I want to use validation on a date field (seguro_resp_civil_validade). This field only needs to be validated when the bootstrap switch (seguro_resp_civil) is "ON".
I have this piece of code:
seguro_resp_civil_validade: {
required: {
depends: function(element){
return $("#seguro_resp_civil").hasClass("checked")
This is not working, maybe because I'm using a bootstrap-switch and the 'hasClass' is not correct for this use. How can I check if the bootstrap-switch is checked?
I have a SlickGrid Table, in which there are compound filters, currently when i try to change the compound filter (lets say from Equal To to Less Than), then it makes an API call.
I don't want to make an API call, how do i achieve this?
I searched in slickgrid docs, but couldn't find any property(if it is available).
Please note that I'm the author of Angular-Slickgrid
So I looked at the problem you're having and it seems like a valid problem to look into, I agree that for some filters like the Compound Date Filter Operator we shouldn't query right away, that is after changing a the operator dropdown without providing a date. So, for that reason I am adding a new grid option skipCompoundOperatorFilterWithNullInput which will avoid triggering a filter change (it will also avoid querying the backend when implemented) when we first change the operator dropdown without providing a date being entered.
Note that this new option will only be available with Angular-Slickgrid v5.1.0+ (via this PR, now supports this and it will only be enabled by default on the Compound Date Filter (any other filters will have to explicitly enable this new flag either via grid option or via a column definition).
What if I cannot upgrade to 5.1.0? Are there any other ways of dealing with this?
Yes, it's just a bit more involving dealing with this though, it however requires a lot more work from your side. The information you need to know is that nearly every piece of code from Angular-Slickgrid and Slickgrid-Universal are protected TypeScript classes and functions which mean that you can simply use TypeScript to extends any of them. Let's take for example the CompoundDateFilter class, we could extend it this way to skip the callback triggering without a date provided (this._currentDate)
import { CompoundDateFilter, OperatorString } from '#slickgrid-universal/common';
export class CustomCompoundDateFilter extends CompoundDateFilter {
protected onTriggerEvent(e: Event | undefined) {
if (this._clearFilterTriggered) {
this.callback(e, { columnDef: this.columnDef, clearFilterTriggered: this._clearFilterTriggered, shouldTriggerQuery: this._shouldTriggerQuery });
} else {
const selectedOperator = this._selectOperatorElm.value as OperatorString;
(this._currentValue) ? this._filterElm.classList.add('filled') : this._filterElm.classList.remove('filled');
// -- NEW CODE BELOW -- (to skip triggering callback on undefined date)
// when changing compound operator, we don't want to trigger the filter callback unless the date input is also provided
if (this._currentDate !== undefined) {
this.callback(e, { columnDef: this.columnDef, searchTerms: (this._currentValue ? [this._currentValue] : null), operator: selectedOperator || '', shouldTriggerQuery: this._shouldTriggerQuery });
this._clearFilterTriggered = false;
this._shouldTriggerQuery = true;
then use this new custom filter class in your column definitions
import { CustomCompoundDateFilter } from './custom-compoundDateFilter';
initGrid() {
this.columnDefinitions = [{
id: 'start', name: 'Start', field: 'start',
filterable: true, filter: { model: CustomCompoundDateFilter },
and there you have it, below is a proof that it is working since I changed the operator and as you can see below this action is no longer resulting in 0 row returned. However if I had done the inverse, which is to input the date but without an operator, it would have execute the filtering because "no operator" is defaulting to the "equal to" operator.
Currently, I am following cypress's example below and it works perfectly for the type commands. However, I have too many commands and I am trying to condense whichever ones I can. In this case, I only need to be able to check a box in certain tests but not sure how I would go about it. Any hints/ tips/ advice would be greatly appreciated. :)
Cypress.Commands.add('typeLogin', (user) => {
In the test:
const user = { email: 'fake#email.com', password: 'Secret1' }';
cy.typeLogin(user ) => {...
You can provide the checkbox to use (or whether to check/not check the checkbox) in your data model. From there, you have a few different options, depending on how your application is set up. If you only have one checkbox that should either be checked or not checked, you can use a boolean (useCheckbox below). If there are several values to choose from, you could pass in a string to use (this could be either a selector, if there are different selectors, or a value, if it is the same selector with different values).
const user = { email: 'foo#foo.com', password: 'foo', useCheckbox: true, checkbox: 'bar' }
Cypress.Commands.add('typeLogin', (user) => {
// we could use either `useCheckbox` to evaluate a boolean
if (user.useCheckbox) {
// or we could use the the `checkbox` field if we always to to check, we're just unsure of the value.
