Using FBO particles with a first person camera in Three.js - three.js

I am attempting to make a first person experiment incorporating FBO particles (similar to Mr. Doob's sporel.
I create the position of my particles in a data texture, and then in my vertex shader I do a lookup on the texture to get the position of that particle.
uniform sampler2D map;
varying vec2 vUv;
varying vec3 vPosition;
void main(void) {
vec2 uv = position.xy;
vec4 data = texture2D(map, uv);
vPosition =;
gl_PointSize = 1.0;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(vPosition, 1.0);
This is working great, and initially I see a field of particles as shown here...
The problem is when I walk a bit and rotate, all of the particles suddenly disappear. I did a bunch of searching around for a solution, and found this thread which suggested setting material.depthWrite to false. I did this, to no avail- here is my ShaderMaterial definition:
var particleMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: shaders.vertexShaders.floor,
fragmentShader: shaders.fragmentShaders.floor,
blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
depthWrite: false,
I am at a loss right now and any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! Eric


Three.js Cubemap reflection shader rotation

I'm trying to write my own reflection shader however the reflection does not work correctly when I try to rotate the sphere. It works only when my sphere is static. Here is my GLSL code:
sphereMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
uCubeMap: { value: cubeCamera.renderTarget.texture },
vertexShader: `
varying vec2 vUv;
varying vec3 vViewVector;
varying vec3 vNormal;
void main() {
vec4 modelPosition = modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
vec4 viewPosition = viewMatrix * modelPosition;
vec4 projectedPosition = projectionMatrix * viewPosition;
vViewVector = - cameraPosition;
vNormal = normal;
gl_Position = projectedPosition;
fragmentShader: `
uniform samplerCube uCubeMap;
varying vec3 vViewVector;
varying vec3 vNormal;
void main() {
vec3 reflectedDirection = normalize(reflect(vViewVector, vNormal));
reflectedDirection.x = -reflectedDirection.x;
vec3 textureColor = textureCube(uCubeMap, reflectedDirection).rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4(textureColor, 1.0);
Complete example: The sphere rotation is on the line 143 sphereGroup.rotation.x += 0.01;. It works fine if you comment it. It looks like that the reflection is not taking the sphere rotation into account.
I found several similar questions: GLSL cubemap reflection shader, Texturing Spheres with Cubemaps (not reflection maps) but unfortunately they didn't help me.

Three.js ShaderMaterial artifacts

I tried a very simple test using Three.js ShaderMaterial.
I load a 2048x2048 jpg image as a texture for my height map and apply it to deform a PlaneBufferGeometry in the vertex shader.
I also apply the same texture for the diffuse color in the fragment shader.
Globally it works but I see some big artifacts as shown in this screenshot
The artifact always appears along a line parallel to the X axis and passing through the camera.
I have the problem on all three.js version I tried (r105, r114)
The code is yet very simple, anyone know what am I doing wrong ?
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
var testTextureBump = textureLoader.load( './front_b.jpg' );
var testGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(3000, 3000, 500, 500);
var testUniforms = {
uTextureBump: { value: testTextureBump }
var testMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: testUniforms,
vertexShader: document.getElementById( 'vertexShader' ).textContent,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById( 'fragmentShader' ).textContent,
side: THREE.FrontSide,
blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
depthWrite: false,
wireframe: false,
transparent: true
var testMesh = new THREE.Mesh( testGeometry, testMaterial );
scene.add( testMesh );
Vertex shader
uniform sampler2D uTextureBump;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main() {
vUv = uv;
vec4 diffuseTexture = texture2D(uTextureBump, uv);
vec3 positionHeight =;
positionHeight.z += diffuseTexture.r * 20.0;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(positionHeight, 1.0);
Fragment shader
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
uniform sampler2D uTextureBump;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main (void) {
vec4 texture = texture2D(uTextureBump, vUv);
gl_FragColor = vec4( texture.rgb, 1.0 );
You can see the problem in this demo
Move your mouse on the left or right and you'll see the artifacts.
You can fly around as I use the standard THREE.FlyControl service.
The corresponding project file can be download here

