Unable to change gpio value - linux-kernel

Currently I'm trying to check the booting time of an Tixi board using systemd on a 2.6.39 linux kernel. To do so I created a service file that calls a bash script which sets and uses a gpio. The problem is that my systems is not allowing me to change the value of the gpio. I can sucessfully export it, change its direction, but NOT the value. I have connected an oscilloscope to check if the value had changed in the hardware but not updated in the file as suggested in some forums, but it was the same: the value just doesn't change!
I should also point out that the same script is working if I use system V, with exactly the same coonfiguration for the kernel, busybox and filesystem.
It is very ironic because I'm already the root of the systems, nevertheless even changing the permissions of the file, would not allow me to change its value. There is also no feedback from the kernel saying that the operation was not possible, but rather it looks as if it was possible but when I check the value, it was the same as before.
I also tried to run that in the Raspbian with a 3.12 (which I changed to systemd) and it was in fact possible to do it, just in the normal way from userspace.
I would appreciate if you have any idea oh what might be the problem since I already run out of ideas.
PS: This is the code that should work on the bash line:
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio104/value
more /sys/class/gpio/gpio104/value
// I get 1 not 0 as I requested
Nevertheless the same lines of code in the same board work if I use systemV but not if I use systemd

Probably cause by the lack of udev in your new setup which change the permission for those gpio in /sys/class. You might want to just put back udev to see if it fixes your problem.
I don't know your image setting, but each gpio pins needs to be exported prior to usage. Are you doing it or it's done automatically? If you have omap mux kernel switch, you do something like :
echo 0x104 > /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/cam_d5 (set mode 4 as stipulate in TI Sitara TRM)
echo 104 > /sys/class/gpio/export (export the pin)
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio104/direction (set the pin as output)
Also do a dmesg | grep gpio and see if there's any initializing problem with the gpio mux.

Actually I've faced an issue similar to your's , ie was not able to change the value of set of gpio pin manually
Finally the result obtained was even though the name of that pin is gpio it can only be used for input only (DM3730 gpiO_114 and gpio_115).
So please refer to the datasheet and confirm it can be used for I/O operations..


STM32F4 wont stay in Bootloader

Currently i am trying to get the STM32F405 to jump to bootloader from application code without the use of the boot0 and boot1 pins.
I did already try multiple things to get that done but it always ended with the the firmware jumping to the bootloader (at least it seems like it) and after approximate 18 seconds the firmware restarts (no Watchdog or similar things that could wake the chip up again are used as far as i know).
During those 18 seconds if i try to update the firmware the bootloader doesn't get found.
I tested things like:
1. (STM32F4 Jump to Bootloader via SoftReset and without BOOT0 and BOOT1 Pin)
Set a value in SRAM
Restart the STM32F405 with NVIC_SystemReset() to get the STM32F405 to close reset condition
Check for value in SRAM ( if it's set do the following )
Move stackpointer to bootloader address
Jump to bootloader address + 4 (0x1FFF0000 + 4)
During runtime call function JumpToBootloader()
Within that function disable interupts, reset SysTick, reset SYSCLK, call RCC_DeInit()
Move stackpointer to bootlader address
Jump to bootloader address + 4 (0x1FFF0000 + 4)
One approach i found but couldn't test yet was to do basically what i discribed in try 1. but using assembler code within the STM32F4xx startup file.
The problem here is that the tutorial i found uses the KEIL assembler syntax which i cant use because i use the Atollic TrueSTUDIO and i have not enough knowlege about assembler to change the KEIL syntax to standard assembler syntax.
The thing that confuses me the most is that in an other project i use an STM32F3xx (cant remeber the correct number) and i do basically the same thing as in try 2. but with the the bootloader address of the STM32F3xx (0x1FFFD800) and it works perfectly fine and i can update the firmware via USB.
So the questions i have:
What could i try next to get the bootloader running?
What could be the cause in my current situation for the firmware to restart after X seconds?
A few days ago i found the cause of the problem i had.
Within the "system_stm32f4xx.c" the I2S clock got configurated and in my project that clocks doesnt get used.
Im not 100% sure why, but after removing this block of code everything works perfectly fine.
(sorry for late answer, kind of forgot about the post :D)

access GPIO from user space

I am trying to access intel (cavecreek) gpio controller from user space. But I am getting: "NO such device " error when trying to echo to /sys/class/gpio/export :
echo 32 > /sys/class/gpio/export
bash: echo: write error: No such device
The error message seems to suggest that i need to have a device connected to the gpio. But documentation doesn't seem to mention that.
Nothing is being reserved as far as I can tell from dumping out /sys/kernel/debug/gpio.
I have a i2c mux connected to the gpio pins.
Below is more info on my kernel and configuration
the kernel is is 3.14
here's the relevant config setting:
in my case, the problem was with the kernel source 3.14.
my system uses intel rangely. in the source lpc_ich.c, .gpio_version field is missing for LPC_DH89XXCC.
i added that field, recompiled and kernel was able to enumerate gpiopin, although the display for the default gpio direction is not correct. direction always shows 'in' for all pins initially, but after using echo command to change the pin direction, the display will show up correctly.

How to set intel_idle.max_cstate=0 to disable c-states?