// in the first case, `user.checkbox` is the selector to use
// in this second case, `user.checkbox` is the value to select
I would like to update my localization messages in vue-i18n dynamically.
I am building a webshop, where every item has descriptions in more languages. So what I’d like to achieve is when I get the webshop items from the REST API I want to put their names, descriptions etc. to the messages object in vue-i18n so it can work with them. Does the vue-i18n API have something to handle that? Also I am getting the data from the server (I get a Promise), so how can I make sure it gets updated in the browser view, when I finally get the response, and add the data to the localization?
What I did was write a mixin, and use it everywhere I need dynamic localization:
export default {
methods: {
$t: function (translate) {
if (typeof translate === 'string') {
return this.$i18n.t(translate)
} else if (translate === void 0) {
return this.$i18n.t('loading')
return translate[this.$i18n.locale]
This way when my texts look like the following, I can call $t(text) (NOT $t('text') of course):
data: function () {
return {text: {en:'Book', de:'Buch', hu:'Könyv'}}
So in your components you have to import this and add it as a mixin:
import dynamicLocalization from '#/components/mixins/dynamic-localization'
export default {
I am using ember-cli:2.5.0 and ember-validations:v2.0.0-alpha.5
In my ember-component i have a validation which is running automatically for each change in a attribute but i want to run this validation only if i call "validate()" method in technical term call validation lazily.
Please find the below code samples,
import Ember from 'ember';
import EmberValidations, { validator } from 'ember-validations';
export default Ember.Component.extend(EmberValidations, {
didReceiveAttrs() {
this.set('newBook', this._bookModel().create());
_bookModel(data = {}) {
return Ember.Object.extend(EmberValidations, {
bookVersion: null,
isEditable: false,
validationActive: false,
validations: {
bookVersion: {
inline: validator(function() {
if(this.validationActive){ //Here this.validationActive always return undefined
var version = this.model.get('bookVersion') || "",
message = [];
if (Ember.isEmpty(bookVersion)) {
message.push("Book Version is mandatory!!!");
if (message.length > 0) {
return message.join(',');
}, data);
actions: {
this.get('newBook').validate().then(() => {
//Do the action
I want the above validation to run only calling "this.get('newBook').validate()". I am entirely new to ember so down-voter please put your comments before down-voting for others kindly let me know for any more code samples.
Your help should be appreciable.
The addon you are using for validations ("ember-validations") is a very popular one and its documentation is pretty well when compared to others. If you look at the documentation there is a part named "Conditional Validators" in documentation. You can use a boolean property to control when the validation is to be performed.
You can see an illustration of what I mean in the following twiddle. I have created a simple validation within the application controller for user's name. The name field must have a length of at least 5 and the validation is to be performed only if the condition validationActive is true. Initially; the condition is false; which means validator did not work and isValid property of Controller (which is inherited from EmberValidations Mixin) is true. If you toggle the property with the button provided; the validation will run (since the condition is now set to true; hence validation is triggered) and isValid will return to false. If you change the value; the validation result will change appropriately with respect to the value of user's name. If you toggle the condition once again to set it to false; then isValid will become true no matter what the valie of user's name is.
I hope this gives you an insight about how to control when your validations should work.
Here is what you should do after your edit: The field is undefined because you are trying to reach component's own validationActive field within inline validator. Please get validationActive as follows this.model.get('validationActive') and give a try. It should work.
In my form I have the following definition for a custom validation:
'staff[].title': {
key: 'staff[].title',
validationMessage: {
'needTitle': function() { console.log('DEBUG!'); return 'Need title';}
$validators: {
needTitle: function (value) {
return value ? true : false;
When I validate my form by $scope.$broadcast('schemaFormValidate'); the staff[].title field indicates there is an error which is great, but its error message is never shown. However, if I also broadcast the event scope.$broadcast('schemaForm.error.staff[].title,...) only then the error message appears. The trouble with this technique is that I have to broadcast the event once more with a true value, $scope.$broadcast('schemaForm.error.staff[].title,...,true) to set the field state back to normal.
Any ideas on how to do this with just $scope.$broadcast('schemaFormValidate');?
The annoying part with the current I do is that I have two broadcast two events to validate the form have my custom valuation messages shown!
Any help is greatly appreciated.