Setting texture to geometry in Three.js

I have this geometry: Picture
I want to add the same effect that mountains are with snow texture and so on:
Texture splatting with Three.js
Little background what info I give to shaders from Three.js:
//importing grass and snow textures:
var grassTexture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'images/grass-512.jpg' );
grassTexture.wrapS = grassTexture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
var snowTexture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'images/snow-512.jpg' );
snowTExture.wrapS = snowTExture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
this.customUniforms = {
grassTexture: { value: grassTexture },
snowTexture: { value: snowTexture },
var customMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: customUniforms,
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
vertexShader: document.getElementById( 'vertexShader' ).textContent,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById( 'fragmentShader' ).textContent,
//creating mesh, geometry is the model in picture.
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, customMaterial);
Vertex and fragment shaders:
varying vec2 vUV;
void main(){
vUV = uv;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
I get full red model with this:
void main(){
gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ;
I want textures that are higher with snowTexture and lower with grassTexture.
uniform sampler2D grassTexture;
uniform sampler2D snowTexture;
varying vec2 vUV;
//Something like this?:
vec4 grass = texture2D( grassTexture, vUV);
vec4 snow = texture2D( snowTexture, vUV);
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) + grass + snow;
This really not that hard to understand, let me walk you through the logic.
In your case, you don't want to use a displacement map. So, you need to set up a varying height on your vertexShader to map your vertices up-coordinates [0,1] to your fragmentShader.
varying vec2 vUV;
varying float height;
void main() {
vUV = uv;
float maxPosition = 30.0; // this is an example value.
height = max( 0.0, min(1.0, position.y/maxPosition ) ); // assuming +y is up
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
Now you can access height from your fragmentShader and use that information to select where you want your transitions to occur.
uniform sampler2D grassTexture;
uniform sampler2D snowTexture;
varying vec2 vUV;
varying float height;
void main(){
vec4 grass = (1.0 - smoothstep( 0.48, 0.52, height)) * texture2D( grassTexture, vUV);
vec4 snow = (smoothstep(0.48, 0.52, height) - 0.0) * texture2D( snowTexture, vUV);
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) + grass + snow;
The link provided uses function smoothstep to make a gradual transition between the textures. We can create transitions using the follow pattern ( a - b ) * textureColor.
In this case, a controls when the texture starts to contribute to the fragment color.
b controls when the texture stops contributing.
In other words, your grass texture will have already started contributing at every height, so we map a to 1.0. It stops contributing around 0.5, so we give b a smooth fade-out as it approaches that 0.5.
Your snow texture, on the other hand, will only start contributing around 0.5. So, we give a a smooth fade-in as it approaches 0.5. It will never stop contributing, so we set b as 0.0.
Hope this clears things up for you.

Using lights in three.js shader

I'm trying to access the scene's lights from a shader in three.js.
This question is nearly a duplicate of Three.js ShaderMaterial issue with lights
but the comments on that question aren't helping me resolve the issue.
Here is the vertex shader:
struct DirectionalLight {
vec3 direction;
vec3 color;
int shadow;
float shadowBias;
float shadowRadius;
vec2 shadowMapSize;
uniform DirectionalLight directionalLights[ NUM_DIR_LIGHTS ];
varying vec3 color;
void main() {
float r = directionalLights[0].color.r;
color = vec3(r,1.0,0.0);
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position , 1.0);
and the relevant ShaderMaterial:
var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: THREE.UniformsLib['lights'],
vertexShader: document.getElementById('vertexShader').innerHTML,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById('fragmentShader').innerHTML,
lights : true
I've posted the entire example code here:
Removing the lights : true renders a green knot, but it's not getting the directionalLights information that should change the knot's color. Apparently, lights : true is required for that, but causes an error.
If you want to use scene lights with ShaderMaterial, you need to set lights: true.
var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: document.getElementById('vertexShader').innerHTML,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById('fragmentShader').innerHTML,
lights: true
} );
three.js r.126

GLSL: ShaderMaterial with custom shader is not transparent

I try to draw a texture onto a sphere like this:
varying vec2 vUv;
void main() {
vUv = uv;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
uniform sampler2D baseTexture;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main() {
vec4 baseColor = texture2D( baseTexture, vUv );
gl_FragColor = baseColor;
this.materials = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: this.uniforms,
vertexShader: document.getElementById( 'Vertex' ).textContent,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById( 'Fragment' ).textContent,
transparent: true,
blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending
This does work fine, but the texture is not transparent, even if I change the alpha value. Transparent pixels from my texture are just black.
But if I write baseColor.a = 0.0, I cannot see the texture anymore, but also not what lies behind it in the scene. I think I'm missing mixing the texture with the background somehow?
How can I achieve this with GLSL in three.js?
I have no idea how THREE.js works under hood but I see you set blending to be additive.That's not what you want for alpha blending.Alpha blending uses
this function :
while additive uses:
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
So make sure you use the first one and that your texture has in fact alpha channel as A component of RGBA.