I would like to disable c-states on my computer.
I disabled c-state on BIOS but I don't obtain any result. However, I found an explanation :
"Most newer Linux distributions, on systems with Intel processors, use the “intel_idle” driver (probably compiled into your kernel and not a separate module) to use C-states. This driver uses knowledge of the various CPUs to control C-states without input from system firmware (BIOS). This driver will mostly ignore any other BIOS setting and kernel parameters"
I found two solutions to solve this problem but I don't know how to apply:
1) " so if you want control over C-states, you should use kernel parameter “intel_idle.max_cstate=0” to disable this driver."
I don't know neither how I can check the value (of intel_idle.max_cstate ) and neither how I can change its value.
2) "To dynamically control C-states, open the file /dev/cpu_dma_latency and write the maximum allowable latency to it. This will prevent C-states with transition latencies higher than the specified value from being used, as long as the file /dev/cpu_dma_latency is kept open. Writing a maximum allowable latency of 0 will keep the processors in C0"
I can't read the file cpu_dma_latency.
Thanks for your help.
Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620
Gnome 2.28.2
Linux 2.6.32-358
To alter the value at boot time, you can modify the GRUB configuration or edit it on the fly -- the method to modify that varies by distribution. This is the Ubuntu documentation to change kernel parameters either for a single boot, or permanently. For a RHEL-derived distribution, I don't see docs that are quite as clear, but you directly modify /boot/grub/grub.conf to include the parameter on the "kernel" lines for each bootable stanza.
For the second part of the question, many device files are read-only or write-only. You could use a small perl script like this (untested and not very clean, but should work) to keep the file open:
use FileHandle;
my $fd = open (">/dev/cpu_dma_latency");
print $fd "0";
print "Press CTRL-C to end.\n";
while (1) {
sleep 5;
Redhat has a C snippet in a KB article here as well and more description of the parameter.

GPIO pins will not toggle (high/low) on beagleboard xm

I am trying to use the expansion header to control a couple motors and auxiliary task mechanism. For this I am using the appropriate pins as GPIO and merely attempting to send high or low signals as needed by the robot. (For instance, I might need the robot to move forward and so I'd send high signals on both sets of pins, whereas if I needed the robot to turn I'd send a high signal to one pin and a low to the other.)
However, the problem is that the pins will only stay high! I've followed the conventions for sysfs just via the terminal, and, although I'm able to set the "values", "active_lows", etc. to 0 or 1, I can't actually get the pins to send 0V. After checking the beagle.h file I used for u-boot it looks like the multiplexer mode is configured correctly. This is also reflected when I get the info from sys/class/gpio/gpio%/% and sys/kernel/debug/gpio. Furthermore I don't get any errors or indication from anywhere that there is something wrong...it just doesn't work!
What should I do? For the first time in my life I have seemingly exhausted the internet...
Beagleboard xm rev c1
ubuntu 12.04
kernel 3.6.8-x4
Im pretty new to the beagle board and I have recently been trying to configure the GPIO pins on my classic beagleboard c4, which i believe should be fairly similar.
Half of my GPIO pins seemed to work fine and the other half seemed to remain high or low no matter what i did. Even though they were configured the same way as the working pins in /sys/class/gpio/
have you tried to use other gpio pins?
I ended up following http://labs.isee.biz/index.php/Mux_instructions
to configure the mux to 4 and now i can control the pins that were not working.
I basically used the command:
sudo echo 0x004 > /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/(mux 0 name)
where (mux 0 name) was the name of the subsystem for the mux 0 setting for the gpio pin you wish to configure
ie. for gpio 183 on beagleboard c4
sudo echo 0x004 > /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/i2c2_sda
Though I had to change permissions to modify these files
As I said I am pretty new to the beagleboard and ubuntu but this worked for me so I thought I would share it with you, I hope it is of some help.
It seems that the beagleboard expansion pins are numbered in alternating fashion, as clearly and professionally depicted here.
Thanks to everyone for your help. I now know way more than I should about GPIO on OMAP systems (and so do you). Good luck on finals/life!**
tl;dr I'm an idiot!

swapoff from inside kernel code

kernel newbie here...
I'm trying to do a swapoff from inside kernel code (on a swap device at a known location, suitable for hardcoding). I found the syscall sys_swapoff, which looks fairly straigtforward, so I tried just doing:
but that doesn't work (it returns error no -14). Using ghetto-style debugging via printk, I've determined that it's erroring out on this codeblock in sys_swapoff:
pathname = getname(specialfile);
err = PTR_ERR(pathname);
if (IS_ERR(pathname))
goto out;
So apparently it doesn't like something about the pathname I'm giving it. I thought maybe it was because I was passing it a string literal instead of an allocated buffer, so I tried kmallocing a buffer, strcpying the path into it, and passing it that, but that made no difference. What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do a swapoff from inside kernel code other than using the syscall?
Are you specifying the path to the specific numbered partition (e.g. sda1 vs sda) as part of your path? Can you provide the specific value you used?
Actually, if you're trying to do this inside kernel code -- sys_swapoff expects the parameter being passed in to be from userspace, so you probably need to decompose sys_swapoff and do some of that work yourself in your code.
There's existing code in the TuxOnIce patch set (widely used for hibernation support in various Linux distros) that enables / disables swap when needed, i.e. when creating a hibernation image and/or resuming.
What this code does (check kernel/power/tuxonice_swap.c in the patch sources) is exactly the same as you do - sys_swapoff(swapfilename); - and it's functional. So there's nothing wrong with the invocation from kernel space as such.
How sure are you about your device pathname ? Have you instrumented sys_swapon() and sys_swapoff() so that they print what is actually passed when you manually on the command line issue swapon / swapoff commands ? udev & friends and/or the usage of initramfs sometimes result in device pathnames that aren't universally valid.
Since you just stated in a comment you're attempting /dev/block/... - that might well be your cause; the path is an artifact, just after boot these device nodes exist directly in /dev/ (like /dev/mmcblk0 becomes /dev/block/mmcblk0 later). Try /dev/zram0 and see what happens.
