Session in MVC 3 for storing text in a textbox -

I am new to programming, especially to MVC. I have designed a blog in MVC 3 ASP.NET for a client. The blog also have user account for admin for content management.
Once logged in, Admin can create new post. Sometimes the post can be long text. Therefore, I want to create a session to temporarily save the content within the text box as the user types it in automatically. Once the user click the submit button, the sessions ends and the text will be permanently saved.
This allows the users to leave the post half way through, come back and carry on from where they left. Also, if the browser close accidently, the user does not loose the text already typed in.
I have been trying find tutorial on this, but was unable to find a useful tutorial so far.
Any help, or point to useful tutorial would be greatly appreciated.

It sounds like you need some sort of autosave feature. One option is the Sisyphus.js jQuery Autosave plugin that saves the form state in LocalStorage. No changes to your server side ocde is needed, so it should work for any existing ASP.NET MVC application.


ClickFunnels integration with rails2 app

Is there a way to create a page in ClickFunnels( website and when I submit that page, I need to store the form details in my rails app(into a particular table). Which means I want to display my database in the clickfunnels integrations list. I googled hours but couldn't get much information on this.
can anyone suggest me if you have done this. A reference link also much appreciated.
We couldn't find any way to do this inside clickfunnels itself, if there is a easy way to add custom systems to their integrations I too look forward to seeing those answers. Until then, here's what we did: We just put our custom form on their page and used ajax to send it back out the end point in our system it needed to hand that data too.
Then, since we also needed to submit the same info to click funnels, we build a fake CF form(I think we actually put one on the page, but used CSS to hide it, then filled it out dynamically from our custom form), and call submit on that form, sending the user through the normal click funnels submission process and sending them to the next page in the funnel.

profile picture upload laravel & foundation framework

I have a registration form completed and would like to add a profile picture upload. Once the user clicks the browse, he can select the photo. Then he clicks ok/apply/ok and then the photo is reflected in the thumbnail area without page refreshing.
Once the user is happy with all fields input he can submit the form and with it the photo of course.
Anything that does this exists out there already? If not, please provide guidance on how to establish this feature.
I'm not aware of a ready made solution for this but there probably is something :-)
However, with Laravel this is beautifully simple. You've tagged your question ajax but I'll answer this assuming you're going to use an old fashioned server round trip (i.e a form submit).
1) In your template, add a file element to the form.
2) Add some javascript to the page that detects when a file is selected and shows the preview. Extensive tutorial here:
3) In your controller, handle the file using the Input facade.

How to make userprofile viewing-editing in django similar to the facebook way?

I'm making a site in django which has profiles for users and companies with text fields, photos, choices, etc., and I want them to look the same while viewing or editing them (in case of the owner of the profile). Basically the user must click somewhere and all the information becomes editable, without having to go into other "profile editing" page.
The only way of doing this that I can think of is by making to different pages, one for only "viewing" the data, and other for editing it, and try to make them look the same anyhow..
I wonder, if there is an elegant and simple way of integrating this two functionalities in django?
You're talking about manipulating the DOM without page loads. You're going to use AJAX to retrieve your form. I would recommend using Tastypie to create REST endpoints. Then you'll need to do AJAX calls to get your form. I would recommend using jQuery.
If you would prefer something simplier. You could always user a hidden form field and then manipulate the DOM with jQuery.

Google Docs spreadsheet form / permissions

I have a Google Doc spreadsheet, which I created a native Form for. I copied the form code, and integrated it into my own page here.
This form was working until I gave the website owner permission to view the spreadsheet.
Since then, when we hit submit, it takes us to the native form page, and does not insert form data into the spreadsheet. (You're welcome to test the form.)
Should providing viewing permissions to the spreadsheet break my own version of the form?
Did you set permissions via If so then no it should not have changed anything. I got all the way through the form to "Attending
Your response has been recorded." Is this what you are getting as well or do you have a backend error?
If it is not a backend error and I was able to get somewhere you couldt I would suggest clearing your browser chache and possibly resetting your router as sometimes they hold a cache of older versions of a website.
Did the current form of yours manage to work this before? I mean. It is shown that in the native form the questions are text boxes. While in your GUI form, it had radio buttons and check boxes, since you are calling the native post back url? mvc3 persisting form data when user navigates to unrelated page

So a user fills out a form then decides to click on a unrelated link that happens to be on the page say to a disclaimer page. Then using internal site navigation (not the browser back button) comes back to the form he was on. The link back is an ActionLink.
What is the best way to keep his data on the form. I figure I'll have to serialize the data and save it. I can do a ajax call before going to the other page. I'm looking for the sexy solution. Something that will handle it on a global scale.
Is this even a standard practice?
HTTP is Stateless. You are trying to bring some Stateful nature it !
If you really want to keep the data, You can keep in the Session variable and access it there. You need to override the click event and (in javascript) send the form data to an action via jQuery ajax post where you store it into Session. You can access it later when you come back to this page.
Do you really want to do that ? I think 80 % people knows that once they click on another link, the data will go away. You could probably show some alert message to ask "Are you sure to leave this page" like stackoverflow does.
