuery too, to save some writing...